• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 5,686 Views, 653 Comments

Jak and Daxter: The Equestrian Front - distortedtruth92

Jak and Daxter Get Transported to Equestria

  • ...

Meet The Monster

Jak wakes up to a delicious smell wafting up to his room. He stands up out of bed as his stomach growls. First order of business: get some food. He walks over to where Daxter lies curled up on the floor. As he takes his first step, his muscles ache in protest. OK, second order of the business: stay out of the damned hospital for twenty-four hours. He nudges his companion with a hoof. “Hey, Dax wake up. It's breakfast time.”

At the mention of breakfast, Daxter immediately jumps up. “Ah yeah. I'm so hungry I could eat a yakow.”

Jak smiles. “C'mon, let's go see what's cooking.”

Daxter hops on Jak's back as The stallion makes his way to the door. Upon exiting the room, the smell multiplies tenfold. Jak walks down the stairs to see Twilight immersed in a book. “Morning Twilight,” Jak says. “What smells so good?”

Twilight doesn't respond.


Still no response.


“Don't worry about her,” Spike says as he comes through the door from the kitchen, wearing a pink apron with lace on the hem. “Trying to get her away from a book is like getting teeth pulled.”

Jak looks once at the apron and smiles. Daxter, having less self control, burst out laughing and rolls of Jak's back. Jak swats him on the head to silence him before turning his attention back to Spike. “Ah, I see. You the one cooking?”

“Yep,” The baby dragon smiles. “I'm making panc-”

He is gut of as he lets out a loud belch followed by a short burst of flame. Daxter jumps back and starts making karates chops with his hands to ward off the nonexistent enemy. “Who wants some. Come and get me.”

Twilight, who had finally come out of her reverie, says absently, “Don't worry, it's just how Princess Celestia sends me messages.” She looks at Jak. “Oh, good morning you two. When did you get down here.”

Jak rolls his eyes.

Spike picks up the scroll, breaks the seal, and proceeds to read. “My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, Please come to Canterlot later today when my carriage comes to receive you. Please bring Jak and Daxter along, too. I wish to give them something. The carriage will arrive around noon.”

As Spinke rolls the scroll back up, Jak looks to Twilight, who has a look of horror upon her face. “Uh, Twilight? You OK?”

Twilight shakes her head as if to clear it. “OK? Yes, of course I'm OK. Everything is OK. We're all OK, right?”

Jak looks at the mare as if she's gone mad. “Uh, right?”

“Great.” She looks to Spike. “What time is it?”

Spike looks to the clock that is in plain view of the whole room. “10:30. Wh-”

“Oh, my goodness. I need to get ready.” She turns back to Jak and Daxter. “Excuse me, I won't be able to eat breakfast with you two. Too much to do. Please enjoy yourselves. I'll be back in an hour.” With that, she gallops out the door.

Jak and Daxter turn their shocked expression to the purple dragon. “What was that about?” Daxter asks.

“Oh, that was just Twilight being Twilight. You should have seen her when Celestia said she wanted to give her a test. She freaked.”

Jak laughs. “Yeah, I bet she did. Hey, I'm going to go take a shower and start getting ready to leave.”

Jak, Daxter, and Twilight stand outside the library watching the carriage approach. After it lands, Jak holds open the door for Twilight before climbing in himself.

The trip to Canterlot is uneventful, except for Daxter's fur turning a sick shade of green. As the land, he jumps out and promptly throws up on the cobbled stone of the castle courtyard. A soft, lilting laugh comes from behind the group.

All three turn around to see a light purple unicorn with a black mane standing before them. She is wearing a pure white lab coat. He protective goggles are resting atop her horn. Her eyes are dancing with poorly concealed mirth.

“Hello, Jak,” She says, her voice as soothing as a running stream on a warm summers day. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you.”

Jak looks at the mare questioningly. “Um, OK. Who are are you?”

“Oh, how rude of me.” She smiles beautifully. Come, you three, walk with me. She walks into the castle, the other three following, having some time to kill before their meeting with the Princess. “My name is Jaq. Short for Jaquellin. I know, a weird name for a pony, but, hey, I'm no ordinary pony. I've been watching you, Jak. Ever since you first came to Haven City have I been watching you. I must say, you are quite fun to watch. When you went through the Rift Gate, I knew I had to follow you. I was not expecting this, however. In my wildest dreams, I never would have thought to be turned into a pony. Be that as it may, I have mastered my magic. Well, mastered it enough so that I can use it to control creatures such as dragons and timberwolves. I figured to test you, see how well you use your new body. Suffice to say, I was disappointed.” Her lovely smile turns into a frown. “You nearly died both times. I guess I should have known your morph gun would have been lost when you came through the gate.” She stops in front of the throne room door. “Well, it seems as if our time to chat has come to an end. I will be seeing you, Jak.” She turns to Twilight. “And you, too, Miss Sparkle. I know our paths will cross once more.” Jaq's horn light's up with a cobalt glow. Her body is enveloped in a white light before disappearing completely.

Jak stands stock still, staring at the spot where the mare had just vanished from. Twiligh looks at him. “What was that?” she asks.

“I have no idea.” He responds, “but I have a bad feeling about this.”

“Hey,” Daxter yells, “If she wants a fight, we'll give her one. With me, Orange Lightning, and my sidekick, Jak on the case, there is no pony that can stand in our way.”

Jak smiles as he pushes open the door to the throne room.

Author's Note:

OK, y'all, here it is. I had no idea where to take this chapter. I've had everything before the page break sitting on my laptop since last chapter. Anyway, the villain has been revealed, and I think I'm gonna have fun writing her. Also the competition for my editor is still going. I have yet to receive any really good pics. The rules are still funniest(non nsfw) pony pic. either pm me or comment. Also, if you want, add me on Xbox Live. My gamertag is applejack543. just tell me who you are on here and I will accept the request.