• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Escaping DuBois Part 2

*Sicily's POV*

Danyelle asks "Hey Alex, what did you do to cause that mad woman to go after you in the first place?"

Alex spoke "I have no idea, she’s just crazy."

We were now at the Colosseum in Rome, where the circus is with people and mobians buying tickets.

Alex spoke "But look at this. The Colosseum, guys. The original theater in the round. You know, my ancestors used to perform here."

Marty asks "No kiddin’?"

Alex spoke "Every show had a captive audience. Apparently, they killed."

Marty spoke "Sounds like a great gig."

Danyelle spoke "I just hope Ein stays out of sight.. Knowing that dumbass, he might do something that could get him and Bertha exposed."

Twilight spoke "Chill out Danyelle, Bertha's keeping Ein on a tight leash for their own safety."

Michiru was in harpy mode as she balanced on the tight rope, using her wings for balance.

Nazuna spoke "Guess the circus mobians are gonna show us what they got first."

Marty spoke "This is so exciting."

Alex spoke "Yeah, but just lay low, stay out of the way, let them do their thing."

Marty spoke "*Notices six dog mobians in dresses* Aw, would you look at this. You gotta go back to your mama’s belly ‘cause you’re too cute to be out here in the real world."

But then the six brought out a switchblade and a broken bottle.

Marty gasps "Whoa! What the?! *Hides behind Alex*"

Alex spoke "Marty, they’re professionals. Come on."

Marty spoke "*Notices a trio of female Galarian Rapidash poke-mobians* Whoo! You look gorgeous."

Alex asks "Alright, animals. Twilight may be the new owner, but we don’t wanna reinvent the circus wheel here, so go out and do what you do. Think this as a fun warmup for that promoter in London. Right, Marty? M-Marty?"

Marty spoke "I wanna be a circus horse."

Esmeralda spoke "We could paint you white…"

Esperanza spoke "And then paint you pink!"

Marty spoke "Awesome!"

Alex chuckles "Not laying very low, are we Marty?"

Danyelle giggles "Wow, seems like some Zebstrika's got it bad!"

Twilight spoke "He’s not exactly denying it."

Stefano spoke "*Holding horn stand* Sonya! Where’s the Ursaring? Sonya! *Runs off* We’re about to start!"

Alex spoke "Hey, Vitaly! Get your game face on."

Vitaly was eating Borscht before he roared/growled at Alex.

Alex spoke "Great. *Nervous laugh* Good game face. *Walks off* What is that cat’s problem? *Mimicking Vitaly* I am a mean Russian cat that isn’t nice to anybody."

Melman spoke "*Trying to juggle pins while Gloria danced* Hey honey, look, I’m doing it. *Drops pins*"

Alex spoke "Guys, stop fooling around."

Melman spoke "We’re just havin’ a little fun."

Alex spoke "Just let these animals do their show."

Marty spoke "Ta-da! *Blue, white and red with red, blue and yellow polka dots* ~Da da da da da da da da Circus
Da da da da da da da da
Afro Circus, Afro Circus, Afro
Polka dot, polka dot, polka dot, Afro!~"

Alex asks "*deadpan* …Really?"

Stefano asks "Sonya! Where’s Sonya the Ursaring?"

Danyelle spoke "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Julien either."

A little later, we heard Gia commentating while covered by paper blinds and curtains. “Ladies and gentlemen, presenting-a Gia! The trapeze flying Liepard! And there she go, the triple flip roll with a double leap and-a…”

Alex fell through the paper covers, spooking Gia a bit.

Gia asks "What are you doing?"

Alex spoke "That’s just paper. *Gets up with a nervous chuckle*"

Gia asks "Were you spying on me?"

Alex spoke "No no no, I just came by to say that I-I don’t want you to- *Falls through paper blinds again before getting up* I-I don’t want you to think of me or my friends as some sort of authority figures. *Falls again, knocking down hoops*"

Gia spoke "Don’t worry. I don’t."

Alex asks "*Gets up with hoops* You don’t?"

Gia spoke "Not at all."

Alex spoke "Well, the other circus animals might find me and some of the others a bit intimidating."

Gia spoke "No, nobody is intimidated at all by any of you."

Alex spoke "Oh, good stuff. Good, good news."

Gia spoke "In fact, I do not think they’re giving any of you any second thoughts since you all showed up."

