• Published 21st Jan 2012
  • 10,479 Views, 471 Comments

Are You Ready? - Dirty Bit

Guess who's back from the other side...

  • ...

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Are You Ready?

Dr. Facilier was on the train back to Ponyville after he had a good breakfast at the castle, though he couldn't think straight with the strange nightmare he had last night. Both the princesses wished him well after he departed, but even they were oblivious to the fact that the Shadowcolt was dealing with a problem bigger than his 'friends'.


He never realized that what could be considered the REAL him would be lingering as a small part of his mind that won't go away after being constantly repressed with how much time he had spent with the element bearers. He wanted to doubt it continuously to give himself the strength to change his heart for the better, but what was left of his past essence just wouldn't leave him alone. How could something so proposterous seem so real when he rested last night? And what hope would he have of actually changing if his inner self along with his 'friends' said that it couldn't be done?

To be fair, Celestia bargained with his 'friends' to grant him freedom were he to actually turn away from his past actions forever. While the terms sounded extreme, it would seem like an easy feat if it were possible for him to do so. Was he perhaps selfish in urging the Princess into pulling some strings and helping him out? Grunting in frustration, the Shadowcolt gritted his teeth and rubbed his temples so he could calm himself down. His shadow stared up with at its master with a crooked frown with how flustered he was and swooped over to his side. It patted him on the back with a foreleg while the doctor took a deep breath.

"I can't let this bother me, not one bit...
Gotta think o' somethin' other than this crazy shit..."

And while the change was hard, taking his mind off of it was as easy as pie. There was only one thing that could set his own mind at peace no problem, and she was waiting for him back at Ponyville with open forelegs. He smiled and took another deep breath as images of Fluttershy danced in his mind. With how long his trip was back to Ponyville, it would seem that his vision of the timid mare was the only thing to hold him over for the time being. The idea even helped him doze off into a small nap. There wasn't much else to do for Dr. Facilier to entertain himself other than talking to his shadow, and he did not feel like conversing with something that wanted his marefriend dead.

It was already late in the evening when he arrived back in town. Who knew how long these train rides usually last from place to place? Nevertheless, he already awaited to see that beautiful face with pink hair the moment he departed from his cart. He noticed the town was almost deserted, and saw that nearly everypony retired to their homes for a good night's sleep. The Shadowcolt shrugged it off and decided to make his way towards Fluttershy's cottage. He trotted by the doll shop he usually goes to and noticed that their windows gave off good reflections. Dr. Facilier stopped for a moment when he saw himself.

Normally, he would admire his own reflection like a chauvinist or a narcissist, but instead he stared blankly at it. He took in the form presented to him as it stared back with the same expression and began to contemplate his troubles once more. At that moment, his reflection eerily changed into his human form, which donned an evil grin on his face. This made the Shadowcolt yelp and jump away as he caught his breath. He then noticed that the reflection was mimicking his own movement once more, and the doctor sighed at himself 'This is all startin' t' get creepy...An' I specialize in that sorta thing...' The doctor looked down and saw his shadow give a crooked smile, and he only glared back

"Why're y'all so happy while I'm feelin' like this?
Ya plan on explainin' somethin' I've missed?"

The shadow shifted its muzzle into a frown after hearing its master snap, but it smiled again as it swooped onto the shop's wall and materialized into its old human form and danced a little. It wanted to remind Dr. Facilier of his past, save for his demise, and remind him how fun it was to cause all sorts of mischief with no holds barred. The doctor stared at his shadow dancing and felt a wave of nostalgia, but quickly caught himself and shook his head rapidly.

"I don't need this right now! I'm through with all that!"
The day I leave is when my hope's squashed flat!"

He saw the shadow in a slumping position and it materialized into its pony form once more as it frowned at Dr. Facilier. The doctor was right on one thing: It was as if his shadow was the only thing left of himself that was evil. He considered his inner essence to be an obstacle, but he wondered if it was best to get rid of the shadow to remind himself that he needed to change. He gave his shady friend a stern glare and pointed his horn at the wall. His shadow jumped when the Shadowcolt's horn began to glow and it shivered as it feebly covered itself with its forelegs. He wanted to steel himself for this moment, but then he looked at his shady friend while it resembled a cowering child about to be killed. While the magic on his horn was still glowing, he continued to stare at his shadow and could not help but feel sad about what he was about to do.

