• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 5,688 Views, 658 Comments

Jak and Daxter: The Equestrian Front - distortedtruth92

Jak and Daxter Get Transported to Equestria

  • ...

Of Broken Bodies And Weeping Eyes

Jak is slow to move after he becomes aware that he is awake. He opens his eyes and is greeted my a stark white ceiling. He looks to his left and notices that he is hooked up to a machine that is slowing pumping blood into his body. He glances down to his left foreleg to and stares at the heavily bandaged limb. He stares at it in confusion for a while before his memories catch up with him.

“Oh, right. The timberwolves.” He lies back onto his hospital bed with an heavy sigh. He turns his head to the right. On the bed next to his is Fluttershy. She is staring at him, tears gently streaming down her face. Her mane and tail are matted, twigs stuck in the tight coils. Her right wing is more heavily bandaged than Jak's leg. She looks at him for one more moment before breaking down and bawling her eyes out, her body wracking with enormous sobs.

“I-it's all my fault!” she cries out. “If I-I hadn't run away, it wouldn't have a-attacked m-me, a-and you wouldn't have been h-hurt. I-it's just th-that d-darker you was so s-scary.” She stops speaking and resumes her crying into her pillow.

Jak looks at her tenderly. “Hey, it's OK. We're both alive, right?”

She sniffs and looks back up to Jak, her fur tear-stained. She gives a slight nod.

“Good, now stop crying. Everything is fine.” He looks around the room. “Where are the others?”

She sniffs before answering. “I-I think they are in the waiting room.”

Jak rolls off his bed, not putting any weight on his injured leg. He puts his mouth the the syringe and pulls it out, blood trickling from the needle's tip. He sets it on an aluminum tray before turning back to Fluttershy. “I need to talk to them,” he says as he makes his hobbling way to the door.

Fluttershy looks appalled. “Y-you can't! You're still injured.”

Jak just shakes his head. “Don't worry, I'll be fine.” He stops at the door, contemplating how to open it when he can't use his left hoof. He settles by standing on his hind legs, grasping the handle with his right hoof, and hopping backwards to open it, eliciting a small chuckle from the butter yellow pegasus behind him. He gives her a wry grin. “Be right back.”

He hobbles down the hallway to the waiting room where he can see the five other Element bearers and Daxter sleeping in their chairs. He hops over to a sleeping Twilight and nudges her with his muzzle.

“Mmmm, mom, I don't want to wake up yet.”

“Twilight,” Jak whispers, so as not to wake the others, “it's me, Jak.”

Twilight opens her eyes, and they widen even more in shock to see that, in fact, Jak was standing right in front of her. “Jak,” she whispers harshly, "what are you doing out here? You are supposed to be in bed.”

“Shh,” Jak admonishes her. “I'm fine. Really. I have an idea that might help Fluttershy. It's a long shot because I've never tried it, but I feel it was my fault she got injured in the first place.”

“OK,” Twilight says. “What can I do?”

“I need you to go back to your house and get those crystals that Princess Celestia gave me earlier. Then bring them to me in my room. Don't wake up any of the others.”

“OK,” Twilight says again, rubbing sleep from her eyes. She stands up. “I'll be back shortly.”

“Thank you.” With that, Jak makes his hobbling way back to his room where Fluttershy is sitting up, apparently waiting for him. “I told you not to worry,” he says with a cocky grin.

Fluttershy just stares at him. “I wasn't worried. I just...”

Jak smiles at her again. “Shh. Now get some sleep. Everything will be fine in the morning.”

She does not need much encouraging as, at Jak's words, she rolls over onto her good wing and is softly snoring.

Jak sits awake in his bed for roughly ten minutes before the door slowly opens to admit Twilight. Jak holds his right hoof over his mouth to tell Twilight to be silent. He gives a meaningful glance to Fluttershy, who is still sleeping soundly. Twilight tip hooves over to him.

“OK, so, uh, what are you going to do?” Twilight whispers.

“I'm going to see im I can use the healing powers of Light Jak to heal Fluttershy.”

“What? Really?” Twilight looks incredulous.

Jak nods. “OK, give me the white crystal.” Twilight hoofs it over, and Jak gets up and hops his way over to Fluttershy. While he is walking he asks Twilight, “Where are the Princesses?”

“They had to go back to Canterlot. They still have royal duties to attend to.”

“Ah,” Jak says, “I see.” He stands in front of Fluttershy and takes a deep breath to steady himself. “OK, here goes.” He draws power from the crystal, feeling the Light Eco seep through his body. He slowly turns into his brighter self. He drops the crystal as he holds his hooves out to Fluttershy, all pain forgotten. The light surrounding his body slowly moves to his hooves. Then, the light passes from Jak to the timid pegasus, gently spreading over her entire body. Jak lands on the ground, exhausted, before looking up to see a marvelous sight.

Fluttershy was hovering six inches above her bed, her whole body surrounded by a white aura. The pink hair of her mane and tail straightens out, the twigs disappearing into nothingness, the blood vanishing from sight. The bandages on her right wing start to bulge and, before Jak can reach them to take them off, burst open, revealing a full wing with butter yellow feathers. The gentle aura sets her back down on the bed before slowly disappearing.

Jak lets out a breath he had not known he had been holding. He looks over to Twilight and gives her a tired smile. “I think I need to sleep now,” he whispers, walking over to his bed, not noticing that his leg had also been healed. Twilight nods once and backs out of the room. Jak is asleep before the door closes.

Jak is awakened by a loud scream, followed by the hurrying of hooves and the banging open of his door. He opens an eye and peers to his left. Fluttershy has woken up, and is apparently distressed over the fact that her wing regrew over night. Jak gets out of his bed and walks over to her, pushing through the doctors surrounding her.

Fluttershy notices him and cries out, looks of fear and joy at war with each other on her face. “Jak, I'm better. I don't know how but... but I just am. I-”

Jak silences her with a hoof in the mouth. “Fluttershy, do you remember how I healed myself last night?” She nods around his hoof. “Well, last night I found I could use my ability to heal others.”

Fluttershy looks at him for a moment before realization dawns on he face. “Y-you mean y-you did this?”


He does not get the rest of the word out as the wind is knocked out of him by a bone crushing hug from the usually shy pegasus, her wings flapping and lifting them both into the air a little. “Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You don't know how much this means to me.”

“I... think... I... can,” Jak gasps as Fluttershy proceeds to crush his lungs. “Flut... ter... shy... can't... breathe.”

She looks at him for a second in confusion before letting him go, blushing furiously.

The doctor walks up to Fluttershy. “Well, everything seems to be fine with you so that means we can check you out of the hospital whenever you like."

Fluttershy smiles, “That would be great.” She looks around. “Uh, where are our friends?”

“They are in the waiting room. We wouldn't let any unauthorized personnel in the room after you screamed.”

“OK, thank you,” She walks out of the room. Jak attempts to follow, but is stopped by a hoof barring his way.

“Sorry,” the doctor says, “but we cannot let you leave just yet. We would like to run some tests on you to see if we can find out what you did to that pegasus.”

Jak glares at the doctor and pushes the hoof aside. “Like hell,” he says before walking out the door.

Author's Note:

Hey guys. this chapter was supposed to be out last night. but i got called away to do some military duty overnight. anyway its probably longer than it would have been.