• Published 21st Jan 2012
  • 10,480 Views, 471 Comments

Are You Ready? - Dirty Bit

Guess who's back from the other side...

  • ...

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Show and a Letter

Dr. Facilier was about to begin with a confident grin on his face, but was then interrupted by one more older mare "I dunno about bein' entertained by this stallion...Sure he's kinda cute, but he don't seem like the entertainin' type." The doctor froze with his grin at the mare that spoke, and it slowly turned into a scowl as she continued "I mean, I've seen better entertainment from them Won-" The doctor pointed a hoof as some background music played.

"Don't disrespect me, little mare!!"

Everypony, even the one that spoke, froze with wide eyes at the outburst as the Shadowcolt looked angry. He continued speaking.

"Don't you derogate, or deride~..."

This time, he spoke much calmer and smoother as he grinned at his audience. Some spotlights out of nowhere flashed upon him as he held his tophat with pride.

"You're in my world now, not your world...

He points his hoof to the table with the mane six.

And I got friends on the other side..."

Pinkie hopped up and chimed in "He's got friends on the other side~..." She grins as her friends stared at her.

The doctor felt happy that his song could begin on a familiar note, but then he realized he needed to change the lyrics up a bit while working his magic. He hopped off his stand as he decides to wing his performance with the entire room as his stage, trotting past his audience as he kept a calm and prideful demeanor while more music played.

"That was Pinkie, ladies and gentlemen, jus' a funny girlie.
She's gonna help out a li'l bit, don't worry..."

He stomps a hoof as the random spotlight quickly travels to him, his shadow showing a crooked smile as he begins to dance around some folks

"Sit down at your tables~!"

The Shadowcolt dances past a trio of elderly mares, swooning a little at his moves.

"Put your mind at ease~!"

Dr. Facilier reaches the mane six while they keep their attention focused on him and caresses Fluttershy's chin, making her turn red, while his shadow bucks Rainbow Dash's shadow lightly, quickly swooping back to its master as she looked behind and around her in confusion.

"You relaxin' will enable me to do
Anythin' I please..."

He sticks a hoof out with a grin as his shadow brohoofs him, then he dances as his shadow performs a cheering motion.

"I can dance like crazy~...
I can brew some potions, too!"

Dr. Facilier slides next to Fluttershy and leans as he sings.

"I can make me a whole lot o' friends..."

He quickly gets next to Rainbow Dash, pointing a hoof.

"You ARE my friend, aren't ya, Dash?"

He then goes back to singing and dancing, performing a flip and strikes a pose as he holds his hat.

"An' I'll learn from what they do!"

The Shadowcolt zips along tables back to his small stage, raising his tone in his singing.

"I got each mare
Showin' me care
And they give me joy an' PRIDE!"

He then hops back on his stage and grins as he sings calmer, pointing back to the element bearers' table.

"Yes, I got friends on the other side..."

There was a creepy echo that reverbed around the room "He's got friends on the other side~..." Everypony looked around, then turned to see Pinkie with a megaphone, giggling to herself.

His song continued while Applejack and Rainbow Dash were watching in suspicion. Applejack turns to Rainbow Dash and whispers "Hey, Dash...Can Ah tell ya somethin'?" the cyan pegasus turns to her marefriend and whispers back "Is it about Dr. Fa-silly-a? Do you have a new plan for him to leave or something?"

Applejack shook her head "Not really a plan, but yeah, it's about that doctor...Back when he said he wanted to learn th' Magic o' Friendship and sayin' that it was Celestia who did it...Ah didn't notice any lyin' from 'im..." Rainbow Dash spat back in a whisper "Horseapples! How he was able to deal with the princess is beyond me!" the cowpony glared at her marefriend "Dash, focus! This is Princess Celestia we're talkin' bout here...Also, while I can agree with Pinkie on him bein' mean an' all...maybe he's jus' rough at some points. Do y'all think maybe we've been a might hasty brandin' him a villain?"