Alex spoke "*Putting hoops away* That’s good to hear."

Gia spoke "If anything, they’re starting to feel sorry for some of you."

Alex spoke "Okay, I get it. *Accidentally drops a hoop before accidentally bumps head with Gia*"

Gia asks "Is there more? *Picks up hoop*"

Alex spoke "I just wanted to thank you for letting us get on the train back there. I know the big cat with the accent, wasn’t so excited about us gettin-*Grabbed by hoop and brought to Gia’s face*"

Gia asks "Look, lion guy. This circus means everything to us, and if you or any of your friends do anything that threatens this circus, you will all have to answer to me. Capiche?"

Alex spoke "Uh, capiche. Cool. *Leans on lever* Trust me, we’re cool."

Alex accidentally pushed the lever down and fell before being pulled up by the ankle by a rope before he fell again when Gia caught him, causing the curtain to fall, revealing what was going on as Gia dropped Alex.

Marty asks "You call this layin’ low?

Danyelle spoke "Awkward…"

Nazuna snickers "Looks like you have it bad for the Liepard girl, don't you Alex?"

*Later that night…*

Stefano spoke "Okay, strike up-a the band-a!"

Marty asks "You have a band?"

One of the dogs pressed the play button on a jukebox.

Stefano spoke "*Carrying balls while balancing on a ball* Prepare to be blown away!"

“Blow us away!” Alex, Danyelle, Twilight and I said as Stefano rolled forward on the ball.

Stefano spoke "Here we go! Ha-ha! *As the other circus animals came out with us newcomers cheering them on* Look at this! *Juggling* Whoa! Hey! It’s nice-a to be ho-Ah! *Slips and bounces off* Wah!"

Our cheering soon turned into confusion. The show started getting bad as the crowd looked bored and booed.

Alex spoke "Uh-oh."

There was even a… I don’t even know how to describe it.

Skipper spoke "Well, that was worth the price of admission. *Gulps down a popcorn*"

The show was only getting worse.

Stefano spoke "Who’s-a from Cincinelli-"

Alex pulled Stefano towards us with a crook before grabbing him.

Alex asks "Stefano, you know blown away means good, right? *Lets go of Stefano*"

Stefano spoke "Don’t-a worry. The big finale is-a comin’ up. Give me a down beat. *Honking horns* Look at this."

The crowd then started leaving.

Alex spoke "Oh no, no, this is not happening."

Stefano spoke "Yes, go out, get-a food and come back."

The crowd was gone as Stefano hiccuped another ball out. Later, Alex was hyperventilating, breathing in and out.

Marty spoke "Deep breaths, Alex. It’s all good."

Nazuna spoke "I hate to say this but that last performance totally sucked... What we need is something fresh."

The Simisages returned, disguised as a ticket-giver while carrying two bags of money.

Mason spoke "There is an angry mob outside and they’re demanding their money back!"

Skipper spoke "I think we all know the right thing to do."

Twilight asks "What?"

The next thing we knew, we were running towards the next train leaving, running from the angry mob.


We started getting on the train from the back.

Alex spoke "Come on! Come on, come on!"

Marty spoke "Hurry up!"

Stefano accidentally dropped his horn stack before the mob stomped all over it. Alex grabbed Stefano and ran back to the train before he grabbed onto Melman’s neck and swung forward before jumping onto the roof while putting Stefano down.

Stefano spoke "Grazie, Alice."

Julien spoke "Just throw us the money."

The Simisages threw the bags up, causing it to rain dollars, distracting the angry mob enough for Mason and Phil to get on the train as Julien facepalmed while all of us escaped on the train.

I spoke "The foxgirl's got a point guys, we need something fresh!"

Danyelle spoke "I have a gut feeling that when Vitaly's fur grew back, he lost everything important to him... His wife, his passion..."

*Later, while the train was on a mountain track…*

Alex spoke "Ugh… This is a disaster."

Gloria spoke "We blew all our money on a bad circus and we’re not any closer to New York."

Melman spoke "If anything, we’re further away."

Good things us newcomers were in a different car.

Marty spoke "We could have least bought a circus that knew how to circ."

Skipper spoke "I don’t even know why we bought a circus in the first place. We had enough dough for a plane.

Melman asks "Are you kidding me?"

