• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Suited for Success/ Feeling Pinkie Keen

*Miyuki’s POV*

Rei definitely seemed nervous about something. But what?

I ask "Rei?"

Rei yelped before noticing me. “Oh, *Phew!* It’s just you, Mimi.”

I spoke "I swear, you're more jumpier than Fluttershy is."

Rei spoke "S-Sorry. I’ve been worried ever since the race."

Ein was stuck in a wall since he had the nerve to harass Yugi.

Rei asks "Again?"

Twilight spoke "It's a lion versus hyena thing."

Rei spoke "Yeah."

A trio of dark yellow Zorua children tackle their father.

Rei chuckles "Hehehe! Hey! Take it easy! Wait… Yellow?"

I spoke "I guess some cat forgot to mention that normal Mobian marriage laws don't apply to Poké-Mobians..."

Rei asks "Wha-huh?"

Danyelle spoke "Shut up Miyuki!"

"What? I thought I should let my husband know in case anything happens." I pointed out.

Crosswind was galloping past while carrying a chakat cub in hir arms.

Crosswind spoke "Jay-Jay! Ah found a chakat cub all by hirself!"

Danyelle was digging in the soil when she had dug up some gems.

Danyelle spoke "Oh, Rarity might want these!"

Danyelle gathers the gemstones up with her magic and carried them to Rarity's place.

Danyelle spoke "*knocking on the door* hey Rarity, I found some gemstones for you."

Rarity gasps "Gems?!"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, maybe you can use them for the gala dresses."

Rarity gasps "Really?!"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and I have a gut feeling that Twilight might show up with a tattered dress which in turn prompts you to make dresses for the others... Tuxedoes for the males though."

Rarity spoke "Okay!"

Twilight spoke "Danyelle, I swear! That Dimensional Scream of yours is freaky!"

Danyelle spoke "Eh, it’s a gift."

Blizzardstar was covered in tar since Ein had pranked hir.

Blizzardstar shouts "YOU DAMNED HYENA!!!"

Rei spoke "Oh jeez…"

Rarity asks "What happened to hir?"

Rei asks "You’re really asking that?"

Danyelle snickers "Something tells me that Rarity has a crush on Blizzardstar!"

Rarity froze at that.

Danyelle giggles "It's as obvious as the crush that Crosswind has on Applejack."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Crosswind spoke "Ah heard that!"

Danyelle giggled.

Applejack was quite flustered.

Applejack asks "What she talkin' about Crosswind?"

Danyelle giggled.

Applejack spoke "It ain't funny Dany!"

Danyelle asks "What?"

Applejack spoke "Yer lyin, Cross doesn't have a crush on me."

Crosswind spoke "About that AJ..."

Applejack asks "Huh?"

Crosswind spoke "*flustered* She's right... Ah do have a crush on ya Applejack."

That caught AJ off guard.

Crosswind asks "Jay-Jay?"

“Heehee. I think you broke her.” I giggled as AJ was definitely frozen.

Crosswind spoke "So says the unicorn that has a crush on Blizzardstar despite not knowing the fact that the dumbass cyro was raised by an ice dragon."

Blizzardstar growls "Crossy, you have five seconds to run before I use my Ice Dragon Roar on your sorry ass!"

Crosswind spoke "Try me, snowflake!"

The two chakats started fighting with each other.

“Oh boy…” I sighed.

Danyelle was growling suddenly since the Clone Sonic had returned but something was off about him.

Rei asks "Again?"

Danyelle growls "Remember when I had mentioned murder tabby? Well... TIGERCLAW HAS BEEN REVIVED!!!"

Rei facepalmed. “I think we’re gonna need a vacation after beating those two again…”

Sonic spoke "It's worse than that Rei, Tigerclaw looks robotic... And his main targets are Bluestar and Ravenpaw!"

Rei spoke "Looks like the big egghead had a part in it."

Danyelle growls "Oh StarClan no!"