Dr. Facilier's shadow was technically his first friend other than the ones he bargained with in the past. It stuck with him every step of the way in his life, even to the point where they were both dragged into hell. It was a part of himself that he cared for the most, and to throw away something so loyal and helpful to him would be insane. Dr. Facilier gave a sad look at his shadow and the glow from his horn faded as he gave a sigh.

"That's like killin' myself right then an' there,
But I can't let this predicament bring me despair!"

The Shadowcolt felt as if he were at a loss with himself with how something so easy as to changing could be so stressful with how his past comes back to haunt him like this. And yet the small part of him embraced it not too long ago and enjoyed that split second of chaos caused by his shadow. He bared his teeth and wanted to kick himself for letting his shadow catch him off-guard with something like that. It felt worse to realize that even HE said that it wasn't worth the effort.

"This is all so hard, havin' t' change my ways!
Why does it have t' put me in a daze!?"

He growled in frustration, and the frustration turned into anger. And with his anger, 'The Song' came back and graced his ears with its haunting melody. He then widened his eyes and gave a shriek as he darted his head around his area. The Shadowcolt was sweating bullets as the melody faded out of earshot, and his shadow smiled at its master's reaction. His anger, while being a common trait among himself and others, was a good indication that a shred of his former self was still there.

Dr. Facilier shook himself off and wiped a hoof across his forehead as he continued his trek to the cottage. All he needed was a nap and he can forget about his troubles for the time being. He can easily find solace in Fluttershy no matter what problem would come his way. It was like he had thought when he first met her: She was the only thing that could possibly keep him from doing anything bad. He pictured her glorious image in his mind and he calmed down as he trotted across town. His shadow only frowned at the Shadowcolt's futile persistence.

He noticed the cottage coming into view, but then he set his sights towards the Everfree Forest for a moment. To think that Dr. Facilier would ever wake up in a place like that and make contact with somepony that did not want anything to do with him was already becoming a treasured memory. Shaking his head, he turned and made his way across the bridge leading to the cottage.

The Shadowcolt reached the door and slowly opened it with his magic only to have it be slammed shut again. The doctor flinched and wondered why this happened as he opened the door again. He was then met with another slam and scowled at this happening, but then his ears perked up as he heard a voice from the other side. The door opened once more to show Fluttershy with a questioning glance, which quickly shifted into a brightened smiled as she leaped forward and gave Dr. Facilier a hug "Oh, it's so good to see you again, Dr. Facilier! I've missed you so much!" The couple shared a nuzzle and the doctor enjoyed each second with how warm the timid mare felt.

"I'm glad t' be back with you, buttercup...
But about your door...Mind tellin' me what's up?"

Fluttershy broke the embrace and gave an embarrased blush "Oh...that was only Angel..." The two looked to see the rabbit hop away with the same angry look on his face, and the timid mare turned back to her coltfriend "He doesn't seem too happy about you coming back for some reason, but I'm sure he'll be fine tomorrow. You must be tired after waiting so long on the trip back from Canterlot. Why don't you grab yourself a quick snack and move off to bed? I've decided to go out and grab some chimicherrychangas..." The Shadowcolt raised an eyebrow at this and the timid mare giggled "It's something Pinkie decided to make while she was bored. She felt like getting creative, so she decided to make a chimichanga full of cherries, which is a chimicherrychanga..." She gave an embarrased grin. Dr. Facilier chuckled and spoke.

"Haven't had much since breakfast. I can eat.
And a nap'll make my day complete..."

The timid mare smiled and gave Dr. Facilier a kiss on the cheek before letting him inside the cottage so he could enjoy a small meal before heading to bed. He had to admit, although he didn't like Pinkie, her treats are not bad at all. He couldn't exactly fathom where she had the idea to wrap cherries in a tortilla, but it was good nonetheless.

After his snack, Dr. Facilier and Fluttershy retired into the bedroom to enjoy some sleep. They shared a small kiss and said good night to each other before they rested their heads on the soft pillows. It was easy for the timid mare to fall asleep like always while the Shadowcolt stared at the moon shining outside the window wide awake. He was happy to return to both Ponyville and Fluttershy, but the conflict inside of his mind ceased to recede. The Shadowcolt tossed and turned in hopes of at least bringing himself to rest only to wake himself up even more 'Dammit all...What'll it take for me t' get a good night's sleep on a daily basis?'. He gave a quiet grunt as he scooted himself off the bed and stood on his four hooves, then looked down at his shadow to see that it was giving its master a crooked smile. For what reason could his shady friend be so happy at this late hour?