Gloria spoke "You must have some money leftover."

Skipper spoke "I used it to buy teeth and then have them capped in gold, now I can eat apples way easier. Sadly, I discovered I… I don’t like apples."

Danyelle spoke "Alex, I might have a plan."

Marty spoke "No promoter is sending this show to America. It’s toe up."

Gloria spoke "Now it all makes sense. Now wonder that circus ringmaster was so happy to sell the circus to us."

Alex, Twilight, Danyelle and I noticed Stefano at our window, telling us to follow him up top."

Marty spoke "Happy alright, happy about ripping us off."

The four of us tried to go outside, but flew right out the door as it closed. Those of us who couldn’t fly were screaming while holding on as Alex and I climbed up to the roof while Twilight and Danyelle flew to the roof before we saw Stefano running back.

Stefano spoke "Come on, this-a way-a!"

Alex spoke "No no no, you come this way!"

Stefano spoke "Hey! Everyone, watch-a your heads."

That confused us before we saw a tunnel coming up, trying to run back before Alex ran up and off the mountain, back flipping into a gap between cars while the rest of us got to Stefano.

Stefano spoke "Alice-a!"

We went down before going through car after car as Stefano carried a lamp.

Stefano spoke "*Looks down* Alice-a! *Gasp!*"

Alex spoke "I’m fine!"

We looked up, seeing Alex hanging on upside down.

Stefano asks "Aha! Fantastic! *As the train left the tunnel* Was that trapezo americano?"

Alex spoke "Uh, yeah. Sort of. *Pulls hand claws off*"

Stefano spoke "Incredible!"

Alex spoke "I hope this is important."

Stefano spoke "Come-a this-a way, everyone."

The four of us went into the car behind us as Stefano followed.

Alex spoke "By the way, it’s “ex” not “ice”, “Alex” like New York Knicks."

Stefano spoke "I know, New York Knice. It’s-a not-a hard."

We looked around, starting to become awed as Stefano turned on the lights, showing posters and good news about this circus.

Alex asks "What is this place?"

Stefano spoke "*Turning on lights* I know you guys think we ate a stinky poopy circus, but there is something you all must-a know. There was a time, when Circus Zaragoza, *Shines lights on trophies* we were a great-a circus, numero uno in all of the Europe. And Vitaly, he was the biggest star of us all."

That surprised and confused us.

Danyelle spoke "It's just like I said earlier... Vitaly isn't his usual self after getting set on fire because olive oil is flammable. He lost everything... His wife ran off with a musician.. And his fur is brittle...""

I ask "How do you know all this?"

Danyelle spoke "I can see past and future since I have a gift not commonly found in Mobians."

Stefano spoke "Indeed, he was fearless, taking-a risks, always-a new, he jump-a through the hoop like he could fly! It had never been done-a before, because it was physically impossible, and the people, they loved it. And the hoop, she got-a smaller, like the ring, and the finger of the tiniest lady with the slimmest of fingers. He would not stop-a pushing, and one fateful day... he push-a too far. He flied too close into the sun, and he got-a burned. Literally. The extra virgin olive oil is-a extra flammable, and he really had lost everything. His wife, as Danyelle said, she ran off with a musician. He lost his dignity, his fame, his passion, and his fur. And when it grew-a back, it was a less soft, more like a prickly beard. His only passion now is the borscht."

Stefano had the very ring hoop in his fingers.

Alex spoke "Whoa."

Twilight spoke "You're telling me."

Stefano spoke "He was our inspiration, so when he lost his passion, well... *Puts ring hoop away* If Vitaly goes, so goes the circus. This is why we need your help."

Alex asks "What sort of help?"

Stefano spoke "You all can teach us to do new circus, americano style. We find a new passion, make a new show, *Jumps onto spinning chair* and we go all the way to the US and the A-a! *Turns back towards us* A-a! *Notices our silence* I know... It is stupido idea. We are a lost-a cause-a... *Turns off lamp*"

Alex spoke "No no no, this isn't stupido, this could work."

Stefano asks "*Turns lamp back on* What?"

Alex spoke "What you just said."

Stefano asks "*Gasp!* What?"

Alex spoke "The idea you just said. Two seconds ago."

Stefano asks "What?"

Alex spoke "Your stupido idea!"

Stefano asks "It could?"

