• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 5,688 Views, 658 Comments

Jak and Daxter: The Equestrian Front - distortedtruth92

Jak and Daxter Get Transported to Equestria

  • ...

Cookies And Carrots

Jak wakes up to a large pair of purple eyes staring at him.

“Well, that's a pretty good sight to wake up to,” Jak mutters groggily. “What's the occasion?”

Twilight grabs his blanket in her mouth and pulls it off. “Pinkie wants to have a picnic. We are due there in thirty minutes.”

“What? This early?”

Twilight looks at him quizzically. “It's twelve thirty, Jak.”

Jak sits up quickly. “How the hell did I sleep this late? I must have fallen asleep at eight last night.”

“You did. My guess is that you finally got a full night's rest in a bed that wasn't in a hospital.”

“Yeah! Boy, did that feel good!” Jak gets out of the bed and stretches his stiff limbs. He casually walks over to Daxter and prods him with a hoof. “Hey, Dax time to wake up.”

“Huh. No. just five more minutes.” Daxter rolls over, away from Jak and continues snoring.

“Well, then, I guess you'll miss the picnic.”

Daxter immediately jumps up, fully alert. “Picnic? Where?”

“Over at Sweet Apple Acres.” Twilight smiles. “Are you going to come?”

Daxter walks over to the door. “Of course I am. Let's go.”

Jak shakes his head and follows his companion out of his bedroom and down the stairs, Twilight following a step behind. As they hit the bottom step the see Spike come out of the kitchen, carrying a basket.

“Hey Spike,” Jak says. “What's in the basket?”

Spike grins a toothy grin. “White macadamia nut, white chocolate chip cookies. It's a favorite among the girls.”

Jak reaches out a hoof, mouth watering. “I'll have to try one then.”

Spike pulls the basket out of Jak's reach. “Ah, ah, ah. Not until the picnic.”

Jak gives Spike a sideways look. “Not even a little nibble?”


Jak bows his head. “Oh, alright.”

“Come on, you guys,” Twilight says. “We're going to be late.” She opens the door with her magic and walks out.

Jak follows her, Daxter on his back. “I will get those cookies.”

The group walks through Ponyville in comfortable silence, Jak enjoying this colorful world. As the group nears Sweet Apple Acres, they hear laughing bubbling up from near the stream. Soon, the other five ponies sitting around a picnic blanket, talking and laughing.

Applejack is the first to notice the approaching ponies, Ottsel, and dragon. She waves a hoof at them. “Howdy, y'all. What took ya so long?”

Twilight calls back, “One of us,” She looks pointedly at Jak, “had a late start.”

“That's quite alright, darling,” Rarity said. “We haven't even opened up the picnic basket yet.”

“Great,” Daxter shouts as he leaps off Jak's back. “Let's eat.” He walks over to the basket and tries to lift the lid, only to have his paw swatted away by Jak.

“Let the ladies get their food first, Dax.”

Daxter crosses his arms and plops down on the ground. “Hmph.”

The picnic passes by quickly, each pony eating their fill, Jak eating a little more than his fill of cookies. After about thirty minutes the ponies, Ottsel and dragon are just lounging about. A shrill whistle is heard and all of them look to the source of the sound. A bird is flying toward them at breakneck speed and stops in front of Fluttershy.

“Oh, goodness. What is it, Feather Beak?”

The bird makes some random chirping noises that only Fluttershy can understand. After he is done chirping, Fluttershy looks utterly horrified. “No, not my Angel Bunny.” She speeds off to her cottage almost as fast as Rainbow Dash.

Applejack stands up first. “C'mon, y'all, let's go see what happened.” The remaining seven follow Fluttershy at a gallop, Daxter on Jak's back and Spike on Twilight's.

When they reach Fluttershy's cottage, they hear crying. The front door is open, so the group all walk in. Fluttershy is crying over the motionless form of the white rabbit, Angel. The rabbit has red claw marks on its throat where he must have tried to get something out.

“No, no. Not my Angel. T-this can't be happening. Why, Angel? That carrot was too big. Why did you eat it?”

She wraps her forelegs around the lifeless body of the rabbit, sobbing into his fur. Slowly, Fluttershy begins to glow with a white aura, surrounding both her and the bunny. The red slashes on the skin close up and an orange lump of carrot falls to the floor from his mouth.

“This... this is Eco magic,” Jak says.

Fluttershy still holds Angel after the aura disappears. Angel and Fluttershy are both breathing the deeps breaths of a deep sleep.

“How did that just happen?” Jak whispers so as not to wake the sleeping pegasus.

“I have no idea,” Twilight responds. “I thought you would know, being a master of that type of magic.”

“I never said I was a master. I just channel it better than most. The ones who would really know would be the Precursors.”

“Hey, I'm a Precursor,” Daxter interjects.

“I meant a real Precursor, Dax. Not one that got used to be a human and fell into a silo of dark eco.”

“Um, excuse me,” Twilight says, not liking being ignored, “but what is a Precursor.”

“Oh right, you don't know,” Jak replies. “The Precursors are the race that created my world. They created artifacts to help harness Eco. However, though they may be all powerful beings, they looks like this.” He swats Daxter on the head.

“Hey, watch it.”

“Hmmm,” Twilight looks thoughtful. “I'm going to have to try to study Eco. I do not believe there is anything like it in Equestria. I might have to run some test on you, Jak.”

Jak gives a visible shudder.

“Is something wrong?” Twilight asks, concerned.

“It's nothing,” Jak says. “Only the last time I had 'tests' run on me, I was held against my will and got this Dark Eco pumped into me.”

Twilight nuzzles up close to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. “Trust me, I would never hold anypony against his will. You have my word, If you ever want to stop just tell me.”

Jak smiles at her and returns her kiss with a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you Twilight.”

Author's Note:

God this took forever. Sorry about the wait guys. I had a huge case of writer's block but I believe it is gone for a few chapters. I hope you enjoyed the chapter