Perhaps it was best to go for a little stroll to wear himself out before having to go back to bed. Dr. Facilier carefully tiptoed out of the room and down the stairs and made his way towards the front door. He opened it slowly and shut once he was outside on the front porch while the night's wind blew across his body and gave the Shadowcolt a minor chill. After he gave the moon above him another customary glance, Dr. Facilier began his walk as his shadow followed his pace with the same crooked smile.

He took the time to wander around town, and even stopped to glance at the newly refurbished nightclub where he and Fluttershy shared both a dance and major trouble. Though it was tempting, he did not feel like gracing the reconstructed establishment with his presence. He was in no mood to dance nor see Vinyl Scratch play more abhorrent music, even if she did managed to play a decent song for him and his marefriend. The Shadowcolt trotted away and continued his little stroll in Ponyville.

It was surprising to see that he had energy left to spare, and Dr. Facilier already did a rundown of Ponyville left and right. His last stop was a place that he had not seen for the longest time in his life.

A Graveyard.

Dr. Facilier trotted along the dirt path and passed every tombstone, pedestal, and statue that marked the locations of where each body was buried. He passed a strange one that said 'Here Lies Scout' There was more to it, but he didn't feel like reading it. The place was scary at one point with its ominous atmosphere, yet at the same time the Shadowcolt felt a small welcoming sensation from every step he took while walking around the graveyard. The sensation then left as quick as it came when Dr. Facilier saw a large tombstone with a face sticking out of it. He yelled and jumped back away from the large landmark as he stared at it with widened eyes.

For a moment, he thought he saw himself with that same scared expression and the name to go with it, but he only saw a blank face of a departed pony carved into the stone with the name 'Apple Core' in bold writing sitting underneath its chin. It would appear that he ran into one of Applejack's ancestors, and Dr. Facilier gave a sigh of relief as he picked himself up and brushed off his suit. It was as if his mind were playing tricks on him for the hell of it. But then again, he is still under the debt of his 'friends' and is currently in the middle of a bet made by them and Celestia. He looked down to see the shadow showing the same crooked smile as it did before. Why was his shady friend smiling like this??

He shook his head and felt like going back to the cottage as he trotted away. When Fluttershy's cottage came into sight, he turned and looked at the Everfree Forest sitting next to it. Dr. Facilier wondered if it was a proper motive to do the impossible and ask for advice from Zecora, even though the two cannot stand one another. He gave an annoyed groan at his suggestion and rubbed his temples with a hoof. Why would he bother asking someone he hates for help? At the moment he thought about this, he perked himself up and pondered about the possibilities 'This IS about changin' myself completely...and sometimes I jus' gotta turn to th' last thing I'd want to help me if I'm gonna need it real badly. It wouldn't hurt to actually trouble that mare int' helpin' me out a little...right?'

It was a longshot, but a trip to Zecora's could help Dr. Facilier set his mind on the right path, even if he did hate her. He trotted away from the cottage and made for the forest's entrance. It was a blast from the past with how uninviting the Everfree forest was to him and the sounds of creatures growling was enough to put him in a state of unrest 'Yep...Jus' like ol' times...that's jus' dandy...'. He trotted faster and darted his eyes left and right as he moved forward and began to sweat bullets. A faint sound of familiar laughter was heard in his head and it caused him to break into a gallop when it grew in volume. Was his mind really playing tricks on him like this?

Before long, Zecora's hut come into view and his paranoia left him as the voices hushed themselves. He gave a sigh of relief and galloped with renewed vigor as he reached her front door. He examined himself and wiped the sweat off of his brow, straightened his hat, and dusted his suit before rapping on the door. Now it was time for him to face the zebra mare and be met with hateful verses and a piercing glare, but if she manages to give him the information he desires, Dr .Facilier would be a happy colt. He looked down for a moment and saw that his shadow was still smiling. Ever since the time at the doll shop, all his shady friend has done was show that same crooked smile. Was it hiding something?? He heard the door open as he turned his head to see Zecora, who rubbed her tired eyes. When the zebra mare got a good glance of who was at her door, Dr. Facilier gave a serious glance while she only glared back.

"Look, I know this is a bad time t' talk this late,
But there's a very good reason that involves my fate...
I jus' want some tips t' change my ways
So I can live happy an' free for th' rest o' my days."

