• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Clash of the Titans

Caboose shot towards Carolina and tackled her to the ground and began to hit her repeatedly in the chest. The group stared, slack jawed at their once innocent friend.

"Caboose... is a bad ass?” Tucker said quietly. “Well, my whole life is a lie."

"What happened to him?" Grif asked nervously.

"O'Malley happened to him." Sarge chuckled as he watched Caboose slam Carolina's head into the ground.

"Wait, O'Malley?" Church muttered. "What are you talking about? The EMP got rid of him."

"Well he left something behind in Caboose. He taught him how to get angry."

Carolina took out her pistol and tried to bring it up, but Caboose slammed his hoof on her wrist, making her release it. Carolina headbutted Caboose in the muzzle, causing him to growl and jump off of her.

"Should we do something?" Simmons asked.

"If you want to get in between what's basically O'Malley and a freelancer, then go ahead." Church muttered.

"I think I'm good." Simmons quickly replied.

Carolina took out her knife and swung it at Caboose. He jumped out of the way, but the knife still managed to connect with his muzzle.

"I think when I'm done with you I'll go straight for the pink one."

Caboose snarled and grabbed Carolina by the helmet and slammed her head onto a large rock that jutted out of the ground. The visor of her helmet shattered, effectively blinding her as shards flew into her face. Caboose yanked off the helmet and hit her in the nose, breaking it. He then stood on his hind legs, spun around and threw her a few feet away.

"Caboose?" Pinkie asked nervously, fearing the new Caboose.

Caboose turned to Pinkie and his eyes reverted back to normal and he began to smile. Carolina noticed this, promptly hopping to her feet.

"Hello!" Caboose yelled happily.

Carolina jumped in the air, her foot ending up in Caboose’s chest sending him tumbling into the others.

"That wasn't nice." Caboose said dizzily.

Carolina aimed the horn at Caboose and shot a concentrated bolt of magic at him. Church used his magic and grabbed the bolt out of the air and threw it back at Carolina. She stood still and watched the bolt missed her by an inch, and then began to laugh.

"This is between us, not them." Church yelled.

"You made it about them when you came in here." Carolina growled. "And now they're going to pay for it with you."

"I'm tired of listening to her, let's fuck this bitch up!" Tucker yelled, flying towards Carolina.

She side stepped out of the way and brought her elbow down and drove it down with immense strength right into the small of his back as he flew by.

"Dammit." Tucker complained as he tried to reach his back. "Why the hell is she so fast?"

Carolina walked towards Tucker, who was on the ground writhing in pain. Just as she was kneeling down, about to break Tucker's neck, she got knocked to the ground.

"You can't kill a blue!" Sarge yelled, kicking her in the throat. "That's my job!"

"Good to see you still have some fight in you. I was beginning to think that the grenade was the end for you." Carolina glared up with a savage smile plastered on her face.

"I'm the best damn fighter you'll ever meet." Sarge said, hitting her in the chest. "And that's sir to you."

Carolina leaped to her feet and lunged at Sarge but he bucked her in the chest, causing her to fall back down.

"Oh yeah! Feel it bitch!" Tucker yelled, still on the ground.

Carolina looked up and growled at Sarge, who was standing over her with a smile.

"Look's like it's not just these blues that I'm used to fighting that suck at it." Sarge said smugly.

Within a second, Carolina stabbed Sarge in the ankle with the horn, going all the way through. Sarge yelled in pain and fell to the ground. She got up and kicked him in the head, causing his vision to blur.

"That's two down." Carolina said with a wicked smile. "Batter up."

"Grif, execute plan delta!" Simmons yelled.

Grif nodded and ran straight at Carolina, who then kicked him in the face, propelling him back to where he started.

"What the fuck was that? That wasn't plan delta!"

"Like I fucking know what plan delta even is!" Grif yelled, holding his nose.

"Just surround her!"

"You could have just said that!" Grif snapped, flying behind Carolina.

“Oh, and Grif, good job at least trying to get yourself killed.” Sarge commended.

Simmons used his magic to give himself a sudden burst of energy, but as Carolina sidestepped the bolt, Grif tackled her to the ground.

"I got her!" Grif yelled.

Carolina knocked Grif off and instantly grabbed his head and slammed it on her knee as she brought it up.

"Goddammit." Grif choked, falling to the ground. "I didn't get her."

Tucker got up and flew towards Sarge and helped him up.

"I have a plan." Tucker said.

"Let's hear it." Sarge mumbled, staring at his ankle.

"It doesn't matter to me what happens to these idiots." Carolina turned to Church. "But if you come back now I might let them live."

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Fair enough." Carolina said, charging at Church with the horn gripped tightly in her hand, aiming to kill.

"Church watch out!" Caboose yelled, jumping in front of Carolina.

"Caboose no!" Church yelled.

Carolina's horn pierced Cabooses chest and his eyes widened. She tried to take the horn out, but it had penetrated too deep, so she let go of the horn, dropping Caboose to the ground.

"Well at least one of you got what they had coming" Carolina said as she took out her pistol and aimed it at Church. "If only you came with me then nobody would have gotten hurt. Well besides those other horses that helped me."

"Hey, remember me?" Sarge asked.

Before Carolina could turn, Sarge charged his good leg and hit her in the chin. She found herself launched in the air. Before she managed to right herself, she heard the sound of thunder. She looked up and saw Tucker, who was diving right at her with incredible speed, electricity surging out of his body. He tackled her out of the air and slammed her right back into the ground. As she made it to her knees in an attempt to get up, Grif tackled her right back onto the ground and punched her in the throat. Carolina coughed up a little blood and let out a small laugh.

"Son of a bitch..." She said, barely managing to kick Grif off.

She started to get up, but Simmons started using a spell he had learned from Rarity to hold her in place.

"We got her!" Tucker yelled as he saw Carolina struggling feebly to get out of the hold. "I knew it would work."

"I have to admit Tucker, I'm surprised that worked." Sarge laughed, giving a swift nod of approval.

"I can't believe we won!" Grif laughed.

"Caboose?" Pinkie asked as she approached Caboose, who was laying on the ground.

The group turned to see Caboose, who was lying in a small pool of blood.

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