• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Welcome To Heaven

*Danyelle's POV*

Charlie was packing some stuff for Heaven. "Okay. I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket and rain jacket. Wait. Does it rain in Heaven?"

Vaggie spoke "Charlie, you're only going to Heaven for a few hours."

Charlie spoke "Vaggie, we are only going to Heaven for a day. And I just wanna be prepared! It's our last chance to convince Heaven a soul can be redeemed."

I spoke "Fuck it Charlie, you remind me of Rarity..."

Vaggie spoke "Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that thing."

Charlie asks "What thing?"

Vaggie spoke "The thing with the... thing, um, fuck, gah, I'm such a bad liar."

Charlie spoke "Vaggie, you're my partner. I need you there with me."

Vaggie spoke "*Sigh* Fine."

Charlie spoke "Yes! *Kisses Vaggie's forehead*"

Meanwhile on the main floor, Angel Dust came through the door, and he was a wreck. "*Huff!* Oh, fuck."

Niffty asks "*Pops out of a flower pot before climbing down* You look messy! What happened to you?"

Angel Dust spoke "It's who happened to me. And the answer is everyone. Twice! Val had me working 16 hours straight on a fucking whim. *Straightens back as Niffty dusted it* The absolute dick bag."

Angel Dust crashed onto the couch as Danyelle, Charlie and I came down before an explosion went off outside, blasting a hole through the wall.

"You gotta be kidding me! Again?!" I groaned.

Angel asks "Arghh! What the fuck is with that wall?"

A voice laughs "What up, hoes?"

The red dust cleared, revealing a slender yet curvy-figured, white-skinned, strawberry blonde-pink-furred cyclops-like rabbit mobian sinner demon with a singular eye which has an X-shaped light yellow pupil and a Sunkist-coral sclera, sporting freckle-like spots on her skin and long, strawberry blonde-pink hair on her head with platinum blonde accents, kept in a high half-ponytail by a black ponytail-holder. Her mouth featured black lips and sharp pale yellow teeth inside, her makeup including a large amount of mascara and eyeliner, and having several Sunkist coral designs of bombs, explosions and swirled-lines, tattooed on her right arm. She was wearing a one-shouldered black bra under a similarly-designed pinkish-red torn crop-top with four pale yellow spots around the black X located on the left, a set of severely ripped black leggings under a torn miniskirt that sported the same color and style as her top, shoes that are both colored in a pinkish-red but differing in type; on her right is a simple-pointed flat, while on her left is heeled cowboy-like boot with a multi-pointed off-white star on it and two different sets of fingerless Sunkist coral gloves; a regular-length glove on her right hand and an arm-length black-trimmed glove on her left hand.

Angel Dust spoke "*Smiles while getting up* Ho-Holy shit, Cherri Bomb? Long time no see, baby!"

Cherri spoke "*Jumps in while holding a bomb in her right hand* Angie, ya bitch! You been texting me depressing shit all day, figured we could tear shit up like old times. It's been fuckin' forever! *To Charlie before tossing the bomb to her* Here hold this."

Charlie spoke "*Catches it* Ah! Oh my God, oh my God."

Vaggie spoke "*Grabs bomb* Nope, gimme that. *Throws bomb outside in the distance*"

Angel spoke "I love seeing ya Cherri, *As a loud explosion went off outside, blowing wind and red dust in* but I'm too tired. I need to pass out."

Cherri spoke "*Catches Angel, keeping him from falling onto the couch* Oho, you can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead! Come on, what you really need is a recharge, a reinvigoration, a re-"

Charlie spoke "Responsible night on the town! That is a great idea. Hi, *Shakes Cherri's hand* Charlie. That's my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends. Aagh, he never brings anyone around!"

Cherri asks "*Snorts!* Wonder why?"

Charlie spoke "Yeah, me too."

Amaterasu leapt out of my shadow before snarling at Cherri.

“Easy girl!” I said as Amaterasu went back into my shadow.

Charlie spoke "Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard. I think they deserve to have a little fun."

Cherri asks "W-W-Wait, they?"

Charlie spoke "Yeah. Hi, everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation!"

