• Published 21st Jan 2012
  • 10,479 Views, 471 Comments

Are You Ready? - Dirty Bit

Guess who's back from the other side...

  • ...

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

To love or let die...

Celestia's sun rose in the sky and signalled the beginning of a new day. While the morning was welcoming to everypony in Ponyville, Dr. Facilier woke up with uneasiness coursing through his body. He rose up out of bed before Fluttershy woke up as he trotted downstairs with his shadow following, frowning in concern towards its master.

The Shadowcolt made his way towards his work desk and began checking his assortment of potions he plans to take with him to add to his inventory at the clinic. He felt slightly better when he remembered that he brewed 'special' potions for those he really did not like, but he had to be discrete upon issuing them to his patients. The bettered mood soon faded when his mind dwindled back towards last night, having to deal with his old 'friends' once more and being presented a twisted opportunity of sorts. It was maddening to think that they would grant him instant freedom in exchange for a mere soul, but then again, it would be very hard in order to obtain it professionally.

Dr. Facilier, ever since last night, began harboring feelings for the timid mare, and it both frightened and annoyed him to realize he was actually letting them grow. Has he stayed in Equestria long enough to where he was about to become a goody-goody four hooves himself? 'No...No, this is all jus' some kind o' lie! Yeah, that's it...a simple lie...maybe if I'm lucky, they'll jus' fade away an' I'll be able to come up with a foalproof plan on icin' that fraidy cat. All I need t' do now is think about how I should pull off this date...' He began to think until he heard hoofsteps coming from the stairs.

Fluttershy had woken up from her slumber, giving a cute yawn as she trotted towards the Shadowcolt. She gave him small nuzzle with a smile to match "Good morning, Dr. Facilier...I hope you slept well...I'll make us some breakfast after I wake up the animals." She trotted outside to get started, leaving Dr. Facilier staring at her departing outside. Normally, he would go back to preparing for his work day, but he couldn't take his eyes off of the timid mare escaping his sight. Was he really developing feelings for Fluttershy ever since last night?

Shaking his head with an annoyed growl, he snapped himself out of his little trance and went back to keeping track of his newly made potions.

Later, after Fluttershy carefully woke up her animal friends, she made her and Dr. Facilier oatmeal, only this one had a special set of apple cinnamon courtesy of Applejack. The meal was as exquisite as it was warm, filling him up and giving him proper focus, and led him to look over at his marefriend enjoying her own bowl. He failed to realize that the moment he laid eyes on her, he never wavered his gaze or paid attention to everything around her '...Sweet lord, she's pretty...Makes me wonder if I ever deserve a mare like he-WHAT THE HELL AM I DOIN'!?'

He rapidly shook his head to snap himself out of his little trance, earning him a confused glance from Fluttershy "Dr. Facilier?? What's wrong?" Time for another white lie. He gluped and cleared his throat as he thought up another lie to help himself out.

"The oatmeal was a bit too hot...
But I really enjoy this stuff a lot."

Fluttershy chuckled at the Shadowcolt "That's nice of you to say, but you should really blow on your oatmeal first to cool it off...It wouldn't be right just to eat it while it's too hot." Dr. Facilier gave a halfhearted chuckle and a shoddy grin after her words, and began feeling like an idiot knowing he was off his game today. On the inside, he cursed himself constantly for having these twisted feelings. One side wanted to exploit her kindness and kill her when the time was right, but the other side gave off a growing sense of longing for the timid mare in front of him.

After finishing their meal, Fluttershy offered to take care of the dishes while Dr. Facilier leaves for work. She trotted over to the Shadowcolt and gave him a kiss on the lips for the first time, smiling lovingly at him afterward "Good luck today, Dr. Facilier. With how much you work, it would be so nice to have some quality time to ourselves later. I can't wait for our date tonight..."

Dr. Facilier smiled back, and it was almost genuine with what has happened to him 'Get it together, Shadowman...Jus' get to work, get back, have your date, and figure out how to kill 'er...'. He gave his marefriend a nuzzle and left her with some parting words.

"Til tonight I return, Mon Flottement timide.
Our little get-together will be fine indeed."

Fluttershy blushed at how classy the Shadowcolt appeared in front of her, and waved as he trotted out into Ponyville towards the clinic.

Today was like any other day, only this time, he was having trouble thinking clearly as he carried his potions. His mind was focused on what his friends offered and who was involved with it, juggling between if he should go through with it or not. He did not want to go back to hell just yet, despite him being a villain, but he could not help but feel more than conflicted with the price he has to pay for his freedom. 'Why am I thinkin' about her right now!? Why can't I jus' kill her and get it over with!?' It was too much for him, and he did not notice he bumped into the clinic's front door.

