• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 5,686 Views, 653 Comments

Jak and Daxter: The Equestrian Front - distortedtruth92

Jak and Daxter Get Transported to Equestria

  • ...

So Long and Thank You For The Memories

Daxter paces back and forth at the foot of the hospital bed that holds his best friend. Twilight had recently left after sitting for hours with no news from the doctors.

Applejack had come back to the farm only ten minutes after she left Daxter, Twilight following swiftly behind. Twilight had quickly checked over the unconscious form of Jak and lifted him up with her magic, careful not to let his head roll. She had taken him to the hospital where they had admitted him to intensive care, taken some blood, and left.

That was five hours ago. Daxter has not seen a single doctor or nurse since. Just as he is about to leave the room to go find a doctor, the door opens and a unicorn doctor walks in, followed by Twilight, Princess Celestia, and another pony that Daxter doesn't know. She has a horn and wings like Celestia. Her coat is a dark, midnight blue. Her mane moves as if with a breeze and is the color of the night sky.

The doctor, cheeks flushed, uses his magic to inspect Jak. He looks up to Princess Celestia and shakes his head. “He has a cracked skull. His brain is enlarged and juices are spilling from the cracks. There is nothing more I can-”

Daxter jumps on the doctor with a furious howl. “He will not die! If you had actually moved your lazy ass when he got here, you could have done something! You no good son of a-”

Celestia silences him with her magic. “Daxter, be calm. The doctor may not be able to save Jak, but my sister and I might be able to help him.”

“Really?” Daxter looks up hopefully. “How?”

“What the doctor says is true,” she explains, “Jak can not be helped by medical means. However, my sister and I have come up with a spell that reverses time on the body alone. So, while everything seems the same to us, his body will be traveling backwards to the point before he hit his head. This spell is extremely difficult, even I cannot use it alone. I would, please, ask you to step outside, please, Daxter.”

Daxter hung his head and silently walked out of the room, Twilight following behind. The doctor stays.

Though she had only known Daxter for a short time, Celestia still felt put off by Daxter's quiet acquiescence. She had expected to have to forcibly push him out of the room. Instead, he had walked out of the room without a backward glance.

“Sister?” Luna asks, “Are you alright?”

Celestia shakes her head to clear it. She smiles down at her younger sister. “I'm fine.”

Luna frowns. “Are you sure you want to do this. I mean, we only know what it will do in theory. We have never had to use it.”

“Trust me, little sister. It will work.” I hope hangs unspoken in the air between them. “No sense waiting around. Let's get this over with.”

Both Princesses look at Jak, Yellow and blue magics combining. An orange sphere surrounds Jak's body. Slowly, all his cuts shrink. The gash on his head is the last to go. Then, quite suddenly, his ragged breathing becomes the normal, deep breathing of heavy sleep.

Celestia lets out a huge sigh of relief, only to be brought up short by a loud, continuous beep. Both sister look up at the heart monitor to see a green, flat line.

“He's crashing!” the doctor yells. He gallops to the door and throws it open. “Somepony get me a crash cart five minutes ago!”

A nurse with a red cross as her cutie mark rushes into the room, pushing the cart in front of her. The doctor rushes to Jak's side, pushing a stunned Celestia out of the way. He grabs the defibrillators of the cart with his magic. “Clear!” he yells. He presses them to Jak's chest and presses the buttons, send an electric shock through the limp body. He takes them away as the nurse pushes air into Jak's lungs. “Clear!” He yells again, the nurse backing off. He looks at the heart monitor to still see the flat line. He throws the defibrillators onto the cart in exasperation. He looks to the nurse. “Call it, Nurse Redheart.”

Jak looks around to see he is standing in a field of pure white. He still has his pony body, but it feels weightless. He looks around, and all he can see is white. There is not even a line to separate the earth from the sky.

“Jak,” a voice behind him says gently. Well as gently as a gravelly tone can be.

