• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 5,687 Views, 658 Comments

Jak and Daxter: The Equestrian Front - distortedtruth92

Jak and Daxter Get Transported to Equestria

  • ...

Light and Dark

Celestia, Luna, and the six other mares silently stare at Jak, mouths gaping open.

“... and then I woke up in the hospital,” Jak was saying. He had told them his whole story, albeit, some answers had to be coaxed out. He spoke of growing up in a rural village with Samos and Kiera. He spoke of meeting his best friend, Daxter, who was a human back then. (I don't actually think they are humans. They look more elven to me. If anyone actually knows Jak's race, please comment). He spoke of the fight with Gol and Maia at the Citadel. The rift gate was next. Princess Luna seemed particularly interested at the mention of Dark Eco in Jak's body, and how it made him stronger and ruthless. He continued his story, speaking of the defeat of Kor. I was Celestia's turn to perk up at the sound of Light Eco magic and it's powers. Jak moved on to his time in the racing business, then his time at the Brink, trying to find a solution for Eco shortages.

Applejack is the first to recover. “So, y'all really aren't from here, then?”

“You betcha, pardner,” Daxter says in a passably southern accent, earning a smack on the head from Jak.

“And you really did save your world five times?” Rarity asks.

Jak nods silently, causing the marshmallow mare to promptly swoon and faint.

Daxter walks over to Rarity and pokes her with a finger. When she does not respond, Daxter looks to Jak with wide eyes. “I think you broke her, Jak.”

Celestia looks at Jak, “You mentioned something else. I think you called it a 'morph gun?'”

Jak nods again.

“Well, we found something foreign after you were taken to the dungeon. Neither my sister nor I knew what it was. It might have been this 'gun' of yours.”

Jak perks up. “Can I see it?”

“Certainly. I warn you though, I think it might be damaged beyond repair,” she envelops her horn in a yellow glow. Suddenly two crystals appear in a yellow aura.”

One crystal is white and shaped like a curved tear drop. The other is black, its shape the reverse of the white one.

Celestia looks at Jak hopefully. “Is this it?”

Jak shakes his head, a small smile playing across his face. “No, but those are still useful. I can use them to replenish my own personal Eco supply. (I don't know if that's true. I haven't played Jak 3 in a while.)”

“Really?” Celestia asks. Jak nods again. “I was wondering, Jak, do you think you could show us some of these powers?”

Jak stands up, “Of course, but not here. Dark Jak is too dangerous.”

You speak as if it is another being,” Twilight notices.

“That's because he almost is. The first time I ever transformed, I almost killed Dax.”

Daxter shudders at the memory, “That was freakin' scary.”

At the horror struck look on the eight female ponies' faces, Jak quickly adds, “But that was before I had the Light Eco to balance it out.”

All the ponies heave a collective sigh of relief.

“C'mon, girls,” Jak says as he walks to the door, “Where is a good place to show you where nobod- um, nopony will get hurt?”

“We can go to the field right outside the town,” Twilight suggests.

“Perfect,” Jak responds. “Let's go. Oh, and somepony wake up Rarity.”

Five minutes later the group of ten is standing in the grassy field, the only light coming from Luna's charge.

“OK,” Jak says, “Light Jak first. Applejack, I'm going to need you to kick me in the chest hard enough to break ribs.”

“Wha-? No. O' course Ah won't.”

“Applejack, you are the strongest. I need your help with this. Please?”

“Oh, alrigh'.” She walks up to Jak, turn her back to him and bucks him right in the side of the chest. Even though she was visibly holding back, the ponies could still hear the bones break as Jak was sent flying.

Jak stands up and looks to see some of his ribs poking out of his skin. “Hmm. Not bad, AJ. This is perfect.” He grimaces in pain. “Maybe a little too perfect.” He clenches his body, and his coat turns whiter than Celestia's, a pure aura surrounding him. He is lifted off the ground by an invisible force. The bones are forced back into his body, the skin smoothing over. The whole process takes about ten seconds. When it is done, Jak returns to his normal self and drops to the ground, unscathed.

All the ponies are looking at Jak with their mouths open. Jak smiles at them. “Now for Dark Jak. Everypony, stand back. What I am about to do can kill.”

The ponies hurry away a good fifty feet. Jak clenches again, this time his body turns a pale purple/gray, His eyes black as pitch. He looks to the group of ponies and smiles. He he dashes forward five feet befor leaping straight into the air, purple lightning streaking all about him. Once again, the display last lest than ten seconds, and by the time Jak touches the ground again, he is back to normal.

Seven mares rush up to him, all talking excitedly, even the Princesses. Jak, however, notices something. She's not even where the rest of the group had been standing.

“Hey, girls. Where's Fluttershy?”

No sooner had the words come out of his mouth than a blood curdling scream pierced the night, only to be abruptly silenced.

Author's Note:

Hey guys. I told you i'd have it out today. sorry it's short. anyway, no chapter tomorrow because i have military duties. maybe one on sunday depending on if i play D&D with some friends or not. Hope y'all liked the chapter.