• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Visiting Blobtopia Part 4

*Riptide's POV*

Whoa. Michelle and Jasmine trusted me to help finish the tour, at least for the guys. Hehe, guys night.

Sonic spoke "We might want to keep Ein on a tight leash or he'll prank the girls."

"That giant rolling water balloon?" I pointed out as the other guys snickered.

Manic snickers "Yeah, that lardball."

Knuckles spoke "Don't worry, *Lifts Ein up easily with both hands, carrying him* I'll keep an eye on him."

Sonic spoke "Just watch out for his TNT pranks though Knuckles."

Knuckles asks "How can he get any out like this?"

Finn spoke "You shouldn't underestimate that dumbass though."

Ein spoke "Help, I can’t move."

Orion spoke "Too bad dumbass, we know your tricks by now."

Ein spoke "Dang it…"

Phoenix spoke "Last thing we need is a screaming cat...."

"Well, ready to head back to the Fat Gym?" I asked.

Phoenix and the others spoke "Yeah!"

Little did Phoenix know, his former mentor was alive but she had lost her memories.

We arrived back at the Fat Gym as we went to the smoothie stand. "Anyone want a drink?"

Orion spoke "I just sensed another Mewtwo, a female this time."

Sonic asks "And is she with Danyelle and the other girls with her?"

Orion spoke "Yes but the odd thing is, she has a severe case of amnesia. Perhaps worse than the one time Phoenix got hit in the head with a fire extinguisher..."

Phoenix asks "Wait, how do you know about that?"

Huey snickers "Uncle Face and all Mewtwo are Psychic type!"

Phoenix facepalmed at that.

"Anyway, anyone want smoothies?" I offered.

Various guys spoke "Yeah!"

Shadow scoffs "I can outmatch the silver mutt."

Shirou asks "...What was that?"

Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Tama and Toga glare at the ebony hedgehog.

"Heh, be specific with your words, Edgelord." I quipped.

Sonic snickers "Shad's a real edgelord alright."

"I can tell the same's with Shirou." I added.

Lightning and Kita snicker.

Soon, we got our smoothies, and they certainly found it delicious, as I expected.

Kita spoke "I think my twin sister's laughing at me since I'm so fat right now..."

Sonic spoke "Come on, she'd have to be here for that to happen."

Manic spoke "You forget bro, most twins have a special kind of bond. Plus Danyelle has sight sharing."

"Anywho, where'd ya like to start first here?" I asked.

Inuyasha spoke "That tears it! You are a dead hog!"

Inuyasha starts fighting with Shadow.

"Should we get them to the training area?" I asked.

Sonic spoke "Unless you want a chaos blast to the face or get run through with a sword, best to leave them be."

“Be glad the place is made of real tough stuff and the fat would absorb the blows.” I said.

Sonic spoke "Just don't ask Shadow about what happened 63 years ago... He refuses to talk about it."

"Thanks for the heads up." I said.

Sonic spoke "No problem."

"Maybe while they're fighting, we could trying out some of the stuff here, maybe even the sauna." I noted.

Sonic spoke "The guys with dark fur might not be able to handle a sauna."

"How come? There's no sunlight there? Besides, it helps work up a good sweat." I asked.

Sonic spoke "Dark colors absorb heat faster than light colors."

"Well, the thing is after getting fat from eating food from Blobtopia or made by this who live/lived in Blobtopia, those who ate them gain a whole lot of heat resistance." I informed.

Thorax snickers "I heard rumors that the nekomata had sent a Gallade flying one time with Chaos Blast."

Sonic snickers "Really?"

Thorax spoke "I heard it from the green tiger."

Sonic spoke "Seto."

Seto asks "You called?"

Seto arrived, and he seemed like he was in his normal form.

Sonic spoke "It's not my fault if you're an idiot though Ein!"

Ein spoke "Hey!"

Sonic spoke "Go cough up a hairball, idiot."