Danyelle spoke "Yep, that's what Nazuna and I have been trying to say the whole time."

Alex spoke "Stefano, you, Danyelle and Nazuna are geniuses!"

Stefano spoke "No no no no no, I am only average intelligence. But some say I'm even slightly below."

Alex spoke "We are gonna rethink everything anybody's known about the circus."

A familiar voice asks "Well, have room for two more?"

We turned around, seeing Rouge and Narancia, much to our confusion.

Danyelle spoke "If we can talk Vitaly into jumping through hoops again, it might be possible for us to make it to the top. And I have a plan."

Danyelle explains her plan to the group.

Alex spoke "We call it Phase 4-7B, we're in! In order to get home, we will come up with something fresh, something amazing, something brand new! Fresh, never before seen, of the chain!"

*In the morning at rehearsal grounds...*

Alex, Twilight and Danyelle spoke "Something that'll blow that circus promoter away!"

But then knives and daggers hit the wagon behind them, being near misses.

Vitaly spoke "*Wielding double-bladed axe* I missed."

The rest of the circus mobians didn't seem happy about the idea.

Vitaly spoke "Circus has been same for generations! We make good classic family entertainment."

Stefano spoke "Aha! But last few generations, family's not so entertained. *Nervous chuckle and clears throat*"

Alex spoke "That's right, family's not so entertained because you're just going through the motions out there. It's missing passion!"

Vitaly asks "How can one claim to have passion for stool poked in face?"

Marty asks "Exactly! And by stool, you mean chair, right?"

Alex spoke "Fact is, you guys, you got stuck in a rut, you stopped pushing, you stopped taking risks. But those days are over, because now we're gonna completely change the show."

Freddie asks "Then it wouldn't be a circus, would it?"

Alex spoke "Circus is not about the acts you do, circus *Points to heart* is in here."

Jonesy asks "How come Freddie gets all the circus? *Backfisted by Freddie*"

Alex spoke "Circus is about following your passions, wherever they take you."

Vitaly spoke "Tch! You cannot change circus, there is long tradition."

Alex spoke "That's what everybody thought, Vitaly, until those French Canadian humans came along, drunk off of their maple syrup, cheap pharmaceuticals, and completely flipped the paradigm."

Marty spoke "Now they play Vegas, 50 shows a day, and 52 separate venues, and one of them completely in the nude."

Alex asks "Yeah, that's right! And you know how they did it?"

Stefano asks "Take off-a their clothes?"

Alex spoke "...No, they got rid of the animals."

That caught the circus members completely off guard.

Marty spoke "Say it ain't so!"

Alex spoke "You know what I say to that? I say they can take the animals out of the circus, but they cannot take the animals out of the circus. I mean they cannot. *Ahem!* I think you're understand what I'm saying. *The circus members starting to agree* We don't need humans, because we've got passion! What's a human say when he's passionate? He says, "I'm an animal!" Well, we are animals! We'll make an all-animal circus! Because if we follow our passion, we can go anywhere."

Marty spoke "Anywhere!"

Alex spoke "We can do anything!"

Marty spoke "Anything!"

Alex spoke "If we do it... together!"

Marty spoke "All of us!"

Most of the circus members cheered in full agreement at that.

Marty asks "Can I hear you say "Fur Power"?"

The circus members started cheering "Fur Power".

Gloria spoke "You and me, baby! What, an act together!"

Melman spoke "I love it!"

Gloria spoke "We can do that funky groove dance thing!"

Melman asks "D-Dance?"

Gloria spoke "This thing right here! *Hums while dancing* Me and you! We got this! *Runs off*"

Melman spoke "But I-I-I-I can't dance..."

Stefano spoke "Chanting is fun! Chanting is fun!"

Gia laughed as Vitaly threw the axe down on the ground, making it stick.

Vitaly spoke "Bah! I do not trust this Pyroar or his friends."

Gia spoke "Vitaly, I may not trust them either, but I am tired of sitting and standing and rolling over."

Vitaly spoke "There is great tradition in sitting, standing, rolling over."

Gia spoke "You know our circus is in trouble. This could be our last chance, but we will not do this without you."

Stefano spoke "Circus always stay together."

Vitaly spoke "...*Sigh* Okay, I do one hoop."

Gia was happy as she hugged Vitaly before Stefano popped in.

