• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Sleepover Shenanigans

*Serena's POV*

I was busy helping Winter get things set up for a girl's only slumber party.

I spoke "I just hope that dumbass dragon doesn't crash our sleepover."

Winter spoke "Based on what I heard from the Ultima, Ein might try to."

I couldn't help but facepalm with a groan at that.

Danyelle pops up with Bluestar in tow.

Danyelle spoke "Ein won't dare show his face tonight, I dropkicked his sorry scales into the End dimension so Bertha can deal with him."

"Awesome." I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "But if Bertha joins up, Ein can't leave the End dimension. Then again, Charybdis' raw power alone can scare anyone."

"I wonder if all the girls will be able to be here." I thought aloud.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight said that she and Rainbow will be along soon, Aph's on her way. Same with Asuna once she gets a babysitter for her two children. Myth's not coming since Koji's being fussy."

"What about Sonic's wives, Manic's wives, along with the all female team, if you get my drift." I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Sal's in the hospital since she just gave birth to a boy, Aria had a girl so she won't be coming. Roll, Blaze, Pixie and Moltry should be arriving shortly."

I ask "What about Michelle?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't worry, we already got a substitute tour guide decided."

Kara spoke "I just hope the guys can keep Ein on a tight leash so he doesn't prank us gals."

I spoke "We might want to keep Pinkie out of the marshmallows or she'll have the zoomies for a week!"

Danyelle spoke "As long as she doesn't have TOO MANY mallows."

Zoey soon pops up with Anzu, Pigment, Corina, Bridget, Kiki, Renee and the cherry red cat via magic.

Zoey spoke "Hey girls! Hope the eight of us aren't too late!"

I spoke "*sweatdrop* Better keep the monkey out of the candy too..."

"Smart choice." Danyelle noted.

Zoey spoke "Just one problem though... Deep Blue's the only guy at the sleepover."

I winced at that, having that completely spaced from my head.

Winter spoke "There's nothing we can do about it Serena."

Renee spoke "She's right, Deep Blue's soulbound to Twilight."

Michelle showed up. "Hey girls!"

Twilight soon pops up.

Twilight spoke "Hey."

Michelle spoke "Well, the other ladies should be here soon."

Twilight spoke "Rarity's come down sick with something, Fluttershy's babysitting Opal, Rainbow's in bed asleep, Applejack's also asleep. I think Pinkie was busy... Kagome should be along soon."

A loud "SIT BOY!" was heard since Kagome had to stop Inuyasha from fighting with Koga.

Twilight spoke "Like I said."

Renee spoke "Stupid is as stupid does..."

Michelle asks "Still, you ladies ready for the sleepover, AKA Girls' Night?"

Danyelle spoke "We're still waiting for Asuna, Peach, Jessie, Korra and the other girls."

"Right." I agreed.

A knock was heard at the front door of the mansion.

Winter spoke "I'll go get it."

Danyelle spoke "I bet that's Kim, Mac and Moeka now."

Winter went to the door and opened it.

Kim, Mac and "Moeka" were indeed at the door.

Danyelle spoke "Called it."

The trio of females along with a female Mewtwo that was wearing a thin yellow scarf around the main neck along with a magatama walk in.

The Mewtwo with the magatama spoke "Hi there."

Winter asks "Hmm? Who're you?"

The Mewtwo with the magatama spoke "Since you don't know me, my name is.... Ugh... I forgot what my name is..."

Danyelle spoke "Hmm... Maybe I can help with that."

Bluestar asks "How mom?"

Roll spoke "I think she has amnesia and no amount of magic can reverse it."

Danyelle spoke "Dang it..."

Rainbowtwo soon arrives while dragging Twilight-two by the tail.

Rainbowtwo giggles "Something tells me Huey had called Orion "Uncle Face" again."

"Heehee, yeah." I agreed as the new Mewtwo suddenly giggled at that.

Rainbowtwo giggles "And something tells me that Orion had verbally roasted Phoenix when he had mentioned a fire extinguisher."

The female Mewtwo held her head at that. "Why does that word 'Phoenix' sound familiar?"

Rainbowtwo asks "Uh you okay?"

The Mewtwo with the magatama spoke "I'm fine, just a small headache."

Danyelle spoke "If I can recall from a vision of the past... There was a clock... blunt hit to the head... A crying Maya... I got it all figured out! I know who you are! You're Mia Fey!"