Half of us went into the sauna while the other half looked around while doing some exercise.

Tama and Toga sparred.

"Ah... The steam and walls certainly feels good." I sighed in relaxation.

Graystripe was sprawled out on a heated rock, soaking in the warmth.

Graystripe spoke "Yeah..."

Sonic chuckles "Hehe, good thing we brought Ein in here, 'cause all the heat is turning that waterbed into a steam balloon."

As Sonic said, Ein was now inflated full of steam, floating against the ceiling.

Midnight chuckles "Talk about being full of hot air!"

Kita spoke "Hmm… Feeling a bit itchy."

Sonic spoke "Guess that's a side-effect for males when they enter Equestria... They don't wear much clothing."

Kita started itching his butt against the wall. “Ooh, that feels good.”

Lightning chuckles "You're an embarrassment to the Ogami family bro."

Kita didn’t hear and kept itching.

Soon enough, Sonic was itching at his skin.

Sonic spoke "Gah, I hate fleas!"

“Fleas? There’s hardly any fleas that cause itching.” I said before noticing a crack in the wall appear behind Kita. Here we go again.

Sonic was in his werehog form as he itched at a spot on his neck with his right foot.

Sonic spoke "Well it itches!!!"

Kita kept itching his butt against the wall as the crack grew bigger and bigger.

Sonic spoke "Uh Uncle Kita, you don't have a Mobian or Equian form yet..."

Kita didn’t hear as he kept going.

“3. 2. 1.” I counted down before Kita’s butt broke through the wall. “Second time this week.”

Sonic spoke "Least it's not poison joke...."

“Sorry about that. This happens in the sauna sometimes.” I informed.

Sonic spoke "Least Aunt Yuu doesn't have this problem...."

Lightning asks "Remember Michelle, one of your nine wives?"

Sonic spoke "I hate it when you're right dad..."

Lightning spoke "But hey, at least all the girls back at the mansion are having fun."

Manic snickers "Hey dad, I think we should pull a prank on the girls."

Lightning chuckles "Hehehe, tomorrow, Manic."

Manic spoke "But..."

Lightning spoke "It's Guys Night while the girls back home are having their sleepover. No need to ruin either of those."

A gray tabby colored Mewtwo with blind blue eyes and a walking stick in hand trips over Ein's tail.

The blind Mewtwo growls "You stupid lizard!"

The blind Mewtwo whacks Ein on the head repeatedly with the walking stick.

Oh boy.

Sonic asks "You good?"

The blind Mewtwo growls "Does it LOOK like I'm okay? I can't see a dang thing!"

Sonic asks "You’re a Mewtwo, being a psychic, right?"

The blind Mewtwo spoke "I don't have any psychic powers... I was a failure... a cast-out... A freak of a normal-type..."

“Hey, calm down.” I said.

The blind Mewtwo spoke "I may not be able to see which puts me at a disadvantage in battle... I can only use sound based moves like Screech, Roar, Growl and Hyper Voice..."

Sonic spoke "Sounds like you have the hearing of a bat, which is definitely a good thing."

The blind Mewtwo spoke "True but the Throat Chop move puts me in a bind during battles since I heavily rely on sound-based moves."

"What's your name?" I asked.

Jaytwo spoke "It's Jaytwo."

"Listen Jaytwo, I'm a Floatzel, a water-type Poke-Mobian, but I have a real bad case of hydrophobia, which isn't really okay if you're a water-type." I admitted to Jaytwo.

Sonic spoke "Hedgehog-alicorn-wolf mix, I also have a bad case of hydrophobia."

Tails spoke "Electric-type Ninetales, severe astraphobia."

Orion spoke "Standard Mewtwo, I don't like sweets."

Jaytwo was definitely surprised.

Sonic spoke "My adopted sister's got 14 kids total, 8 adopted and 5 blood related though one was a reincarnation."

Jaytwo's jaw dropped at that.

Sonic spoke "I got nine wives though."