Stefano spoke "I want a hug-a too!"

The trio laughed as Vitaly hugged his friends while picking them up and spinning them around.

Twilight spoke "We can do this!"

Danyelle spoke "Rouge, Nara, I have an assignment for you two. I want you two to keep a lookout for a red haired female named Chantelle DuBois. Warn me via telepathy if you see her."

Narancia spoke "I'll do you one better, I'll signal ya with Lil' Bomber."

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough."

Later, everyone was practicing their stuff before I noticed Marty talking to Stefano.

Marty asks "Now you really gonna shoot yourself outta that thing?"

I then saw a cannon filled with dynamite.

Stefano spoke "*Putting helmet on* I've always dreamed of doing this, from a time I was a little pup, to be a human cannonball. Except, you know, a Popplio cannonball."

Marty asks "Is it dangerous?"

Stefano spoke "Is it dangerous? Yes, of course it's-a dangerous! *Rico puts a dynamite stick in Stefano's mouth*"

Danyelle pulls Alex aside for a moment.

Danyelle spoke "*holding a pokeball with one hand* Look Alex, this might be the only way to stop DuBois from going after you but you have to trust me on this one."

Alex spoke "Whoa whoa whoa whoa, this is full on crazy! If anything, that lady won’t care a thing about this and still come after us!"

Danyelle spoke "I know but stealing someone else's pokemon is illegal and can land the thief in jail."

Alex spoke "Knowing her, she’ll find a way around that!"

Danyelle spoke "Not if the most strongest ball was used."

Danyelle pulls out a master ball before letting Sunset out.

Danyelle spoke "This mare tried to use a master ball against a friend of mine but I used it against her."

Alex spoke "Still, don’t. Those things will only put us at more risk."

Sunset spoke "I heard everything though and I want to help you out."

Back with me, I was a bit worried about the cannonball act.

Marty asks "Are you sure about this?"

Stefano spoke "*Muffled* I’m-a sure."

Marty asks "‘Cause if blowin’ up is your thing, then you in the right place?"

Stefano spoke "*Muffled* Si, that means-a yes."

Skipper asks "Ready for launch?"

Stefano spoke "*Muffled* Ready for launch."

Skipper spoke "*As Rico coughed out a match before Kowalski stroked it on Skipper’s butt, lighting the match* Fire in the hole!"

Stefano spoke "*Spits out dynamite as the fuse was lit* Wait!"

Stefano was blasted off as the cannon fire sounded faint to Danyelle and Sunset with Stefano flew through the air while screaming before he crashed into a mountain.

Stefano spoke "Oi… *Looks down, paling* Mama mia… *Starts to slip before struggling to hang on* HELP-A ME-A!"

Marty spoke "Rico! Get the cannon ready! *Puts on helmet* Same charge!"

Skipper spoke "Fire in the hole!"

Marty was blasted into the air as he screamed at first before he flew while laughing while the blast was still faint to Sunset and Danyelle. He even flew through a rainbow, leaving behind a rainbow trail while making holes on clouds. Marty whooped before he crashed into the mountain, a bit above Stefano.

Stefano spoke "Marty! I’m so glad you’re-a here!"

Marty spoke "Whoo! I was flyin’! I was F an’ L Y in’!"

Stefano spoke "*Straining* I’m proud of you, but… Uh… I don’t… think I can hold on much longer!"

Marty spoke "O-O-O-Oh right, sorry about my enthusiasm. *Locks left foot/hoof in while leaning back and lowering down a rope* Here, wrap this around you. *As Stefano grabbed the noose and hanged on by his barrel while being lowered* Alright, I gotcha. I gotcha."

Stefano landed on ground safely as Marty whooped, running and jumping down the mountain while holding the rope as he flipped forward, landing on the ground.

Marty spoke "Ha ha! Forget about being part of the herd, I’m gonna be part of the flock! I’m gonna fly, baby!"

Stefano spoke "Oh yes! What a triumph!"

Danyelle, Sunset and Alex noticed five of the six dogs fighting each other.

Alex spoke "Whoa whoa whoa, calm down. I know being cute and cuddly is not your guys’ thing."

Danyelle spoke "If Rarity was here, she'd be able to whip up new costumes for you six."

Alex spoke "Actually, I have a better idea. Show 'em, Rico."

