• Published 21st Jan 2012
  • 10,478 Views, 471 Comments

Are You Ready? - Dirty Bit

Guess who's back from the other side...

  • ...

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Poor Shadowcolt

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were silently stalking Dr. Facilier, Rainbow holding a record player in her hooves. She narrowed her eyes as she quietly fluttered after her, while Pinkie showed no sense of her usual joy or bubbly behavior as she stealthfully trotted with her prismatic friend. Today was the day they would attempt to place Dr. Facilier in a state of fear and make sure he clears out of Ponyville without hesitation. While Zecora couldn't help with the rest of the team due to her injuries, the others made it a team effort to make sure that their little plan comes together.

When Dr. Facilier decided to take a break and sit on a bench before he could go back to Fluttershy's cottage, he was a sitting duck as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie got in position, hiding in a bush behind the bench he was sitting in. The cyan pegasus licked her lips, ready to execute the plan and hope for amazing results, turning to her friend and whispering "Pinkie, you got the record?" Pinkie nodded and pulled the copy of 'The song' out of her frizzy mane, leaving Rainbow to stare at her in disbelief 'Does she seriously carry stuff like that in her mane?'. When she was handed the record, she placed it inside the player after cranking it and grinned as she was about to position the stylus onto it "Let's do this..." she whispered to herself as the stylus was guided onto the record player.

The song played at a good volume, and it startled Dr. Facilier into jumping and yelping, looking around with eyes full of paranoia 'Wh-Wh-What the hell is this!? I'm not even angry at all!!' He darted his head at every angle, then hopped from his bench as he began to gallop 'Leave me alone...Leave me alone, already!!!' Rainbow saw this and quickly sprung from the bush "C'mon, Pinkie! We're getting him!" She followed the doctor with her record player, the song still playing loud enough. Pinkie followed after Rainbow, keeping up with the speedy pegasus as they were hot on Dr. Facilier's trail. He wasn't aware of their presence as he galloped for his life and tried escaping the song. It was as if he were in another nightmare, only this time there were no creepy frogs. Rainbow caught up to the Shadowcolt and made sure the record player was loud enough for him to hear it. He clenched his eyes shut and gritted his teeth as he ran, and when those three mind-breaking words chimed in, he opened his eyes, now wide as dinner plates, and gave another fearful yell and tried to pick up the pace. The duo then stopped as he continued galloping, then Rainbow turned to Pinkie "Now we gotta get this to AJ! C'mon!" the two sped off in a different direction while the Shadowcolt galloped aimlessly around Ponyville.

When he couldn't hear the song, he was hyperventilating as his hat was tilted to his side. His suit, mane, and tail were still intact and he barely sweated a little after he ran for so long. He calmed himself a bit and found himself at the flower shop, where he noticed the three flower mares Daisy, Lily, and Roseluck. They trotted over to him, curious about his condition as Roseluck was first to speak "Dr. Facilier, is something wrong? You seem a bit pale right now...It was as if you saw an Ursa Minor. Is there perhaps anything we can help you with?" Daisy came up and gave a sympathetic smile "Was your first day of work that hard? Don't worry, everypony usually has a hectic first day when working at a job..." He enjoyed the three mares consoling him, and was happy that Fluttershy wasn't around to see this, but he wasn't aware that a certain cowpony and her sister were hiding behind the flower stand, Applejack holding the same record player from before on her back. She whispered to Applebloom "Okay, Applebloom, y'all know what t' do..." Applebloom gave a firm nod and cranked the player, placing the stylus on the record as the song began to play again. This snapped Dr. Facilier out of his small moment of comfort as he jumped up and yelled, startling the other mares in the process. He darted his head left and right as his eyes were once again full of paranoia. 'What is this!? What did I do now!?' He darted his head around and galloped away from the mares as he let off another scream. The Apple sisters then followed after the Shadowcolt, leaving the three flower mares staring in confusion as they left them behind. Dr. Facilier wished he could cover his ears as he galloped, but he knew that it would be an action that proved more than futile given his little curse upon arriving in Equestria. This still confused him, knowing that the only possible emotion he is portaying at the moment was pure fear, but he couldn't think any further as the song grew louder with Applejack catching up to him. The two stopped as he galloped close to Carousel Boutique and Applejack turned to Applebloom with a serious expression "Applebloom, are ya strong enough to carry this here record player over to yer friends an' make sure ya give that crazy stallion what he deserves?" Applebloom replied with a serious expression of her own "Y'all can count on me, sis! Ah won't let ya down!" She grunted as she carried the record player and trotted off with her energy. This was a little hard for her to carry, but she was a member of the Apple Family, and Apple family members are strong to the core like the fruit they harvest. She used her vigor and determination as she made her way over to her friends hiding spot.