Mia asks "H-Huh?"

Twilight spoke "Danyelle's got the Dimensional Scream, she can see past and future events."

Danyelle teleported before reappearing with a female Espeon Poké-Mobian that also had a magatama on a necklace.

Maya gasps "S-sis?"

Mia asks "Hmm?"

Maya asks "D-do you remember me?"

Mia asks "Is something wrong?"

Danyelle spoke "She's asking if you remember her."

Mia suddenly held her head in pain.

Yuu uses a healing spell to ease off the Mewtwo's migraine.

Yuu spoke "Last thing we need is you dying a second time."

Mia spoke "My head..."

Yuu spoke "My brothers are with Phoenix and the other guys right now."

It looked like Mia's headache was getting worse.

Danyelle spoke "CHAOS HEAL!!!"

That definitely healed Mia's headache.

Yuu was on her back while laughing since she had sensed that her twin brother was fat.

Michelle noticed that and whispered something to me before I nodded.

Clarity soon arrives.

Clarity spoke "Sorry I'm late, I had to find a different babysitter to foalsit Moonlight. *mumbles* Even though Auntie Luna asked me to foalsit..."

Danyelle couldn’t help but gain a bead of sweat at hearing that.

Clarity spoke "Moonlight's at her bitey stage."

“Ouch.” I winced.

Maria soon pops up.

Maria asks "Am I the last one?"

"Looks like it." I noticed.

Twilight spoke "I'll have to keep Deep Blue quiet the whole time."

I spoke "We're still missing Misty, Dawn, May, Iris, Elsa, Anna and a few other girls."

Danyelle spoke "They should be here soon."

Peach soon arrives with the females in question.

Amy soon arrives despite a small bump on her stomach.

Danyelle giggles "*Smile* So, you and Thorax?"

Amy spoke "*blushing* Y-yeah..."

"Save the gossip until all of us ladies get in." I pointed out.

Peach spoke "Chrysalis has yet to arrive since she's one of the last two."

"Last two?" Danyelle, Twilight and I asked.

Chrysalis soon arrives with a purple furred Lopunny on her back.

Chrysalis spoke "Sorry for being late, I had to help Lopunata here get Galleji out of a tree since the Gallade had his head stuck."

Lopunata spoke "*Shyly* Um... Hi."

Twilight spoke "She reminds me of Fluttershy."

"Come on in, you two." I offered.

The two enter the mansion.

Lopunata spoke "W-Wow, this place is huge."

Danyelle asks "Why do I have that feeling that Ein got called an idiot?"

Twilight asks "Don't we all?"

Winter spoke "He is an idiot!"

Then Twilight noticed Lopunata's nearly featureless white eyes.

Danyelle spoke "It's rude to stare Twilight."

Twilight asks "Sorry, it's just why are Lopunata's eyes like that?"

Bluestar spoke "I don't think she's blind."

Lopunata spoke "O-Oh... Sorry if that made you think I was."

Bluestar spoke "I think your eyes are quite unique."

Lopunata spoke "It-It's my genes and because of the clan I'm in."

Danyelle spoke "I may look like a nekomata-gryphon hybrid but I'm also a Mew."

Lopunata asks "H-Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "What you see me as right now is my true form and..."

A swirl of fire later and Danyelle was in her two-tailed Mew form.

Danyelle spoke "This is my other form. I also have a combat form but it's too big to show right now."

Lopunata spoke "O-Oh."

Danyelle spoke "I'd rather not get iced by Winter if I destroyed her home."

Winter spoke "Smart choice."

"But you look like you know something about Lopunata." I noticed.

Danyelle spoke "I traveled a lot with Sonic during my teen years."

Lopunata asks "E-Even hidden villages?"

Danyelle spoke "I've heard of them but I've never seen them. The eleven tailed hybrid, Midnight Storm, is from two hidden villages since he was the result of a forbidden romance."

Lopunata asks "U-Um... Who were his parents?"

Opaline spoke "He never told me. But I assume his father was a nine tailed kitsunepony while his mother was a two tailed catpony."

Lopunata asks "H-Huh?"

Opaline spoke "That aside, let's get the slumber party started!"

Sakura and Nova soon show up.

Sakura spoke "Sorry if we're late, I had to drag Nova away from a mirror."