Cherri spoke "Wait, I am only here for Ang- *Handed a stack of paper money from Charlie* Ooh! Never mind. Let’s go!"

Charlie spoke "Make sure they have the best time tonight."

I spoke "You sly bitch!"

Charlie spoke "Thanks. Anyway the portal to Heaven should be opening right about… *As said portal appeared, making her scream in delight* now!"

Charlie grabbed Vaggie and I before throwing us into the portal.

Charlie spoke "Bye!

Charlie jumped in after us before the portal closed.

*Ryōta's POV*

Sir Pentious noticed Cherri, making him spit out and spill his booze. “Well, *As Cherri counted the money* if it isn’t my arch-nemesis! Have you come to meet your fate in battle, Cherri Bomb? *Trips over suitcase left behind*"

Cherri spoke "Apparently, I’m going out with Angel *Brings out a packet of bubble gum from her cleavage* and got to drag your sorry asses along. *Takes bubble gum out of wrapper before chewing it*"

Sir Pentious asks "Oh, oh, you and me *As Cherri Bomb blew a bubble* are going out back for fun? I, I didn’t think this would ever happen. What? *As the bubble popped* What do I do? What do I wear?"

Cherri spoke "*Grips Sir Pentious’ hand* Don’t fucking touch me, you munted dickhead!"

Cherri walked off as I noticed a blush on Sir Pentious’ face.

*Danyelle’s POV*

“Can you please not throw me next time?” I asked.

Charlie spoke "Sorry, got excited in the moment.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Pleas try to behave, the Grand Council will not tolerate swearing."

We found ourselves at a gate.

Charlie asks "Girls, look at this place. It’s soooo clean! Isn’t that amazing?"

Vaggie spoke "*Sarcastically* Yep. Super cool. Heaven. Wow."

Then an angel appeared at the gate.

The male asks "Hiya! Welcome to Heaven. Can I get your name please?"

Faust giggled.

Charlie spoke "Oh! Uhhh, uh, uh, Charlie Morningstar!"

The male spoke "Charlie Morningstar. Hmm. *Reads through list* I’m not seeing you on my list here. That’s so odd."

Charlie spoke "Uh, um, my Dad and High Goddess Faust got me this meeting, so maybe-"

The male spoke "Oh, Dad! Okay!"

Charlie spoke "Try Lucifer Morning… star."

The male spoke "*Shocked* Oh, fuck! *Getting nervous* Yeah. Hoooo, he he he. Yikes. Am I right? *Flies down to us* Are you sure you’re in the right place? Because I think you might be a little lost."

Vaggie spoke "Oh, here we go."

Faust spoke "St. Peter, calm down."

Charlie spoke "No, uh… we’re, we’re here for a meeting."

A female spoke "Saint Peter."

We looked up, seeing two odd beings.

One female spoke "We can take it from here."

The two suddenly took humanoid forms.

One female spoke "*As Saint Peter bowed and backed off* Greetings, daughter of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the High Seraphim of Heaven. *As the younger female squealed in excitement* You are gifted to be here. And it is good to see you again, Faust."

The second female spoke "Hi, I’m Emily, the other Seraphim. Though you can call me Em! Emmy, E, whatever you want. I go by whatever. *Laughs* Welcome to Heaven."

Faust giggled, glad to see Emily.

Arcee soon arrives with Dia and Kia.

Arcee spoke "Sorry for being late, Dia got into a little fight with Gira earlier."

St. Peter spoke "Dearly beloved, it is my pleasure to say unto thee."

A song started as the gates opened, showing us a beautiful city with great folks in there.

After the song ended, I noticed a female spider angel that couldn’t help but remind me of Angel Dust.

I ask the angelic spider if she knew someone named Angel Dust.

The female asks "You know my twin brother?"

That left me surprised.

I spoke "Of course I do but Princess Charlie here knows him better."

The female spoke "Really? I’m Molly."

As we walked forward, I noticed us walking by Adam, who was drinking some soda, and Lute, who didn’t have her helmet-mask on, who both then noticed us as I used my hearing to listen in.