He was almost at his wit's end as he was a few feet away from the entrance to Carousel Boutique, wanting to go inside and maybe turn to Rarity for help. His suit was slightly messed up and he was sweating more than before. Maybe he could try and weasel his way out of the song by modeling for some of Rarity's clothes. It wasn't like he got a nice suit after suffering from some pinpricks and tiring positions, and it certainly was better than dealing with this torture. He took a deep breath as he wiped some sweat from his brow and trotted over to open the door with his hoof since he was too tired for using magic after all that running. From behind one of the trees next to the Boutique, Scootaloo was on her scooter with her helmet on, eyeing the doctor with a look of determination and a grin on her face "This is awesome! We're gonna be heroes!" Sweetie Belle was on the wagon attached to the scooter with a helmet of her own and she shushed the noisy pegasus filly, silencing her as she looked around and whispered "We can't let him hear us! And where's Applebloom? He's about to go inside! We can't let him see my sister the way he is now! Not only would he turn to her for help with his smooth talking, she'll hate the way he's sweating so much!" They heard the growing sound of struggling grunts as they noticed Applebloom trudging towards her fellow crusaders while dealing with the weight of the record player. When she reached her friends, they both took the player off of her back and helped her onto the wagon as the poor filly was catching her breath "That thing is heavy...Ah'm glad Ah was able to hold out fer so long..." Sweetie Belle helped her tired friend with her helmet and put the record player in place as Dr. Facilier was about to touch the doorknob "Ready, Scootaloo?" The orange filly gripped the handlebars of her scooter and kept a firm and ready glare on the Shadowcolt "Play it." The unicorn filly nodded and tuned up the player and started the song. Right when he touched the knob, the doctor faltered and jumped back as the song came back into his ears. He looked upward and around trying to snuff out the source of music while he was paralyzed in fear. As the music grew louder, he yelled again and galloped towards the exit to Ponyville leading to Everfree Forest, with the crusaders following after him. All three fillies had their eyes locked on the villainous stallion as they blared the song, Applebloom calling to Scootaloo "Hurry it up, Scoots! We almost got 'im!" Scootaloo didn't reply as she licked her lips and picked up the pace. When they crossed the bridge, they came to a screeching halt as he ran towards the forest entrance while yelling with fear. They all grinned and congratulated themselves, but then gasped as their little plan had a flaw. When they wanted to lead him to the Everfree, they were actually close by to Fluttershy's cottage, where the doctor galloped over and rammed the door open, making his way inside. This made the crusaders lose their vigor as they held their heads down, their hearts sunk as they failed. Scootaloo took off her helmet and threw it at the ground "Darn it! We goofed! Of course that zebracorn would turn to Fluttershy in his time of need!" Sweetie Belle looked up with fear in her eyes "Fluttershy's not gonna be happy...and neither will Rainbow and Applejack after hearing about this..." Applebloom sighed "We better go meet up with them an' come up with a Plan B. C'mon, crusaders! Let's fall back!" Scootaloo picked up her helmet and the three sped off to go touch face with the other mares, though harboring expressions of defeat from their little plan.

The poor Shadowcolt was blind with fear and was on the verge of insanity as he burst through the door, scaring every animal in the living room.


He shouted, wondering if his 'friends' heard his cries of mercy and were laughing at him from afar. Fluttershy noticed the doctor come in after feeding a family of mice some cheese, gasping at his condition "Dr. Facilier? What's wrong!? A-Are you hurt? Is Pinkie chasing you again? What crime are you talking about?" Her words were incoherent to Dr. Facilier as he cringed his hind legs and hid his eyes with his forelegs, keeping one large dialated eye open and quickly scouting his surroundings. Fluttershy was more than worried upon seeing this and tried to comfort him with her hooves, but shrieked and pulled them back as the crazed Shadowcolt swatted at the air and yelled at nothing.


Fluttershy was backing away from the poor doctor and almost felt like crying upon seeing him like this. But then she remembered how she filled him with courage with every passing day they had spent with each other. She wanted nothing more than to make sure that her new coltfriend would be okay, and she tried focusing herself while the mad doctor was flailing about on the floor. Fluttershy took a deep breath and then lunged forward, tackling and pinning Dr. Facilier to try and called down to him with a loud tone of voice "Dr. Facilier! Stop it and hold still, please!! It's me, Fluttershy!! You have to calm down!!" The mad doctor kept flailing and yelling, but was slowly beginning to run out of energy as the timid mare continued shouting to him. When he finally calmed down, his nerves were shot, his suit and hat were messed up, and every breath he drew was a pained shudder as he tried to calm himself. Fluttershy took the Shadowcolt in her hooves and held him close, rubbing his back as she comforted him in a soothing tone "It's okay...it's over now, Dr. Facilier. Whatever was bothering you will not happen again while I'm around...Please don't be scared or sad..." Dr. Facilier, his mind coming back to reality, was more than grateful for once in his life to have somepony like Fluttershy be at his side for something so abysmal that had happened to him today. He did not know why that song chose to play for him on a day like this, nor did he want to fathom the possibility of it happening again in the near future. The tired Shadowcolt only rested his head on the timid mare's chest as she held him gently and stroked his mane for once, slowly fading into unconsciousness. Fluttershy sighed at this, then gasped as she felt Dr. Facilier's forehead 'Oh my goodness! He's running a fever!' She quickly pulled the resting Shadowcolt onto the couch and stripped him of his clothing, then swooped into the kitchen and soaked a rag in cold water. After wringing it out, she flew back into the living room and gently rested the wet cloth on his forehead. Dr. Facilier mumbled in his sleep after feeling the coldness of the cloth, and Fluttershy sat in front of the couch to stare at her coltfriend resting in his chair, shedding a tear at his condition 'How could this happen to him? Who could have done such a thing to make him feel this way?' She wanted answers, but it was getting late, and she had to tend to Dr. Facilier if he were needed back at the Clinic. She stood up and took a deep breath "Not to worry, Dr. Facilier...Dr. Fluttershy is on the job." She said to herself as she galloped to her bathroom and pulled out her first aid kit. She was going to make it her job to have Dr. Facilier back on his legs first thing tomorrow, even if it meant having to take care of both him and her many animals.

End of Chapter 24