• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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All Bets Are Off

"I should probably get up and bring Delta and O'Malley to the farm, huh?" Church asked, glaring at Tex as he rubbed his head again.

"No, you need rest still." Twilight said testily.

"Ugh, why could't it have been O'Malley that got hit? Would have been easier to bring him that way." Church muttered, trying to get off the bed.

"I think Twilight's right, you need rest." Tex said, pushing him back. "As funny as it was, you still got hit in the face by a damn fireball."

"I've been hit by worse, you included. Besides, the wicked don't get any rest, right?" Church chuckled, rolling off the bed.

"Good point." Tex looked at Twilight and shrugged.

"And right now none of you are down there watching O'Malley, I need to make sure he hasn't split."

"Delta's down there with him."

"Delta is easy to distract." Church said, before walking into the door and falling on his ass.

"Might want to watch where you're going." Tex chuckled, helping him off the ground.

"Tried to open it with magic, slipped my mind that I'm not the best shot." Church sighed, then looked at Tex. "Maybe you should be training me."

"Sorry, I've seen your skills. Can't help a lost cause."

"Lovely." Church muttered, swinging the door open. "Hey Delta, you-"

"Yes, Omega and I are both here." Delta called out.

"Good." Church said as he walked out the door and made his way down the stairs.

Twilight shared a look with Tex and shrugged. Twilight motioned for Spike to follow them and then went out the door and made her way down the stairs, where she saw Tucker sitting with Rainbow Dash at the table. She then saw Church staring silently at Delta. Church turned to her and raised a questioning brow, and she responded with a shrug, unsure of what he is doing.

"I am trying to establish a connection to the Epsilon unit." Delta said quietly, eyes forced shut.

"No connection? Maybe it's because you're inside?" Church asked with a laugh.

"No, I thought that it was because I was inside the ruins, but I checked when I was out of it. It is most odd."

"Well it's obviously broken since the others managed to get in." Church shrugged.

"Perhaps, but I do not believe it to be broken. If it were, we would not be talking right now." Delta sighed when Church opened his mouth. "No, it is not in a sleeping state either."

"Maybe you're not going at it right." O'Malley suggested, looking at Rainbow Dash. "Maybe we have to eliminate all the inhabitants of this world."

"What?" Rainbow Dash said nervously, taking a defensive step back.

"How would that help?" Delta asked, looking at Rainbow Dash contemplatively.

"We'll never know if we don't try!"

"O'Malley, shut up." Church said loudly, smiling at Rainbow Dash. "Don't worry about him, his bark is worse and a lot more long winded than his bite."

"I guessed as much." Rainbow Dash smirked, still a small look of worry on her face. "But his words are a little bad. And by a little I mean a lot."

"Yeah, you'll get used to it." Tucker said.

"So how was your nap?" The Necronomicon asked, voice muffled from the bookshelf.

"Better than how you look." Church muttered, remembering what enticed him to get up.

"Aw, I know you don't mean that..." The Necronomicon said suavely. He then muttered something under his breath and coughed. "If you could see my cover right now, I would be winking at you."

"Right." Church rolled his eyes. "Won't that other book get jealous of you?"

"She's not a book, she's a novel." The Necronomicon corrected him. "And an adventurous one at that. Why just the other day she went and tried to recover an old, dangerous artifact that nobody dares speak the name of and nobody knows where it is located."

"Did she find it?"

"No, she told me I have to wait until later to find out." The Necronomicon sighed sadly.

"Is it the g-spot?" Tucker asked innocently. Rainbow Dash struck him on the back of his head. "Son of a bitch!"

"No, she's a secretive one."

"I heard keeping secrets is bad for a relationship." Church said.

"I suppose, but I have my fair share of them." The Necronomicon said and once again coughed. "If I had arms I would be shrugging."

"Uh-huh." Church muttered, turning to Delta. "Well, now that I'm up and no longer on fire, I think we should go."

"You know, I could use a body that spouts flames." O'Malley said, the corners of his eyes darkened by his pupil as he eyed Spike.

"Not on my watch." Church, Tex, and Twilight all said flatly.

"Spoilsports." O'Malley scowled. "Though he is small and squishy. Doesn't help with the fact that he's purple."

"What's wrong with purple?" Twilight and Spike asked coldly.

"Everything. It is an annoying color. The only good thing about purple is that on the inside it has red. Bloody red." O'Malley said with an evil leer as he turned to Twilight. "I could show it to you if you want."

"Bad O'Malley!" Church said, hitting him over the head with a rolled up paper. "No threatening anybody."

"What? I am not a dog!" O'Malley snapped, snagging the paper out of Church's hoof. He turned to Delta and glowered. "I'm not a dog, right Delta?"

"Perhaps not." Delta agreed. "But negative reinforcement is a common-"

"Shut up you incessant fool!" O'Malley hissed, throwing the newspaper at Delta, who simply tilted his head slightly to avoid it. "Gah, stand still when I try to hit you! It is very rude of you to move out of the way like that!"

"I apologize." Delta said, bowing his head.

"Why can't you be more like your brother?" Tex asks icily.

"You're not my mother!" O'Malley screamed before kicking a chair to the floor, and soon began arguing with Tex.

"Hey, uh, Twi?" Spike asked quietly, covering his mouth with his hand. "Does that guy seem sort of... off?"

"Yes, he does." Twilight replies just as quietly, keeping her stare on him. "To be honest, Church says he'll be the easiest one to watch, but I'm not too sure about that."

"What are you two talking about?" O'Malley growled, turning his head to the pair.

"Nothing." Spike said quickly, in a nervous voice. when O'Malley narrowed his glare at him. "We were just, uh, talking about how awesome it must be to be as fun-" O'Malley took a step towards him. "Violent! I mean as violent as you!"

"Ah, good." O'Malley smiled, then frowned at Delta. "Why can't you be as supportive as this small, purple shrimp?"

"Because he's the only one that feels threatened by you?" Tucker asked with a chuckle.

"Yes, well, he should be." O'Malley said quietly, then shook his head. "No matter, are we going to this farm or what?"

"You want to go to the farm?" Twilight asked.

"As long as it is away from you and the smaller, purple being, then yes." O'Malley muttered as he kicked the door open, now looking at Delta and church. "Let's go, we're burning daylight when we could be burning down an orphanage! An orphanage for kittens! That have cancer!" He paused and turned to Twilight. "Do you have any cancer stricken kitten orphanages around here?"


"Hmph." O'Malley grunted sourly, walking out the door. "I guess a regular orphanage will have to do..."

"See you guys later." Church said to the others as he walked out the door, looking at Delta. "Come on, we need to make sure he doesn't burn anything on the way"

"But he does not have the means of lighting something on fire." Delta said quietly, when Church shot him a look. He nodded and followed him out the door.

"So how much do you want to bet that something will go wrong?" Tucker asked. "I'm willing to bet five bits that someone will be dead within the next two days thanks to him."

"I'll take that bet." Tex said, shaking his hoof briefly. "Does it count if I help him kill Grif?"

"Pft, I said two days, not two minutes."

"What if I get Sarge to help him then? He's been trying for years, so I can't see him helping O'Malley that much."

"If anything he'd probably prevent O'Malley from killing him so he could do it himself." Tucker laughed.

"Damn, Sarge and I both want the same thing." Tex muttered, then smiled at Tucker. "Five bits that I can get him before Sarge?"

"Deal." Tucker said, shaking her hoof again.

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