Rainbow Dash scowled "AJ, if Zecora thinks this guy's trouble, then of COURSE he's a villain! Since he's in too deep with our friends, we'll just have to find new tactics in making him leave. We'll teach him friendship the HARD way!" She grins while Applejack pauses with a neutral face. She then nods as the two watch Dr. Facilier wrap up his song, Applejack having hidden different thoughts about the Shadowcolt.

It took a lot of work to change both the lyrics of his song and the melody that followed after his second chorus, but Dr. Facilier was lucky enough to have pulled off a wonderful show as everypony stomped their hooves in applause, Fluttershy especially. The doctor took a bow with a smirk, his shadow showing a crooked smile, and then trotted over to the mane six with a triumphant expression on his face.

"Well? Tell me what y'all think?
Did my little performance make your heart sink?"

Pinkie hopped up with a grin "It was amazing! Were you amazed by your own performance? Cuz' everypony else was! Oh, and I was so happy when I decided to help in with the words! Maybe you can help me at the twins' birthday party someday before you go!"

Before he goes? He was about to ask until Rarity chimed in with a smile "It was simply smashing, Doctor! Now I see why my little sister talks about you much when it comes to your dancing! You really are a colt of many talents."

Twilight trotted up and beamed at the doctor "Well done, Dr. Facilier! You've managed to keep these old ponies in good spirits with your performance! I can't wait to see how you'll write your friendship letter to the princess!" The doctor raised an eyebrow at this 'Friendship...Letter...Is this mare fo' real?"

"Whachu talkin' bout, Twilight?"

That was another time he spoke without rhyming, but he was too confused on writing a simple letter to the princess after doing something worthy of a goody-goody four-hooves. The lavender bookworm smiled "Well you see, Doctor, when I started learning the Magic of Friendship, I was under the tutelage of Princess Celestia. I'm her personal student, and usually on certain days, I send her a friendship letter explaining all that I have learned on those days." She gives a small grin.

Fluttershy trots over to Dr. Facilier and adds to the explanation "It even helps with their communication, and Spike is the one who sends the letters to the princess. And after a while, we all began sending letters to the princess on what we have learned as well..." the timid mare looks down "Although, I haven't sent mine yet..." She then looks back up with a smile "But it'll be so nice to know that you'll send one today. Why don't we go back to Twilight's library so you can get started?"

Dr. Facilier rubbed his chin, then nodded at the idea as the group began to leave. The elderly ponies began waving and saying goodbye to the Shadowcolt and mares as they left the area.

"Goodbye, kiddies!"

"Thanks for the show! That really WAS entertainment!"

"Such a handsome stallion! And a zebra, to boot! Who knew?"

"His song was pretty catchy!"

"Anypony notice his shadow moving or is it just me?"

On the way back to Ponyville library, the group chatted amongst themselves with the exception of Dr. Facilier, who had nothing much to say at the moment 'Rhymin's a bitch...'. At a distance from the trotting group, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were busy hiding behind a tree with the record player in tow. Scootaloo and Applebloom were keeping their gazes locked on the Shadowcolt, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. When Applejack gave them the record player, they thought that the scare tactic was now their responsibility to handle while they were busy teaching Dr. Facilier friendship. Applebloom whispers to her unicorn friend "Y'all got the record player ready, Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie Belle turns the crank on the record player and nods, whispering back "Got it. When do we go?" Scootaloo narrowed her eyes at the Shadowcolt and bided her time, wanting this one to count "Wait for it..." They began to get out of range "Wait for it..." After they were a good distance away, she took off on her scooter, pulling the wagon "Now!" They stealthfully sped over, but tried to stay out of their sight and hearing when they got close enough. Applebloom and Scootaloo nod to Sweetie Belle, who placed the stylus onto the record as the song played.

Dr. Facilier instantly shot up and began to scream and run past the mares with fear, Fluttershy noticing and following after him in worry. When the two left, leaving the rest of the group confused, they then turned around to see the CMC with the record player. They realized the flaw in their plan and then gave a fearful "Uh oh..." in unison.

