• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Let the Race Begin!

*Lillian's POV*

I spoke "It feels weird being human again after 12 years..."

Danyelle asks "You doing alright?"

I spoke "Yeah and it seems them sirens tagged along."

Sonata was in hedgehog form as she pounced on Manic, pinning him down.

Adagio and Aria both facepalm.

Adagio spoke "Once a tacobrain, always a tacobrain."

Sonata and Manic both spoke "HEY!"

I giggle "So says the hedgehog that has a craving for nachos."

Aria spoke "HEY!"

Adagio laughs "You want some cheese with that whine?"

Aria growls "*Facepalm!* Really? REALLY?!"

Adagio growls back at Aria.

Rei spoke "Okay you two, calm down."

Adagio spoke "She started it!"

Danyelle snaps "I don't care WHO STARTED IT, I'M ENDING IT!"

Both Adagio and Aria immediately shut up.

Rei spoke "…Well, better get ready for the race."

Aria spoke "I'm going to enjoy kicking your butt in the race Adagio!"

Adagio spoke "Bring it, Aria!"

Aria taunts "So says the hedgehog that has a weakness for chili carrots."

Adagio spoke "Oh, it is on now!"

Sonic asks "Chili carrots?"

Adagio was stammering.

Sonic teases "*Smirk* What’s wrong? Not hungry?"

Adagio spoke "Sh-shut up blue rat."

Sonic asks "What?"

Roll spoke "Sonic Maurice Ogami! Cool your jets before I throw you into the water."

Sonic spoke "Sorry."

Adagio spoke "It’s fine."

Alto felt rather short compared to his tanuki mother.

Michiru asks "You okay?"

Alto spoke "Yeah ma, I just didn't know you were a Beastman of all things."

Dren and Zoey were among the crowd.

Deep Lilac spoke "I look weird..."

Dren spoke "This is going to make one heck of a story to tell the other Cyniclons..."

Deep Lilac asks "Is it just me or does the fox smell like mint?"

Sonic asks "Huh?"

Tails spoke "Shut up Sonic! I haven't had any mints today!"

Rei asks "What’s going on?"

Knuckles spoke "For the love of Chaos, there's three empty mint tins on the ground by you Tails."

Tails spoke "*mouth was full of mints* Make it five..."

Pixie spoke "Tails, stop! That's a COMICAL amount of mints!"

Rei facepalmed.

Danyelle laughs "Oh, here's a recording from when Tails and the others verbally roasted Eggman!"


Tails asks "*to Eggman* are you sure you didn’t pack a toy with that happy meal?"

Sonic laughs "Ha get him Tails!"

Knuckles asks "Your mom didn't leave a note in there too. Did she?"

Eggman spoke "You leave my mum out of this."

*End recording*

Deep Lilac laughs "Oh my Faust! He got roasted!"

Rei spoke "OOH!!!"

Blaze spoke "Sounds like Baldy McNosehair's gonna need some herbs for that burn!"

Rei spoke "Hehe, yep."

An infant hedgecat girl was clinging to Blaze's back.

Sonic notices a Mobian monkey.

Sonic spoke "Ahoy Luffy!"

Luffy laughs "Huh? Whoa! Hey Sonic!"

Danyelle spoke "It's been a while funky monkey."

Luffy spoke "Hey!"

Sonic chuckles "She's just teasing."

Danyelle shot a bolt of lightning at a skeletal cat Mobian with a poofy afro.

Danyelle spoke "Don't even THINK about it Brooke!"

Brook spoke "Yohohohohoho! That certainly shocked me to the bone! Because I’m a skeleton, you see."

Clarity scoffs "You're just as bad as Miroku..."

Danyelle asks "Say what now?"

Clarity spoke "Guess you didn't know, I'm 523 years old. Even though I look 19."

A demonic fox Mobian was soon hugging Clarity.

Danyelle was itching at her neck, trying to get a demonic flea Mobian off her.

Clarity spoke "Myoga, leave the cat alone."

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

A flea-sized Mobian was soon on Danyelle's nose.

Clarity spoke "That's Myoga... He tends to bother me and Inuyasha a lot."

