• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Chapter 7 - "Assignment"

"What in Sam hell is a cutie mark?" Sarge said. "Sounds like something Donut would have."

"It kinda sounds like a gay bar." Grif chirped. "So yeah, now that you mention it Sarge, Donut does come to mind."

Celestia sighed and shook her head.

"A cutie mark is a symbol that appears on a ponies flank after they find out what their special skill is." Celestia said. "It is there to tell a story of their personality. No pony can have the same cutie mark, and they have to come naturally. They will not appear if you use anything to try and force it. It can only be received in time."

"Well Grif I can't say it was nice knowing you." Sarge said.

"What do you mean?" Grif asked.

"Well for starters you have no special skills, you have no personality and you have to work hard to get it." Sarge said. "And to top it off you're incompetent."

"Well I guess you're right Sarge. It seems like I'm fucked."

"I'm going to be sending a letter to each of the girls." Celestia said, shaking her head. "I don't think they could handle more than one of you at once so I am going to assign one to each of you. Caboose, you will stay with Pinkie Pie."

"Yay!" Caboose said. "Thank you kind lady."

"Sarge, you will be going to live with Applejack on her farm." Celestia said.

"Alright." Sarge grunted.

"Tucker, you will be going with Rainbow Dash." Celestia said.

"Is she hot?" Tucker asked, and felt as if he had just been stomped on his groin with the force of a million suns. "God dammit."

"Grif, you will be spending your time with Fluttershy."

"All right." Grif said, staring indifferently at Celestia.

"Simmons, you will help out around Rarities boutique."

"Alright fine. I'll see if I can do anything to help out to keep me busy."

"And Church. You will be staying with Twilight Sparkle." Celestia said.

"Fine. Whatever." Church said.

"Tucker. Grif. I have given you wings so you will be able to keep up with the poines you are going to be staying with. Church and Simmons will be given horns to match your soon-to-be mentors. Farewell my little ponies. I will send for you if I happen to need you."

They were soon surrounded by the white mist again and it brought them back to Twilight’s place. The girls were inside of the tree, finishing up with the letters they had received.

"What is Celestia doing making us watch these idiots?" Rainbow Dash said. "I have far more important things to do."

"I know what you mean." Rarity said. "I have a very important client coming to pick up her dresses in three days and I am nowhere near being complete."

"Well I'm afraid we have to, after all the princess told us to. There's no use complaining." Twilight pointed out.

"Fine, but it doesn't mean I have to like it." Rainbow Dash grumbled.

"I'm feeling happy about this!" Pinkie said. "How about you Fluttershy? How do you feel."

"Nervous. It's really hard to meet new ponies." Fluttershy said. "What if he hates me?"

"Why would he hate you Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know." Fluttershy replied. "I just have a feeling he will."

"How about you AJ? how do you feel about it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"As long as he stays out of the way I don't mind." Applejack said, indifferent to the situation.

"Damn that light is bright." Church said, stumbling through the door into the library.

"Well, here they are." Twilight said, going up to the door. "Time to get working I guess."

"Whatever." Rainbow Dash said, flying out the door.

"Come on Caboose, let's go back to the Sugar Cube Corner." Pinkie said. "I'll try and find you a place to sleep."

"What is Sugar Cube Corner?" Caboose asked, following suit with Pinkie.

"It's the gingerbread house you silly goose!" Pinkie said.

"You live in a gingerbread house?" Caboose yelled. "That is the most amazing story I have ever heard. Can you tell it again?"

"At least someone seems to be happy with this." Twilight said.

"Yeah, whatever." Rainbow Dash said. "Come on Tucker I'll show you where I live."

"Okay, which direction is it?" He asked.

"This way." She replied, shooting up in the air.

"Dude what? I don't know how to fly." Tucker said, looking at his wings.

"Not my fault if you can't keep up." Rainbow Dash said, snickering at Tucker.

"That's the way you're going to be, huh? Well fine, two can play at that game." Tucker said, jumping in the air, flapping his wings trying to fly. "Hey, I'm doing it! Oh shit."

Tucker then slammed to the ground. Rainbow Dash fell to the ground laughing at him.

"Come on, you're making a fool out of yourself." Rainbow Dash laughed. "I'll have to try and teach you to fly overnight. If you think you can stay up."

"Oh that's okay, I'm used to staying up all night." Tucker said with a wink. “Bow chicka bow wow.”

Rainbow Dash then started walking with Tucker to a flat field to practice his flying.

"I hope you don't mind, but I'd rather walk to your place." Grif said. "I don't feel too thrilled about the prospect of grinding my face on the ground."

"That's okay." Fluttershy said softly. "I would have walked anyways."

Rarity then started to walk away. "Hey wait, don't forget me." Simmons walked after her.

"Listen, if it's all the same to you," Rarity started, continuing towards her boutique. "I just want to show you where you will be sleeping so I can get straight to work, okay?"

"Yeah, sure I guess." Simmons said, hurrying to catch up to Rarity who was still walking.

"Well, let's go Sarge." Applejack said. "I'll show you where you'll be hunkerin' down while you're here."

"Yes ma'am." Sarge said, walking silently with her.

"Well Church, I guess it's just us now." Twilight said.

"Yeah." Church said, walking into Twilight’s house. "Just us."

"I'll show you to where you'll be sleeping, okay?" Twilight said.

"Yeah whatever." Church grumbled.

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