• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Vacation Time?

*Rena’s POV*

Heehee, Rei was so flustered, he was about to head into the showers when we told him he could take the bath while Miyuki and I took the showers, who didn’t have a problem with that.

Danyelle was talking with Twilight about taking a vacation.

The two of us vixens went into the showers as a thought crossed my mind. “You think Rei’s gonna have a harem?”

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, I’m serious. After we take Griffonstone back from that Egghead, we should take a vacation."

Miyuki spoke "Given that Poké-Mobians aren't monogamous, standard Mobian marriage laws don't apply to us."

Twilight spoke "We've got the Roar, at least 20 combat ready Mobians, two sets of the Elements of Harmony, 8 alicorns and several gryphon refugees. We can easily take back Griffonstone."

“But I do wonder who will be next to join us two ladies.” I added as we started the showers onto the perfect form for our comfort.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, but we have be careful too. Who knows what he has in that head of his."

Miyuki spoke "We'd have to talk to Rei though."

Danyelle spoke "Regardless, we have Sonic on our side. He and Eggman have been fighting for at least 25 years."

“But we can be pretty persuasive.” I smirked as Miyuki smirked two while we were helping wash each other off.

Twilight spoke "Good point, Dany."

Miyuki spoke "I can't say the same about that dumbass hyena, it's common knowledge that male spotted hyenas are weaker than females of the same species. So it's not likely Ein will find a mate any time soon."

Danyelle spoke "Not to mention... we've got some powerful Poké-Mobians too... We've got Arcee, Mirai, Korai, Raiju, Sui, Tei, Kai, Myth and three adult Mewtwo as well. We've also got Natsu, Lucy and Gajeel too."

“Too true, Miyu. Too true.” I agreed before a thought crossed my mind. “Thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Heehee. Well, we better get them bigger naturally.” Miyuki giggled as I snickered in total agreement before we hugged each other.

Twilight spoke "Again, good point, Dany."

Danyelle spoke "I wonder how that Mewtwo is..."

Twilight spoke "Same here."

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps we should go check on him."

Twilight spoke "Right."

Danyelle heads off with Twilight to Fluttershy's cottage.

Danyelle asks "Fluttershy? You in there?"

Flowerstep spoke "Come in!"

*Asuna's POV*

The two opened the door and came in.

I was sitting on a chair while changing the Mewtwo's bandages.

“It’s good to see you two here.” I smiled.

Huey was being carried by Danyelle.

Huey spoke "Mama!"

“Hey Huey.” I giggled as my son and I hugged each other.

Danyelle giggles "He's such a smart boy!"

“Indeed.” I agreed with a smile.

Danyelle asks "So uh... How's the Mewtwo?"

“Doing well. I just hope he heals.” I said.

Danyelle spoke "Thank StarClan... I'm glad he'll be okay."

Huey asks "Mama? Who that?"

“Another Mewtwo, sweetie.” I answered.

Huey spoke "He look like older version of Uncle Face."

That made me snicker.

Orion throws his scarf at my face.

Orion spoke "I don't look like that."

Twilight snickered.

Orion spoke "Don't you dare go there pony."

Twilight spoke "Sorry, it’s just funny."

Orion spoke "I heard rumors that your mentor scared one of her guards to the point that he was up on the ceiling."

The Mewtwo groans as he struggled to get back up.

The Mewtwo groans "Ugh…"

I spoke "You shouldn't be moving about yet!"

The Mewtwo asks "Huh?"

I spoke "You were in bad shape when Orion and I found you."

The Mewtwo asks "Where am I?"

Danyelle spoke "Near Ponyville."

The Mewtwo spoke "Oh."

An annoyed Orion passes Huey back to me.

Orion spoke "Take your spawn back or he's going outside!"

Myth giggles.

“Ok, ok…” I said before snickering.

Huey asks "Mama, how come Uncle Face no like Huey?"

“Oh, he’s just a little grumpy, Huey.” I answered.

Pigment pops up on Orion's head suddenly.

Danyelle giggles.