Adam asks "Holy fucking shit balls. Am I seeing who I think I’m seeing?"

Lute asks "What are they doing here? How did they even get up here?"

Adam spoke "Who cares? I’m handling this shit right now."

Lute asks "*Stops Adam* Wait, you want to start a fight on the promenade in front of everyone?"

Adam spoke "Better than waiting for the fucking extermination."

Fortunately, no one was hearing them.

Lute asks "Ssshhh! Sir, what was the Seraphim’s one rule?"

Adam spoke "Uuuuuuugg, “no one but the exorcists can know about the exterminations.” I know, fine. *Slurps up soda* Don’t fucking shush me, bitch."

Sera spoke "*Appears behind Adam and Lute, making them jump* You should listen to your lieutenant, Adam."

I could then sense the three were in a private building.

Adam spoke "Fuck, Sera! You can’t sneak up on a guy like that. Jeez."

Lute asks "Your Highness, forgive me, but what are the hell-spawn and mortal doing here?"

Sera spoke "Well, you failed to control the demons unrest and now Lucifer and Faust are involved, setting up an audience for his misguided daughter and with the nice feline. I never would have agreed to your… *As Adam slurped up some soda* yearly activities if I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep. Keeping Heaven safe was my only reason for allowing it."

Adam spoke "What do you want from me? I’m just one guy."

Sera asks "I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse. Are we clear?"

Adam spoke "*Sighs* Yeah. Got it."

Later, Molly was with Vaggie, Charlie and I in our hotel room as I could sense Sera was a good person, but her heart was in the wrong place.

Charlie spoke "Okay. I love Heaven. Vaggie, Danyelle did you both see the ice cream shop? *Excitedly* They had sprinkles made of rainbows!"

Vaggie spoke "Those are just rainbow sprinkles."

Charlie asks "Emily’s going to take us to a zoo where all the animals are actually soft! You coming?"

Vaggie spoke "Uh, I need a break. But hug a koala for me."

Charlie spoke "O. M. G. Can you imagine an actual koala? Ahh, see you later."

Charlie left the room with Molly, leaving me alone with Vaggie. Probably for the best as Vaggie laid on the bed.

Vaggie spoke "Huh."

A sudden pillar of fire erupts before fading away, revealing Blaze in a different outfit than the one I'm used to seeing.

Blaze spoke "Hey Danyelle!"

I gasp "What the actual fuck? What are you doing here Blaze?"

Blaze spoke "Long story."

But then a knock was heard as I instinctively used an invisibility spell on myself and Blaze as Vaggie got up and towards the door before opening it, revealing Adam.

Adam spoke "Hey there Vag-asaurus!"

Vaggie spoke "Charlie and the others will be back soon. You need to get out now."

Adam spoke "*As he came in with Lute* I’m not looking for the blonde or any of her pals, babe. I’m looking for you."

Vaggie asks "Why?"

Adam spoke "Maybe ‘cause you left the band. You tried for a solo career. Or I guess it’s more of a… duet!"

Vaggie spoke "I don’t know what you’re talking about."

Adam asks "Do you really think I wouldn’t recognize one of my top girls just ‘cause you’re out of uniform?"

That shocked Blaze and I as my Dimensional Scream showed the two of us a previous extermination.

Adam spoke "You were on the front lines. I wouldn’t forget a bad bitch like you. It’s why I named you after the best thing ever… *As an Exorcist took off her helmet/mask, revealing past Vaggie with shorter hair and both eyes* Vaggie"

Vaggie spoke "Actually, it’s pronounced Vaggie."

Adam asks "Mmmmm no! Anyway, you sure fucked up, didn’t you?"

Blaze and I saw Past Vaggie chase a child sinner cannibal demon and cornered him before she noticed the tears of fear on his face while he cowered in horror, making her hesitant.

Past Vaggie spoke "*Quietly* Go, run, now!"

The demon fled while Past Lute unfortunately saw that as Past Vaggie dropped her spear in shock before Past Lute grabbed her and slashed her across the face, making her scream while her left eye was cut out with both that and her left eye socket bleeding golden blood as Past Lute stabbed said eyes.

