• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 5,688 Views, 658 Comments

Jak and Daxter: The Equestrian Front - distortedtruth92

Jak and Daxter Get Transported to Equestria

  • ...

Her Story (Part I)

Jaq walks into the run down bar in the small town of Little Rock. She hears music playing from the back and slowly made her way to the room. On stage is a band of four ponies. The lead singer has a pitch black coat with a stark white mane and tail. On his head he wore a black stetson hat. Over her eyes is a pair of black sunglasses. Over his mouth is a black surgical mask. Dangling from his neck is a pair of silver dogtags, marking him as one of the militia in the town. As Jaq sits down, the black stallion screams the final chorus.
Oh, Sister. What have you done?
My innocence has flown away!
Trust has been shattered!
Blood has been splattered!
It's time for me to take what's mine!

He ends the song with a maniacal laugh going on after the final chord has been struck. He throws the microphone on the ground and walks off the stage into the crowd, the show clearly over. The ponies go crazy around him. He makes his way to the front room, muttering something about needing a beer. As the stallion passes her, Jaq notices that he has no cutie mark. She walks up to him.

“I'll buy that beer for you, Mr...?”

The stallion looks at her questioningly, or, at least Jaq thinks it's questioningly. “Truth. Distorted Truth.” His voice fluctuates between soprano and bass, making it hard to guess his emotions from his voice. “Thank you, Mrs...?”

“Miss Jaq. You may call Jaq.”

“Thank you, Jaq.”

Jaq walks up to the bar. “Two beers , please.” The stallion behind the bar nods and draws up to mugs of beer from the cask behind the bar.

“That'll be four bits.” Jaq hands over the money. “Thank you.”

Jaq hold the two mugs in her magical grasp as she makes her way over to the table where Distorted is sitting.

As she sits down she begins speaking. “So, Mr. Truth-”

“Please, just call me Distorted. Mr. Truth is my father.”

“Alright then, Distorted. First may I ask the name of your band?”

Distorted laughs through his surgical mask. “You're not from around hear are you?”

“No. Why do you ask?”

“Because everypony in Little Rock knows of Fourth Generation.”

“I see. Who are the other members?”

“Well, the guitarist is 2D. The bassist is Blarg. Our old drummer quit, and the new one hasn't come up with a name yet so we call him Phil.”

“Ah. So have you always lived in Little Rock?”

“No. I was born in Manehatten, but moved here when I was seven.”

“How old are you now?”


“Then how are you drinking beer?”

“You bought it for me.”

Jaq leans back and lets out a beautiful laugh. “You got me there, kid.”

“Kid? You don't look a day over twenty-five.”

“I'm not. I'm twenty-four. You are still younger than me. Be that as it may, that is not why I came to here tonight.”

“You mean you came looking for me?”

“Yes, I have been told of your intellect and strength. I would like to hire you.”

“What the job.”

“World domination,” she deadpans.

Distorted stares at her for a full minute before bursting out laughing. “Your kidding?” When Jaq just stares at him he quietens. “Your serious?”

Jaq nods.

“OK, say I believe you. What's in it for me?”

“Well, you will be my right hand man, and you will get a piece of this juicy flank.” She wiggles her rump for emphasis.

Distorted stares at it, not immune to the female body. He looks back up to her. “OK, I'll do it.”

“Great. First things first. I must see your face.”

“Sorry, that's a no go. No pony has seen my face for ten years, not even my mother.”

“Why not?”

“I burned my face badly when I was younger. After being made fun of at school for it, I decided to hid it forever.”

“Can I at least see your eyes?”

Distorted sighs deeply. “Sure, but not here.”

“We can go back to my hotel room if you want.”

“Sounds good to me.”

As the two stand up, the crowd of ponies around them cheers loudly. Jaq casts a sideways glance at Distorted. “You really are famous around here aren't you?”

“Eh. I think it's just the mystery behind me. The mares find it sexy.”

“I tend to agree. Now, what say you to getting out of here?”

“Sounds good to me.”

The two head out of the bar, and onto the dirt paths of Little Rock. It is not much bigger than Ponyville, but Jaq has always liked small towns. She especially liked this one because she was getting tired of the pony puns in all the places she has been to so far.

As the too make their way to the Drunken Rabbit hotel, Neither speaks. “Jaq is thinking of the pretty attractive stallion beside her, and Distorted is thinking of God knows what. He starts humming an eerie tune as he walks. When they reach her room, Distorted speaks up. “Do you mind if I take a shower. I'm really sweaty from the gig.”

“Sure go ahead.” She sits down on the couch as he enters the bathroom. As the water starts running she hears his deep bass singing out.
Can you hear the Sirens resound
From the coastline of Mareland tonight?
It's the song of a promising heart.
Where the surf and the ocean unite.
She stands by the window, alone,
Staring into the rain.
She is trying to guide his way home
From the waters that keep them apart.

Jaq listens to his soothing voice as she lounges on the couch. She is startled awake by a tap on her shoulder. “Hey Jaq.”

“Sorry, Distorted. That song you were singing was beautiful. What was it?”

“The bands name is Kanterlot. The song was 'A Sailorman's Hymn'.”

“Well, it was marvelous.” She sits up. “Now, back to business. Your eyes.”

“Oh, right.” Distorted looks the the floor as he slowly takes of his sunglasses. He raises his head until his eyes meet her.

Jaq holds a hoof to her mouth in shock. She lowers it and smiles widely. “Yes. I think you will do perfectly.”

Distorted's eyes are all one color. They have no whites, no irises, no pupils. Just one color. That color is red.

Author's Note:

Hey y'all this is the second chapter today. I'm on a roll. Also say hello to my OC. He is basically me though I do not have a burn on my face and i was not born in Manhatten. Also i think i'll do some more of these Jaq perspective chapters if y'all like them.
P.S. thanks to dj-pon-3 for editing this in the comments. I'm too lazy to switch to googledocs or email him.