• Published 21st Jan 2012
  • 10,478 Views, 471 Comments

Are You Ready? - Dirty Bit

Guess who's back from the other side...

  • ...

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Uh Oh!

Dr. Facilier woke up the next morning with a satisfied smile on his face, putting on his clothes and picking up his newly borrowed book and trotting out of the cottage after eating breakfast with Fluttershy.

When he left, the timid mare sighed as she thought about why she chose to procrastinate over wanting a heart-to-heart conversation with the Shadowcolt while doing the dishes. Before she went to sleep last night, he heard him bellow in spine-chilling laughter downstairs, and she was curious to why he acted that way. Was he happy with finishing the doll perhaps? When she finished doing the dishes, she heard a knock on the door, wondering who could be here so early in the morning. Fluttershy opened the door to show Pinkie Pie looking wide awake as she noticed the timid mare "Hi, Fluttershy! Is Dr. Fa-silly-a home??" She felt disheartened to realize her friends started coming to her cottage to see the Shadowcolt and not just her. She told her anyway out of her kindness "I'm sorry, Pinkie, but Dr. Facilier just left a half hour ago..." Pinkie rubbed her chin "Really? Well, can I come in and talk with you then? I wanna ask you about something that's been bugging me since yesterday!" Fluttershy was curious about this "You mean when you tackled Dr. Facilier looking all angry like the time we avoided you during your birthday for some strange reason and wanting him to do a Pinkie Pie Swear to stop doing it?" Pinkie nodded with a smile "Yes indeedy! So can I come in? Huh? CanIcanIcanIcanI!?" She was bouncing outside, and Fluttershy giggled at her actions "Pinkie, you're one of my best friends. Of course you can come in! I'll make us some tea..." She let the party mare inside as she hopped into the kitchen with Fluttershy.

Before explaining the topic at hand, Pinkie wanted to tell Fluttershy one of her crazy stories "-and it was so nice for me and him to agree on the term 'Chimicherrychanga'! Sure he kills a lot, but he's WAY better than that meanie pants doctor!" Fluttershy remained silent, and could only nod to her story while awkwardly sipping her tea. Who was this 'Deadpool' she talks about, and why does he scare her so much? After her story, Pinkie got serious "I woke up last night, and felt a twitch in my brain! At first I thought that Dr. Fa-silly-a broke his Pinkie Promise, but I thought it was a bad dream, so I went back to bed, only to be met with that same twitch about twenty times after the first one! Can you believe how silly that sounds!?" Fluttershy looked down and fidgeted with the teacup in her hooves "U-Umm, yes...well...I do feel concern with what happened ot you last night...Did you turn to Zecora for help??" Pinkie raised an eyebrow "Funny you should say that, Fluttershy! She was the first pony-I mean-zebra for me to turn to for something like this! Though, when I reached her hut, I saw her all battered and beaten up as if a manticore came inside her home! It made me so sad, and the worst part was she didn't know who did it! She's getting better, but I'm so confused! Do you know who did it??" Fluttershy was shocked at the news "Oh my! W-Well, at least she's getting better..." she looked down in relief, then looked back up with a curious look "You know...I had a wierd time of my own the other night..." She looked away "I was just finishing dinner until I heard Dr. Facilier laugh while making his doll...It looked so much like Zecora and he seemed happy with how it turned out. But when he finished, he had this scary look on his face while he held a pin to the doll. He told me he was putting some finishing touches on it before going to bed, so I left him to his work so I could go to bed myself. I tried going to sleep, but all I could hear was the sound of him laughing like Discord on a good day." She shivered at the memory "I-I like him, but I didn't like his laughter at all..." Pinkie herself was silent, not an expression of joy or her regular jolliness on her face. She leaned in to Fluttershy with an arched eyebrow and a suspicious expression "You said something about a needle...He didn't happen to POKE a certain doll with it, did he??" Fluttershy felt uncomfortable at how Pinkie was acting, backing away a little as she shifted her eyes in paranoia to her behavior "W-W-Well, he DID say he needed to add some touches to his new doll and he needed a pin to do it...and while I heard him laughing, I could've sworn I've heard several pinpricks while he was doing it...they were very loud to me..." She looked down, but didn't notice that Pinkie stood with widened eyes. She then looked angry, one of her eyes twitching as she bit her lower lip, puffing her cheeks as she slowly turned red. Then, without warning, she looked like she exploded as her ears blew off hot steam, her eyes glowing as she looked ready to unleash hell upon an unfortunate soul, speaking in a demonic tone "NOPONY BREAKS A PINKIE PROMISE!!!" She then sped out of her cottage as quick as a flash on a stallionhunt to find the one who had broken a Pinkie Promise intentionally, leaving a shaken Fluttershy behind in her kitchen. She then noticed that she spilt tea on the floor, moaning in disappointment with herself as she went to clean it up. While she was cleaning, however, she prayed to Celestia that Pinkie wouldn't find the Shadowcolt and make him suffer.