Sonic spots a male.

Sonic spoke "Hey Goku! Over here!"

Danyelle snaps her fingers, causing vests to appear on those with wings to prevent them from flying.

Danyelle spoke "Given that this will likely be a gourmet race, flying will be off limits."

Deep Lilac spoke "Fair enough."

Danyelle spoke "And another thing, Dren can't float in the air either since it counts as flying."

Dren spoke "Bummer!"

Deep Lilac spoke "But knowing the pink puffball, he'd enter too."

Danyelle spoke "That may be so but even Kirby knows that he's not allowed to fly."

A white furred Mobian wolf with a crest of blue fur down the back of the head and neck walks over to the group.

The wolf spoke "Seems like the twin-tailed cat knows the rules about the gourmet race."

Danyelle spoke "Hey Toriko."

A tailless black-furred monkey Mobian suddenly appeared.

Sonata asks "What happened to your tail?"

Goku spoke "Huh? *Carefree smile* Oh, it’s no big deal."

Sonic asks "But still... Why would anyone want to do that?"

Danyelle spoke "If I had my tails chopped off, I wouldn't be able to fly right..."

Goku spoke "Hey, it was for a good reason."

Danyelle spoke "Ignoring the outburst from Rarity..."

Rarity spoke "Hey!"

Danyelle asks "Given that there are newcomers in the Gourmet Race, mind explaining the rules Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "*Ahem* Regarding the rules, winged folks like alicorns and Pegasi are not allowed to fly during the race. On that note, Cyniclons are forbidden to hover in the air since the point is to run. At the finish line is a really rare kind of meat. There will be a lot of obstacles too. Just so everyone has a fair chance, I will be running at half my normal speed. Extreme Gear is off limits...."

Danyelle uses her magic to disable the Ex-gear mode on Shadow's shoes for the entire race.

Sonic spoke "All forms of magic and Cyniclon powers along with element bending is off limits."

Jet spoke "BUMMER!!!"

Rei spoke "Okay."

Sonic spoke "All Pokémon moves are also off limits too."

Asuna spoke "I'll be watching the race from a hot air balloon though since I'm not much of a runner."

Sonic spoke "Racers! To the starting line!"

Rei spoke "*Gets to the starting line and readies himself* Here we go."

What seemed to be a hybrid of a WereGarurumon and a Midnight form Lycanroc was among the racers.

There was also a Blaziken-Garudamon hybrid as well.

The Blaziken-Garudamon hybrid spoke "You're going down WereLycanmon!"

WereLycanmon spoke "In your dreams Blazedramon!"

A Flareon-Garudamon hybrid spoke "Joltesusmon could kick your sorry tails!"

Joltesusmon spoke "You're one to talk Flarerudamon, you got your sorry ass kicked by Espewomon ONE time and you just can't leave well enough alone!"

Espewomon spoke "So says the dense boltbrain that can't admit his feelings for Leaflymon!"

Joltesusmon spoke "Shut up Espewomon! You're too shy to admit your feelings to GlaceAngemon!"

An AncientMermaimon-Vaporeon hybrid spoke "That's no way to speak to a lady."

GlaceAngemon was on his back while laughing.

Rei spoke "Did… not see that coming."

An Umbreon-LadyDevimon hybrid was laughing.

The Umbreon-LadyDevimon hybrid spoke "Seeing the six of them squabble like that is amusing."

Espewomon asks "Really?"

UmbreDevimon spoke "Bite me."

From the hot air balloon, Asuna spoke "Racers! On your marks! Get set! GO!!!"

Rainbow, Sonic and Joltesusmon took the lead as the others took off running.

Asuna asks "Hmm… Should we put on some music?"

Huey spoke "mya!"

Danyelle spoke "EAT MY DUST SKITTLES!!!"

A glint of gold was on Danyelle's right ankle as she ran past the three speedsters.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh, it’s on now!"

Rei was definitely catching up.

A tan blur zipped past since Michiru had taken on a cheetah form.

Michiru laughs "Later Slowpoke!"

Rei then caught up with the three speedsters. “Looks like all that leg training paid off!”