He was dizzy, then shook it off as he opened the door while grumbling to himself. Before he reached his room, he was stopped by Nurse Redheart, who had a cheerful smile on her face upon seeing the Shadowcolt again "Dr. Facilier, good to see you again! I heard what happened the other day, but I'm glad that you have recovered nicely. This clinic is not the same without your services!"

Dr. Facilier grinned at the thought of how important he was to his line of work, his mood brightened as he trotted to his room after replying to the white mare's greeting.

"Thank y'all kindly. It's great t' be back!
I'll make sure my work gets right on track!"

Nurse Redheart nods and waves "Good luck today!" She trots to her office to handle her own work.

The Shadowcolt unloaded the potions he carried to work and sorted out the good from the bad. Maybe his potion transactions would get his mind off of the problems he had to face in the future. His first patient came in and he got started with another easy work day.

( 12 hours later... )

How time flies, this day was about as easy as his first one. What sucked was that there was no sign of Vinyl Scratch so he could make her life miserable for taking music and turning it into garbage. He also had that cloaked pony from before come back and ask for more potions. When he asked her name, all he got was a quick blurt of 'You shall take my money and nothing else!' followed by her running off in a puff of smoke. What sucked even more was that he never got a chance to use any of his hazardous potions on any of his patients. Was he really growing soft?

Punching the clock, Dr. Facilier headed out of the clinic and trotted back to Fluttershy's cottage, only to be stopped by Rainbow Dash and Applejack walking towards him and stopping when their eyes met.

The cyan pegasus gives the Shadowcolt a feigned smile "Well, well. How's it going, Dr. Fa-silly-a? How's work treatin' ya?" Applejack tipped her hat and gave him a genuine smile "Howdy there, Doc. Nice day we're havin', huh?"

He did not expect this, but it was best to make a bit of small talk so he would not come off suspicious to them. The doctor still figures he is on Rainbow's bad side, but is unsure of Applejack at the moment.

"Hey there, girls, I'm doin' jus' fine.
I'm headin' back home to that gal o' mine."

Applejack chuckled "It's nice t' now y'all are that close. Do ya got any plans fer tonight at all? We really don't have much to teach on friendship at this late hour." She seemed to approach the Shadowcolt far better than Rainbow Dash would. Dr. Facilier nodded and stated his plans without hesitation.

"Me an' Flutters have a date tonight.
We'll spend time under the stars so bright."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at this "How sweet..." She earned a glare from her marefriend, but shrugged it off "Well, this IS Fluttershy we're talking about...If only she had the courage to go over to the night club. Then we could hang out almost every night no problem!" Applejack turned to the Shadowcolt and smiled sheepishly "We was jus' about to hang out there for th' night, but that's later on. Maybe y'all can join us sometime iffin yer interested!"

While the three talked, Fluttershy was found trotting in town, and was surprised to see Dr. Facilier talk with Rainbow and Applejack. The Shadowcolt turned and saw her, his eyes widening as the feelings returned 'Oh come on, not now! I want some time to think!' He saw her approach the group with a smile 'Great, jus' freakin' great! She's makin' her way over, and I don' have a proper way to get rid o' her yet!'

The timid mare finally reached Dr. Facilier and gave him a nuzzle "Hello, Dr. Facilier. Did you enjoy your day at work?" The Shadowcolt nodded, despite his inner anxiety and replied to her question.

"Yeah, it was simple to me as always.
I'll make enough bits in the next few days."

Fluttershy gave a loving smile "I'm glad to hear it. I was walking to the stores to grab some things for our picnic. Maybe you can come with me and we'll pick out our meals together..."

Applejack smiled at how the two shared love "Well this is real nice...We won't keep ya, though. We got stuff t' do before another big night!" Fluttershy shuddered "You mean another night at that club? I really don't like it there...It's so...loud..." She looks down, but looks back up at Dr. Facilier thinking.

The Shadowcolt was hard at work contemplating the matter at hand in terms of the date 'That club they keep talkin' about DOES sound temptin'...Maybe I could take her there tonight an' do th' deed in a private spot. Then I can enjoy a good drink...' he smiled at the thought. He never really had the chance to go check out the night club in Ponyville. Turning to his timid marefriend, he smiled as he proposed his idea.

"Say, Baby doll, I got a good thought.
What ay we have our date at a different spot?
We'll go to that club and we'll party all night.
An' maybe we'll both dance hard in the limelight..."