Past Lute spoke "*Kicks eye away* Sinful filth like you has no place in Heaven."

Past Lute tore off Past Vaggie’s wings as Past Adam showed up and grabbed her halo, confiscating it before he and Past Lute left. Later, Blaze and I saw Past Vaggie walking with the bleeding having stopped before she sat against a dumpster with a left empty eye socket before Past Charlie found her.

Adam spoke "To think someone as worthless as you landed Lilith’s little hottie. *As past Charlie bandaged up Past Vaggie’s left eye* ‘Grats on that, I guess."

Blaze and I then found ourselves back in reality, still invisible.

Lute spoke "Their love is vile and blasphemous.

Adam asks "Hot as fuck though. But I wonder what your bitch would think if she found out you are actually one of us. Hmmm?"

Vaggie asks "What do you want?"

Adam spoke "Simple. You work for me again and at the hearing you’re going to help me shut this kindergarten snowflake bullshit down for good."

Vaggie spoke "Never."

Adam spoke "Oh, yeah. You know, that’s totally cool. I guess I’ll just tell little miss butterflies and rainbows that she’s been fucking someone who’s killed thousands of her people. I’m sure your relationship will be fine. *Happily while leaving with Lute* See you in court!"

The two left as Blaze and I saw the horror on Vaggie’s face before I closed the door and canceled out the invisibility spell.

Holding Blaze back, I ask "Okay Vaggie, out with it. Were you an exorcist at one point?"

Vaggie asks "You-You heard all that?"

I spoke "Keen hearing plus I have the dimensional scream which I inherited from my mother."

I pull Vaggie in for a hug, causing her to cry.

Vaggie spoke "*Sniffing* I-I was…"

I spoke "I swear on my powers, I won't tell Charlie about this."

Blaze spoke "And neither will I."

Vaggie spoke "*Sniffs* Thank you."

Later, we, along with Charlie were in the courthouse before Adam showed up.

Charlie spoke "*Strained* Oh no, not him again!"

Adam spoke "*Flies up into a private balcony with Lute* What up, baby? Saw that you went to my manager. Low blow Karen."

Blaze and I held Charlie from attacking Adam.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Order in the courthouse."

Arcee was sitting beside High Goddess Faust as Dia and Kia kept a watchful eye on Adam.

Sera and Emily were also sitting next to High Goddess Faust.

Sera asks "We are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell, can be redeemed into the heavenly realm by means of this Hazbin Hotel. Princess Morningstar?"

Charlie spoke "*Sorts description cards* Thank you, Seraphim. *Ahem!* Webster’s Dictionary defines redemption as-"

Adam spoke "Objection, lame and unoriginal."

Sera spoke "Sustained. No further dictionary references please."

Charlie spoke "Right, okay. *Looks through cards* Uh, uh… Uhhhh. Mmmm."

Adam spoke "If you have actual evidence, then show it already."

Twilight, Honeystar, Zoey and Orion appeared via teleportation next to me.

Charlie spoke "We have a patron right now who is making incredible progress."

Adam asks "Who?"

Charlie spoke "Angel Dust."

Adam spoke "Oh, yeah. The porn demon. *Sarcastically* He’s totally worth being redeemed *Blows raspberry*"

Charlie asks "Well, if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?

Nice one, Charlie!

Adam spoke "Ummm, w-w-well… Uhhhh."

Sera asks "Is everything okay, Adam?"

Adam asks "Give me a minute, okay? *Writes one thing down while muttering before finishes and teleports paper to Vaggie*"

Vaggie asks "*Reads paper* “Act selfless, don’t steal, stick it to the man.” *Deadpan* Are you serious?"

Adam asks "Uh, yeah, sure got me here, didn’t it? *Laughs* Right, Sera?"

Sera spoke "He was the first human soul in Heaven."

Faust spoke "*Sigh* Can’t argue with that."

Charlie spoke "Well, I bet Angel is doing all of those things right now!"

Adam spoke "Then let’s see it, brah! *Snaps fingers, making wind howl before a glowing white orb appeared*"

Charlie spoke "Your Honors, may I present exhibit A."

