• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Red Truths

"A wild goose chase!" O'Malley snapped, kicking open the door to the town hall.

"Excuse me?" Gary coughed awkwardly.

"I went to go see that womanly blue pegasus, and-" O'Malley stopped mid-sentence when he saw a mare sitting at the other desk who had wavy gray hair staring at him. "Who is that?"

"That's the Mayor." Gary said tightly, eyes shifting from O'Malley to Mayor Mare, silently willing O'Malley to be respectful.

"Ah." O'Malley grunted, then bowed awkwardly. "It's good to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you as well." Mayor Mare nodded, smiling curiously at him. As she looked him over she felt he looked extremely familiar. "O'Malley was it? Our new worker?"

"Er, yes." O'Malley said. Gary eyes widened and tilted his head violently towards Mayor Mare. "I mean yes ma'am."

Mayor Mare smiled pleasantly at him, instantly admiring his respectful tone.

"What's she doing here?" O'Malley asked as nonchalantly as possible. "I thought she went to another town."

"I was, business was concluded early." Mayor Mare nodded as she turned to Gary. "It's nice to hear you managed to get somepony for that. After hiring you I realized how difficult and time consuming it was to run this town on my own."

"Why didn't you hire anybody before?" O'Malley asked. Best to act legitimate in front of his boss.

"I never truly felt the need." Mayor Mare shrugged effortlessly. "The closest pony I had that helped me was Time Turner, or Doctor Whooves as he likes to be referred to as, but he generally leaves town for months on end. He may be a reliable stallion in many ways, but punctual he is not. Ironic that he mostly works with things such as schedules and upcoming events."

"Luckily you have us now." Gary said non-modestly. "We're punctual, reliable and we don't leave town!"

"I agree. Now my workload has been cut exponentially." Mayor Mare sighed happily, then focused back on O'Malley. "Now, what did he mean by a wild goose chase?"

"Somepony dropped by and told us someone was performing tax evasion." Gary said quickly before O'Malley could answer.

"Ah. Who was it?" Mayor Mare asked dubiously. "Most ponies are accurate about that sort of thing and wouldn't bring it up unless they were one hundred percent sure..."

Gary bit his lip and looked away from the Mayor, quickly trying to cook up a suitable answer for her. He didn't want to tell her any fake name since she would know if it was made up, and he couldn't give her the name of one of the actual ponies in town since she could look them up and ask.

"Neighoming?" Mayor Mare asked after a few second.

"We don't know. They just gave us a letter and knocked on the door. O'Malley grabbed it and set out right away."

"Ah, a take action stallion. That's good." Mayor Mare smiled at him.

"Thanks." O'Malley muttered insincerely.

"Oh, do you still have the letter? I could perhaps check the penman ship to figure out who wrote the letter. We can't have this sort of behavior go unpunished."

"I threw it out."

"You did?" Mayor Mare asked quietly. "Don't you know false claims are a serious offense in the law?"

"He probably did it out of anger." Gary replied half truthfully. "O'Malley may be dependable, but he has a very short fuse. He does not take being toyed with too well."

"I see." Mayor Mare sighed, getting up from her desk. "Well if it happens again be sure to keep the letter."

"You're leaving?" O'Malley asked happily.

"Yes, I have some other matters I must attend to." Mayor Mare said as she trotted towards the door. "it was nice to meet you O'Malley. I hope we can all talk together again soon."

"I hope so too." O'Malley cringed as he forced out the words.

Mayor Mare nodded at them and then walked out the door, going to talk to some of the other ponies in town. O'Malley walked up to Gary's desk and sat in one of the chairs in front of it.

"What happened?" Gary asked instantly.

"When I talked to the multi-color maned nuisance she pointed me towards an alley and led me into a trap!"

"And you fell for that?" Gary whooped. "That's the most obvious ploy there is in the book of lies!"

"Well I know that now." O'Malley huffed, angry that Gary was making fun of him.

"Oh, stop being a sore loser." Gary laughed quietly. "Then what happened? What was the trap?"

"That foolish sergeant was waiting for me on the other side of the alley, then that Big Mac fellow blocked the other side with Rainbow Dash. They interrogated me lightly, made some slight threats."

"So business as usual with the filthy shisnos?"

"Quite." O'Malley nodded, then grinned brightly. "Though they didn't expect me to have any information on them. When I told them it it shut them up right quick."

"Do tell what this information was." Gary said eagerly.

'Well, when I was browsing through the records I discovered the Apples owe quite a hefty sum to the town, and I told them that their property could be seized practically at my word."

"You told them that? I was going to save that for later!" Gary said annoyingly. "I suppose that's for the best. Had I told Sarge about the taxes he probably would have written it off as a lie. While you can lie, I think they know that you wouldn't lie about something like that."

"Indeed." O'Malley chuckled. "These fools will play right into the palm of our hands."

"Hooves." Gary corrected him. "While I believe Equestria has a more broken version of the English language than the shisnos that the freelancers were named after, we must try to use their terms. I've even tried toning down on shisnos for the shisnos."

"You're doing well at it." O'Malley remarked dryly.

"I don't have to hide it around you." Gary grunted.

"Why not just learn a whole other new language."

"There are only a few discrepancies I've noticed and their mostly related to their bodies. Feet and hands are hooves, arms are forelegs, hair is mane. Then there's that somepony, nopony business."

"What a stupid, foolish and completely unlikable idea." O'Malley huffed.

"I agree, but we must do it."

O'Malley squinted at him, quickly growing concerned with his so called brother. Gary noticed this and lifted a brow, inviting O'malley to ask him any question, showing that he had nothing to hide from his angry sibling.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're enjoying this place." O'Malley huffed. "The Gary I knew liked his old way of speaking."

"Don't be inconsiderate like that. Here I have what I sought. Power over shisnos. Is it so bad that I wish to keep it that way?" Gary inquired pleasantly, believing that to be sufficient enough of an explanation.

"Not completely unexpected, but since you have power over them already, why change? Why not change them? They're the fools after all, not us."

"That's exactly it. They're stupid shisnos. We can't expect them to learn anything, can we?" Gary asked, rising out of his chair. "Speaking of which, perhaps we should go back to the farm. Best not dillydally."

"Good point." O'Malley said, following Gary's instructions. "But I refuse to say somepony though. I may have lost some of my dignity by becoming a silly little horse, but I have not last it all."

"Very well. I suppose they'll understand you either way. Just be sure not to mention-"

"Any terms that apply to us or the blight that is called humanity." O'Malley nodded.

"Indeed ol' chum." Gary chuckled, then his features darkened softly as he walked around the desck. "It's too bad about Tucker though. I would have enjoyed hearing about your exploits regarding him."

"Do not worry, I've already warned Rainbow Dash about her impending doom. I'm going to work my hardest to make her life an especially brutal living hell."

"This is good to hear." Gary said, patting O'Malley on the back as they began walking towards the door. "Now come, now that Sarge knows about it I would like to rub his intruding nose in it."

"I'm liking this idea." O'Malley chuckled darkly. Then this chuckle turned into a darker, louder outburst of laughter.

Soon enough both of them were laughing together as they walked towards Sweet Apple Acres to torment their watchers.

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