• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Finding the Cure?

Author's Note:

Crossover with Arknights

*Danyelle’s POV*

After that terrifying vision, I was pacing about in fear as I tried to make sense of it.

Myth asks “You okay?”

I spoke “No, I’m not! No matter how many times I think about it, it still turns out the same!”

Twilight spoke “It seems as if that ice dragon’s dead set on making it happen.”

I groan “Don’t remind me Sparkles! Kyurem’s far too stubborn to change his ways.”

Myth spoke “We might have to talk to Arcee about it.”

I spoke “That might be our only option when dealing with Kyurem.”

Myth spoke “And if Kyurem doesn’t listen...”


Twilight spoke “I have a bad feeling about all this...”

Amiya asks “I’m sort of confused here... Who’s Kyurem?”

I spoke “Girl, you don’t want to know...”

Amiya spoke “Fair enough, I won’t ask.”

Geras was still here, waiting patiently. "Then do you know of his DNA splicers?"

I spoke "In the sense of things, it's like whenever Sonic and Shadow use Chaos Control at the same time to form Shadic."

*Some time later in Kyurem’s domain*


I flung a blade made of air at an ice pillar to aggravate the ice dragon.

Twilight asks “Uh Danyelle, what are you doing?”

I spoke “Aggravating Kyurem into coming out.”

Twilight spoke “I see where this is going!”

Twilight charges up an energy blast before firing it at a wall, causing damage.

I blast a different area with fire.

I laugh as Twilight and I continue causing damage.

Dunno why, but Geras was with us as a tortoise Mobian as we felt the ground rumble, telling us that Kyurem was coming out.

I spoke “I think we’ve pissed Kyurem off good.”

I cloaked Geras, Twilight and myself in fire since I knew that we were in for an extremely chilly fight.

Kyurem then burst out the cave, pushing the three of us back before Geras became a pile of sand after hitting the ground. But then he rose from the sand, bending backward while standing upward as he straightened out before clenching his right fist with sand falling as his eyes glowed blue.

I shot a Fairy Wind at Kyurem in retaliation.

Kyurem growled at us.

I used my magic to teleport the DNA splicer away from Kyurem.

I growl "Out with it Kyurem, why are you so intent on making that future happen?"

Kyurem spoke "Because of the threat those crystals have."

Amiya asks "You mean the Originium crystals?"

I ask "So you're willing to put the lives of four Equians in danger just to protect many others?"

Kyurem spoke "It’s hard to make that decision, but there is no other way."

But then I noticed a small yin-yang-like circle of blue and red fire in the air.

Twilight spoke "Explaining this to Scootaloo won't be easy..."

“Guys?” I called out before the circle grew and became a portal before Espio came out of it, accompanied by a male Chinese fire dragon Mobian.

Twilight asks "Oh what now?"

But then I noticed the dragon Mobian’s eyes were glowing.

Amiya spoke "I have a bad feeling about that..."

The dragon spoke "Calm yourselves. I am a friend."

The dragon then did a kung-fu salute.

Espio spoke "Surprisingly, he found me while I was investigating the new world I found on the other side of that gateway."

The dragon spoke "Indeed, as the gateway’s activation rebuilt a connection between Mobius and Earthrealm."

Twilight spoke "But we still don't have a clear answer as to why we can't bring Scootaloo's parents and aunts back."

The dragon spoke "It is possible to bring them back, but it seems that battle and isolation has left Kyurem’s mind weary."

I spoke "According to Amiya, it's not safe to bring Scootaloo's parents and aunts back to Equis since the four of them have Oripathy... which has a 0% cure rate..."

The dragon spoke "*Smile* But Geras can help with that since the source are from crystals."

Geras nodded at that.

I groan at the same time Amiya did.

I spoke "Oripathy has no cure though. Nothing can cure it."

The dragon spoke "I would not be so certain."

The dragon’s right hand was engulfed in blue flames as his left hand was engulfed in red flames before conjuring a portal of blue and red flames to Amiya’s homeworld.

“Whether if you want to accompany us or not will be your decision.” The dragon said as he and Geras walked through it, entering the realm before encountering Scootaloo’s parents and aunties before they shifted to their true forms.

