• Published 21st Jan 2012
  • 10,477 Views, 471 Comments

Are You Ready? - Dirty Bit

Guess who's back from the other side...

  • ...

Chapter 36

Chapter 36


Dr. Facilier was trotting in a field with Fluttershy, enjoying a good day off from working at the clinic. He gave the fresh air a good whiff and exhaled with relaxed joy as he moved with his marefriend side-by-side and examined the amazing scenery in front of them. His shadow was frowning the whole step of the way, loathe to believe its master couldn't just kill her soon enough.

Fluttershy giggled and galloped further along the given trail and Dr. Facilier chuckled as he decided to give chase. It started out slow with the two of them running, but the timid mare began to pick up her speed as if she were in a race. This confused the Shadowcolt, but it didn't matter as he tried to catch up with her.

It became shocking to the doctor now, seeing as how Fluttershy was galloping faster and moving out of his sight. He never expected her to run this fast like this, but he didn't want to lose to her like this. Once the timid mare was out of sight, he summoned the strength to move faster and carried on with the wind blowing in his face.

The Shadowcolt ran for what seemed to be three minutes until he noticed the trail began to dissipate into the fresh green grass on the fields. At that moment, he lost all of his energy from the run and stopped to catch his breath 'There's no way that mare can run that fast! She ain't even the athletic type!' He wiped the sweat off his brow with a hoof as he shut his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he spotted Fluttershy standing a small distance from him with her entire body turned away from the doctor.

Dr. Facilier tilted his head and wondered what Fluttershy could possibly be staring at up ahead as he trotted towards her with his regained energy. He stopped just behind the timid mare, thinking he got her attention from his arrival and tried looking forward past her to see nothing but more grass and blue skies. The Shadowcolt raised an eyebrow and then spoke to Fluttershy in question.

"Hey, Fluttershy, mind tellin' me
Exactly what I'm supposed t' see?"

He waited for a response, but all he got was silence from the timid mare as her head was still turned away from the doctor. This was new to him. Normally she would be quick to reply to the Shadowcolt in a hearbeat, but the timid mare stood still and did not acknowledhe him. Slightly confused, he spoke again.

"Y'all alright, darlin'? Why won't ya talk?
Earlier you wanted to run, rather than walk."

Still no response. This was beginning to get wierd for Dr. Facilier to engage in a lovely chase with his marefriend only to find her stop and stand like a statue, staring at something ahead that he cannot see. He wanted to trot to her face and speak with her, but he felt it better to try and get her to move with his words once again. After all, third time's the charm, right?

"Flutters, you're givin' me some bad unease.
Would ya jus' turn around an' talk t' me, please?"

The Shadowcolt was met with the same results once more, irritating him a little to think that his own loving marefriend would ignore him like this. But it didn't last long as a hissing voice that grew slowly in volume made the doctor's ears perk up. He looked left and right, then down to his shadow, who showed a crooked smile and began to vanish in a mist.

When the hissing voice was at a good volume, he looked back up to see Fluttershy in the same position. Was she paralyzed because there was a giant snake or lizard nearby? No, then she would take care of it easily. She owned plenty of them at her home. Wanting some answers, he raised a hoof out to Fluttershy to tap her on the shoulder, only to have her turn her head back to the doctor and make him scream and jump back.

He expected to see the face of his marefriend, but instead, her face was covered completely by a miniature version of the large mask grinning his teeth "Peek-a-boo..." His and Fluttershy's voice were mixed as they spoke, and the mare turned her body to face Dr. Facilier, who was shaking out of his wits to see this happening.

Dr. Facilier began backing away as the masked Fluttershy slowly advanced on him, shuddering in fear as he stared at the mask's glowing eyes. This made the mask grin wider "What's the matter, doctor? Am I not too pretty for you anymore?" She spoke in a sadistic and mock-saddened tone "Don't you wanna hold me and love me forever and ever for the rest of your pathetic life?" The more she advanced, the more the doctor backed away as he began to sweat bullets.

Soon, the two stopped as the masked mare sighed "You're right...Maybe I should change my look..." She began to laugh as her body, along with the scenery around the two ponies began to melt like fast-burning candles. Soon the multi-colored slime seeped through the floor to reveal the same old dream environment Dr. Facilier stayed in for the past two days. The Shadowcolt was on his haunches as he watched the vibrant scenery vanish, and shrieked as his marefriend's body was lost as well, leaving only the small mask floating in the air.