Twilight glared at the three fillies "Girls! How could you do that to Dr. Facilier? That was so inconsiderate of you scaring him with that song!" The three shrank back as the lavender bookworm scorned them, and Rarity joined in "Sweetie Belle, I expected better of you. What you just did to Dr. Facilier was unacceptable! Head back to the boutique and we'll discuss this later." Sweetie Belle was about to object, but she couldn't shake off the angry glare her older sister was giving, and hung her head as she trotted back to the boutique "Bye, girls..." She said dejectedly.

Applebloom and Scootaloo saw their fellow crusader leave, and Applejack sighed knowing she had to punish her own sister as well "Well, c'mon, Applebloom. Back to th' farm with ya. Don' wanna make things worse with everypony now." Her little sister pouted a little, but remembered that Applejack was on her side, and decided to play along with her 'punishment'. She hopped off the wagon and turned to Scootaloo acting sad "See ya, Scoots." She winks with a small smile, Scootaloo smiling back as the yellow filly trotted back to Sweet Apple Acres. Scootaloo turns to the group and then grins sheepishly "Well, I better get going, hehehe...Bye!" She quickly zips off with her scooter and wagon, leaving the five mares behind.

Twilight scoffed at what had happened "Can you believe those three? I never expected them to be the ones to try and scare Dr. Facilier like this!" Rarity nods "Well at least we knew what caused him to scream yesterday. I just hope the poor dear's alright."

Rainbow Dash shifted her eyes and then joined in "Yeah, that was way past not cool of those squirts to do that to Dr. Fa-silly-a! I love a good scare and all, but what they did was too low for my standards! Where do you suppose he ran off to after that song played?"

Pinkie trotted past the mares and looked ahead of their path "I think he went back to the library with Fluttershy! Something tells me he'll be in the fetal position and shaking while being caressed by her while she's going-" She does a Fluttershy impression, stroking the air as if she held an imaginary pet "There, there, it's okay...It's over now..." She then stopped as she turned to her group "Just a thought..." She grins at them absentmindedly.

Twilight nods to what the party pony said "Well, at least he didn't wander off around Ponyville. Knowing his speed, it'll take Rainbow Dash to catch up to him and stop him from running even more. Let's head back and see if he's okay." The group, now with only five mares trotted back to Ponyville library to check up on the Shadowcolt.

When they came inside, they notice Spike eating some gems while taking a break from working at the library. Twilight trotted up to her number one assistant and asked him "Spike, where is Dr. Facilier an-" Spike simply pointed over to a corner, where Dr. Facilier could be found in the fetal position, hugging his legs as he shook with widened eyes. Fluttershy held him in her hooves and gently stroked his mane with a worried, yet caring smile "There, there, it's okay...It's over now..."

Pinkie saw this, and raised a hoof in the air with a victorious smile "Count it!" The mares looked at her, puzzled at how exactly she knew this.

After half an hour, Dr. Facilier was able to calm down and recollect himself as he was then approached by Twilight with a smile "So, Dr. Facilier, did you learn something today from when you performed at the Retirement Village? Knowing your song, I'd say you learned well on introducing yourself to others and showing others how to have a good time!" The Shadowcolt rolled his eyes and waved a hoof.

"Yeah, I guess I learned somethin', I'd say.
Perhaps now, I should go and call it a day."

He went to go home, but was then stopped by Twilight "Wait! Don't you want to write your friendship letter first?" Dr. Facilier then remembered that he was obligated to write a letter to Celestia about his lesson. Change is good, but it is very hard with what he has to agree to in terms of changing his ways, each one being crazy in itself. He nodded as the lavender bookworm levitated a quill and parchment to him and smiled "Whenever you're ready, Doctor!"

He took the quill and parchment, then looked around to see everypony and Spike stare at him with expected smiles. This bothered him, having to be watched while he was doing something shady or not, but he didn't want to disappoint them, especially not Fluttershy. The Shadowcolt took a deep breath and began to write once the quill's tip reached the paper.

'Dear Princess Celestia...'

End of Chapter 28