• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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The Best Offense

"What kind of fruit is this?" Delta asked when he finished his last one an began to look at the trees that were filled with them. "I have not seen many like it."

"There are not many places that this fruit can grow. The last place they grow, is in fact in this grove." Zecora said, looking at the trees. "I made it a rule to not to feed on them when I come, but what are rules when you are with a good chum?"

"Chum? Ah, you mean acquaintance." Delta nodded with a smile.

Zecora shook her head with a smile and began to reply, when a sharp howl came from the entrance. Their heads shot to the entrance and they could see several pairs of glowing eyes making their way towards them.

"It is as I feared, we were being hunted. Come, we must hide." Zecora hissed, quickly jumping into a bush near the entrance to the area.

"What is it?" Delta asked, ignoring her warning to look further.

"This is no time for questions, to my words you must abide!" Zecora said snappishly.

"Very well." Delta nodded, turning to walk into the bush to hide with her. "This does not seem like it would provide much cov-"

Delta was stopped mid-sentence when something heavy tackled him to the ground. Delta slammed his eyes shut at the force of the blow and flew to the ground. Delta, now dazed, got off the ground and began backing up as he looked up to see what had knocked him down. There were four wooden creatures of varying size and shape, looking at him with hungering eyes.

"Ah, Timberwolves." Delta said, stepping back until he was a few feet away from a tree. "I hope this is an invigorating learning experience for both parties."

Zecora opened her mouth as one of the smaller timberwolves bent it's legs, preparing to jump, but she hesitated when she saw Delta's mouth move incredibly fast. The timberwolf, however, was not curious by his actions and launched itself at the still Delta.

"Expected trajectory, forty-eight degree jump, presumably for the throat. Top speed at which it can jumping, approximately sixty-six feet per second. Probability of success." Delta said to himself in the fraction of a second the wolf was in the air, then side stepped. "Zero percent."

The wolf slammed it's snout into the tree behind him, making half a dozen large branches fall. Delta made slight movement to just barely dodge the falling debris. The small wolf yelped, before running away from Delta.

"One of the weaker specimens. Must still be young." Delta said, when he heard a howl exploded from his right. He lowered his flank to the ground and saw another one of the timberwolves snap for his hindquarters, but it missed and crashed into the ground. "Predatorial skills, exceptional. Attacking when my guard is down. Aiming for an easier area to grab. Extremely intelligent."

A few of the timberwolves stared at each other, eyes filling with anger. The wolf that fell to the ground jumped to it's paws and lowered itself to the ground, stalking around him. It jumped at Delta, but pulled back instantly. Delta simply stood, fascinated, while Zecora watched breathlessly.

"Probing for weakness, fear. Perhaps trying to cause me to flinch to allow the others to strike." Delta nodded, then began examining the legs of the wolf, which moved silently, but moved stiffly. He then looked at the timberwolf's neck as it reached the others. "Neck protected by thicker bark than anywhere else on it's body. Interesting. Defense mechanism against the other predators in this forest?"

The biggest of the wolves let out a low, rough bark. Three of the wolves including itself began circling him. They stopped once they were an equal distance away from each other. The thinnest wolf bared it's teeth at him and began growling.

"Interesting, the secretion that they hold is nowhere to be seen on it's teeth." Delta said, eyeing the wolf curiously. "Perhaps only males carry have evolved to use it."

Another howl, this time coming from all three of the wolves. And the female wolf charged at him. Delta closed his eyes, relying on the sound of it's paws scratching dirt, judging where it was going to go. He smiled to himself, but frowned when the other two wolves charged at him.

"Hm, moving onto guerrilla tactics. Unexpected." Delta grunted.

The first wolf jumped towards Delta's chest, but he rolled onto the ground, narrowly avoiding the offensive maneuver. While he was getting up both the male wolves lunged at him, not willing to give the green target any mercy. Delta jumped into the air, doing a roll as he barely managed to squeeze between the two, once again just barely scraping out of the attack unharmed. He landed on his feet and stared at the wolves out of the corner of his eye. The wolves howled at him, but it was not a howl calling other wolves, but one of pure hatred. Delta squinted as the wolf raised it's entire body to howl, rather than just it's neck.