Fluttershy blushed at the thought of dancing with the Shadowcolt once more ever since the welcome party. She really enjoyed that night, how she built the courage to dance gracefully on the floor at his side. Perhaps it was a good idea to trust him on this new idea, even if the club was loud on most days. The timid mare smiled and nodded "O-Okay, Dr. Facilier...I trust you with this idea. It would be very nice to dance with you again."

Rainbow Dash chimed in "Now we're talkin'! We could make this a double date! We better go get ready for tonight. We'll see you two there!" She was happy to know Fluttershy would actually join them for a night at the club, and even happier to have a chance at exposing Dr. Facilier with whatever opportunity presents itself. Rainbow Dash and Applejack then trotted off, but the cowpony looked back at Dr. Facilier with the same bit of uncertainty from when he wanted to learn friendship.

The Shadowcolt met her gaze and wondered if she was in on exposing him like Rainbow, but he noticed her expression and felt confused. He wanted to think, but his suit was tugged by Fluttershy, who was smiling at him "We better get home if we're going to get ready for tonight." The doctor stared, then smiled as he bowed to her in a chivalrous fashion.

"I'm ready to party like it's nopony's business.
Let's trot on home and get prepare for this..."

Fluttershy giggled and took his hoof as the two trotted back to the cottage side-by-side. Usually their sides touch as they trot back, and both enjoyed each others touch 'NoI'mnotNoI'mnotNoI'mnotNoI'mnotNoI'mnot...'

After a long time of preparing at the cottage, the odd couple were ready for a night in the town. Fluttershy thought it was best to wear her gala dress since she did not have much else to work with. If she wanted to dance with Dr. Facilier again, she wanted to look her best for when they were on the dance floor. The Shadowcolt didn't really have to change, considering his suit and hat were more than enough for a night at a club. All he had to do was clean his suit so he would look stunning towards anypony looking at him.

The two strolled through town as it was practically deserted tonight. They continued walking until they heard a faint beat. After walking long enough, a grey building came into view and the beat from before could be heard inside. Dr. Facilier and Fluttershy noticed a small line outside of the front door with a large beige stallion with a white buzzcut mane and sunglasses standing next to it. In the back of the small line, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were spotted, looking slightly different.

Rainbow Dash was seen with three glowing bands on her forehooves, each shining a different color. She was also wearing a blue cap and a pair of sunglasses over the brim of it. Applejack had her Stetson on like always, but this time she was wearing a red plaid vest and some spurred boots on all of her hooves. When the two caught the sight of Dr. Facilier and Fluttershy, they waved for them to come over.

When they trotted over, they passed the time by talking. Rainbow Dash started, but didn't sound happy "Why the hay are you dressed like that? This is a night at the club, not the Grand Galloping Gala! We really gotta get you guys some new threads if you're deciding to hang out here!"

Applejack shook her head, but then smiled at the two "Forgettin' what Dash here's sayin', it's real nice o' y'all t' come here! Maybe we can make this night extra special for ya, seein' as how it's yer first time here." The line shifted as the conversation continued.

Fluttershy looked down "Was it wrong of me to dress this way? I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have worn anything since it's this place...But it was a good idea at the time, and I really want to dance with Dr. Facilier while looking my best..." She turned to her coltfriend and smiled, earning her a charming grin from the Shadowcolt. The line shifted again with each passing minute.

The cyan pegasus sighed "You're beginning to sound like Rarity, Fluttershy..." She puts her sunglasses on her eyes with a smile "But if it's for your stallion, I won't stop ya!" Applejack smiled and nodded "I'm with ya on that one, Sugarcube! Let's make this little party a night t' remember!" With that, they were next in line.

The large stallion looks down at the two and smiled "Ah, RD and AJ...Good to see ya. Go on in!" Rainbow Dash and Applejack went on inside, eager to party. Dr. Facilier and Fluttershy were next, but the look on the stallion's face soured "Never seen you two before...and with the way your dressed, you look like you're at the wrong place." The Shadowcolt was about to object, until the stallion got a good look at him "Hey, wait a minute...You're that doctor Vinyl keeps talking about! She said you really pulled through on making her relationship with Octavia work out." He signalled them at the door with a hoof "You and your date are good to go."

Dr. Facilier trotted inside while looking proud, knowing that his achievements in Ponyville are beginning to earn him proper status. Fluttershy followed after him, and the two cringed when they went inside. The songs were loud and were the same songs sounding like beeps, boops, and wubs to the doctor's ears.

'What have I done??'

End of Chapter 31