The mask then quickly grew larger in size and leered down at the doctor with glowing green eyes as the grin on his face left, then opened his maw and gave a loud roar, launching out several dark glowing dots in a circle to reveal smaller masks leering at the doctor. Dr. Facilier looked around, and then back up at the giant mask, who gave a satisfied sigh and spoke in his regular voice.

'Much better...It was fun to torture you, but I just couldn't stand being in that impudent body you so happen to love so much...'

This made Dr. Facilier glare at the mask with anger. Normally, he would cower at his sight, but he wouldn't let someone like his own master insult something that he cared about aside from his shadow. The mask then gave a disgusted scoff.

'Then again, when I look at you like this, it's hard to take you seriously...Here, let me help you...'

The mask then opened his maw for a large inhale, and then blew out a green mist that surrounded the Shadowcolt and instantly turned him into his human form. The doctor found himself sitting on his behind rather than on his haunches like before, and he examined himself quickly before going back to glare at his master.

'There we are...a much acceptable form for you, even if you're still an eyesore...Now, about your day...Did you learn anything 'friendly' from your little herd of cattle?? If anything, your shady partner isn't too happy with your latest screw up in the past...'

Dr. Facilier got up on his feet and dusted himself before crossing his arms and looking up at the mask "My partner can get jus' get over it! Y'all already got the memo earlier! An' like I said, If ya had the power to turn back time, I'm waitin' right here! Why do ya wanna bother talkin' to me, knowin' damn well I made up my mind!?" He never thought he could be able to talk down on his own master in a fit of rage, but it proved to be meaningless with how it wasn't affecting the mask.

'Because even we need to be rid of our boredom, doctor...And soon enough, you'll grow bored of your new life. Tell me...when was the last time you've done anything exciting ever since we've last spoken??'

This was a good question. Ever since yesterday, Dr. Facilier felt like he was losing his touch at villainy. But in hindsight, he wanted to learn the Magic of Friendship beforehand so he could be rid of his 'friends' and still keep his villainy. But the longer he stayed with Fluttershy and her friends, the more different he became "Th-...That's not importa-"

'Oh, please, doctor...Even WE can notice that you haven't even used a single one of your 'special' potions on any of the town's residents...That's utterly disappointing, if I do say so myself. Aside from a few small crimes, this world is taking away your true essence and passion...Do you still see yourself with these multicolored nuisances knowing you're future is grim? Are you that much of a moron, or are you just trying to fill yourself with false hope?? If it's the latter, I give it two months tops...'

Dr. Facilier pointed a finger and went to go rebuttal, but then drew it back when he was reminded of the futility of his new life's prosperity. He just had to remember that no matter what he'll do, the doctor will end up back in hell. He felt defeated, until he perked up at a thought "Celestia!" the mask gave a questioning grunt "Princess Celestia! Th' same mare that pulled me outta my little bind! If she can take me away from hell, she can keep me away from it completely!" He grinned with joy, finding solace in his new idea on contacting the sun goddess herself to see if there was a way to sort things out. The mask only scoffed at his words.

'You honestly think that Celestia would have that kind of power? To simply cut the binds you yourself have made with us? Don't make me laugh, doctor...I'd expect you to ponder this situation of yours more critically...But then I'd be giving you too much credit...'

The Shadowman scowled at his master and pointed a finger once more "Jus' you wait an' see, big man! I know that princess can get me outta this whole thing, an' I won't have t' see your face again even IF I die! I already have enough of a good time with my girl, and if Celestia happens to work her magic, then I'm already th' luckiest man alive!" He flashed a smug smirk on his face, confident on Celestia's abilities in helping him out, but his smirk faded as the giant mask began to chuckle.

'You really do know how to entertain us, doctor...Even if it involves your incessant jabbering. I won't even have to tell you what she'll say once you reach her...'

Dr. Facilier raised an eyebrow at his master "The hell's that supposed t' mean? Am I missin' something, or are y'all jus' messin' with me like always?" The mask only grinned at this.

'I'll follow the Pink one's example and not spoil it for you...This audience is over. Your words only fuel me with excitement on your failure in trying to make a new life for yourself. Have fun, doctor...and remember...we'll be waiting for you...'

The mask's laughter echoed into silence as the environment began to crumble into darkness.

Dr. Facilier woke back up in his pony form once more and noticed that it was morning as the sunlight peered through the window. He sighed in irritation upon having to deal with his 'friends' tormenting him on his troubles within himself, but his irritation left as quick as it came as he heard Fluttershy stir from her slumber.

He turned to watch her wake up with the cutest yawn, and then gave a tired smile to the Shadowcolt after opening her eyes "Good morning, Dr. Facilier...did you sleep well last night??" Just her presence alone was all he needed to forget about his troubles and smile once more, but then he remembered what he had to do today. He stretched his limbs and replied to his marefriend.