Twilight spoke "…We have to at least try."

I spoke "But Twilight, you and I don't have immunity to Oripathy."

Twilight spoke "I know, but we still have to let them try."

Sonic pops up suddenly.

Sonic spoke "But you heard the rabbit, it's not going to be easy."

Geras summoned a large hourglass as the strange man summoned fire to protect Scootaloo’s parents and aunties harm. Geras then used the hourglass as black sand somehow started becoming extracted from Scootaloo’s parents and aunties. Thirty minutes to an hour later, the hourglass was filled as the black sand turned into normal sand with Scootaloo’s parents and aunties still standing.

Geras spoke "It has been done."

Amiya spoke "Even it were that easy, Oripathy can't be removed from an infected person..."

But the Oripathy soon rebounds on the four, turning their bodies half crystal.

The I would not be so certain.

Geras snapped his fingers, completely erasing the Oripathy and Originium from the four’s bodies while completely restoring them to normal.

I spoke "*via comm* For the love of StarClan, Oripathy is hardwired in their bodies thus making it impossible to remove!"

Amiya gasps "*Scans Scootaloo’s parents and aunties before becoming shocked* This… This is impossible! There is no trace of Oripathy or Originium inside any of those four anywhere!"

I groan "*via comm* StarClan's sake Amiya... I thought you said that Oripathy was permanent!"

Amiya gasps "I-I thought so too! But how…?!"

The male spoke "You can ask questions after these four are returned home."

A loud bang was heard before the only male of the four ponies had dropped dead.

The man checked the male’s pulse. “Hmm… Something must have occurred to force this stallion into a coma and a dead-like state.”

The man then summoned fire to protect the four ponies from any further harm.

I growl "It's worse than you think Liu Kang, someone that's heavily infected by Oripathy is out for blood."

Liu Kang created a barrier made of flames to protect the four ponies as Liu Kang and Geras stood to protect them.

Liu Kang spoke "It seems that this enemy has chosen to defy peace, then this enemy has chosen war with a god."

Amiya spoke "It's not gonna be that easy sir..."

A loud warning noise was heard.

I spoke "*via comm* SHIT! That's a hurricane! And it's a class 5-A, nothing can stop it! Not even air magic! And it's heading your way!"

But then a huge flame barrier formed around everyone.

Liu Kang spoke "I am the god of fire and protector of Earthrealm. I am no stranger to defending others."

I scoff "Yeah right, I'm the freaking Avatar."

Amiya spoke "We can't stay in one spot long, that catastrophe is headed right for us and it can't be stopped."

Liu Kang then teleported the group to the exact opposite side of where they were as the hurricane looked like it was headed away from them.

Several more originium crystals had appeared, causing the four ponies as well as Espio to contract Oripathy.

I spoke "*via comm* I hate tell you this but I told you so!"

Amiya spoke "The Originium, the Catastrophes and the Oripathy are all connected. It can't be gotten rid of."

But then Liu Kang smiled as the Oripathy and originium crystals suddenly burned away completely as the five were fully cured before the group noticed that they were still in the barrier, realizing that the barrier went with him.

Liu Kang spoke "It has not been a full day, now I must return them home before it happens again."

Amiya groans "It's been three years since the four ponies got Oripathy, they can't be cured."

Liu Kang spoke "Yet, but they can be. But for now..."

Liu Kang blasted out fire at the four before he stopped as the four ponies were unharmed, but each have a ring on them as Amiya gasped.

Amiya spoke "Those are the same rings I use to keep my infection from getting stronger, but how-"

But then Amiya's rings glowed before the glow faded.

Liu Kang spoke "I have upgraded them, now they, neither you, Amiya, can infect anyone else."

Nearl spoke "That will only slow down the crystallization though."

Liu Kang spoke "Not if we find the cure before that happens. It seems you're devoid of light's greatest weapon, hope."

Amiya spoke "Uh... Originium particles are permanently assimilated into the Infected's cells and blood, making them impossible to filter out without endangering the Infected's life... Even if you tried to, it would put the lives of the four ponies in grave danger."

I spoke "*via comm* ...I have an idea on who can help, but it ain't gonna be pretty."

