• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Tex dashed towards Twilight, picked her up by her throat then slammed her into the ground causing her to gasp in pain.

"Tex leave her alone." Tucker said as he grabbed her shoulder.

She kicked Tucker in the chest with her hind legs, sending him flying into the others. She quickly looked around the tunnel before grabbing a root from the ceiling of the tunnel and tearing it out, causing the ceiling to crack. She then punched the wall of the tunnel as hard as she could, causing the cracked part of the ceiling to fall apart, separating Twilight and herself from the others.

"We have to dig through this!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed from the other side.

"But I don't want to get my hoofs dirty." Rarity pouted.

"Tucker, Spike, start digging." Rainbow Dash commanded.

"Why us?" Tucker asked.

"Because there isn't enough room for more than one pony and it's your fault we fell down here! Now go!"

"Son of a bitch." Tucker grunted as he began to dig through the cave in. "What happens if-"


Tucker muttered something under his breath and began to dig through the cave in with Spike. Tex turned to Twilight after she heard Tucker's hooves hit the dirt.

"It'll take them a while to dig through that. Now we can talk without having to worry about the others." Tex said quietly.

"I'm not afraid of you."

"You should be. After all, if you hurt me you'll end up hurting Church, isn't that right?"

Twilight scowled and looked away. She narrowed her eyes when she saw a large rock with a spiral symbol on it.

"That's what I thought." Tex laughed as she placed her torch on the wall. "Now let's see how badly I can hurt you before they manage to break through."

"Assuming you can hurt me at all."

"Heh. Funny." Tex said before lunging towards Twilight and hitting her in the ribs. Twilight gasped in pain and stumbled back, holding onto her bruised ribs. "Looks like I hurt you alright."

Tex jumped towards her again, but this time Twilight rolled out of the way, making Tex punch the wall. As Tex recovered from the shock of the blow, Twilight hit Tex in the side. She then went for another punch but Tex grabbed her hoof and twisted it until it nearly broke, causing her to yelp.

"Is that all you got?" Tex challenged as she lifted Twilight off the ground by her hoof.

"No, it isn't." Twilight said as she flicked her head downwards, causing her horn to leave a deep gash in Tex's cheek.

"We'll see how much you can do with your horn after I break it off!" Tex snapped as she grabbed Twilight's horn and slammed her head against the wall.

Twilight threw a dazed punch at Tex, trying to hit her in the face. Tex used her free hoof to grab Twilight's foreleg and twist it. Twilight began to moan in pain as Tex kept twisting her hoof. Tex stopped once more, not wanting to end the fight so quickly, and kicked Twilight in the chest. Twilight slammed into the ground and she coughed as the dust around her began to fly. Twilight slowly rolled onto her back and began to get up.

"Just admit that without your horn you're useless." Tex said as she placed her hoof on Twilight's throat, keeping her pinned to the ground. "There's no way you can beat me. I was trained to fight, and fighting isn't something you can learn from one of your little books."

"You may be faster and stronger than me. But I have something you could never dream of having." Twilight gasped, trying to get any air she could.

"Don't give me any of that friendship crap.” Tex scoffed as she applied more pressure onto Twilight’s throat. “I'd prefer not to get sick while I'm kicking your ass."

"No. It's not friendship.” Twilight said weakly as she attempted to shake her head. “Even the meanest of ponies have a chance at finding true friendship."

“Then what do you have?” Tex asked sarcastically, relishing her soon to be victory. "And make it quick, I think the others are almost through."

"What I have is the ability to succeed." Twilight said as she slammed her hoof on the rock next to her.

A small spike came out of the wall and hit Tex in the ankle, piercing deep into her skin. Tex gasped in pain and lifted her hoof off of twilight, allowing her to get her breath back. Tex reached down and tore the spike out of her ankle and looked at the tip that had a green residue on it.

"Now it's clear to me you have only two options." Twilight said weakly as she got to her hooves. "The first option is you kill me now and then you get turned into a wooden husk. I personally don't think that option is one either of us want. The second option is you follow me, keep your attitude in line and we'll work together and find you a cure. Got it?"

"That's not fair!" Tex snapped, lips quivering in anger.

"What was it you said before? Oh that's right. Screw fair." Twilight said with an innocent smile. "Those are your two options. Which one is it going to be Tex?"

"I'm going to get you back for this."

"Is that a promise?" Twilight asked icily, causing Tex to shiver in frustration. "That's what I thought. Now if you don't mind I would appreciate it if you helped Tucker dig so we can group up with them faster. And make it quick Allison, the virus is already in your blood."

Tex turned around and took a deep breath, trying to restrain herself from killing Twilight. She then began to dig through the dirt until she could see Tucker's hoof. She quickly grabbed it and yanked him through, creating a large hole large enough for the others to pass through.

"Holy shit, you're still alive?" Tucker asked when he saw Twilight standing a few meters away with a calming smile on her face. He looked to the ground and saw the small spike, the tip of which was covered in blood, and then to Tex's ankle which had a small flow of blood coming out of it. "So Twilight kicked your ass, huh? Wish she was there when you kicked our asses."

"Keep talking and we'll see how far she gets before your head gets shoved up your ass."

"The more time you waste fighting, the further along the virus gets in your system." Twilight warned.

Tex glared at Twilight before taking a few steps away from Tucker, not wanting to lose her cool and kill them until she was cured.

"Glad to see you've been listening." Twilight said with a nod. "Now let's hurry out of here so we can get you a potion to get rid of the virus."

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