A loud boom was heard as Michiru suddenly broke the sound barrier, zooming past the four.

Asuna exclaims "This is intense! Miss Kagetashi pulls ahead of the four leads after breaking the sound barrier! Can the Blue Blur, the Cerulean Blur, the Clairvoyant Cat and the Ghostfox catch up to her?"

Rei spoke Heh, looks like it’s time to pull out all the stops."

Danyelle and Sonic break the sound barrier and catch up to Michiru.

Rei pushed off the ground with his legs with incredible power, force and speed, breaking the sound barrier too as he caught up with the three.

A sudden Rainboom was seen as Rainbow breaks the sound barrier, catching up to the four.

Danyelle kept the speed as she jumps up a mountain cliff.

Rei pushed off the ground again like before, getting all the way up the mountain cliff in one jump.

Michiru and Rainbow crossed through the forest as Sonic sped through the desert.

The five were halfway through.

Shadow was already far ahead but he was forcefully removed from the race due to usage of Chaos Control to get ahead.

Rei spoke "Guess ya gotta move with the time, not against it."

Danyelle spoke "He had it coming!"

Rei asks "Yeah, but see what I did there?"

Danyelle spoke "Shadow doesn't seem to give a shit though."

Rei spoke "Well, let's keep going!"

Danyelle spoke "I doubt the others can catch up with us speedsters."

Rei spoke "Ya never know what could happen in a race. Luffy might go 2nd Gear, and Goku might go Super Saiyan."

Danyelle spoke "But Sonic said earlier that all powers were off limits. That included magic, Chaos Control, Cyniclon powers, Pokémon attacks and elemental bending. He didn't say anything about Blastia though."

Rei asks "But were Devil Fruit powers and Ki mentioned?"

Danyelle spoke "Not directly but those are off limits too."

Rei spoke "Just thought I should check."

Danyelle spoke "But I heard rumors that Goku got into a slap fight with Vegeta one time."

Rei snickers "Sorry, what?"

Danyelle snickers "Slap fight."

Rei snickers "You serious?"

Danyelle laughs "Very much so! Catch you later slowpoke!"

Danyelle zooms off down the mountain while pulling off a Plasmaboom in the process.

Rei spoke "Ooh, you're in for it now!"

Rei plummeted down the mountain, pulling off an Illusionboom in the process.

A Renapix with fireproof clothes zooms past Rei.

Renapix spoke "Eat my dust!"

The Renapix ran so fast that a literal dust cloud obscured Rei's vision.

Rei spoke "Oh... IT IS ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!!!"

Rei leapt and ran even faster, catching up with the Renapix as the dust cloud cleared off his head.

Michiru, Danyelle, Sonic and Rainbow were closing in on the finish line.

Rei and the Renapix were closing in too.

What seemed to be a yellow Zoroark had crashed into Rei, accidentally locking lips with him.

Rei gasps "What in the?!"

That startled Rei so much that he tripped and tumbled.

The Renark's clothes were tattered since she was trying to escape from some bad people.

The Renark was soon on her back as she glances up at Rei with a blush on her face.

Renark stammers "S-sorry..."

Rei groans "Ugh… What happened?"

A quad-boom was heard off in the distance thus indicating that Danyelle, Rainbow, Sonic and Michiru had tied for first place.

Renark spoke "I accidentally crashed into you...."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Renark giggles "You're kinda cute."

Rei asks "Huh?"

Asuna calls out "Rei! What happened?"

Rei spoke "Not really sure. But I’m sure Miyuki will wanna talk to me about this."

Asuna teases "Seems like you found another Zoroark."

Rei rushed to the finish line, reaching 2nd as Renark giggled.

Deep Lilac laughs "Sounds like the Zoroark's in sixth place."

Rei asks "6th? Then who’s in fifth?"

Deep Lilac spoke "That would be the Renapix."

Rei sighs "*Facepalm* Should’ve known."

Zoey was out of breath as she and Pigment came in tenth place.

Danyelle's fur bristled up since she had a bad vision.

Danyelle calls out "Asuna! Call off the race!! Something BAD IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!!!"

Danyelle was bodyslammed into a tree by a darker version of Orion.

