• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Back to New Yoke/ A Madness To Their Methods

*Twilight/Deep Lilac's POV*

Once the rest of the Harmony Guard and I recovered, we went after the two hedgehogs.

Blaze, Tails, Shadow, Zoey and Moeru came with us.

Rarity spoke "Ick... This city's worse than Republic City... *cough*"

But then we saw someone riding something and a red dot falling before we saw two dots falling after it before the the two blue dots threw the red one onto a roof as we saw the two dots, revealed to be Maurice and Sonic as they fell into a dumpster.

Maurice spoke "Yuck!"

Sonic groans "This will be hard to wash out of my wings..."

Sonic tried to move his wings, only to find the left one was injured.

Sonic spoke "Oh great. Well, I still have my speed to get around."

We soon saw the mothership land on a tower as everything in the city lit back on with power as there now Eggforcers moving throughout the whole city.

“Come on! Let’s go!” I said as we got onto the rooftops while noticing Maurice’s gloves and hands being different.

Maurice calls out "Dread? Dread? Dread? Where are you?"

But then we saw fighting in the distance, seeing a Rouge carrying some citizens to safety.

Maurice spoke "It’s the rebels!"

We moved to when she was headed and saved her by destroying the Eggforcers attacking her and a Knuckles.

Maurice asks "Miss me?

Rebel asks "Sonic?"

Renegade spoke "I shoulda known when everything went bad, you’d show up."

Maurice spoke "Hey, I’m here to help!"

Rebel spoke "Except you always seem to make things worse."

After getting his left wing bandaged up by Fluttershy, Sonic spoke "I didn't do anything wrong though!"

I ask "Have either of you seen a pirate version of Renegade?"

Maurice spoke "He was talking about me, bro."

Renegade asks "What are you talking about?"

But then more Eggforcers showed up as we fought them while moving throughout the city as I noticed we were heading into the “Deep District”.

To the surprise of the Harmony Guard and the rebels, Gild and Eyeshade aided in the fight with the robots.

Moeru asks "Gild? Eyeshade? What are you you two doing here?"

Eyeshade spoke "Gild and I have ta stop Dread from goin' after the rest o' the shards."

We kept beating the Eggforcers while saving civilians.

Renegade spoke "Come on, don't let Sonic get in all the good licks!"

The rebels started fighting the Eggforcers.

Maurice spoke "It's great to see you guys again, it really is, but I-"

Renegade growls *Grabs Maurice* Answers! Where did you from?"

Maurice spoke "Well..."

Yeah, Maurice explained the long and complicated story.

Renegade spoke "Pirates? I hate pirates."

Rebel asks "*Grabs Maurice in anger* You let the Council het their hands on more Shards?"

Maurice spoke "Technically, yes. But don't worry, I've got a plan. I'm on my way to fix it right now."

Rebel spoke "We've heard that before!

Maurice spoke "I'm gonna bust into the Yoke, grab the Shards and rescue Nine."

Rebel asks "The fox with the attitude? The one who stole the Shard?"

Maurice stammers "I know he's a little rough around the edges..."

Rebel spoke "It's not just the edges."

Maurice spoke "...but he saved you!"

Renegade spoke "And then he disappeared again."

Maurice spoke "Because he was captured? We can trust him."

Renegade spoke "Him? We don't even trust you or your friends!"

Danyelle growls "Can't you see we have BIGGER problems than a single pirate going after the shards? If Nine got his hands on the shards, he'll use them to command the Grim to attack the rest of us! As well as those in Boscage, No Place and everyone here in New Yoke!"

Maurice spoke "Okay, now I know you're losing it, Dany."

Sonic asks "Gotta agree with me there, Danyelle. You sure you're not letting your Dimensional Scream get to your head?"

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Sonic, can't you trust your adopted sister for once? I feel hurt by what you said..."

Tails whacks Sonic on the head.

Tails spoke "You oughta know by now that Danyelle can't turn her Dimensional Scream off."

Gild asks "Dimensional Scream?"

Danyelle spoke "Lot to explain."

Sonic spoke "Look, I do trust you, Dany. But you seriously can't expect me to just believe that Dimensional Scream. A Tails is a Sonic's best bud, and that Dimensional Scream makes me think it could be wrong just this once."

Danyelle spoke "Well don't come crying to me once Nine turns against you."

Tails spoke "Maybe you're just being paranoid Dany."

Danyelle spoke "Not you too Tails..."

Maurice spoke "Fine. I don't need you guys slowing me down anyway. I'll just-"

Rebel spoke "Quiet!"

We saw scanners coming around fast, picking up civilians.

Rebel spoke "Those machines, they've never been so fast. Or this aggressive."

Maurice spoke "*As Renegade jumped down to help the civilians* Which is exactly why I need to get into the Yoke like, yesterday. The Shards are what matters."

Rebel spoke "Go on, then. Don't let us slow you down."