The orb showed a party in Hell. I just hope things go alright down there.

*Ryōta’s POV*

Whoo! What a party!

Loona asks "*Giggle* How you feeling, Ryo?"

I chuckle "great since I have you with me."

Cherri asks "Woo! Isn’t the place the fucking best?"

Husk spoke "I’ll admit, “Consent” is a good name for a sex club."

Sir Pentious asks "*Notices Niffty sweeping rapidly* Niffty, dear, what are you doing?"

Niffty spoke "I’m sweeping! Urgh, look how icky it is in here!"

Sir Pentious spoke "That’s because we’re at a club, dear."

Niffty spoke "Oh! I thought the hotel looked different! *Giggles!*"

Sir Pentious spoke "Ms. Bomb, I-I-I’d like to buy you a drink."

Cherri asks "Why? Didn’t you say we’re arch-rivals?"

Sir Pentious spoke "Um… uh… because I’m buying everyone a drink!"

The crowd cheered.

A Patron spoke "Free drinks! I love alcohol!"

Angel spoke "Good, I need a drink after today. You know Val, he’s into this waterboarding shit now, I don’t know, it’s a kink."

Cherri spoke "Angel, enough with the Val talk. He already ruined your whole day. Don’t let him ruin your night, too. *Holds three pills with one different than the other two* Here, take one of these and you won’t be worrying about nothing."

Husk spoke "Here we go."

Cherri spoke "Oh, look, the drunk sobered up long enough to judge us."

Husk spoke "I ain’t the one trying to get into Heaven. Look, you wanna fuck up all your progress? Be my guest. I just… *Sigh* I just thought you were better than that."

Cherri spoke "Thanks, Captain Buzzkill. Come on Angie, let’s get fucked up! It’s been too long."

Angel spoke "I, uhh, I don’t know, it’s been a long night, and I don’t need to go too wild."

Husk spoke "*Smiles* Hmmm. *Takes a swig*"

I dropkick Pentious at Cherri, causing the two to kiss.

The two disconnected before the next thing I knew, Cherri kicked me right where it hurts, making me whimper on my knees.

Cherri asks "*Calms down* Come on, bitch. If you’ve really been working that hard, you deserve a little R and R… and some THC, or maybe PCP with DMT. Aw fuck it, let’s see where the night takes us, huh?

Angel spoke "I… I guess."

Sir Pentious spoke "*Shaking off shock* Cherri, I bought you a shot. B-Because I bought everyone another shot! Hooray! *Laughs*"

A Club goer spoke "Yeah, another drink! I love alcohol!"

Angel and Cherri gulped down the shots of liquor.

Angel spoke "Aah… fuck it, let’s do it!"

Husk huffed at that.

Later, we were each drinking a shot as Cherri brought out more. “Round twelve, mother fuckers! Heels are coming off!”

Angel spoke "Haha. Oh yeah, *As Cherri gave Husk a shot* keep ‘em comin’! *Given one from Cherri* Come on, right here, right to Daddy."

Sir Pentious spoke "Oh, it’s wonderful to have friends! *Laughs*"

The pain from that kick went away, so that’s good.

A drunk Layla laughs "Hey snakeboy! Give me the hardest shit you can buy!"

Niffty spoke "Everything’s spinny, hehe."

Angel spoke "*Takes shots* Ha, I think you and Layla are done, tiny."

Niffty spoke "No! Gimme gimme gimme!"

Layla spoke "*Drunk* Come on, Angel, ya bastard!"

Cherri spoke "Oh, come on, bitch, *As Angel gave the two shots to Husk before he gulped them down with his* they can handle a little more."

Angel asks "Niffty’s like ten pounds soaking wet, Layla’s totally wasted, and-oh shit, where’d she go?"

Niffty swatted glasses of booze into a bag, much to a trio of party goer’s annoyance.

Niffty spoke "Dirty, dirty, make it clean!"

Angel spoke "Dammit, Niffty. Sorry fellas, *Brings out money* here, next one’s on me. *Throws money to the trio as he chuckled before noticing Niffty gone* Niffty? *Sees her* Shit!"