Jaytwo faints from shock.

Manic spoke "Real smooth, bro."

Sonic spoke "You're one to talk bro, two of your wives are sirens while one's a Zapdos."

Manic spoke "Uh..."

Orion chuckles "I heard rumors that the Zacian has a crush on Sonic."

Sonic spoke "Oh man, if I get one more wife, I'll be going into the double digits."

Midnight chuckles "Least I have it easy, I only have one mate."

Sonic spoke "I'm surprised you don't have 100 mates."

Midnight spoke "Go cough up a hairball, idiot."

Lightning chuckles "Hehe, my son is quite a sharp one, huh? Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if Opaline wanted to be your foal factory."

Midnight spoke "Don't you start too furball."

"Welp, let's check on the others and head to our next stop." I said while picking up Jaytwo, carrying him on my shoulder.

Midnight carried the slower guys on his back.

Looked like Shadow and Inuyasha stopped fighting.

Sonic spoke "*sweatdrop* For now..."

"Well, let's move on." I said as we were head to go to our next destination.

Aaron asks "Why do I have that feeling that Aph's disguised as someone else?"

"Hmm?" I asked in confusion.

Aaron spoke "Aph's half Changeling since her dad is a Changeling."

Sonic asks "Whoa, really?"

Aaron spoke "Yeah, she's a bigger prankster than Ein and Pierce are."

Sonic spoke "Hehe, nice."

We soon arrived at the Calorie Grocery.

Aaron spoke "Yeah."

We went into the place as Sonic had some free sample chili dogs and thought they were great. Next, we went to the Chubby School, which had kindergarteners weighing at least 400 pounds having fun in the playground.

A loud rip was heard since Phoenix had accidentally ripped his pants after getting them caught on wire.

Phoenix groans "How embarrassing...."

"Yeesh, better got those looked at after our last stop on the tour." I noted.

Phoenix spoke "I'd rather not have a unicorn fashionista screaming at me."

"Fashion Restaurant on the way back for a repair job then." I noted as we headed to our last stop, Jasmine's Castle.

Sonic spoke "YEESH! That thing's GINORMOUS on the outside, I can only imagine the inside of the place!"

Shirou spoke "And here I thought Canterlot Castle was big."

We went inside as the group was simply so astonished, they though the castle went on forever as I was in my unbound form, weighing at least 2 billion pounds while Jaytwo was still resting on my shoulder.

Jaytwo groans "Ugh... Who took my stick...?"

"It's right next to your left arm." I informed. "And be careful, you're on my right shoulder at the moment."

Holding the broken stick in his hands, Jaytwo spoke "It's broken..."

"Oh boy... Better stay still on my shoulder then, don't want you to hurt yourself." I adviced.

Jaytwo snaps "Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I'm an invalid."

"I'm just trying to look out for a friend." I assured.

Jaytwo spoke "You don't even know me."

"A pink pony once said, a stranger is just a friend you haven't made yet." I quoted.

Li pulls a prank on the Mewtwo males with a laser pointer.

Jaytwo spoke "What're you trying to do? I'm blind!"

The non-blind Mewtwo males were chasing the red dot.

Mako chuckles "He reminds me of Toph."

Bolin spoke "*Gasps with sparkly eyes* Bro, I just got the BEST idea!"

Huey asks "What is it?"

A Mega Y Mewtwo male had got trampled by the other Mewtwo.

Jaytwo snickers "Sounds like someone got trampled."

Bolin asks "What if Jaytwo trains with Toph?"

Huey spoke "That might work!"

Mako couldn't help but chuckle in agreement.

Huey yawns a bit since he was tired.

"How about we find a place to rest for the night?" I offered.

Huey spoke "Want mama..."

"Hmm... Maybe we should get the kids home first." I noted.

Sonic yawns "Yeah, since the tour's over."


Author's Note:

Guys' side of Visiting Blobtopia Part 4/ End of Season 2

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