The sky blue Nekomata-Gryphon flew fast to where her adopted children were, only to find them both dead.

Danyelle roars in rage "EGGMAN!!! YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD!!!!"

Zoey showed up, having some blue aqua. “Did something happen?!”

Danyelle growls "That murder tabby killed my kids..."

Zoey spoke "Whoa! Looks like it wasn’t long ago, less than 24 hours! Good thing I have some blue aqua!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm going after that damn tabby before he makes the stupid mistake of hurting Huey or Pigment."

Zoey spoke "Okay, I’ll get your kittens back on track."

Danyelle spoke "Bluestar's 12 and Ravenpaw's 9... I adopted them both."

A sudden shadow ball had sent Tigerclaw flying, causing the tom to scream like a she-cat.

Danyelle asks "What the…?"

Zoey already started to use the blue aqua on Bluestar and Ravenpaw, healing their wounds.

Asuna laughs "Nice one Orion!"

The two cats gasp as they were brought back to life.

Zoey spoke "Phew! I'm glad that worked."

Danyelle was soon on her back while laughing.

Danyelle laughs "That Murder Tabby had it coming!"

Dren spoke "Yeah but there is also a limit though Zoey, the blue aqua can't bring a person back from the dead a second time."

Zoey spoke "Oh jeez, then we better make sure this doesn't happen again, or we might need to call in Goku."

Danyelle spoke "I don't think it works that way Zoey."

Zoey asks "Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "If Iris dies a second time... That'd be it for her... Not even Shenron can bring a person back once they die a second time after being revived with blue aqua."

Zoey spoke "Then that CAN’T happen again, EVER!!!"

Danyelle spoke "Regardless, we can't prevent old age and severe sickness."

Pigment was on Zoey's head.

Zoey spoke "Still…"

Pigment mewls cutely.

Danyelle spoke "I'm surprised with you Zoey, you're not freaking out as much ever since Pigment was revealed to be a Ghost-Psychic type Mewtwo."

Zoey asks "This little cutie?"

Danyelle spoke "Though she was cloned from Orion, you were the one that brought Pigment into the world. How else can we explain the black fur? She got that from you."

Zoey asks "Whoa, really?"

Danyelle's left ear twitches when she heard singing.

Danyelle asks "Was that a Vaporina?"

Rei spoke "Hmm, sounds like Lana."

Blazedramon had dropkicked a Mobian wolf into a wall.

Natsu laughs "What's the matter Gray? Can't take the heat?"

Gray spoke "Try me, hothead!"

Blazedramon spoke "You're one to talk, you ice-brained stripper!"

Lucy was on her back while laughing.

Blizzardstar calls the rest of the Mane Six over so they could see the dresses.

“I wonder how they’re doing.” I said.

Blizzardstar asks "Rarity, could you come here?"

I spoke "Of course."

Blizzardstar shows off the dresses that shi had made for the Mane Six.

Blizzardstar asks "What do you girls think?"

Rarity gasps "My word! This is perfect!"

Blizzardstar spoke "I also made one for Princess Celestia and one for Princess Luna as well. For Princess Celestia's dress, I went with a phoenix motif. Luna's has a night-time vibe."

Twilight spoke "It's not what I had in mind but..."

Blizzardstar spoke "I'll ice you if you finish that sentence Twilight."

Twilight immediately shuts up.

Rei spoke "Sometimes, you get what you get."

Blizzardstar spoke "I even made dresses for the female Mobians too! I had to take Blaze's powers into account when making her dress since the last thing any of us want is a female Mobian walking around naked."

“Too true.” I nodded in complete agreement.

Blizzardstar spoke "I couldn't decide a theme for Arcee though."

A crash followed by a screaming female Delphox Poké-Mobian was heard.

Rei asks "Huh?"

Zoey spoke "Sounds like Ein had pranked Serena..."

“And she’s gonna be mad.” I noted before we heard a fiery explosion, followed by Ein screaming.

