• Published 21st Jan 2012
  • 10,479 Views, 471 Comments

Are You Ready? - Dirty Bit

Guess who's back from the other side...

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Pony Swag

Dr. Facilier, with the company of Fluttershy, finally reached the surnamed town of Ponyville, and couldn't believe the sight of what the very town had to offer.

The town certainly lived up to its name, as the witch doctor spotted all sorts of ponies left and right living like humans back in his world. What surpised him was that the town was mostly populated with mares, barely finding hide or hair of any stallions so far. He also noticed that they, too, sported horns and wings of their very own, and was surprised to notice that there were certain ponies that had nothing on them but their bright pastel color, different mane and tail styles, and of course, pictures on their hindquarters. He couldn't bear the thought about ignoring why exactly those existed other than the logical conclusion of being branded by their possible owners (If humans even existed here...), and could only turn to ask Fluttershy:

"Could you please tell me what I want to hear?
About them pictures on each pony's rear?"

He shuddered at the way he spoke. It was bad enough he was rhyming, but with each passing words, he knew his rhymes grew more stale. The doctor honestly missed rhyming properly in song, but before he could go further into loathing his new self, Fluttershy perked up and responded to his question "Y-You mean their cutie marks? They depict a pony's special talent in their life, l-like a mark of destiny...Um...I'd figure you would know about them yourself, Mr. Facilier..." She tilted her head in confusion as she spotted the Shadowcolt widening his eyes at what he heard. Apparantly, in the world he was in, the picture on a pony's rear meant their sealed fate and should stick by it no matter what. This place grew more screwy by the second. He decided to gaze upon Fluttershy's cutie mark and noticed what were three butterflies. How cute. Upon double-checking himself, he remembered that his cutie mark was a doll with a pin, a tarot card, and a potion flask with a green liquid all bunched up behind a cartoonish skull. Fluttershy decided to look as well, not catching a glimpse of his cutie mark when they first met, and could only cringe at the sight of the skull "U-U-Um...Mr. Facilier? What exactly d-does your cutie mark mean, if you don't mind me asking?" She shook as she stared at the skull, staring back at her with its hollow eyes. Dr. Facilier, while happy with realizing he wasn't entirely given a new fate, could not let this one know of his true colors, and quickly thought up a lie to throw her off.

"It's nothing big, no need to be scared...
This kinda thing just leaves me impaired..."

He was telling some truth, remembering how antisocial he was around others back in Louisiana, despite his amazing charm and prowess, and was happy to know that Fluttershy bought it without hesitation, looking at him with a worried expression "O-Oh! I'm sorry...I shouldn't press on you like that, that was wrong of me..." She looked away, ashamed, and the Shadowcolt could only be surprised at how well she could throw around her innocence like that. It was as if he were speaking to a curious child who wanted to live a sunny life. He chuckled to reassure her from her guilt as he spoke again.

"Don't worry none, dear, it ain't your fault.
Jus' grind your curiousity to a halt..."

The Shadowcolt was pleased to know that Fluttershy heeded to his words and nodded in agreement. This one could prove beneficial to whatever dark deed he could think of in his sick little head, unless he were met with what he dubbed 'The song' coursing through his ears when thinking evilly. He shook his head to himself as they passed through town, and the doctor noticed all the looks he was getting. Mares left and right had all sorts of expressions when watching the Shadowcolt trot along a path with Fluttershy. Some were surprise to notice that a zebra unicorn even existed, watching him with intrigue as he passed by. Only a miniscule amount shook at his sight, showing that some of Ponyville had not gotten over their fear of zebras throughout their time. But finally, a majority were looking at him with welcoming eyes and smiles that say 'Come over here for a second...'. The witch doctor could only grin his gapped teeth at that majority, knowing that even when not talking, his charm can be spotted a woman just a few feet away from him 'Hehehe~....The Shadowman's still got it here...' . Fluttershy watched him after looking around "They seem to recognize your appearance completely, Mr. Facilier...Um...I hope they aren't bothering you..." The doctor only turned to Fluttershy with a smile on his face.

"It's Doctor, my dear, and I wouldn't worry.
At least these girls don't run and scur-"

Before he could finish, a blur passed many ponies and stopped in front of Fluttershy and Dr. Facilier, causing the two to flinch and take a step back. The blur revealed itself to be what appeared to be a pink pony with a mane and tail crazier than his. He raised an eyebrow at the pair of blue eyes that stared at him with an anticipating grin, and as he went to speak to her, he was interrupted by what would have been a verbal storm strong enough to give him a migraine that not even medicine could cure. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I just noticed you walk by with my friend Fluttershy here! I was looking for her, actually, but then I noticed her walking with you! How funny is THAT? Anyways, I didn't know zebra unicorns exist! What kind of magic do you perform? Are you an herbalist like Zeco-" Before she could continue, the Shadowcolt interrupted to save himself from another flurry of words.

"Hang on now, dear! Slow it down!
You're giving me a headache! ...Not to make you frown..."

He didn't want to make enemies the moment he got here, he had so much to do, but he counted his blessings as Pinkie stopped with a smile on her face "It's okay!" She gasped "HEY! Can you play that song again!?" The doctor raised his eyebrow at her, thinking they've met somewhere before. The only company he had was himself, his shadow, an angry zebra mare, and Fluttershy. Noticing the doctor's pause, Pinkie repeated herself "You know! That song! The one that goes Bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-" She began to enact what he had been hearing for a good amount of time to where he grew sick of it, twitching an eye as he placed a hoof to her mouth.