Niffty was looting cleaning stuff. “Chlorine… Bleach…"

Cherri spoke "Angie… the fuck are you doing? You’re supposed to be relaxing, not playing nanny."

Angel spoke "Look, she ain’t used to this scene. I just don’t want her to end up in the gutter like I used to."

Cherri spoke "Pfft, whatever, nerd. Just catch up when you’re done. *Heads back into party*

Angel asks "*Grabs Niffty and picks her up* Stop! You can’t take that. God, Niff, why are you bein’ such a mess?!"

Niffty asks "*Starting to tear up* I’m the mess? *Starts bawling waterfalls*"

Angel asks "Oh, oh shit! Hey, hey, hey… calm down, ya ain’t a mess. It’s fine… Ssshhh, hey, you wanna play with the kitty?"

Niffty spoke "*Bawling stops* Yeah."

Husk asks "*As Angel placed Niffty on his head* The fuck is this?"

Angel spoke "She’s wasted too. Just go with it."

Husk spoke "*As Niffty played with his eyebrows, cheeks and ears* Re-Really?! *As Niffty started playing with his wings, to his annoyance* Ugh, get the…"

Layla laughs "She's not in the right mind... Not to mention, Niffty's got a huge crush on you Husk."

Okay, now I know Layla’s totally drunk.

Niffty spoke "*Laughs* That’s crazy talk."

Husk spoke "Pfft, now I know you’re wasted, Layla."

The party went on as I helped Sir Pentious from saying something that’ll make him bite off more than he could chew.

Cherri spoke "*To Angel* You know, we can do this fucking shit every fucking night. You don’t have to spend all your off hours “working on yourself,” you little bitch."

Husk spoke "The hotel isn’t a problem in his life, it’s-"

Angel spoke "*Notices something* Valentino."

Husk spoke "Exactly. So why don’t you-"

Angel spoke "No… Valentino."

We then noticed Valentino with some female demons at a lounge.

Valentino spoke "Yeah, I’m here all the time, they know me. You’re gorgeous… do you need a job? How many dicks can you suck? Ooh, I could make you a star."

Angel asks "Let’s get the fuck outta here. Okay. Come on-*Notices something wrong* Where’s Niffty?"

Valentino spoke "Yeah, a star. Porn star. Okay, yup, bring me another drink or I’ll fucking kill you."

We then noticed Niffty running towards said lounge.

Niffty spoke "Bad boy. Hehehehe."

Angel chased after her.

Valentino spoke "I said I’ll fucking kill you! And I will."

Angel spoke "*Getting through crowd* Excuse me. Pardon me. Get out of my way. *Grabs Niffty*"

Valentino asks "Holy shit. Angel Dust? What are you doing here, baby? You didn’t get enough dick today?"

Angel spoke "Funny."

Valentino spoke "Who’s this chiquita? You bringing me fresh meat? *As Niffty snapped her fangs, making him back away* Oi!"

Niffty spoke "I just want a taste."

Valentino spoke "Ehh, weird, but there’s a kink for that, I’m sure!"

Angel spoke "Fuck off, Val."

Valentino asks "Excuse me?"

Angel spoke "I said fuck off! I may have to put up with your bullshit, but you ain’t fucking with any of my friends."

Valentino spoke "You forget who you’re talking to? *Makes a red smoke chain as it strapped on Angel’s upper left wrist* I own you, bitch."

Angel spoke "Yeah, you do, in the studio, and you can do anything you want to me there, just like our deal says. But out here, I get to do what I want. *Pulls chained arm back* So once again, fuck off!"

Valentino: *Backslaps Angel, sending onto the ground coughing and splutters blood* Enjoy the rest of your night, bitch, *As Angel breathed deeply while glaring at him* because I’m going to enjoy making you pay for it tomorrow."

Cherri spoke "Fucking dickhead."

Angel spoke "*Gets up while wiping away blood* Fuck it. It was worth it."

Husk spoke "Way to go, kid."

Valentino yelps "*After Niffty tore off some of his fluff* Ow! What the fuck?!"