Danyelle spoke "One dipwad is annoying enough, two is worse... And Ein better not think about pranking Orion...."

Then Renark suddenly showed up, surprising Rei.

The trio of dark yellow Zorua along with their Vulpix half-sisters gang up on Rei, tickling him.

“Hmm… Are you the mother of those yellow Zorua?” I asked Rena.

Rena spoke "Yeah, they had been an accident but I still love them."

“You and your children can join the family, if you want.” I smiled.

Rena asks "You sure?"

I spoke "Yeah."

A Kantonian Raichu-Mewtwo hybrid with the same hat as Ash was in a foul mood since Ein had pranked him with a crushed up Thunderstone in his drink.

Rei spoke "Oh jeez…"

Serena asks "Ash, you okay?"

Ash was silent.

Rei spoke "Looks like I’m gonna call in Jasmine for a plan I have in mind."

Serena hugs Ash.

Zoey spoke "You can't reverse a Poké-Mobian's evolution, it doesn't work that way."

Rei spoke "Thought it was the case."

Jasmine suddenly showed up. “Did something happen?”

Rei chuckles "Heh, perfect timing. Wanna pull a prank on Ein with me?"

Kai sent Ein flying with an Aeroblast.

Jasmine giggles "Heehee, sure thing."

Rei spoke "Then let’s sneak into his house."

Jasmine spoke "Here’s a little something to see our work."

Jasmine left behind a window mirror before she snapped her fingers, teleporting her and Rei to Ein’s house as we saw through the window. Rei helped Jasmine find all of Ein’s gold, and the female Draconequus turned all of the gold into irresistible food and meals before the two teleported back to us.

Jasmine spoke "Now we just gotta wait for Ein to head home and the magic will happen."

Zoey spoke "I heard him scream earlier."

Rei spoke "Yep."

Soon, we saw Ein return to his home before he was surprised at all of the food in there, but he shrugged as he ate a bit, before he ate all of the food. Then suddenly, he started ballooning with fat as his body got bigger and fatter with his head, neck, arms, hands, legs and feet before he got so big, he fell right onto his butt, and soon, wrecked his house from the inside out, becoming as big as his former house, weighing at least about 10,000 pounds. We couldn’t help but find that hilarious.

Asuna spoke "You have to admit bro, that was funny."

Orion chuckles "Hehe. It is."

Jasmine giggles "Heehee! Ein will be a house of flab for a week before he goes back to normal."

Koji was on Orion's head.

Rei spoke "Well, I wonder how Tigerclaw’s holding up. I bet he’s not doing well since Orion sent him flying."

Rainbow spoke "I heard from Crosswind that the murder tabby crashed head first into a brick wall."

Rei spoke "Hehe, wow. I bet he’s out cold right now with security arriving to lock him up."

Rainbow spoke "Shattered skull, I don't think he's alive anymore."

Rei asks "He’s robotized, remember?"

Rainbow spoke "Oh feathers... The royal guards can't stop Tigerclaw without losing their lives and we have a limited supply of blue aqua!"

Danyelle had fainted due to a fever.

Rei spoke "Oh jeez…"

Sonic asks "What just happened to Danyelle?"

Ash uses his aura to check for anything out of the ordinary with Danyelle's body.

Ash spoke "You're not gonna believe this guys but Danyelle's got a kitten on the way!"

Rei spoke "Yikes…"

Ash spoke "This is actually a good thing."

Danyelle spoke in a quiet voice "Ben..."

Ben showed up.

From Ben's perspective, Danyelle had a soft glow about her but it wasn't caused by magic.

Ben asks "Dany, you alright?"

Danyelle spoke "I'm purr-fectly fine, aside from the fact I have a kitten on the way."

Ben asks "Cat pun? Really?"

Danyelle then grabbed Ben and kissed him right on the lips.

Danyelle was purring happily.

Jasmine asks "Do I need to book a room?"

Danyelle spoke "Nah, we're good."

Serena's ears twitch.

Serena spoke "I hear screaming!"