"I slept like a baby, thanks for askin' me.
Wakin' up next t' ya, I feel great as can be..."

Fluttershy giggled at his rhyme and gave him a soft nuzzle before hopping out of bed "I better go tend to the animals. I'll make you something to eat once I'm done outside. You might want to get ready for another long day at work, Dr. Facilier." The Shadowcolt nodded in response as he hopped out of bed himself and trotted down the stairs with the timid mare.

The two reached the living room and parted ways as Fluttershy went out the front door to the animals in her yard while Dr. Facilier trotted to his work desk and checked his inventory once more. As always, he separated his good potions with his bad ones and took the time to check out his collection of crafted dolls. Turning back to his bad potions, he wondered if he should just get rid of him knowing how right the mask was. He hasn't even used on on Vinyl Scratch yet, and he still despises her music. The Shadowcolt gave a sigh at this thought, but he dismissed it knowing who to talk to about his problem.

A half hour later, Dr. Facilier and Fluttershy enjoyed some toast and jam before the doctor trotted out for another day of work. He looked up at the sky to see it look like the exact opposite of yesterday, showing the sun shining brightly in the sky. Meanwhile, his shadow was still pouting about what its master had said last night, and wondered if there could be a possible way to coerce him into getting back into his groove. When they reached the clinic, they punched in their timecard and began their daily shift.

Business was slow in the clinic, and the Shadowcolt hasn't even seen hide or hair of the cloaked pony that has constantly visited him 'Hm...Musta finally cured that mental truama o' hers...'. But despite the slow pace of appointments, the work day flew by like Rainbow Dash on a good day. When he noticed that the remaining repairs for the club were easily handled by a small group of volunteers, he was at ease knowing he wouldn't have to get involved. This was good for the doctor since he had a lot on his mind at the moment: His life, how he would live it, Fluttershy, and Celestia. Celestia! He remembered his task today as he decided to make a small detour to the library before going back to Fluttershy's cottage.

Once he reached the library, he made his way inside and spotted Twilight reading a book at the table containing a wooden bust of a unicorn's head. Dr. Facilier beamed at the thought of his well-laid plans of freedom being set into motion as he trotted over and caught the lavender bookworm's attention.

"Hey there, Twi! Good t' see ya today!
Can I ask y'all a favor, if I may?"

Twilight looked up at the Shadowcolt and smiled "Oh, hi there, Dr. Facilier! Of course I can help you! Do you need another book?? I can show you my latest shipment of fiction novels I know you'll enjoy!" She got up and trotted to the nearest bookcase and began sifting through each book. The doctor was unamused at the thought of Twilight assuming he wanted another book, but it was expected with how much she enjoyed reading. He trotted to her side and stopped her search with a hoof.

"It's not a new book I'm wantin', Twi.
Is your dragon Spike anywhere nearby?"

After his question, he heard a faint flushing sound, followed by the purple dragon coming out of the bathroom with a satisfied sigh. He then noticed Dr. Facilier and waved "Hey, Doc! How's it going?" The Shadowcolt beamed and quickly trotted up to Spike with a wide grin.

"Jus' th' dragon I wanted t' see!
I need you to send a letter for me!"

Spike scratched his head "What, did you learn something about the Magic of Friendship already? I never really expected you to learn so much since you're so busy working all the time. Well, do you have it written yet? I can send it to Celestia in a giffy!" Dr. Facilier shook his head in response to his second question and then turned to Twilight with a smile.

"I'll need t' borrow a parchment an' quill.
Also some privacy, if ya will?"

Twilight raised an eyebrow at his last request, wondering why he was acting so shady about writing a letter to the princess "Is there something you're not telling me, Dr. Facilier? Why do you want privacy for a letter to the princess?" Twilight then smiled "I'd love to hear about a lesson you've discovered today!" The Shadowcolt sighed inwardly at his predicament and wanted to beg for his request of privacy, but he knew that the lavender bookworm was all too eager to hear about how her 'student' came to learn another lesson on friendship today. Looks like he'll have to make up a lesson if he was going to send his letter without a hitch. When Twilight levitated the desired items to Dr. Facilier, he got started as he jotted down his letter and spoke out loud for her and Spike to hear:

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today, I learned that sometimes you should turn to the ones you hold dear in your time of need.

When there are certain dangers in your life that choose to torment you while you're enjoying yourself, it's not the right decision to face them alone, especially if the situation's beyond your hooves.

I could never ask for a better teacher like Twilight Sparkle to help guide me on the road to friendship as I enjoy my life in Ponyville, even if my learning pace can be slow and steady sometimes.