Amiya spoke "I don't like where this is going..."

I spoke "*via comm* Me neither, but there isn't any other option. We'll need to ask Egghead for help."

Twilight spoke "*voice in background* ARE YOU NUTS DANYELLE? He'll probably say the same thing Amiya just said!"

I spoke "*via comm* Maria told me she saw Eggman testing some kind of machine."

Twilight spoke "*voice in background* But it won't stop Oripathy though. Remember what you told me about Maria's illness back before she became a fox-eagle hybrid? It's basically the same thing."

I spoke "*via comm* But it’s different from back then. They didn’t have tech advanced enough for that."

Maria spoke *voice in background* Don't make me hit you Danyelle! My grandfather tried to find a cure but failed when... I just don't want to talk about it..."

I spoke "*via comm* I won’t go into it, Maria. But this may be our last and only chance."

Maria spoke *voice in background* This oripathy thing is like the disease I used to have... Wait... I GOT IT!!! We can use Soul Transfer to move the souls of the four ponies into new bodies thus fooling the oripathy!"

Liu Kang spoke "Are you certain, Maria? Because there can be no undoing this action once it has been done."

Celestia spoke "*voice in background* She's positive about this. Given that I was the one who turned her into what she is now."

Liu Kang spoke "...Very well."

Geras spoke "I suppose that is our only option left that's sure to succeed."

I spoke "*via comm* But first we gotta get them into a quarantined room."

Maria spoke *voice in background* Celestia and I will be handling the Soul Transfer process since we have no idea what the four ponies will turn into after. Not even Danyelle's Dimensional Scream can predict it."

I spoke "*via comm* I'll help with the spell too."

Maria spoke *voice in background* We won't know what the end results could be though."

Celestia spoke "*voice in background* There is a chance that Snap's soul will become a minotaur or possibly a Mobian echidna."

I spoke "*via comm* Actually, those four could become anything. It's totally random."

Maria spoke *voice in background* Celestia, Newlestia, Danyelle and I will prepare a quarantined room to put the four in before we use the spell."

I spoke "*via comm* Let's prepare another room for when they come back."

Celestia spoke "*voice in background* But if we add a male turned mare's magic into that mix, there is a chance that one of them would turn into a chakat. Even I don't know which one will become a chakat."

I spoke "*via comm* I think I have a feeling of which one, but let's not jump to conclusions."

Celestia giggles "*voice in background* Regardless, the results will be as random as Pinkie Pie."

I spoke "*Snickers on comm* Who knows? Could be even more random like a cragadile mobian."

Celestia giggles "*voice in background* You're one to talk, Miss Dimensional Scream."

I ask "*Giggles on comms* Oh really, Princess Sun-Sized?"

Amiya spoke "Can you two save the jabs for later? You two have ponyfolk to cure."

I spoke "*via comm* Okay. The rooms are ready."

Sonic uses a warp ring to send the four infected ponies into four separate sealed rooms.

Liu Kang and Geras then teleported to us, transforming back into their Mobian forms.

I spoke "I'll handle Scootaloo's mother."

Sonic spoke "Since Maria doesn't have magic, I'll handle the stallion."

Newlestia spoke "I'll handle the other Pegasus."

Celestia spoke "Which leaves me with handling Holiday."

As streams of fire and air swirl around me, I use the Soul Transfer spell to transform Mane Allgood into something different.

A loud bang was heard from where Newlestia was, followed by a chakat's yelp.

The chakat appeared in a different empty room.

Soon enough, a violet colored Mobian echidna appears in a different room.

I saw a female Mobian hippogriff with a coat of light tangelo fur, while some of the mane on her head was pale-light grayish gold and goldish white appear in a room behind me, while a light tangelo colored female Mobian echidna appeared in a different room.

Celestia spoke "It's done, the Oripathy has no reason to kill the four off now."

"Good. Now that that's settled..." I sighed in relief before turning towards Liu Kang.

Sonic spoke "Danyelle, you better cool it or you'll have a miscarriage."

That made me freeze a bit before I took a deep breath in and out, calming myself.

Newlestia snickers "Good move hedgehog."