Rico pressed a button as the rocket roller skates on Jonesy's feet suddenly ignited as he blasted off into a wall before poking out.

Jonesy spoke "Whoa! That was great! Whoa!"

But then Jonesy blasted off, intriguing the other five dogs as they chased after him.

Danyelle and Sunset work on costumes for the perfomers.

But when Alex got up, he noticed Gia.

Alex spoke "Hey! Hi."

Gia spoke "I admire on how you inspired the performers."

Alex spoke "Oh, thanks."

Gia spoke "And what you said about passion, it was like poetry."

Alex spoke "I love passion and poetry, they go together, really. I mean, I know they don't rhyme."

Gia spoke "Trapeze is my passion."

Alex spoke "Terrific, I look forward to seeing you up there."

Gia spoke "You can teach me."

Alex asks "What?"

Gia spoke "Teach me."

Alex spoke "Oh, well, you know, I've always been kind of a solo act. So that kinda, rules that out."

Gia spoke "I wonder if you actually do trapeze."

Alex spoke "Oh, I actually do do trapeze."

Gia spoke "Show me."

Alex asks "Show me? What are we? Five?"

Danyelle spoke "Dude, you did not just say that..."

As if luck would have it, Sunset goes into labor.

Danyelle spoke "MEDIC!!!"

Featherwhisker spoke "Here!"

Twilight puts up a barrier around Sunset and Featherwhisker, darkening the tint so the others couldn't see what was happening.

Twilight asks "Where the heck is that blind twit?"

A warp ring opened up before Spottedleaf fell out, landing on top of Vitaly thus kissing him on the lips by accident.

Jaytwo chuckles "What an idiot."

Spottedleaf spoke "S-sorry!"

Vitaly only scoffed as Spottedleaf got off, embarrassed about that happening while Vitaly simply got up and left.

Spottedleaf spoke "Ugh... I'm so gonna get Cadence back for this."

Danyelle giggles "But did you like your first kiss?"

Spottedleaf growls "You knew, didn't you?"

Danyelle spoke "Except for Jaytwo, we all saw it."

Spottedleaf spoke "No, I'm asking if Cadence told you about her plan."

Danyelle spoke "Via telepathy, yes."

Twilight asks "Uh, why is Melman up on the tightrope?"

We saw Melman climbing a ladder. "Dancing? This is all you do is moving and not getting anywhere. I mean, the music totally throws off my timing. *Reaching the top* You want-You want excitement? Haha. *Walks onto a tightrope* Who's on a tightrope? Huh? Huh? Who's on a t... *SCREAM!* I'M ON A TIGHTROPE! I'M ON A TIGHTROPE!"

Gloria spoke "*Looks back and up* Melman! Oh my gosh!

Melman spoke "Help me!"

Gloria spoke "Baby, hold on! *Climbs up ladder* Hold on, I'm comin' right now!"

Melman struggled to balance before he started swinging on the tightrope by his foot.

Gloria asks "Melman?!"

Melman then started swinging by the top of his neck under the chin.

Gloria spoke "*Walks onto tightrope* Calm down, Melman."

Melman spoke "*Swings back onto tightrope. I'm gonna fall and break all of my neck!"

Gloria spoke "Just look at me. Look at me! All eyes on me."

Melman spoke "Okay."

Gloria spoke "Come to me."

Melman spoke "I ca-I can't."

Gloria spoke "It's just like dancing, Melman. Two steps forward, one step back."

Melman spoke "I can't dance, okay? Okay, there. I said it."

Gloria spoke "Maybe because you've never tried."

Melman spoke "No, I HAVE tried. I-*Sigh* I practiced in private because you dance so well."

Gloria asks "You practiced? For me?"

Melman spoke "Yes, but it's no use. I never know what to do with my arms. *Gets wobbly and starts to panic*"

Gloria spoke "Hold it. Okay. *Grabs Melman's arms* That part is so easy, Melman, okay? 'Cause all you have to do is put 'em around your partner. *Puts Melman's arms around her* See? Two steps forward, one step back."

Melman spoke "*Starting to get better* Hoo, I'm dancing."

Gloria spoke "Two steps forward, one step back."

Melman spoke "Ha, I'm dancing! We're dancing on a tightrope!"

Gloria spoke "You're great."

Melman spoke "*As he and Gloria spun once* Whoo-hoo! I'm dancin'!"