A thick furred silver-gray Abyssinian tom with bright amber eyes crash lands in the water but due to how thick his fur was, he couldn't keep his head above the surface long.

The tom yowls "HELP!!!!"

The Pegasus mare that Danyelle had rescued dove into the water to save the tom from drowning.

Orchid grabs the Abyssinian by the scruff with her mouth before swimming back up to the surface.

After swimming to shore, Orchid started pressing on the tom's chest to get the water out of the lungs.

Orchid spoke "Come on! Come on!"

The thick furred silver-gray Abyssinian tom coughs up water.

The thick furred silver-gray Abyssinian tom groans "Wh-where am I?"

Orchid spoke "You’re in Equestria."

The thick furred silver-gray Abyssinian tom mutters "Pretty pony...."

Bluestar giggles "Sounds like Featherwhisker's drunk..."

Rei asks "Drunk with alcohol or with salt water?"

Bluestar giggles "Catnip."

Rei spoke "Oh. Makes sense."

Rena and I smirked at each other before we came up to Rei and each hugged one of his arms with one of our assets hugging his arms as well.

“Maybe we could plan a vacation.” I smiled.

“And have some fun to ourselves.” Rena added.

“Right, Rei-Rei?” Rena and I asked as Rei was a stammering and blushing mess.

Ravenpaw was on his back while chuckling.

Sonic chuckles "I pity the guy."

Summa giggles "Heehee! If anything, I think Rei’s ecstatic."

Honeystar asks "<What's a Gala?>"

Twilight spoke "It’s a lot to explain."

Honeystar spoke "<If I were to attend, I'd have to mind the tail-blade.>"

Spike had burped up a letter from Celestia.

Honeystar asks "<What is that?>"

Twilight spoke "A letter from Princess Celestia."

Danyelle spoke "My guess would be that she found out about our galactic friend here and decided to send an extra ticket."

Spike spoke "Whoa! There is a ticket in here!"

Twilight spoke "I said it once before and I'll say it again. Danyelle, that Dimensional Scream ability of yours is scary."

Danyelle giggles "Heehee! It’s a gift."

Twilight spoke "And I suppose Pinkie has a similar gift then."

Pinkie’s ears suddenly started flopping before Rei, Rena and I got covered in mud.

Tails snickers "What's the matter sis?"

“Oh, nothing. I just think the three of us will have ourselves a bath. Together.” I smirked as Rena nodding in agreement with a smirk too while Rei blushed at what I was saying.

Korra spoke "I could easily remove the mud off you three."

“Yeah, but I think we should take a bath anyway, since it could give us some time with each other.” Rena said as she and I smiled with Rei blushing.

Pixie spoke "You're a crazy fox."

“Hey, Rena and I may be crazy vixens, but you can say we’re crazy for Rei-Rei.” I smirked with Renark.

Tails spoke "That may be so but we have to get rid of Tigerclaw!"

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me… Orion’s already on his way to do that."

Twilight spoke "About that...."

A pained scream was heard from Orion since Tigerclaw had ripped the dark synergy stone out of the Mewtwo's shoulder.

Asuna spoke "BROTHER!!!!"

Rei spoke "Oy vey…"

Zoey teleported Orion away from Tigerclaw so she could use the blue aqua to heal his wound.

Honeystar growls "<That murder tabby has gone TOO far!>"

Rei spoke "Time for a true finisher. Dig!"

Rei then dug underground before resurfacing in front of Tigerclaw.

Rei spoke "Flamethrower! Full power!"

Rei then breathed fire at the roboticized feline, dealing a ton of damage before he melted away from the attack and heat with only his bones remaining.

Rei spoke "Toasty!"

But the fire attack had no effect.

Robo-Tigerclaw laughs "Foolish mortal! I was built to withstand fire! And with this stone, NOTHING CAN STOP ME!!!"

Rei asks "Huh? What stone?"

Robo-Tigerclaw spoke "This stone!"