Orion spoke "Pigment..."

Pigment tilted her head in confusion.

I spoke "You silly kid."

Danyelle giggled.

I ask "You okay Danyelle?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

I spoke "There is a low chance your child might be full Eevee though."

Danyelle asks "Really?"

I spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle spoke "That’d be really surprising."

Twilight spoke "What confuses me is the fact Asuna is able to mega evolve without the need of a keystone."

I spoke "I'd rather not talk about it... But that aside, we have to take Griffonstone back from that fatso!"

Twilight spoke "Agreed."

Danyelle spoke "Like you said Twilight... We've got the Roar, at least 20 combat ready Mobians, two sets of the Elements of Harmony, 8 alicorns and several gryphon refugees. We can do this!"

Twilight spoke "Definitely!"

Danyelle spoke "As well as my keen ears too!"

Danyelle's right ear twitches before firing a Plasma Spear at a robot, destroying it.

Twilight gasps "Whoa!"

I spoke "That was freaking close... Orion, Huey, Pigment and I along with Jericho are more likely to be grabbed first to be used in cloning..."

A roar rang clear as Twilight-two was chasing Eggman out of the Everfree Forest.

Twilight-two snaps "YOU MONSTER!!!!"

I spoke "Woah!"

Twilight spoke "It just goes to show, I'm not that kind of pony to anger. And I can say the same about my clone."

Fluttershy asks "What happened?"

Twilight spoke "Let's just say that my clone got into a fight with Eggman."

Fluttershy asks "Clone? How did that happen?"

Orion spoke "That was my fault."

Fluttershy asks "How?"

I spoke "Orion and I rather not talk about it... It's just too painful for us and it's rather hard on Myth as well since she had lost her first two children to the clutches of Team Rocket..."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh dear!"

I spoke "Yeah...."

Huey was hanging off Orion's tail.

Orion spoke "Asuna, I swear to Arcee... Take your spawn back or he's going outside!"

“Okay, okay…” I snickered.

Twilight giggles "Wow, cranky much?"

Twilight was soon yeeted out the window.

“Wait a minute… if Twilight-Two is out there chasing Eggman, then what does that mean about Griffonstone?” I noticed.

Orion spoke "We might be able to take back the gryphon kingdom!"

Danyelle asks "Think Gilda noticed?"

I slap Orion in the face for yeeting Twilight.

Myth spoke "Ignoring Orion's recent outburst for getting a slap in the face, we should go check."

“Right.” I agreed.

Danyelle's fur bristled up since she saw something in her vision.

“You alright?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Some real crazy things are gonna happen when Jasmine's cousin breaks free..."

"Who?" The rest of us here asked in confusion.

Danyelle spoke "You'll find out eventually."

Fluttershy spoke "Or we could ask Jasmine herself."

*Meanwhile in Canterlot,*

*No POV*

A loud crash was heard since a Celestia lookalike had fallen out of a stray portal but unlike the true Celestia, the lookalike had a solid pink mane and tail.

The double groans "Shit... that fucking hurt..."

The double groans in pain as she got up.

Blueblood ran off screaming when he saw another Celestia.

Blueblood screams "AUNTIE CELESTIA!!!!"

Celestia asks "Hmm?"

Blueblood screams "There's another of you! I think she might be one of them bugs in disguise!"

Celestia sighs "I suppose I should investigate."

Pyre asks "But what if Bluebitch is right and it was a bug in disguise?"

Celestia spoke "Calm down, Pyre."

White spoke "He has a point dear daughter."

Leilani spoke "Regardless, we don't know this Newlestia."

“Really, mom?” Celestia deadpanned at the nickname.

Celestia soon found herself face to face with Newlestia.

Newlestia spoke "Talk about freaky... Aside from the pink mane, I look and sound like you."

Celestia spoke "I can see that."

Newlestia snickers "This could work great as a prank! Since we look nearly the same, it could send many folks into a frenzy."

Celestia giggled. “Agreed.”

Newlestia laughs "This oughta be good! We could start by pranking Twilight!"