Rebel flew down to help save the civilians.

A lone Changeling stallion was among the civilians as he tried to escape but was captured.

Kevin screams "HELP!!!!"

Rebel then kicked the bot holding Kevin away, freeing him.

Maurice asks "*Nervously* It's fine. They can handle it. Focus on the Shards, focus on the Shards... *Runs down* Uh, why am I running into battle?"

Maurice attacked a bot, causing it to drop a civilian before Denizen 1998 caught it with New Yoke Froggy poking out from under his hat.

Sonic throws a robot away with magic.

Sonic spoke "Maybe it's what a Sonic does, they defend the innocent."

Renegade and Rebel fought the bots before Maurice took them out.

Maurice spoke "Well, it’s been a blast, but I gotta get to the Yoke."

Rebel spoke "We’re going with you."

Maurice asks "What?"

I spoke "We're stronger as a team than we are alone."

The rest of the Harmony Guard nod in agreement.

Indigo spoke "There's a saying though. United we stand, divided we fall."

Rebel spoke "We're all heading to the Yoke."

Renegade spoke "Why would we go to the Yoke? The streets are crawling with Eggbots again!"

Rebel spoke "Now that the Council is back and more powerful than ever, we have to take the fight to them."

Renegade spoke "No one likes a good dust-up more than me, you know that, Rebel, but these grunts are green. We need to get underground."

Maurice spoke "Love that you're talking this out, but I should've been there already. I can't wait around-"

Rebel spoke "*Stops Maurice* You're gonna have to! This is bigger than you, Sonic. If you fail, and the Chaos Council keeps the Shards, we're finished. And I'm not letting that happen."

I spoke "Even with seven Poké-Mobians, we're still too small an army to stop those robots."

A crack of thunder was heard as New Yoke Danyelle shows up on the back of a Luxray-like creature.

New Yoke Danyelle spoke "Thought you'd need more help there Rebel and Renegade!"

New Yoke Danyelle whistles loud, calling in more creatures identical to her mount.

Rebel spoke "I know this isn't what we do. We stick to the shadows, we fight from the shadows, but this, there's too much at stake. We have to bring the fight right to them."

Renegade spoke "Maybe there's a way we can do both."

I spoke "I can use invisibility, it'll give us the advantage while leaving them confused."

Rebel spoke "No, they would’ve been prepared for invisibility."

Later, we were entering some kind of subway before Rebel stopped us.

Maurice asks "Oh, can we please speed this up?"

Rebel spoke "We’re moving as fast as we can."

We kept moving forward before seeing scan bits as we took cover.

Renegade asks "What’s the plan, Rebel?"

Maurice spoke "Yeah, we are kinda under a time crunch here, so…"

Rebel spoke "We need to get into the tunnels on the other side of the station. Using them, we’ll be able to get in close to the Yoke HQ with less attention than on the streets."

Renegade spoke "So we just gotta get past these chumps first? *Scoff* No sweat."

We went through tubes before fighting the scan-grab bots.

I spoke "Using my Roar will draw too much attention though."

Another version of Shade was on the back of a wolf creature that looked like a knock-off Midday Lycanroc as the two fought a robot.

We soon beat the bots while saving some teammates.

Maurice spoke "Way to put the “team” in “teamwork”, everybody! Oh, looks like you can handle yourselves, so maybe I’ll just take off."

But then we heard doors rumbling.

Danyelle, Akane and I growl.

Gild and the two strange creatures growl as well.

Gild spoke "Brace yerselves!"

The doors opened up, revealing giant Eggforcers.

Renegade spoke "Those things are huge."

Rebel asks "Okay, seriously, what’s with all the upgrades?"

The bots approached us before we took cover after dodging an attack.

Rebel asks "Knucks, we’ll handle this one. Can you clear the exit?"

Maurice saluted before running.

Rebel spoke "Let’s move."

We started fighting the two giant bots and scan bots while Maurice saved two Rebel soldiers from a train as the giant bot held it back before Maurice kicked a plasma blaster out of it.

I fired a Roar at the robots, shoving them backwards.

Rebel spoke "Let's go!"

We continued moving on before reaching the end of the tunnel, seeing tons of bots down there.

Rebel spoke "*Gasp!* I'm starting to think this was a bad idea. They've never had this many Eggforcers, and they've never been this tough."

Renegade asks "What do we got left to lose?"

Gild sarcastically asks "I dunno, maybe our lives?"

Maurice spoke "Look, this is all getting pretty intense and it's lot more than you signed up for. So I don't blame ay of you if you don't wanna go any further. But I have to go. I have a fox friend to rescue and a world to save, a few worlds, actually. I should have been doing this alone anyway."

Rebel spoke "No. The Chaos Council are not going to stop at bigger robots, and you're our best shot at any sort of victory. We're with you, Sonic."

Renegade spoke "Just tell me who to punch."