Twilight growls as her eyes turn ice blue.

Twilight growls "You picked the wrong group to anger!"

Something deep within Twilight snaps before she let loose the loudest roar she could ever make, sending Robo-Tigerclaw and the dark synergy stone flying far away.

Rei spoke "Wow! It’s way past outta here now! Quite a roar."

Danyelle spoke "I'll say! The Roar of the Ancients has returned!"

Twilight asks "Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "Old African legend I heard of."

Rei spoke "Yep."

Danyelle spoke "I've been to Africa once though."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Danyelle spoke "We should get rid of Eggman before he hurts any of the children."

Rei spoke "Huh, looks like he isn’t here at all at the moment. Must’ve ran off, knowing we beat him for now."

Twilight spoke "As long as I'm around, I won't let that lily-livered jerk lay the hurt on my friends!"

Danyelle spoke "Exactly!"

A gryphon messenger arrives from Griffonstone with a letter from Gilda.

Rainbow Dash asks "Huh? What’s going on?"

The gryphon messenger spoke "R-robots... they've taken over Griffonstone! Queen Gilda had to order a full evacuation."

Sonic spoke "Cuss it all! Tigerclaw was just a diversion!"

Rei groans "Ugh… It’s just one thing after another. Can’t we catch a break?"

The gryphon messenger spoke "One death has already happened though."

Danyelle growls "He's gone too far!"

Sunset was shaking.

Sunset asks "D-did s-someone c-call in a p-platypus?"

Rei spoke "Of course that maniac Mobian did that death."

Sonata, Adagio and Aria were growling.

Nazuna spoke "We should warn Celestia..."

Rei spoke "There might not be time."

Maria teleported before reappearing with Celestia, Pyre and Luna via warp ring.

Maria spoke "I got them!"

Rei spoke "That was fast."

Maria spoke "I may not be as fast as Sonic or Shadow in terms of speed but I can teleport faster than Shadow can."

The messenger gryphon pushes a chickub about Applebloom's age to Danyelle.

The messenger gryphon spoke "I was told that you have experience with handling children with some form of trauma."

Danyelle asks "Is this…?"

The Messenger gryphon spoke "Yeah, his parents were killed."

Danyelle spoke "What a tragedy..."

The young gryphon was afraid.

Danyelle calms the young gryphon down.

Renark and I couldn’t help but find that so adorable! “Aww!!!”

Danyelle spoke "Given that I have Flareon, Jolteon and Mew blood in my veins, it's only natural that my ability would be Flame Body. Which comes in handy for handling eggs."

Rei spoke "Makes sense."

Tails spoke "Going off that note, I'd likely have either Flash Fire or Snow Cloak as my ability since I have Vulpix blood in my veins."

Rei spoke "Again, good point."

Asuna spoke "I sense another Mewtwo..."

Rei spoke "And I have a feeling it has mystery written all over it."

Danyelle spoke "Much like Orion and Asuna, this one was also created by humans...."

Rei spoke "Only thing that’s missing is a detective Pikachu."

Danyelle spoke "My adopted parents took me to Ryme City one time though. But that was 15 years ago."

Rei spoke "Whoa. Well that’s a brilliant bolt."

As if luck would have it, the Mewtwo that was from Ryme City had collapsed on the ground due to injuries.

Asuna and Orion help their fellow Psychic type up before getting him to Fluttershy's place.

Danyelle kept an eye on Huey.

*Asuna's POV*

I knock on the door of Fluttershy's cottage.

Fluttershy asks "Huh?"

Flowerstep spoke "I guess that would be Asuna."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh."

I open the door with psychic and to Fluttershy's shock, Orion and I were carrying an injured Mewtwo.

Fluttershy gasps "What happened? And why do I see a gryphon out there?"

I spoke "The gryphon's just a messenger but that aside, this Mewtwo is badly hurt."

Fluttershy asks "Oh dear. But what happened?"

Orion spoke "Asuna and I don't know but those claw marks seem rather deep..."


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