• Published 21st Jan 2012
  • 10,479 Views, 471 Comments

Are You Ready? - Dirty Bit

Guess who's back from the other side...

  • ...

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Love conquers all...right?

Dr. Facilier couldn't believe it. He let the lights drop, they crash to the floor and made part of it crack at its weight, and the debris from the ceiling had just stopped falling. He covered his eyes as he laid on the floor and slowly opened them after all what happened, taking a good look of the lights that fell, and then looked down at what rested in his hooves.

The Shadowcolt had done the impossible and rescued the timid mare from certain death. He could have left her to her cruel fate and wander the world a free colt, but he SAVED her. Fluttershy was hiding her face in her hooves, tears streaming from them as she whimpered in sadness, unaware that Dr. Facilier had saved her life. The doctor could only sigh and hold the timid mare in his hooves and waited for her tears to pass.

Pinkie and Applejack finally reached the couple as the last of the customers in the club left, and took a look at the sight in front of them. Applejack thought all was lost, until she noticed her friend being held by Dr. Facilier "Don't that beat all...He stayed with her th' whole time and kept her safe. Ah knew that stallion was a kind one." Pinkie smiled at how the Shadowcolt had protected Fluttershy, and trotted over to their side along with Applejack.

Rainbow Dash witness the whole scene from above, and couldn't keep her jaw from hanging at the sight. Before the debris had stopped, she was about to make an effort to save Fluttershy from certain death, but when Dr. Facilier stepped in, she was baffled beyond belief at his gesture 'No way...Was I really wrong about this guy??' the cyan pegasus swooped down and joined the others as they gathered around Fluttershy.

The timid mare was beginning to calm down, and slowly brought down her hooves to see what has happened. She had looked around and seen Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow looking at her with comforting smiles, and when she noticed she was being held, Fluttershy had caught sight of her savior.

Dr. Facilier couldn't find it in his heart to fight his affection anymore, and he felt it was a futile struggle to keep it going without making a move on killing her. This was becoming all too wierd for him to realize that he had fallen head over hooves for Fluttershy, but it didn't matter to him now. The Shadowcolt looked back at his marefriend and flashed a genuine grin, glad to know she was safe.

Fluttershy looked up at her coltfriend and had new tears stream down her face. They weren't tears of sadness, but of happiness. She let out a squeal and threw her hooves around the Shadowcolt in a tight embrace as she began to cry more. Dr. Facilier caressed her mane as they shared their moment, and the mares around him couldn't help but shed at tear at them. Even Rainbow Dash, who not only distrusted the stallion at first, but also despised sappy moments was also tearing up at the sight.

Applejack turned her head to the club entrance and nodded to herself as she directed her attention back to her friends "Alright, y'all...Let's call it a night. We had enough fun fer now an' we'll probably end up lendin' a hoof with rebuildin' this place. Not t' mention, Dr. Fa-cee-lee-ae here learned a lot about friendship today..." She turned to her marefriend with a smug smile "Right, Rainbow?"

Rainbow Dash noted the smugness in Applejack's expression, knowing that the cowpony was happy with her being in the wrong for a moment, even if they both tried exposing the doctor back then. Giving a defeated sigh, she trotted over to Dr. Facilier while he and Fluttershy picked each other up "Hey..." The Shadowcolt turned to the cyan pegasus and watched her rub the back of her head awkwardly as she looked away "We did have a lot of fun tonight, and I wanna let you know...You're okay in my book, Doc. I'm glad to call you my friend..." she turned to the doctor with a smile.

Was this some kind of trick? Did Dr. Facilier hear his little enemy correctly in what she had just said? The same cyan pegasus that knew about his villainous deeds in the past is now apologizing to him for all she has caused. Should he take advantage of this? He was about to, until Fluttershy found her voice and spoke up "I-It was nice to dance with you again, Dr. Facilier...I had fun tonight, what with it being my first time here and all..." She looked up at her coltfriend with a loving smile despite how red her eyes were from crying so much.

The Shadowcolt stared back, and for a brief moment, it felt like everything around him had vanished as he laid eyes on her. He was about to get lost in her eyes until his shadow gave a scornful frown and gave its master a light buck while nopony was looking, snapping him out of his daze. Dr. Facilier looked down at his shadow making a gesture of poking at its foreleg with another hoof, signalling that it wanted its master to wrap things up for the night. Nodding to his partner and silently thanking him for getting his priorities straight, he turned to the mares and spoke.