Niffty spoke "*Chuckles* For my collection. Hehe. Wait up, guys!"

Cherri spoke "*As Niffty returned to us* Did you just call these cunts your friends? Thought that was my job."

Angel spoke "There’s room for everyone, and ya know… you could come crash with us too."

Despite being drunk, Layla shot a Celestial Dragon Roar at Valentino causing him to go flying out of the bar.


Cherri asks "Okay, look, Angie, I’m glad this hotel shit is workin’ for you, but you know me, bitch, I’m doin’ just fine. In fact, I’m gonna fuck the next guy I see, okay? But, if you need me, you know where to find me, yeah?"

*Danyelle’s POV*

WHOO-HOO!!! Awesome job, Angel!

Charlie: See! He did everything on your checklist! He was selfless, he stopped Niffty from stealing, and he stuck it to that moth man!"

Adam asks "Yhhh… Well, uh… Then, then why isn’t he here then? Hm?"

Emily asks "*Notices that too* Yeah, why isn’t he here?"

There were murmurs among the court. Welp, that took the wind out of my sails.

Charlie asks "Wait, none of you know what gets someone into Heaven?"

Sera spoke "This questioning stops now. We know when a soul arrives. We know when they past divine judgement. *As Emily looked at the checklist* It is our job to ensure these souls are safe."

Then a song started playing in my head.

A shadow grew over Charlie as I saw the horror on her face. The shadows faded away as Charlie fell onto her knees.

Sera spoke "*Sighs and breath deeply as Emily went back onto the balcony* I’m sorry… but this court finds that there is no evidence souls in Hell can be redeemed."

Faust and Arcee gained shocked expressions at that.

Adam spoke "Oh, fuck yes! I win. *Flips both birds at us* Suck it, bitches. You better save the date cunts, ‘cause we’re coming to your hotel… first!"

Adam snapped his fingers, opening a portal to Hell behind us.

Charlie: *Gasp!* What? No, no, you can’t-

Vaggie spoke "Oh, you motherfu-

The portal sucked Charlie, Vaggie, Blaze, Twilight, Honeystar, Zoey, Orion and I in as we screamed before the portal closed as we found ourselves back at the hotel.

*Faust’s POV*

Emily spoke "Charlie! Dany! Don’t give up on this! I’ll figure something out. I promise."

Sera spoke "That was uncalled for, Adam."

Adam spoke "Yeah, but did you see the looks on their fucking faces? It was… *Notices our scowls* Ahem… sorry."

Everyone in the courthouse left, leaving Arcee and I alone with Sera and Emily.

Emily spoke "Extermination… *Partially transformed* of living souls. Demon or not, there is no reason to be doing this.

Sera spoke "*Partially transformed* They were uprising, Emily. It is my position as the Head Seraphim to protect our people at all costs, *Back in humanoid form* and it’s your position to keep them happy and joyful."

Emily asks "*Back in humanoid form* How can I bring joy when I now know we are bringing misery to thousands of innocent people?"

Sera spoke "Heaven needs us, Emily. Everyone looks to us and we can’t doubt ourselves or worry about the fates of demons when have our own souls to protect. Please, if you start to question, you could end up like Lucifer: Fallen. *Gently grabs Emily’s hands* I couldn’t bear to see you suffer that fate. So please, let me worry about this, okay? *Kisses Emily’s forehead lightly* I’m sorry."

Emily grasped the paper before flying off, leaving Arcee and I alone with Sera as I sighed at that.

I spoke "The celestial dragon known as Layla Heartfilla doesn't deserve to be locked up in that terrible place, nor does the mare known as Snowy Twirl."

Sera spoke "Faust, you and Arcee know as well as I do that even though souls in Hell are completely innocent, it is impossible to bring them to Heaven. The fates were simply against those two, and I'm sorry."

Sera then left. *Sigh* That went as poorly as I could've hoped.

Dia spoke "High Goddess, I have reports that the nekomata who was here earlier today was breaking a law of nature. At least six times. The first four times involved two Pegasi and two earth ponies, the other two times were because of her own parents."

I shout "SHE DID WHAT?!?"


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