In conclusion, I should know better than to forget that I am not alone in this world, and that I have friends who I can rely on for even the most arduous problems presented to me.

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Facilier

P.S: Can we talk at your place, please?

The Shadowcolt quickly scribbled in his last sentence without speaking it and rolled up the scroll as he presented it to Spike. The purple dragon then took the scroll in his claws and blew a stream of green fire that sent the note away to Canterlot. Dr. Facilier sighed to know that his letter went along smoothly and went to go thank Twilight until she spoke to him "Well done on your newest letter, Dr. Facilier! I'm flattered that you think so highly of me as your teacher!" She giggled, and the doctor played along with a smile. He then spoke to the lavender bookworm.

"Thank ya kindly for your help, miss.
I jus' hope my letter's good for the princ-"

Suddenly, Spike's cheeks puffed up as he held his mouth, and then gave a loud belch as green fire poured from his mouth and revealed a wrapped scroll from the disappearing flames. Dr. Facilier was surprised to see this for the first time, and then noticed Twilight picking up the scroll "Huh...I never expected the princess to reply so quickly like this." She levitates the scroll to the Shadowcolt "I'll bet she's thrilled about your discovery as much as I am!" Ignoring the fact on how naive Twilight was, he took the scroll with his magic and unfurled it to reveal the message.

Dr. Facilier,
I see that you have made yet another endeavour in your lessons on the Magic of Friendship. Once again, you have made me proud as a ruler.

To hear you speak so highly of my faithful student reminds me of how much she thinks of me during her everyday life, and it's so hard to imagine you as a second Twilight when I already imagine you as a second Pinkie.

Aside from your lesson, I would be delighted to have you come to my castle for an audience. It would be nice to hear from your experiences personally.

I shall wait for your arrival tomorrow, and I look forward to our little meeting.

Princess Celestia.

Twilight peeked at the letter and smiled "She's inviting you to the castle? This is wonderful! You'll get to talk more with Princess Celestia and possibly learn more about frienship with her help!" While Twilight was thinking about the doctor's lesson plan, Dr. Facilier was thinking about Celestia granting him the proper freedom he desires and smiled to himself just thinking about it. Snapping out of his thoughts, he turned to Twilight and thanked her for her help before leaving the library.

Later, when Dr. Facilier was back at the cottage, he shared the news to Fluttershy and she couldn't be more happier with what she had heard "Oh, that is so good to hear, Dr. Facilier! I wish I could go with you to Canterlot..." She paused, and then gasped at a thought "Oh dear! What will you do about work tomorrow??" The doctor chuckled and set the timid mare's mind at ease as he kissed her forehead.

"I'm sure Nurse Redheart wouldn't mind me skippin' a day.
This is the princess we're talkin' 'bout. Not much else t' say."

Fluttershy blushed a little and nodded "Oh, I guess you're right..." She looked up and smiled at the doctor "At least it's good to know that the princess is taking a liking to you and is impressed with what you have learned. I'll be sure to let Nurse Redheart know that you'll be going to Canterlot tomorrow to save you the trouble." She gave her coltfriend a nuzzle as he returned it himself.

"Thanks, baby doll, I appreciate it a lot.
I can't wait to head over t' Canterlot."

Fluttershy smiled and gave Dr. Facilier a small kiss on the lips before trotting into the kitchen "Could you help me get dinner ready please? I-I mean...I would appreciate it if you would help me. But whatever you want is fine..." The doctor didn't have much else to do, and he was full of energy knowing that he'll get some help from Celestia tomorrow. He trotted to his marefriend's side with a spring in his step and flashed a charming grin.

"Don't you worry your head, Fluttershy.
I'd be happy to help an' give cookin' a try."

Fluttershy smiled at this and the two trotted into the kitchen and prepared their meal. Dr. Facilier felt it was a good idea to go for daisy salad as a dinner since he hasn't had that in a while, and the two made it effectively in less than an hour. They enjoyed their meal and had a small conversation on the animals, much to Dr. Facilier's chargin on how he was aware that they hated him.

As nightfall hit, the two got ready for bed and shared a small kiss before going to sleep. Dr. Facilier was wide awake as he thought about how Celestia would handle his problem. Smiling at the possible scenarios, he couldn't help but give a quiet chuckle to realize how lucky he was to end up in a world where magic didn't have to be paid for. Tomorrow, he was going to visit the princess and receive the help he was looking for. He already felt confident in going to bed and awaiting his 'friends' if they ever decide to penetrate his dreams.

End of Chapter 36