• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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"Oh, I know that story!" Caboose said happily. "We came here when-"

"Caboose, please stop talking." Church grunted, stuffing his hoof over Caboose's mouth.

"Come now, I'd love to hear what he has to say." Fancypants said reassuringly.

"I wouldn't." Church muttered.

"Let Caboose tell his story." Twilight said, winking at Church as she put emphasis on story, taking her own hoof of of Pinkie's mouth.

Church nodded in understanding, and reluctantly took his hoof off of Caboose's mouth.

"Go on Caboose, tell him your story." Twilight said encouragingly.

"Okay! A long time ago in a Galaxy far, far away, Sarge and I saved Church from a device called the Epsilon unit, and when we did I decided I wanted a turn in it, so I did! Then I fell for a billion feet and hit the ground, and the ground hugged me so hard I became a pony, and then my mouth tasted like highschool. Then, after that, I started hanging out with Pinkie! But then I got sad, so she threw me a party to make me unsad, and then Sarge and Church fell from the sky and hit the ground too, but they weren't ponies, they were robots! Well not robots. Sarge is a pirate, and Church is really a computer program, but they looked like robots, and I never noticed how tall they were until I was a pony. They must have been twenty half feet tall! Anyways, after that, Simon, Griff and Tucker fell down too, and Tucker hit his no-no area on a tree and I started to feel better!"

"Oh my, were they robots too?" Fancypants asked charmingly, playing along with what he believed was Caboose's wild imagination.

"Yes! Especially Simon, he is double robot because one time Griff got hurt, so Sarge had to replace Griff's ouchy areas with Simon's working areas, but then that made Simon's non ouchy areas become non areas, so Sarge had to give him robot areas to make it so he had an area that wasn't hurt!"

"Marvelous." Fancypants nodded, turning his head to Church. "Quite the overactive imagination, hm?"

"Yeah." Church nodded slowly.

"And then after they were all here, there was a flash and we were in Cerealestia's house! And she had long wavy hair! And then she used her magic to turn them into ponies just like me! And then she made the real ponies watch after us space ponies!"

"Princess Celestia-"


"Very well. Princess Cerealestia turned you space robots into stallions?" Fancypants said, looking confusedly at the other stallions at the table, who stared at Caboose with the same look of confusion he was giving them

"Yup!" Caboose nodded.

"What a delightful sense of humor!" Fancypants burst out with a small bout of laughter, before calming down and turning to Rarity. "I do so wish I had met sir Caboose earlier, it has been a while since I have smiled so much. Why didn't you introduce me to him at the Royal Wedding?"

"Er, I'm not sure." Rarity said diffidently.

"You have no idea what a bore it is to live in Canterlot. Most ponies are so caught up in their experiences they never experience life. But this young stallion?" Fancypants asked, patting Caboose on the back. "He seems to have it figured out."

"That's what I've been saying the entire time!"

"Well it certainly was nice to meet you all, but I am afraid I should be checking on Fleur. Poor girl is probably feeling a tad lonely. At least now I will be able to tell her the tale of Caboose, the great space warrior!" Fancypants said theatrically, wiping his mouth with a small napkin. "Now as for the matter of paying, I insist you allow me to pay for your meals."

"That's not necessary." Rarity said quickly, not wanting to impose.

"Not at all!" Fancypants said, bowing his head. "You allowed me to dine with you without a moment's notice. It is the least I could do, my dear."

"I don't know..."

"At least let me pay for the main course. That way I can pay for the pleasantries, and you can pay for your desserts."


"Hey, if this guy wants to pay, let him pay." Grif said casually. "I mean, who are we to argue with his generosity?"

Fluttershy sighed and looked down at her salad to think.

"Are you okay?" Grif asked, noticing Fluttershy's distant attitude.

"I'm fine." Fluttershy said, forcing a thin smile.

"You barely touched your food. I thought the whole point of eating with friends was... well... eating."

"I guess I'm just not as hungry as I thought." Fluttershy said assuredly.

Grif stared at her curiously for a few seconds, making Fluttershy feel nervous.

"Ease up their Grif. Don't concentrate too much or you might lose one of your three brain cells." Sarge chuckled.

Fancypants smile rose at Sarge's remark as he waved over the server. He used his magic to pull a black silk bag out of his suit. He jingled the bag a few times, listening to the clatter of bits. He then opened it, took several bits out and jingled it again. This time he nodded and placed the bag on the table. The server grabbed the bag with her teeth and placed it on a tray.

"Does that cover them all?" Fancypants asked.

"Yes, sir." The server nodded.

"Fantastic." Fancypants said, returning the nod as he rose from his seat and began walking away. He then chuckled to himself and glanced back at them. "I hope that we can do this again sometime. And hopefully next time I can learn what part of space you came from."

"I would like that as well." Rarity stammered, feeling as if she wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words.

Fancypants gave the group a curt bow, before walking out of the restaurant.

"That guy is the pinnacle of classy mothefuckers." Tucker said after a few moments of silence

"You could probably take a few lessons from him." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

"What are you talking about? I'm on a whole different plane of existence in terms of class!"

"Sure you are, Blue." Sarge chortled.

"Satisfied that everything went well?" Twilight asked, noting how Church was not looking as grim as he did at the beginning.

"Night's not over yet." Church shrugged.

"Is there anything I can get you folks for dessert?" The waiter asked, still not having left the table.

"Yeah, I'll have another salad!" Pinkie smiled. "Oh, and three more banana splits. They're so good here!"

"Y'know what?" Tex asked quietly. "I'll have one too."

"Okay, anyone else?" The waiter asked, taking each of their orders as they said them. Once she had taken them all, and promised Caboose that she didn't know what Lucky Charms were, she set off to the kitchen.

"Come on, Church, can't you at least try to pretend that there is even the slightest chance that nothing can go wrong tonight?" Twilight asked.

"Pretending isn't my thing." Church sighed.

"Come on, you're making me feel mopey." Tucker chastised Church with a rough laugh.

"Well at least there's one bright side." Church muttered sarcastically. "But so far you've been right about tonight. It has been sort of fun. Well, aside from Caboose tearing apart the train."

"Maybe that was the bad thing you felt about tonight."

"Maybe." Church shrugged.

"Desserts coming right up." The server said as she came out of the kitchen.

The server trotted up to them, holding a large tray of desserts. She quickly gave them their desserts, and turned to go to another table, but went to fast and tripped, sending the rest of the desserts flying in the air.

"Told you so." Church said with a sigh of relief.

The assorted treats splattered many of the surrounding tables patrons.

"Food fight!" Pinkie yelled, pulling a cannon out from under the table.

"Okay, seriously, why the hell does she have access to so many cannons?" Tex asked curiously.

"Pinkie, don't-"

Before Twilight could stop her, Pinkie slammed her hoof on the button on the side of the cannon, sending an array of treats shooting out of it, splattering several other patrons. Then the yelling started.

"Now I can relax." Church said, munching on his small piece of cake as the chaos broke out.

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