Danyelle groans in pain. "Wh-why Orion...?"

Rei spoke "That’s Shadow Orion now."

Danyelle fires a Plasma Bolt at Shadow Orion, knocking the corrupted Poké-Mobian back.

Raptor suddenly showed up. “What’s going on here?!”

Deep Lilac spoke "Orion's gone berserk and Danyelle's trying her best to stop him."

Raptor spoke "That explains why I somehow can’t Mega Evolve!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Sonic can't go into any of his other forms because of this!"

Rei spoke "Guess we’ll need this."

Rei brought out something.

But a darker colored shadow ball hits the item, causing it to shatter.

Danyelle spoke "You've gone too far Orion!"

Rei spoke "No, that’s not Orion. That’s the Shadow Synergy Stone."

A blast of ice freezes Shadow Orion in place but it wasn't caused by Elsa.

What seemed to be a robotic Glaceon was up on a nearby cliff.

The robotic Glaceon spoke "Long time, no see."

Zelda spoke "Indeed it has Iron Frost."

Tails asks "Woah, what Poké-Mobian is that?!?"

Tails scans the Poké-Mobian with the Pokédex.

The Pokédex's voice spoke "No data available. Possibly a Glaceon."

Iron Frost spoke "The Pokédex is half-right."

Tails spoke "Since the Pokédex can't recognize you...."

Sonic asks "What are you? Some sort of robot Glaceon?"

Iron Frost spoke "You can say that. I just hope Lord Miraidon is okay."

Danyelle yowls louder than she ever could, getting Mirai's attention.

A time portal suddenly appeared as Mirai showed up.

Korai soon follows, as did many other legendary Poké-Mobians.

Arcee asks "Did thou summon all of us Legendary Poké-Mobians?"

Danyelle explained to Arcee and the others.

Arcee spoke "Ah, I see."

Deep Lilac spoke "I was the one that killed Giovanni..."

Suicune asks "What?"

Danyelle spoke "It's a mother's instinct to protect her children."

Zoey spoke "Asuna and I would say the same thing about Huey and Pigment."

Raikou asks "Wait.. WHAT????"

Danyelle spoke "Calm down, Raiju."

To Arcee's surprise, a pair of smaller Mewtwo and a smaller Mew were near Zoey and Myth.

Arcee asks "What’s going on?"

Myth spoke "Well, a rare flower that wasn't a Gracidea caused Asuna to have a child and me to have a third child. Pigment was cloned from Orion but... She's a Ghost-Psychic type."

Zoey asks "Did you say ghost?"

Myth spoke "Oops."

Danyelle spoke "Pig doesn't look like a ghost at all though."

Zoey sighs with relief.

Myth spoke "Thanks, Dany."

Zoey spoke "That's a load off my mind."

Sonic spoke "Sounded like Scratch for a moment there."

Lance asks "Who?"

Sonic spoke "Long story short, one of Egghead’s goons."

Danyelle laughs "Oh! I call him Chicken Face!"

The others burst into laughter.

Danyelle laughs "Michiru, Nazuna and I often refer to Eggman as Baldy McNosehair!"

Sonic chuckles "Hey! I call him that too, ya know!"

Deep Lilac snickers "I got one!! Fatso!"

Sonic laughs "Humpty Dumpty!"

Tails spoke "Oh my Chaos! I got one!!! Tubby!"

Rei chuckles "How's this? Potbelly!"

Rainbow, Pinkie and Michiru were laughing.

Nazuna snickers "Lardball!"

Everyone was in high spirits while Deep Lilac slices up the meat after Danyelle cooked it thoroughly with her flames.

Deep Lilac spoke "While the other ponies and I enjoy our salads, the meat eaters can enjoy the meat!"

Danyelle took some for herself as the other carnivores did as well.

Rei spoke "Mmm! This is good!"

Sonata was growling at Aria since the two were arguing over the same chunk of meat.

Huey had a smaller portion since he was just a baby.

Rei slashed Sonata and Aria's chunk of meat perfectly in half, 50-50.

Adagio steals both pieces from her sisters and ate them.

Natsu sets some fireworks off.


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