Meanwhile, Dr. Facilier was standing outside of Ponyville Library with Twilight Sparkle, the two making idle conversation after he returned his book to her. He decided to speak his mind on how silly Pinkie acted the other day, wanting to at least get SOMETHING off of his chest without the nosy mares like Twilight constantly poking at his dark secrets.

"I jus' don' know what's up with that mare,
Wantin' me to do a 'Pinkie Pie Swear'!
That girl's about more nuttier than a fruitcake!
What is up with her, for goodness' sake!?"

Twilight giggled at how he ranted about Pinkie, willing to agree with her randomness at many points, but wanted to enlighten him on how exactly Pinkie Promises worked "Well, Doctor, while Pinkie can be very crazy at times...well, EVERY time...a Pinkie Pie Swear is serious business! Though, some of my friends make fun of me for how I do it..." She looked down, remembering all those times she hit her eye with her hoof without closing it, then looked back up at the bemused doctor "Why do you ask? Did you do make a Pinkie Promise with her?" Dr. Facilier nodded at her response, his shadow silently groaning and shaking his head at the unpleasant memory.

"Yeah, I did that crazy pact,
But jus' so I won't deal with bein' attacked...
So funny how she thinks that I'd go so far
As to keepin' a stupid promise like a mental scar..."

Twilight widened her eyes at this and cringed as her ears folded back "Dr. Facilier...You don't mean to tell me you actually BROKE your Pinkie Promise, did you? I told you they're very serious to keep! And Pinkie can get very...emotional when somepony breaks a Pinkie Promise! Just ask Applejack!" The Shadowcolt only turned his head away from Twilight in defiance while keeping his eyes on her. Where he came from, many promises were broken almost every day, even the ones HE made. Dr. Facilier decided to chuckle at how Twilight sounded, ignoring the urgency in her voice as she looked more afraid "Doctor, you should run...like, right NOW! If you actually broke a promise, I don't wanna get involved!" This made the doctor laugh even more as he decided to taunt to her warning.

"Y'all are jus' makin' more hullabaloo!
What's that little pink mare gonna do?"

Right on cue after his mocking question, he heard an angry yell "DR. FA-SILLY-AAAAAAAAAAAA~!!!!!" This made Twilight and the confused doctor perk their ears up, the doctor looking behind at the source of the shout to find an angry Pinkie Pie galloping at him in the distance at a hunrgy predator's pace, her eyes glowing orange as she yelled in a demonic tone "YOU PINKIE PROMISED!!!" This made the doctor AND his shadow jump and yell in surprise. She did NOT sound happy and not at all like the same mare he detested, and the demonic tone in her voice was par for the course as he decided to dash past Twilight, leaving her eyes closed and her mane flowing rapidly in the breeze he created. When the bookworm saw him leave, she didn't notice Pinkie speed past her and made her spin rapidly afterwards. After she stopped spinning, she stumbled about on her hooves as her eyes rolled around in circles in a state of dizziness, and didn't expect a grey wall-eyed pegasus to slowly hover by, then point a hoof at Twilight and laugh at her, but not before crashing into a tree.

( I just can't help myself sometimes... )

The chase was on, and Dr. Facilier never thought he would run this fast OR be chased by something that wanted to possibly break him for no logical reason. He looked behind to see Pinkie Pie hot on his trail and slowly catching up to him, making him more nervous as she drew close. When he remembered his shadow, he felt better as his shady servant swooped over and extended a foreleg in front of Pinkie's shadow. The Shadowcolt expected a thud, followed by quickly fading curses as he ran, but all he got was Pinkie jumping over his shadow as if she knew he was going to do that. This made Dr. Facilier yell in surprise and confusion, and tried to pick up the pace as the two ran through the town.

Applejack was found selling apples at her stand, one of her customers leaving, then perked her ears up at the sound of scared yelling, turning to see two rapidly growing dots approaching her from the right of her stand. She narrowed her eyes to get a better look "What in tarnation?" She didn't anticipate the doctor zipping past her stand at Rainbow Dash's speed, blowing off her Stetson hat in the process, and when she attempted to pick it up, she was knocked down on her side as Pinkie rammed passed her like a small obstacle in blind fury and pursuit "YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE YOUR FATE, DOCTOR!!!" Applejack got up, knowing full well what was going on, and only held her hat to her chest as she closed her eyes and spoke in a solemn tone "Celestia help that zebracorn..."