Stefano was fired again as he laughed.

Twilight and Danyelle were up on the trapeze set with Gia and Alex.

Alex spoke "*Holding trapeze bar* Okay, *Sigh* hoo, alright."

Gia asks "So when do we get the jetpacks and aquatic cobras?"

Alex spoke "Uh, well this is a beginner's class, and that's a pretty advanced maneuver."

Gia asks "Okay, how do we begin?"

Alex spoke "Well, it's a bit complicated unless you understand the whole pitch and yaw, arch, and gravity... All that stuff which I won't, bore your with. Okay. *Sigh*"

Gia asks "You need a push?"

Alex spoke "No. *As Gia laughs before she gave him a push* Just watch and lear-Whoa!

Alex swung off a bar before catching on another with his legs as he grabbed the other platform with his teeth before Gia did the same thing.

Gia asks "*Muffled* Like that?"

Alex spoke "*Muffled* That's one way of doing it. Sure-*Slips off the platform* Oh!"

Alex swung off the bar before accidentally bonked the back of his head against the first one before he fell onto the net, bouncing back up before he hung back onto the trapeze back using his tail.

Gia spoke "*Muffled* Wow! You used the net!"

Alex spoke "Yes, trapeze americano. We use the net."

Gia let go of the platform before swinging into the air before diving towards the net and bounced up and grabbed onto another bar with her tail. "Trapeze americano!"

Danyelle gets shoved off by Twilight, bouncing off the net and into the sky before spinning around as gusts of wind swirl around her.

Twilight spoke "Show off... "

Alex and Gia were improving on trapeze as their practice was attracting quite a crowd. Alex swung off a bar laughing, before he yelped realizing he was gonna miss the net before Gia caught him and threw him onto a platform while jumping off as Alex caught her.

Gia giggles "Wow."

But when Marty was blasted out of a cannon, he pushed Alex and Gia as the three of them were bouncing on the net as they laugh.

Stefano asks Bravissima! Hey Vitaly, maybe even do-a two hoops-a, no?"

Skipper spoke "Psst! Senorita Bellbottoms, tenemos una problema grande."

Alex asks "Que? Que grande problema?"

Danyelle saw something the air.

*Danyelle’s POV*

Later, Alex and I were with Narancia, Rouge and the four Piplups as we used a pair of binoculars, seeing DuBois sniffing in the distance.

Alex gasps "Oh no, she’s onto us!"

Skipper spoke "Shh! You’ll make it even easier on the psycho."

Alex asks "What’re we gonna do?"

Skipper spoke "We better vamoose, pronto."

Alex spoke "But we’re not ready, we’re in the middle of rehearsals."

Skipper retorts "Well then, why don’t you tilt over, grab your peduncle and kiss New York and Sicily’s species goodbye?"

I whisper "But Skipper, we can't move Sunset right yet. She hasn't recovered from childbirth."

Skipper spoke "The more we wait, the closer she’ll get."

After recalling Sunset back into the master ball so she could recover safely, I used my magic to pack everything up on the train.

I spoke "Alright everyone, we have to skedaddle now!"

Stefano asks "Are you sure we are-a ready?"

Alex spoke "Course we’re ready! Born ready, ready steady! Come on, let’s go! Let’s go go go go go!"

Everyone was getting onto the train cars as Marty guided Jaytwo, who was carrying a newborn child with the train having been redecorated.

Skipper spoke "Alright, you heard the cats. Move it! Come on, all aboard! Grab your luggage and drain your bladders, it’s gonna be a long ride."

Alex brought Gia aboard.

Tails gets the train going.

Tails spoke "Next stop, London!"

Alex spoke "Alright everybody, let’s blow that promoter away!"

Our friends cheered at that as Vitaly was the last to get on.

*No POV*

When Vitaly entered his car, he saw a drawer and let the car doors close as he approached it and grabbed the handles before opening the drawer, seeing many hoops of various sizes. But then fear began to enter his mind as he heard the crowd cheering his names as the hoops got bigger and bigger, then became lit aflame while still increasing in size. He couldn’t take the pressure as he closed the drawer and pushed his back against the doors, panting heavily, fearing that he couldn’t do it anymore.

Danyelle thinks "{I think I might have to talk to Vitaly, something is definitely bothering him.}"

To be continued...

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