Jak turns around to see the speaker. It is a tall man with a balding head, the remnants of his white hair pulled back into dreadlocks. His beard crawls up from of his sculpted chin to his cheek bones in spikes. He smiles fondly at Jak, though it seems to pain his typically scowling face.


“Yes,” Damas walks over to his son and kneels down next to him. “Though I never new it in life.”

“Does that mean that I'm...”

Damas frowns in sadness. “Yes, I am afraid so.” He leans forward and gives his son a hug for the first time. Jak returns it fiecely.

After they break the embrace, Jak looks into Damas' eyes. “What about Dax? He's stuck on Equestria.”

“I'm sorry, son. There is nothing you nor I can do.”

“But-” Jak pauses feeling a tingling in his chest. “Did you feel that?”

“Feel what?”

“I just felt a sensation in my chest.” He feels it again, this time it is painful.

Damas smiles at him. “It seems that someone does not want you to go just yet.”

“Do I have a choice?”

“You always have a choice, son.”

Jak looks up at his father. “I'm sorry, but Dax needs me. I-”

Damas hushes him with a wave of his hand. “I understand.” He embraces his son again. “And remember this, if nothing else. I am proud of the man you have become... Mar.”

Damas' image fades as Jak feels himself falling through nothingness.

Nurse Redheart looks up at the clock. “Time of death-” she is interrupted by a gasp for air coming from the bed.

Jak sat up suddenly, panting heavily. He looks around at the four ponies gathered around his bed. Noticing only one familiar face, he asks Celestia, “Where's Daxter?”

Celestia doesn't speak. Instead, she just raises a hoof and points at the door. Jak jumps out of the bed and rushes to it.

“Hold on now,” the doctor says weakly.

Jak throws the door open wide. “DAXTER!” he yells.

“Jak?” he hears the voice come from down the hall on his right. He sprints toward it. Upon seeing his furry friend, he speeds up and charges into the waiting room, scooping Daxter up in a warm embrace.

“Whoa, watch the do, buddy,” Daxter says half heartedly before returning the hug. “I thought I had lost you, Jak.”

“Don't worry, Dax,” Jak replies as he sets his companion on the ground. “If I died, who would watch your back?”

“Aha. So you admit it. You are the sidekick.”

Jak laughs. “Sure. For the rest of today at least.”

“Aw, that's not fair. It's already ten o' clock.”

Jak laughs again. “Sucks to be you, then.” He turns to see Twilight watching them with a slight smile on her face. “Oh, uh, hey Twilight. What're you doing here?”

“Well Daxter couldn't carry you to the hospital, now could he?”

“Jak walks over to her and gives her a swift hug. “Thank you.”

“No problem,” she says through a blush. She looks away. “We should probably wait here for the Princesses. They will most likely want to speak to you.”

“There is no need to wait,” Princess Celestia says as she enters the waiting room. “Jak has already been discharged, so we can head back to the library whenever you want.”

Jak perks up, “Then what are we waiting for? I don't like hospitals.”

“Very well. I can teleport us there.”

“Princess,” Twilight speaks up, “are you sure that's a good idea. I mean, Jak did just get released.”

Celestia looks thoughtful. “I see your point. OK, Jak you and Daxter will ride on my back to the library. Luna will join us. Twilight, could you, please teleport to the library and make us some strong tea?”

“Of course, Princess.” Twilight disappears in a flash of purple light.

“Follow me, Jak.” She walks to the front door of the hospital and out into the night. She turns to him. “Climb up.” Jak scrambles up her side and rests his hind legs behind her wing joints. “Hold on,” she says as she takes off, Princess Luna following close behind.

Author's Note:

New Chapter. Yay. Also it has come to my attention that a lot of people think ths is the only Jak fic on the site. I know of one other. My Little Pony: Eco Is Magic by Creed Miles. i suggest you check it. Also it would be a great favor to me if you have favorited this to also like it. That would be awesome. Oh and i might not get a chapter out tomorrow because i am completely out of chewing tobacco and I don't have the funds to get anymore. I always write when i have nicotene in my system. Still, in all likelihood, one will be posted. Stay brony my friends