• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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The Rat's Maze

"We've been looking for a while, can't we take a break?" Tucker asked as he leaned against a tree.

"No we can't." Church muttered as he looked through the trees to his right. "At least not until we've caught them all."

"This isn't fucking Pokemon, okay? It would be perfectly fine if one or two of them was on their own."

"No, it wouldn't be." Church groaned.

"What is that?" Caboose asked as he pointed towards something further down the trail.

Church stopped moving and began to focus on it. There was a large leaf that had small tears in it.

"What is the leaf doing there? Is it lost?"

"Only a day alive and he's already getting on my nerves..." Church muttered. "I don't know Caboose, it looks like a leaf fell off of one of the trees and an animal or a bug ate some of it."

"It's a note." Tucker said quietly.


"Yeah it says something on it, but I can't read it because it's upside down."

"It's just a leaf." Church stressed as he walked towards it.

"I do not recommend-"

"Delta we need to hurry. You know I respect you, but honestly we just don't have the time."

"Very well."

Church slowly walked up to the leaf and flipped it over to read it.

"What does it say?" Caboose asked.

"Beware as you tread towards the tip of the spear, for when you reach it you will find your end is near." Church said quietly. "Zecora must have left this note for someone, but what does it-"

Tucker flew to Church and tackled him to the ground and he heard what sounded like an axe hitting a tree.

"Tucker what the hell did you do that for?"

"I don't know, I just felt that you didn't want to be a Churchkebab." Tucker said as he got off Church.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Tucker pointed to the tree next to him, where a large pointed branch was now piercing through it.

"Holy shit. Thanks, I guess" Church muttered. "So when did Zecora start hunting ponies?"

"Dude, from what I've seen the ponies here don't eat meat." Tucker noted. "And if she wanted to kill any of us she could have done it when she had Grif that one time."

"So what then, is Gary trying to kill us now?"

"I do not believe this to be Gamma's work." Delta said as he examined the speared tree.

"Great. Now we have something else in here trying to kill us besides the fragments." Church muttered as he kicked a rock.

The rock fell on a pile of leaves and sunk into the ground. Church walked up to the pile of leaves and touched one of them. The leaves then gave way and fell down into a large hole, at the bottom of which had dozens of spears poking out of the ground and the sides.

"Jesus Christ!" Church yelled. "There must be dozens of traps here."

"I would advise you not to yell, do not forget we are not alone in this forest. It is home to many dangerous creatures."

"Delta stop trying to do this the logical way!" Church screamed. "When you're dealing with crazy people you have to be as illogical as possible, otherwise you're as good as dead!"

A soft growl was heard to the right and the four turned to see a pair of yellow glowing eyes in the dark of the forest.

"Great, a fucking timberwolf."

Several more pairs of eyes began to glow. Soon there was well over two dozen pairs of feasting eyes, staring at the group.

"I believe there to be more than one of them." Delta said quietly.

"No shit." Tucker muttered.

"I think all they need is a hug." Caboose said, happily trotting towards them.

"Caboose, stop!" Church yelled.

One of the timberwolves snarled and started to run towards Tucker.

"Run!" Church yelled as he sprinted down the path.

"I like that idea." Tucker said quickly as he flew down the path, grabbing Caboose and Delta by the scruffs of their necks.

"Hurry it up back there!" Church yelled as he jumped over a pile of leaves, sure there was another spike pit under it.

"They are gaining on us." Delta said as he watched the timberwolves race towards them.

"Yeah well, it's not my fault I have to carry you two." Tucker grunted. "Man Caboose, what have you been eating lately?"

"Cupcakes." Caboose said quickly. "And cookies. And some cakes."

"I recommend evasive maneuvers." Delta said as one of the timberwolves surged past the others and jumped towards them.

Tucker kicked it in the face, causing it to drop onto another pile of leaves. This time a net made of vines shot upwards and trapped the timberwolf above ground. The wolf snarled and began to bite the vines. Tucker placed Delta and Caboose on the ground and began to run after Church.

"Why did you drop us?" Caboose asked.

"Because you're heavy and Delta is annoying me, now run!" Tucker snapped as he jumped over a log.

Tucker suddenly ran into Church, who had now stopped for some reason.

"What the hell did you stop for?"

"There's three paths here. We should split up. Tucker, you go down the left one. Delta, you take Caboose and go down the middle one. I'll take the path on the right." Church said as he ran down the path.


"I know it isn't wise, just do it!"

Delta nodded and began to run down the middle path with Caboose. Tucker watched as the others ran before looking back to see the wolves had freed the other one.

"Son of a bitch." Tucker muttered as he ran down the left path.


Church continued to run, never stopping to look back, jumping over everything that wasn't dirt with the belief that everything was now a trigger for a deadly trap. After half an hour he came to a slow stop and sat on the path, taking deep breaths as he looked behind him. There were no timberwolves, which was a good sign. He then cracked his neck and laid on the ground to recuperate.

"Hopefully the others are doing better than I am." Church panted. "If only Delta would stop thinking logically he could find out who's setting up these traps."

"Green never was a creative color." A voice said from Church's left.

Church looked to a nearby tree to see an orange pony laying on a branch with a tight smile on it's muzzle.

"Hello Epsilon."

"Sigma!" Church snarled. "So you were the one who set all this up."

"I think the answer to that is fairly obvious."

"Why are you trying to kill us?"

"Kill?" Sigma scoffed. "My traps are not intended to kill, merely maim. As of now you are all rats running my carefully put together maze. The only difference is there are almost no ways out and no cheese at the end. But if any of the others get out of my maze there can be just as much of a celebration without cheese, true?"

"You're crazy. First you want to put the Alpha back together, and now this?"

"Crazy?" Sigma asked himself. "I prefer to think of myself as creative."

"Where are the others?"

"Running the maze like good little rats. I just felt that since you gave me life the least I could do was chat with you before you're lost in here forever."

"How did you set this up in such little time?" Church asked curiously.

"While the other fragments were fighting amongst themselves I happened to catch a glimpse of you. Odd that I did not recall who I was until I saw the key, but once I did I quickly escaped." Sigma said quietly. "Once I was out I quickly began setting up traps to keep anybody from capturing me."

"Yeah, well I got you now."

"Oh, well done on that." Sigma said sarcastically as he clapped his hooves. He then stared at his hooves and chuckled again. "I would have been able to set up even more traps had it not been for these things, but I digress."

"Come down from there and I won't hurt you."

"I think I am quite comfortable up here, thank you." Sigma said with a gleam in his eye. "I can, however, offer one piece of advice to you, should you wish."

"What is it?" Church asked hesitantly.

"You may want to move out of that spot."

"What?" Church looked behind him, where a large log suspended by two vines swung at him.

He quickly rolled out of the way and looked back up at the branch where Sigma was sitting, but he was no longer there.

"Whelp. We're dead." Church groaned.

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