"It was fun while it lasted, but it's time we roam.
Me an' Flutters here'll jus' get right back home."

Applejack nodded and tipped her hat to the Shadowcolt with a smile "S'been a pleasure sharin' this night with ya, Doc. This was real excitin' for a double date!" She turned to Rainbow Dash "C'mon, Dash. We'd best get on goin', too!" The cyan pegasus followed the cowpony as the two made their way out of the ruined club.

Pinkie watched her friends leave and turned back to Dr. Facilier and Fluttershy with her trademark smile "It was super-duper exciting alright! Though, with all that stuff falling, things may have went overboard..." She giggled awkwardly, but then perked up "Okie Dokie Loki! Well, I better get going too. Hopefully I don't wake the twins when I go back inside. See you two later!" She trotted out of the club, leaving the remaining couple to stand for a moment and collect their thoughts on all that had happened.

After having a small moment to themselves in silence, they began trotting back to Fluttershy's cottage with smiles on their faces. On the way back, Dr. Facilier was happy with coming to terms with his new-found affection for the timid mare, but then he began to think about the deal that his 'friends' had made with him, and he began getting lost in thought. This was going to be hard to get around if they ever visit him again tonight.

The couple reaches the cottage, and Dr. Facilier opens the door for Fluttershy, bowing and waving a hoof inside as he acted like a gentlecolt. Fluttershy blushed at the gesture and trotted inside with a warm smile on her face. The Shadowcolt went to follow, btu something tugged at his suit and halted his advance. He looked down at his shadow, who was giving off a wide frown at its master and pointing at him. Dr. Facilier knew what was going on and sighed, breaking it down to his shady friend in a quiet tone.

"I know, I know, but it's jus' so hard...
I didn't expect me t' get this far...
Th' worst part is I struck out on a choice
And now I'll have t' deal with th' sound o' his voice..."

He cringed at the thought of the large mask and his ominous voice going through his head, and forgot that he had been stalling outside for a few minutes. The Shadowcolt made his way inside and looked around, wondering where Fluttershy was. Not finding a trace of her in the living room, he decided to check her bedroom to see if she was about to retire for the night.

Dr. Facilier trotted up the stairs and noticed Fluttershy taking of her clothes slowly. She was getting tired, judging by the look in her eyes, and the doctor found it in his heart to trot over to her side and help her with her clothes using his unicorn magic. Fluttershy flinched in surprise and watched her clothes float off her body and were neatly folded on the dresser. She turned and seen the Shadowcolt giving off a charming smile after performing his little deed, and trotted in front of him with a smile of her own.

She was getting tired, but she used the last of her energy to speak to him "Dr. Facilier, you don't know how much it means to me when you saved me earlier...I never expected anypony other than my friends to help me whenever I was in trouble, but you really have proven that you're one of the best stallions any mare could ask for." She trotted closer "Thank you very much for being with me, Dr. Facilier...I love you..." Fluttershy took the moment to lean into the Shadowcolt's face and gave him a passionate kiss.

The doctor couldn't bear the feeling that the timid mare put into her kiss, but returned it wholesale when it was presented to him. It lasted for one minute, and then they broke away as Fluttershy looked up at Dr. Facilier again before trotting over to her comfortable bed. He followed suit as fatigue began to set in through his body. Using his magic, he took off his clothes and neatly folded them, placing them next to Fluttershy's Gala dress on the dresser. The doctor then climbed into bed and tucked herself in along with his marefriend.

He heard Fluttershy utter a quiet "Good night..." before drifting off into dreamland. While he was happy for her being able to dream, he had to face a slew of angry faces once he shuts his eyes. The Shadowcolt took a deep sigh and awaited his little chat with his 'friends' as he slowly began getting more tired.

Dr. Facilier opened his eyes and found himself in the same exact environment as his last dream, human form and all, and watched the dots under the glass floor rise to the surface and phase through to reveal his friends on the other side. The doctor could never be more right with how his friends have reacted to his display of affection, and looked around to see every mask surrounding him give massive scowls left and right. It became worse as the giant mask finally came into view, bearing his teeth as his eyes glowed. A deep growl was heard in the doctor's head, and he knew that the giant mask wasn't happy about his time with Fluttershy.

'You failed me yet again, Dr. Facilier...What do you have to say for yourself this time? Why do you choose to stray away from your real nature only to find solace in that little mare? Have you already forgotten our generous offer we have bestowed upon you?'