Zecora snorted at the Shadowcolt's words. She felt as if there was some kind of ulterior motive to the doctor visiting her doorstep this late at night. It was not good to have her disturbed from her rest by this one for a reason so direct and improper with how he made it sound.

"You? Come to me for advice on redemption?
For a life that promises certain exemption?
You must be certainly deranged
To forget that some things never change!"

Dr. Facilier held out his hooves in a halting motion so he could speak his mind in a dignified manner. At one point, she had every right to doubt him with how they have traded blows ever since they met, but he had to get his point across if he were to get the help he needs. He was flustered with what he had dealt with tonight.

"Hear me out, girl! I'm serious here!
This whole ordeal's dun' filled me with fear!
All I want is some guidance an' stuff
So my path t' change won't be so rough!"

Zecora shook her head at this. Even if he was telling the truth, she was already offering some advice to him. Change is good, and it's hard for anypony to go through with it, but there are some things in the world - living or no - that never change. She could not figure out why he was acting this way when she felt a small part of the Shadowcolt acting the same as he had when they first met, but the zebra mare was not about to have him pull a fast one on her.

"I've given you enough! If you haven't heard,
Your wish for change is most absurd!
No matter where you go, be it near or far,
You cannot run from who you are!"

Inconceivable. Just inconceivable. Even his own enemy said that there was no hope in starting a new life with a clean slate. There has to be some other way to get out of both the twisted game the powers that be are playing and his accursed debt. Dr. Facilier's lips trembled, and he barely let his breath escape from his mouth with what he had heard. He could not stop now. Not when there could be a possibility to grant him the freedom he desired. The Shadowcolt gritted his teeth as he clenched his eyes shut and growled in frustration. After that, he slowly opened them to reveal a piercing glare that rivaled, if not almost exceeded Zecora's. 'The Song' began to play in his head as he pointed a hoof and spoke.

"I can get outta all this, jus' wait an' see!!
Y'all will be sorry t' have messed with me!
I'm capable of all sorts o' tricks an' th' like!
I could even skewer your head on a PIKE!"

The Shadowcolt paused after his last sentence and held a blank stare as he pointed a hoof at Zecora, who was unphased by his venting. The Song left his mind, but sweat poured from the doctor's head as he remained motionless and silent, not comprehending what he had just done. The zebra mare did not have anything else to say as she scoffed and slammed the door on Dr. Facilier.

He stood for what felt like an eternity, but then Dr. Facilier trotted off at a neutral pace back to Fluttershy's cottage. He had a look of shame on his face, and he looked down once more to see his shadow with the same expression as before. The Shadowcolt stopped for a moment and stared back, his own expression beginning to sour. It was as if his shady friend was taunting him with that crooked smile, and he trembled in a mixture of anger, confusion, and frustration as he reared onto his hind legs and bared his teeth "Stop...MOCKING ME!!" He slammed his forelegs on the ground as his voice echoed in the forest. Another time that he didn't rhyme, but he didn't care. He was ready to drop with how he was feeling; Having to hold so many emotions at once, to face what could be a horrible epiphany, and wanting to go back to bed and just forget it all. He gave strained breaths as sweat poured from his head like rain, and his shadow remained unchanged.

Dr. Facilier hung his head and trudged out of the forest. He counted himself lucky that no creature felt like pouncing on him in his weakened state once he reached the entrance. Thankfully, it wasn't long once he finally approached the porch looking like a total mess. His suit was dampened and wrinkled from his little stroll, and both his mane and tail were in no better condition either. He carefully opened the door and mustered the strength to levitate the clothes off of his body with his magic and set them on the sofa. Tiredness was beginning to set in on the Shadowcolt as he trudged his way upstairs back into the bedroom where his marefriend was still sound asleep. He envied Fluttershy so much with how peaceful she was on her bed, her muzzled dempered into her pillow.

The Shadowcolt managed to show a small smile upon seeing the timid mare in her state of slumber, and he made his way towards his side of the bed. He gently laid onto it, and he covered himself up and managed to fall asleep. Things like this were easy for Dr. Facilier, and he wouldn't have it any other way. All it took was a simple glance at Fluttershy to make him forget about his troubles. While he was asleep, his shadow only widened its smile while its master slept peacefully. Something was not right with how the Shadowcolt's loyal friend is acting.

Will Dr. Facilier be ready for tomorrow?

End of Chapter 39