Michelle spoke "Nice! I’ll get to work on the food!"

Danyelle, Twilight and I smiled at that.

Zoey spoke "No funny business."

Michelle asks "What’s so funny about food?"

Zoey spoke "You might try to add something in to make us all fat."

Michelle asks "So?"

Twilight spoke "Three words... Screaming unicorn fashionista."

“Rarity’s not here, remember?” I pointed out.

Twilight-two spoke "True."

Danyelle spoke "Let's just start the party!"

Korra spoke "YEAH!!!!"

The Sleepover Party was now underway.

Danyelle threw a pillow at Korra but pinned the blame on Sakura.

Korra then airbended multiple pillows.

Danyelle flung pillows with Psychic.

The pillow fight then became a bit of a pillow war.

Twilight kicks a few pillows at Peach.

All of us were having a blast as Rei’s four wives and Raptor’s two wives showed up.

I throw a pillow at Katrina.

I spoke "MISTY DID IT!!"

Katrina spoke "*Giggles while cracking her knuckles* Oh, it is on."

Misty hightails it.

Miyuki giggles "The fun started already?"

Pixie tailslaps a pillow at Miyuki.

Miyuki giggles "You really wanna go, sis?"

Pixie spoke "I could kick your frozen ass easy in battle!"

Miyuki spoke "*Picking up pillows with her nine tails* Okay, but remember, you asked for it, sis."

Pixie was bombarded by pillows from her big sister.

Pixie used Psychic to throw twice the amount of pillows back at Miyuki.

Later, the pillow war was over, but we all had fun as our stomachs rumbled while Sonic's wives giggled.

Zacia was buried by the amount of pillows.

Zoey asks "Why’d you bring Zacia along?"

Zephyr spoke "She followed me."

Michelle asks "Anyway, everyone want hot cocoa with marshmallows?"

Renee spoke "You forget that cats, dogs and wolves can't have chocolate. It's toxic to them."

Opaline asks "Why do I have that feeling that Sonia's dad called me a foal factory?"

Michelle asks "*Facepalm* Sorry about that, completely slipped my mind. Warm milk?"

Renee spoke "Sure."

Michelle spoke "Cool."

Michelle flew off to get warm milk for all of us girls.

Zoey spoke "Warm milk for me as well since I can't eat chocolate when I'm in Mobian form."

Michelle spoke "*From a different room* Thanks for the heads up!"

Renee spoke "Too bad I have a wolf's stomach while on Equis..."

"Huh?" I asked in confusion.

Renee was suddenly itching her back against a wall since there were pinfeathers growing in.

Renee whines "Make it stop!!!!"

Zoey noticed what was going on with Renee's back. "Guess I won't be the only Mobian with wings on my back after all."

Danyelle wingslaps Zoey.

Danyelle spoke "I have wings too you know."

Anzu pops up suddenly with wings on her back.

Anzu spoke "MOM!!"

"Wow, a lot of things are being revealed here." I noticed.

"Moeka" spoke "True."

Moeka asks "Huh? Another me?"

Kim asks "Anyone seen Aphmau?"

Twilight spoke "Look at the two Moekas."

Kim spoke "I can't tell who's the real Moeka!"

Sonia asks "Aunt Yuu, can you tell which one is the real Moeka?"

Yuu spoke "Don't worry, my nose won't let me down."

But the false Moeka had the same scent as the real one, making it harder for Yuu to figure it out.

“Twilight? You got the gizmo?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "The idiot sheep took it from me."

I couldn't help but facepalm. "Of course. Before any of us came here for the sleepover."

Kagome yawns "Yeah..."

Michelle spoke "I'm back! And with some nice warm milk for all of us ladies!"

Kagome was curled up on a bean bag chair while asleep.

"Well, Kagome's already out. I guess the rest of us could have some milk before heading to sleep ourselves." I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Kagome then started sleepwalking before she grabbed a cup of warm milk as the rest of us girls grabbed the other cups.

Danyelle snickers "Something tells me Phoenix accidentally ripped his pants."

Twilight snickers "He did."

Jasmine spoke "To us girls!"

Korra spoke "To us girls!"

Winter spoke "I'd rather not get an earful from Richy if the place breaks."


Author's Note:

Girls' side of "Visiting Blobtopia Part 4"/End of Season 2

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