Celestia giggles "Heehee. She’s bound to go crazy from that."

Newlestia laughs "Given that I scared the crap out of Bluebitch, it's not likely he'd bother the Element of Generosity."

Celestia spoke "I should warn you about Rainbow Dash."

Newlestia spoke "Fair enough."

Celestia spoke "Hmm… I wonder how Luna will take this."

Luna spoke "Sister!"

Celestia giggles "Speak of the mare now."

Luna asks "What is going-Why is there two of you?!"

Celestia and Newlestia both giggle at the same time "There's one thing that's different though Luna."

Luna asks "And what is that?!"

Celestia and Newlestia both giggle at the same time "One of us has a pink mane."

Luna’s eye twitched, angry at not noticing that sooner.

Shirou spoke "Luna, calm down."

Newlestia asks "Sorry for interrupting but did something bad happen?"

Shirou spoke "Well..."

Newlestia teleports suddenly before appearing in the skies above Griffonstone, blasting all of the robots with fire magic thus melting them all.

Celestia asks "*sweatdrop* Pyromaniac huh?"

Pyre spoke "Uh babe, she didn't hear you."

Celestia spoke "Oops, sorry."

*Meanwhile in Griffonstone*

*Newlestia's POV*

I laugh as I blast another robot.

I laugh "Oh, they'll have to glue you back together in hell!"

Hehehe! Yep! That’s right! I quoted the Demoman from Team Fortress 2!

I laugh "You are a bunch of metal-headed dummkopfs and your boss is a dummkopf too!"

That definitely got the robots' attention.

I shot fire from my mouth at the robots, melting them all!

“Just be glad I’m not THE Pyro!” I quipped!

I glance around to check for any robots left.

So far, only melted machines.

Twilight and some of her friends arrive via warp ring.

Twilight spoke "Celestia! We came as soon as... Wait... You're not Celestia!"

I couldn’t help but giggle.

Since he was disguised as a gryphon, Thorax spoke "She doesn't smell like a Changeling though."

Twilight gasps "What?!"

Thorax spoke "Each Changeling hive has a different scent that wards off rival hives."

Rainbow Dash asks "Say what now?"

Thorax spoke "It's a long story but most Changeling queens hate each other."

Fluttershy asks "Wh-What?"

Thorax spoke "As far as I know, my former queen didn't exactly get along with Queen Ovi or Queen Lexi..."

“Yeesh…!” I winced at that.

Twilight growls "So... Are you a fake or not?"

I spoke "I'd rather not say."

Pinkie spoke "OOH! Maybe a displaced!"

I spoke "Nope! Not a displaced, whatever that means."

Crosswind spoke "Ah may not be Applejack but Ah can tell that's a total lie. Hey Twilight, Ah've got an idea. Once we clean the mess here up, we should drag the double ta the Chuddle Hotel."

Twilight spoke "Really? Whaddya-Oh…! *Smirk* I see where you’re going. *Snicker!*"

Crosswind spoke "*deadpan* Git yer mind outta the gutter Twilight. This mare's obviously hiding something."

Twilight spoke "Sorry."

Crosswind spoke "Don' make me slap a mare."

Blizzardstar spoke "Her scent has an underlying masculine tone."

What?! How’d shi know?!

Crosswind spoke "The dumbass was raised by an ice dragon."

How’d shi read my mind?!

Blizzardstar spoke "Quiet everyone!"

A howl from a green furred male Mobian wolf was heard.

Danyelle spoke "I know that howl!"

Danyelle howls a response before the wolf darts over.

Danyelle spoke "It's been a while Li."

Li spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle spoke "And Rarity, don't even think about freaking out. You oughta know by now that green is Dren's natural hair color."

Rarity spoke "Fine...."

Danyelle notices a few tiny pinfeathers on Rarity's back.

Danyelle asks "Rarity, did you have any Pegasi in your family?"

Rarity asks "Pardon?"

Danyelle spoke "You've got pinfeathers on your back."

Twilight spoke "They're small now but they'll grow."


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