At Sugarcube corner, Mr. and Mrs. Cake watched their children as they sat outside while enjoying a short break. Pound Cake was beating at the ground with a toy hammer, and Pumpkin Cake was enjoying her new pacifier her parents bought for her. When the family heard the sound of yelling, they all looked to see a purple blur breeze by, followed by a pink blur. This the children giggle and clap their hooves at the sight, leaving the parents staring in a dumbfounded fashion "Dear? Was that Pinkie Pie we just saw?" Mrs. Cake asked in a scared and curious tone as her husband responded the same way "I don't know...I don't wanna know...But I DO know we need to take the kids inside right now..." The two parents did just that as the two baby foals continued giggling.

A mare named Berry Punch sat on her bench with a bottle in her hoof, taking a good drink from it as the day went by. She heard screaming, and noticed Dr. Facilier running for his life screaming, then saw his shadow doing the same thing, except it stopped in front of her and looked back. It wanted to see Pinkie Pie while not noticing it was being watched by another pony, then quickly caught up to its master after jumping and seeing Pinkie pick up her pace, giving off a monstrous snarl as she looked ready to kill. Berry Punch could only look at the bottle in her hoof with a raised eyebrow, then toss it in the nearest rubbish bin.

The chase was long. VERY long. And the events that followed with it began to grow more silly as Dr. Facilier entered a door to a random building, Pinkie Pie following shortly after. The quickly two exited through the same door they entered and went through a different one, only to repeat the process once more, but exiting through a door different than the one they last entered in. The process became more silly as they even exited a door with Dr. Facilier running behind Pinkie, then some duplicates of the two came out of some doors and entered different ones. When things couldn't get sillier, a blank flank zebracorn with a fedora came out of a door, looking around for a minute, then trotted back into the door he emerged from with a cynical look on his face as the chase continued. Dr. Facilier emerged from a random door, Pinkie coming from one of her own opposite from the Shadowcolt, the two colliding into each other as they flew back. While Pinkie was dazed, he quickly bounced back up and ran off, Pinkie following after giving off a growl similar to an antagonized dog.

Fluttershy was in town, looking high and low for Dr. Facilier with worry "Dr. Facilier?" She called out "Where are you?" Her ears perked up to the sound of his voice screaming in terror as she witnessed him being chased by Pinkie Pie, gasping 'Oh no! He must have made Pinkie angry by breaking his Pinkie Promise!' While she didn't know what exactly he swore he wouldn't do, nothing mattered as she swooped to the Shadowcolt's rescue, landing in front of him. Dr Facilier, upon seeing this, skidded to a halt and quickly curved past the timid mare to use her as a shield for when Pinkie tried to get to him. He was a wreck when he stopped running, his mane and tail a frazzled mess, his hat and suit wrinkled and misshapen, and his eyes wide and weary as he tried to stay a good distance away from the pink nightmare in front of him while standing behind his equine shield. Pinkie growled, and sounded normal for the first time "You gotta move away from her sometime, meanie!!" The doctor only yelped in response as Pinkie moved to the left of the timid mare and instinctively moved to the right of her opposite side. They went left and right, and began going in rapid circles around poor Fluttershy, and this led to her shouting at the top of her lungs "STOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!!" The two ponies in their heated situation instantaneously stopped on her command, staring in surprise, and Fluttershy blushed upon noticing this "Sorry...I-I was getting dizzy..." She then looked stern "But this shouldn't be going on for so long!" She turned to Doctor Facilier "Dr. Facilier, I don't know exactly what you did to break your Pinkie Promise, but I am VERY disappointed in you!" The Shadowcolt shrunk back, stunned at the mare's new-found courage "This little chase has gone on long enough, and it's about time you apologize to Pinkie for what you've done this instant!" He was confused and disoriented at all of this, and turned to see Pinkie give the doctor a vicious glare, only to turn back to Fluttershy looking like he was trying her patience "Well??" Dr. Facilier remembered what happened to Angel when she was angry, and he did NOT want to deal with 'The Stare' himself. He swallowed what was left of his pride and trotted over to Pinkie, who didn't move at all while glaring at him in silence. The Shadowcolt straightened his hat and suit, taking a deep breath.

"I'm very sorry for what I did...
I guess my mind went off the grid.
I was caught up in my moment, you see.
Pinkie Pie, can ya try and forgive me?"

Pinkie's eyes narrowed even more after hearing the doctor's apology, leading him to believe he didn't try hard enough, but was surprised when her glare quickly left and was replaced with the same happy expression he was familiar with when seeing Pinkie "Apology Accepted!" She then gave him a hug as he looked down, confused as to how she forgave him so easily. The funny thing was, he meant that speech for the sake of surviving an oncoming shitstorm in the form of an unholy staring contest courtesy of Fluttershy, who also joined in the hug with a smile. This was beginning to get all too wierd for him as he felt something alien to him. While he was being hugged, there was a fuzzy feeling...a feeling deep inside...and it slowly grew in his heart while he was being hugged by two mares at once. Was this something he should look into durign his time here? He paused as the warmth continued spreading in his heart slowly 'Mus' be a small case of heartburn...I'll make a potion for that later...'

End of Chapter 17