Tails spoke "If only we had more allies."

Sonic spoke "Tails, you're a GENIUS!!!"

Zoey uses telepathy to contact Purity and the rest of the Mewtwos.

Zoey spoke "Damn, I can't get through to our allies. Something is blocking my telepathy."

Danyelle burps up a letter that was from Shirou.

Danyelle spoke "About time! We got allies coming!"

A warp ring opens up before Michiru, Nazuna, Shirou, Corina, Bridget, Kiki, Renee, Honeystar and the Wonderbolts along with a huge flock of gryphons arrive.

Shirou spoke "Thought you folks would need help."

Sonic spoke "Good timing grandpa! We needed it!"

What Sonic had just said caught Rebel, Renegade, Countershade, Eyeshade and Gild off guard.

We then started fighting the bots, even causing a train to crash into two giant ones.

Shirou was in his other form as he ripped robots apart while flaming arrows were shot off by the firebenders.

Ginrou howls "PUSH THEM BACK!!!"

But then two giant metallic bots showed up as Knuckles used a plasma launcher, only for the plasma to bounce off.

Rebel spoke "Forget it, Knucks! They're too well-armored!"

Renegade spoke "We'll see about that!"

Renegade leapt and pounded a bot's head in before its eyes glowed with the head popping back up before it shot lasers from said eyes as Maurice grabbed Renegade, dodging them.

Maurice chuckles "If looks could kill, am I right? *Dodging bot's flamethrower* I think maybe I made them mad!"

Ginrou attacked one of the upgraded giant bots, only to leave a TINY dent.

Ginrou growls "This is much harder than I thought."

Nazuna shifted to her false Ginrou form, shredding her own clothes in the process.

Nazrou shot sun-hot flames from her mouth at the robots, melting them down.

Nazrou laughs "Too bad they're NOT SUN-HOT FIREPROOF!!"

Michiru spoke "Uh Nazuna..."

To the horror of the pink furred wolf, the robots didn't melt.

Nine spoke "Nine to Sonic."

Maurice asks "Nine? *Dodging eye beams*"

Nine asks "Are you there, Sonic?"

Maurice taunts "*Dodging eye beams* Can't take your eyes off me, huh? Come on, do your worst!"

Maurice ran around with the eye beams following him, destroying some giant bots before he went to between them and jumped up, with the two giant armored robots hitting each other with their eye beams, causing them to explode as Maurice landed.

Maurice spoke "Yeesh. You guys need some team spirit."

A severely underweight tanuki Mobian crawled out from one of the two robots that was destroyed before collapsing.

Michiru asks "Is that...?!"

Nazrou spoke "Minus the weight difference, she looks like you Michiru. And no, I'm saying that you're fat or anything!"

Another Nazuna soon shows up.

New Yoke Nazuna spoke "Chiru!"

Nazrou spoke "Should've seen that coming."

Michiru spoke "*ears had turned to rabbit ears* I hear something..."

We got back to the rebels as they fought more Eggbots.

Rebel spoke "Nice job. Told you he'd make it."

Maurice spoke "Make it? Uh... thanks. I can take it from here."

Rebel: No chance. We've come this far. We finish this together."

Renegade spoke "Easy to say. But we still gotta get inside. And this place is locked down."

More giant robots appeared.

Rebel spoke "Take cover!"

We did that.

Renegade spoke "More Eggforcers? *Groan* I hate to say it, but-"

Rebel spoke "We're not retreating! We make our stand, here and now!"

We made a few shots.

Renegade spoke "We can't hold them off for long. We need to get inside, now!"

Nine spoke "Sonic!"

Maurice spoke "Nine? About time!"

Nine? spoke "Bring your friends to the southwest doors."

Maurice spoke "You okay? You sound strange."

Nine? spoke "I'll get you in."

Maurice spoke "My inside fox is gonna get us in. Come on!"

Rebel asks "Bring your friends"? Why would he say that?"

Maurice spoke "Because he's a nice guy. I told you, we can trust him!"

Renegade spoke "Not like we have another option."

Rebel spoke "Rebels! Fall back!"

We retreated before getting onto the Yoke.

Maurice spoke "Yes! I knew Nine wouldn't let me down. Come on!"

We went to a door before it opened as we went inside.

Renegade spoke "Yeah, this isn't ominous at all. I don't like this."

Rebel asks "You don't like anything. Anyone got a light?"

Danyelle spoke "Hold on a minute guys, I think it could be a trap. Indigo's danger sense is on high alert."

Another door suddenly opened with steam coming out of it.

Maurice asks "Nine?"

Something stepped out in the steam.

Maurice asks "Is that you?"

But when the steam cleared, what we saw shocked us all.

Renegade spoke "No, it's... you."

We saw a robot Sonic right in front of us as his visor turned on.

Indigo growls "I knew it! That last call was hacked!"


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