• Published 21st Jan 2012
  • 10,479 Views, 471 Comments

Are You Ready? - Dirty Bit

Guess who's back from the other side...

  • ...

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Meeting the six

Dr. Facilier never thought he'd seen the day where not only there was another house made from a tree, but this one was hollowed out only to be filled to the brim with books and furniture. What made things more intriguing was how healthy the tree itself was. But his intrigue faded as he followed Fluttershy inside to find her second friend to introduce to him. Upon entering, he noticed a pile of books , some of which were floating in the ai-wait- Floating?? He couldn't believe his eyes as he noticed a couple of books being levitated in the air by some mysterious force. The only lead to this force was that it was a purplish pink color. Fluttershy then spoke "Twilight??" she was too quiet as there was no response. Fluttershy tried speaking again, but a little (emphasis on little) louder "Umm...Twilight??" Dr. Facilier was merely staring at his shadow and making movements to confirm that he lost his real friend while Fluttershy made futile attempts to call to the one named 'Twilight'.

While the two were distracted with their actions, what looked like a purple lizard on two legs walked in, munching on what appeared to be a good chunk of jade as if it were an apple, then noticed Fluttershy and the doctor "Hey Fluttershy-WHOA!" He almost dropped his half-eatened jade as he gazed upon the Shadowcolt, who turned to him the moment he yelled in surprise, only to flinch with widened eyes at the sight of the lizard, then the jade in his claws. What kind of messed up world is this? This also triggered the floating books to fall, and a lavender pony hopped from out of the pile "Spike!? What's wrong??" This was Dr. Facilier's first time seeing another pony who had a horn like him, and her cutie mark was a large star, with six smaller stars encircling it. His luck keeps getting better as he thought of what he could learn from this one in terms of using said horn. She turned to see Fluttershy smiling sheepishly at her "H-Hello, Twilight...I wanted you to meet someone...if that's okay with you..." The one called Spike could only watch in surprise "Wow! I never seen a zebra like this guy before!" The Shadowcolt responded to his comment in kind.

"The feeling's mutual with your sight!
What are you, man? This jus' ain't right!"

Spike, feeling offended that somepony didn't know about dragons, looked a little annoyed "Duh~! I'm a dragon!" He looked up at his horn and hat "I'm digging the hat! Although, I think Rarity could make a better one..." he then looked lovestruck as he was lost in thought, ignoring the Shadowcolt as quick as he acknowledged him. Dr. Facilier could not believe his eyes at the sight of a dragon, yet he expected more from this one. Perhaps he is just a hatchling, but he didn't want to mess with Spike either way, reading up on how dragons are quite the ferocious creatures no matter what their age. The one called Twilight could only sigh and shake her head at Spike's foolishness, but then perked up and acted polite as she trotted towards the doctor and introduced herself "Hello there! My name is Twilight Sparkle. Welcome to Ponyville!" Each name became more wierd to him by the minute, but he learned to live with it, knowing how much strange activity he had witnessed since coming here. It was better for him to go with the flow and waited for the right moment to set his developing plot into motion. He smiled at Twilight and introduced himself.

"The name's Dr. Facilier, and let me say
It's nice to meet you this fine day..."

Twilight smiled at him, then noticed his horn and gasped "Oh my gosh! A Zebracorn! This is amazing!" The doctor could only raise his eyebrow at the term she uttered. Zebracorn. It sounded as messed up as her name. He shook it off as she continued talking "Do you know any magic at all? What kind of magic are you most skilled in? Can you make potions?" Fearing she could possibly sound like the pink one earlier, he cut in with an idea.

"Actually, I've been travelin' an awful lot
Is it okay if I read some books or not?"

This only caused Twilight to beam at the Shadowcolt as if he were the most interesting pony in the world. She then took some steps back and welcomed him further into the library "I've never thought I'd see another pony who'd want to read any of these books! Help yourself to whatever piece of literature you feel like reading!" The Doctor nodded in approval as he looked around. He goes to pick out a book with his hooves, only to remember he had no fingers, causing him to grunt in defeat. Twilight could only tilt her head at his actions as he stared at the shelf of books and wondering how to get one of them down "Uhhh, everything alright there, Dr. Facilier?" He looked at Twilight and decided to ask for assistance after remembering the incredible levitation he had witnessed earlier.