This was a lot to take in, knowing he was getting insulted by an angry mask, and he felt a twinge of outrage in himself as he realized the futility of changing himself to Equestria's liking even though he was a villain at heart. But with how long he had resided in his new world, it really has grown on him with what ups and downs it had to offer. He never expected himself to fall for Fluttershy, and that was mroe out of his character than anything he has ever done in the past.

But it didn't matter now, and he felt bulletproof upon declaring his affection for his loved one. He glared up at the mask with defiant anger and spread his arms out "Yeah? So what if I did!? Do ya think it was easy for me to try and get rid of her now!? Why haven't y'all asked me sooner if her soul actually meant that much t' ya!? If anything, ya wasted precious time playin' that damn song while I lived my new life!! I could've done it the moment I landed on that horse-ridden world, but y'all wanted t' take yer sweet little time an' wait! Well ya know what? Ya blew it, son! I love her!! Ya hear me!? I love her!! What do ya have t' say about that!?" He was catching his breath after venting his rage at his masters, glaring up at the mask and noticing it was unphased by his words.

Dr. Facilier thought he was about to get his ass handed to him, or have an earful of 'The Song' at a good volume, but all he got was the giant mask slowly narrowing his eyes and giving a deep hum.

'Touching...You really do have feelings for her, don't you? So sweet of you...However...

The Shadowman took one last deep breath as he recollected the air he lost in his rant.

'You should remember that ever since your pathetic display of emotions, you have no other alternative but to come back to us personally...To think someone like you could waste another opportunity presented to you on a plate could baffle even the most intelligent minds in existence...Remember, Dr. Facilier, that no matter where you are, no matter what you do, you are bound to us by contract from actions that you yourself have both committed and enjoyed...

The doctor was silent as he looked up at the mask, and slowly began to understand what he was saying. He continued speaking as Dr. Facilier lended his ears.

'You're a villain, Dr. Facilier...An conniving, sadistic, and unforgivable villain...And this world, this Equestria, is tearing you apart at the seams...Once you die, you'll only come back here and pay your dues in kind...You were lucky to be saved by that white winged unicorn, but even SHE knew of your deeds...It was nothing but a mistake to revive you, knowing you'll simply return from whence you came. While your affection towards that mare of yours is genuine, it's nothing more than an infected cyst in your body that shouldn't even exist...This world, and everyone inside of it, is trying to do the impossible and change who you really are, and even they fail to realize that it is a meaningless effort...'

Dr. Facilier was staring up at the mask, and after hearing his words, he looked down and realized that it was indeed becoming a futile struggle to try and learn the Magic of Friendship, knowing that he was beyond redemption. But he thought of Fluttershy, and his spirits lifted a little. He turned back up the large mask and spoke "Ya said that I can go back to ya by choice, right?" The mask nods slowly, and the doctor continued speaking "Well, I ain't goin' yet..."

Every mask surrounding him gave grunts and growls upon hearing his words, and the Shadowman ignored it as he stated his reason "Y'all are right about me...I don' have a prayer when it comes to bein' rid o' you guys after what I jus' did, but once again, ya shoulda jus' asked me sooner and it would've been easier for me. That girl Fluttershy, she really does give me joy an' pride, an' that's sayin' somethin' comin' from a shady con like me...I ain't gonna turn back time an' hope for th' best unless y'all have that kind o' power, but right now, Imma enjoy, or at least TRY to enjoy th' moments with my girl back in that world full o' technicolor ponies...If it gets borin', I'll give y'all a ring..."

The giant mask was silent and gave a low growl upon what he had heard. The Shadowman really was defiant this time, but it wasn't really bothering him too much. He gave a dark chuckle at his words.

'If I had hands, I would be clapping...At least you have come to terms with who you really are...But remember, this new life given to you by that Celestia would be forfeit with how much longer you choose to spend it living a lie...Farewell...'

The masks began spinning as the rotating sky began going faster. The glass floor below him began to crack away like before, and it eventually shattered as he fell into the darkness. This time, however, he didn't yell in fear. He had an expression that appeared stoic, but was tinted with a mixture of realization of what he had heard, and resolve for his affection.

Dr. Facilier was now given two choices: Try and learn the ways of friendship, knowing it would be all for nothing, or cast his new life away and go back to hell, leaving behind the only living being that he ever shared affection with. All he could do was think as the rest of his slumber became dreamless...

End of Chapter 33