"The bark surrounding neck impedes flexibility and reach, sacrificial chance of success for attack for chance of success for defense." Delta said, turning to Zecora who watched him, jaw dropped at the display. "Beautiful design." Delta smiled, then turned back to the wolves. "It does exceptionally well in both regards."

Delta began running to the left of the smaller, male wolf. Once he was within three feet of it, it sprang towards him, drooling out of the corner of his mouth. Delta quickly changed his course once the wolf jumped, running to the right of it now. The wolves took a few steps back, trying to think of a way to beat their prey.

"Unfortunately, it does not see time ahead, attacks in the moment." Delta sighed sadly, as a scientist would at a failed experiment. "Strange, I believed these creatures to be quote 'ahead of the game'. Instead, If handled correctly, they provide no more threat than a chihuahua."

The large wolf snapped at the two other wolves, and the wolves barked back. Delta narrowed his eyes, trying to understand them. The wolf snapped again but this time bit the small, male wolf on the neck. It yelped and ran to the female wolf's side. The female wolf let out a soft sigh-like noise, then lowered her head. The large wolf snapped a third time, and the two wolves lowered themselves and ran out of the clearing, leaving just the large wolf. The wolf glared at Delta. Now it wasn't about game hunting. It was about it's pride as Alpha male. Delta glanced to one of the larger branches had fallen when the first wolf slammed into the tree. His horn began to glow as he picked up the branch and hit his bag with it, shattering some of the jars. The wolf watched contemptibly as Delta dumped the bag of glass over the branch. Zecora bit her tongue, torn between not wanting him to harm the wolf and not wanting the wolf to harm him.

"Do not worry, I promise that the only harm that will come to it is harm to it's pride." Delta promised, when he saw the male grit it's dry teeth, then lick them with it's tongue. "Ah, it does not actually come out of the gums, but is spread onto it's teeth with it's tongue. Poison glands must be located inside the neck area, hence why the bark is thicker there. Strange design."

The wolf dove at him, eyes burning brightly, mouth open wide. Delta pulled the branch off the ground and slammed it into the wolf's jaw, and it clamped down, extract pouring onto the branch.

"Ah, the secretion which infected Grif." Delta said, whipping the branch left and right, loosening the creature's grip on the branch until it let go and flew into the small pond. He brought the branch up to eye level. "Very high viscosity, but spreads quickly when it reaches the bloodstream."

The wolf slowly skulked out of the pond behind him, taking advantage of the fact that he was studying it so intensely. Zecora began to yell a warning, but felt her throat dry. Knowing better than to howl and lose it's chance, it jumped for Delta's throat and clamped down hard, pulling him to the ground. Delta grunted softly, but it was not a grunt of pain. The wolf wrestled with Delta on the ground briefly, but it became shrouded in a green mist and levitated off of him. Delta rolled his neck around and walked up to the bound, helpless wolf.

"Marshmallows?" Delta questioned skeptically as he looked at it's teeth. "Once again, strange."

A shaken Zecora took one step out of the thicket, eyeing Delta warily, glancing between him and the wolf.

"I assure you that it is safe." Delta promised her, then saw a look of bewilderment in her eyes. "Ah, about your Posion Joke..." Delta sighed, lifting up the branch the timberwolf had bit to show her. Zecora squinted and saw blue smears, as well as a blue petal stuck to the branch. "As you can see when it bit into the branch, the plant used it's magic against the wolf. That is why I smashed the jars and dumped it on the branch." Delta paused. "I apologize for the jars."

Zecora shook her head as she let out a heavy sigh of relief, happy he was not harmed when she took it upon herself to watch him.

"Now why did you jump in there?" Delta asked seriously, referring to the bush. "Surely they would have sniffed us out."

"I have had many experiences with these creatures of bark-" Zecora started, trailing off as she looked at Delta.

"What is wrong?" Delta asked as he turned to look behind him, not expecting one of the wolves to have returned.

"You are looking in the wrong place my friend." Zecora shook her head. "Instead you must look on your back end, for you have gotten your cutie mark."

"So I have." Delta nodded before falling into a silence, gazing at his flank for a few minutes. He instantly noted that the mark was of an abacus, twisted in the shape of a double helix, a symbol of both mathematics mixed with a symbol of science. "This is a good thing, correct?" Delta asked, turning back to her and raising his brow. She simply nodded and he threw the branch to the side. "Noted. Shall we continue?"

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