"If it's not too much trouble, can you tell
If there's a book on levitation spells?"

Twilight nodded with a warm smile "Of course! Under the L section!" He nodded in gratitude and trotted over to the L section, only to be met with the trouble of trying to get it out. He never thought he would deal with a problem like this in his new life. Twilight rubbed the back of her head as she watched him, then turned to Spike, who was amazingly still in dreamland, thinking of the one called Rarity "Spike! Could you help Dr. Facilier with finding a book on Levitation spells while I take care of my mess?" Spike snapped out of his daydream and responded to Twilight with a mock salute "I'm on it!" he ran over to a wheeled ladder and slid across the shelves to the desired book he was looking for, pulling it out for him "Here you go!" Dr. Facilier could only stare at how he could be able to take the book, but gained confidence when having a thought 'If I can grab the hat on my head, I can damn well grab a book from a dragon.' he reached out a hoof, and was lucky enough to arch his limbs to hold the book in his grasp. He trotted to the desk with his three free legs as he had a hard time keeping the book still in his foreleg. He reached the counter and placed the book on the desk for Twilight to stamp. And, wouldn't he know it, he noticed her horn began to glow, and a stamp began to be coated in the same purplish pink glow he noticed earlier with the floating books. he could only stare at the horn, dumbfounded on the outside, but jittering with excitement on the inside 'So THAT'S how it works! Oh~, I'm beginning to like it here...' he grinned as he stared, only to have Twilight look at him in confusion "Ummm, Doctor? Your book?" He snapped out of his trance and then gladly took the book, ecstatic to read it and take the first step on his quest for power.

"Uh, yes, thank you, sorry 'bout that...
I'm more for thinking over simple chat."

He grinned sheepishly, but Twilight asked another question "Dr. Facilier, you, as a zebracorn could possibly use magic as well as me or my friends. Why haven't you used it earlier?" The doctor flinched, coming to the conclusion that using magic was the norm for unicorns and zebracorns alike. He thought up a lie and thought it up quick.

"I just needed a refresher to open my mind
My travel's left my head in a bind..."

Twilight felt sympathy for the Shadowcolt after hearing his words "I see...It must've been rough for you to cope for so long without knowledge. How long was your trip? Did you come all the way from Zebrica?" He was cornered. Any lie at this point could be as bad as his first encounter with life in this world. He could say his trip lasted for a very long time, but that's it. He didn't even know a place called Zebrica even existed. When he began to sweat, Fluttershy jumped in and saved him "Umm, Twilight, it probably isn't best to ask him so many questions like this...He HAS traveled a long way, and he only had a daisy salad..." He turned to the Shadowcolt with a smile "He just needs more time to collect himself..." He never thought he'd see the day where the most innocent lifeform he laid eyes upon would save him from his own set of lies. Twilight gave Fluttershy a determined glance, but then remembered Dr. Facilier's words and sighed "Sorry, I get too curious sometimes..." She gave an embarrassed smile. Fluttershy nods "Sometimes it's best to grind it to a halt." Twilight turned to Fluttershy "Huh?" She then looked away, blushing in embarrassment "W-Well...That's what Dr. Facilier said..." The doctor flinched, as Twilight showed an expression of faint suspicion at him. He felt like he was back to Square one with his words, until another visitor came to the door. "Hello~? Twilight?" A voice called, sounding as if the daughter of a corporate bigwig decided to stumble upon the library out of boredom. Whatever it was, it saved him from Twilight's thoughts about him as she turned and acknowledged the one who called "Rarity? Nice to see you again." She said with a smile, making Dr. Facilier want to turn and see who exactly spoke.