"Liu Kang. We need to talk." I said, having a feeling I have heard the demi-god's voice before.

Newlestia spoke "I remember now! I think I've seen him before I got yanked out of my world after I had been turned into a pink maned version of Sunbutt."

Celestia asks "Ignoring that remark... What are you getting at Danyelle?"

“It was in a Dimensional Scream that showed me the dawn of history when I was at the Hourglass.” I remembered, having heard that voice there.

Newlestia asks "What the fuck?"

Celestia wingslaps her double on the back of the head.

Liu Kang spoke "If you have seen that, I suppose it is necessary to explain."

I spoke "Ignoring the fact that Newlestia just swore...."

Liu Kang spoke "As you know, the Hourglass is a celestial object beyond the realms as it regulates time and destiny. When I wielded its power, it was upon me to craft all existence and meet Arceus. Which I did, when I restarted history. I am a mere demi-god now, but eons ago I was more powerful than Faust and all the Elder Gods combined. I was a Titan, and the Keeper of Time."

“What do you mean by that?” I asked.

Geras spoke "This timeline was preceded by billions more, though this is the first of Liu Kang’s design. The others were designed by his predecessor, Kronika. Kronika was obsessed with equalizing good and evil. When a timeline veered too far to one or the other, she would halt it and restart history. Tinkering with lives and events in the hope of achieving her golden balance."

Liu Kang spoke "When I took the Hourglass from Kronika, I vowed to do better."

That was a lot to take in. “So what? Am I supposed to worship you? To obey you without question?”

Liu Kang spoke "No, Danyelle. My prior role was thrust upon me by circumstance. I am in no way divine."

Sonic asks "Hold on, you saying that you gave up power over all creation?"

Liu Kang spoke "Because I saw how it drove Kronika mad. I knew I would dare no better, had I kept it."

Maria spoke "I'm so soaping my husband's mouth later..."

I spoke "I didn't choose to become the Avatar though. But there is a saying... With great power, comes great responsibility."

Celestia nods in agreement.

Sonic teleported suddenly before reappearing with Starlight.

I spoke "Case in point... If I hadn't stopped Starlight before she traveled back in time, she would have tried to stop the Rainboom."

Liu Kang spoke "Indeed, but sometimes, there is power that isn't meant to be in anyone's hands."

I spoke "Or hooves..."

A sharp pain shot up my back.

I spoke "BEN!!!!! CODE PINK-BLUE!!!"

Ben showed up via Warp Ring.

I spoke "Hospital... Now..."

Ben spoke "On it!"

Ben picked me up before carrying me bridal style as Sonic used a warp ring to the hospital as Ben took me there as fast as possible without any problems.

Starlight spoke "I'll get the others."

Starlight teleports after Ben and I before getting Gallus and the rest of my children.

Ben soon helped me get onto a bed as he held my hand while I was squeezing his.

Gingerheart was handling the delivery.

I spoke "I'm not having anymore kids after these two!"

*Some time later,*

I was holding a hedgecat girl and a foxcat boy in my arms.

"At least until the little cuties start drinking their formula..." I smiled, despite being exhausted as Ben smiled while gently hugging us.

Gallus spoke "But that doesn't explain why they look different than you Danyelle."

Bluestar was holding Rani in her arms as Irene clung to her back while Akoya was on the blue-gray Mobian cat's head.

Bluestar spoke "I was thinking the same thing myself when I saw Rani for the first time."

"It's because of the forms I was in." I answered.

Myth soon pops up but Koji wasn't with her.

"Hi Myth." I greeted.

Myth spoke "Orion heard that Mrs Cake had new foals! Twins as well! A Pegasus colt and a unicorn filly!"

Pinkie couldn't help but pop up with a HUGE smile.

I spoke with a growl "Pinkamena Diane Pie, you have five seconds to scram before I set you on fire. You scared Irene, Rani, Akoya, Daria and Damien."

But to my surprise, the two newborns were laughing as that somewhat calmed me down.

I cuddle Daria and Damien close while purring happily.

I spoke "Maybe we could arrange a playdate for the babies and babytwos in a month from now."

Pinkie smiled, but stopped herself and left before she could lose control of her excitement.

I giggle "Airhead..."


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