"Let's not sing our diddys now, deary...
This trek of mine left me tired and weary..."

Pinkie moved back and looked concerned "Awww~! That's not good at all! Are you hungry? Are you lost? Are you ne-" She stopped herself, realizing something important.

...Dr. Facilier was new in Ponyville...

With amazing effort, she lifted herself in the air and let out a loud audible gasp as she zipped away from the two, not even telling as to why she was looking for Fluttershy. Needless to say, the Shadowcolt was more than surprised as he watched her breeze by, and could only turn to Fluttershy, who responded with a sheepish smile "Um...Pinkie tends to act like that around new ponies like you...She knows everypony in Ponyville. So for each new pony, she...throws a party..." She looks away "I, um...I hope you feel welcome here..." Dr. Facilier responded with a smile, but before he could speak to her, his stomach growled with the ferocity of a manticore as Fluttershy gave a soft gasp and a look of concern "Oh my! You haven't eaten yet, have you? I can get you something to eat...if that's okay with you..." Dr. Facilier himself was amazed as to how he went out for so long without food ever since coming into this world, and decided to oblige to Fluttershy's offer of free food. A rule of thumb in his world is to never turn down a good opportunity when presented, food or not.

"Lead the way, my little pet.
Maybe later I'll repay my debt..."

Fluttershy shook her head as she led him to a cafe "Oh nonononono! You don't need to pay me anything! We just need to get your tummy full of food! You do seem rather thin...s-sorry for pointing that out..." This mare could possibly be the only thing that could keep Dr. Facilier from doing all sorts of bad were she to hang around him at all times. At one point, he admires her eminent kindness and innocence, but on the other hand (Or hoof), he couldn't deal with this sort of company entirely. Knowing how timid she was, it couldn't be real at all. Nopony in this place could be THAT timid (Although her name IS Fluttershy...), she could be possibly faking it and waiting to pull a fast one on him. It's always the quiet ones. But those thoughts soon faded when they reached a vacant table for two. As they sat, the docotr noticed he was getting the same looks from neighboring tables holding mares. They were still allured by his otherworldly charm as he sat down and noticed a moustached pony, who he figured was the waiter, approach him and Fluttershy with an accent "May I take your order, monsieur and madam?" Fluttershy smiled at the waiter as she spoke "A daisy salad for me, please..." The waiter turned to the doctor "And you?" Dr. Facilier could only hope they had dishes he was familiar with. He was a good fan of the cajun variety, favoring gumbo and jambalaya, but then remembered that he was trapped in the body of a horse, and realize he'll need to lower his standards in order to get a good meal and blend into the small society of Ponyville.

"I'll have what she's havin', if that's okay.
I'm in a healthy mood today..."

He said, grinning his teeth to the waiter, who only sneered at him as he left. When he was a good distance, he only sneered back at him with more force. When the waiter sneered, it was more along the lines of arrogant posture or indifference in terms of social class, but when the Shadowcolt sneered, it was with hate and a vibe that said 'You cross me and I'll buck you up hard...' He dismissed the thought as he noticed Fluttershy looking at him in confusion "Um...I-Is something wrong M-I mean, Dr. Facilier?" She hoped she didn't offend him or hurt his feelings, but the doctor looked back and recovered from his little staring contest.

"Oh, my mind's just wandering from place to place
It moves too far, and then I have to give chase..."

Fluttershy gave a cute giggle at his statement, thinking he was joking for a minute. Dr. Facilier was surprised that she could be so easily fooled. Then again, deception is the curse of the whimsical female gender. He didn't want to question good fortune as he decided to break the ice about the here-and-now of Ponyville. He needed to move his agenda in good stride, and he needed all the information to do so.

"So tell me, Flutters, what goes on here?
Do these ponies also give you fear?"

Fluttershy responded "Oh no, not at all. Like I said, I only act that way around new ponies, but almost everypony here I've known for a while..." She smiled as she looked around "Also, I've met many good friends along the way, Pinkie being one of them..." She then turns to the doctor "Maybe I can introduce them to you...if that's okay..." she shrank and looked away "Y-You don't have to..." she mumbled, but this only served Dr. Facilier to chuckle and oblige on another good opportunity of getting to know the peo-er ponies that he'll scam later on, but not before he learns what tasteful knowledge that they have waiting for him. But before he could dwell on the issue further, the waiter returned with the two plates of salad, presenting them to the two as they got ready to eat "Bon appetit..." he turned to Dr. Facilier and gave a silent scoff before turning his snout to the air and leaving as if he were a fatcat. This only caused him to wonder what would happen if he ever put his horn to use and stabbed the waiter with it, but he remembered how hungry he was and hesitantly tasted the salad.


He had heard of a dandelion salad, and those only tasted decent unless met with proper seasoning, but the daisy salad to him was so scrumptious that he almost forgot his manners and sat up in a dignified manner and ate properly, trying to hold back the ravenous tenacity he held within after so much fasting. It was as if he was relieved from a long and arduous hunger strike. With a satisfied sigh, he watched to see that Fluttershy was only half done with her salad, and watched to her surprise to notice that Dr. Facilier's plate was as clean as a whistle, not a single sight of petals or leaves "Oh my, you must have been so hungry..." she smiled "You remind of my pet Angel Bunny..." Angel Bunny? Really? This one was too innocent for the Shadowcolt's standards, but he paid it no mind. He got a free meal, and a ticket to what could be either an epic comeback, or something else. He waited for Fluttershy to finish as they made their way to the next destination...

...A tree??

End of Chapter 3