It was another unicorn, only this one had a coat of pure ivory. She had a purple and curly, yet stylish mane, and her cutie mark was three diamonds. She trotted over and levitated a book onto Twilight's check desk "Oh, the feeling's mutual, darling! I just wanted to return this book so I won't forget while placing my orde-WAHAHA~!" She trotted back a bit, startled as she spotted Dr. Facilier, who could only chuckle at her. He wasn't aware that Spike was staring lovingly at her and waving at her "Hey, Rarity!" He had the feeling that this particulat pony might be a rich one, and decided to make his move at charming her. Forgetting the book he rented, he trotted over and gave a small bow.

"How's it goin'? Rarity, right?
I must say that you're quite the sight..."

Rarity could only giggle at the compliment she had been met with as she looked at the doctor. She looked into his eyes, that were as purple as her mane, then looked upon his hat and gasp in distaste "My stars!" The doctor raised an eyebrow at her, only to hear her continue "Your hat! It's so...tacky!" He could only pause as he couldn't find a way to dignify what she just said with a response. The Shadowcolt doesn't take kindly to those who would just simply insult his attire, but he had to hold off his anger if he were to make it in this town (And escape a certain haunting melody). She continued debunking his hat "Who in Equestria would want to go around wearing a tophat with a skull and crossbones on it!? Other than donning it as a festivity on Nightmare Night, it's not right at all! Did you make this yourself??" Every word only agitated Dr. Facilier even further, only to hear a familiar voice at his side "Rarity...You shouldn't really insult him so much like that...I mean...umm, look at his cutie mark..." Rarity, upon hearing Fluttershy's words, did exactly that, and noticed how it matched his hat "Hm...Yes, well, it does match his hat indeed..." She turns to face the doctor and took a bow with a smile "My apologies, darling. I was caught off-guard with how you wore that hat! Appearance is everything, yes? Oh, where are my manners? Hello. Yes, my name is Rarity. And you are??" She held out her hoof for a possible hoofshake as Dr. Facilier dismissed all previous thoughts of anger and grinned as he made his introduction.

"The name you want is Dr. Facilier...
And to you, girl...Enchanté."

He gently took Rarity's hoof, but instead of shaking it, he gave the tip of her hoof a small peck of his lips, causing Rarity to draw it back in surprise and captivation "My, my~! Aren't you a gentlecolt!" She said with a giggle as she smiled at him and batted her eyelashes at him. Unbeknownst to the doctor while he grinned at her, Spike was glaring daggers as he snorted smoke from his nostrils. But then something hit his head as he noticed Twilight staring down at him with a stern expression that warned him not to get jealous again. Spike sighed as he watched the two unicorns exchange banter, but could only feel jealousy for how Dr. Facilier could get her to look at him like that. Fluttershy could only wonder why he would act that way around mares and enjoy it, but could only dismiss the thought as she remembered their mission "Umm, Dr. Facilier? Why don't we go meet my other friends?" Twilight turned to Fluttershy with a deadpan expression "Did he run into Pinkie?" She looked down "Yes..." Twilight sighed, but then smiled "Well, you might want to introduce him to everypony else quick. You know how Pinkie doesn't like the guest of honor at one of her parties showing up late!" Fluttershy perked up and nodded as she trotted to the doctor with a smile "Dr. Facilier, we should introduce you to Applejack. I'm sure she'll like you." The Shadowcolt, after his little reverie with Rarity, turned to Fluttershy and nodded.

"I've done my business, so lead the way
This place is not too bad, I say..."

The two said their goodbyes as they trotted out of the library, but Dr. Facilier could be seen struggling to carrying the book while maintaining balance, only for Fluttershy to carry the book for him. Twilight could only watch him leave "He's a very strange pony, but he's nice nonetheless." Rarity watched as well with a smile "Oh, I'll say! If only he could model for me if I had new ideas for clothes. He really is quite the gentlecolt!" Spike could only grumble quietly as he went upstairs and slammed the door. The two looked up "What's with Spikey?" Rarity said, while Twilight responded "Oh, you know how he is..." She turned to Rarity and asked "I wonder...Has that stallion met Zecora yet?"

End of Chapter 4