• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Wedding - Mistakes

"Sorry about them being... well them." Church said quietly.

"Don't be. I was hoping to finally hang out with some guys, you know?"

"Trust me, I've been hanging out with these guys for years and I hate them."

"I could tell there wasn't much friendliness being tossed back and forth in there." Shining Armor chuckled. "I still feel bad for them in there. I don't think I've ever seen Cadance this stressed."

"They've had it coming for a long time." Church laughed. "You're a lot more down to earth than I thought you would have been, you being a captain of the Royal Guard and all."


Church and Shining Armor stood in silence for a few minutes.

"So you've been staying with my sister." Shining Armor said, breaking the silence

"Yeah." Church said slowly, unsure of what to expect from Twilight’s brother.

"How's she been treating you?" Shining asked earnestly.

"Better than I've been treated by most." Church shrugged, relieved that he hadn’t suddenly gotten overly-protective.

"Good." Shining Armor nodded as he adjusted the crest on his suit.

There was a sudden knock on the door and both of their heads snapped to it. Shining Armor slowly walked up to the door and opened it.

"Twily!" Shining Armor said with a smile. "Your big brother's looking pretty good, doncha think?"

Twilight looked up to Shining Armor with a dejected look. Church and Shining Armor shared a brief glance with each other.

"Everything okay?" Shining Armor asked.

"We need to talk." Twilight stated. "I think you're making a big-"

"Ahem." Cadance interrupted.

"Oh ,um, hi sweetie." Shining Armor said with an innocent smile, pretending that the drinking hadn't happened.

"She sure has a way of sneaking up on people." Twilight muttered.

"Could I speak to you for a moment dear?" Cadance said.

"I better see what she wants." Shining Armor chuckled, elbowing Twilight in her chest.

Cadance and Shining Armor went in to the adjacent room and started to talk to each other, leaving Church alone with Twilight.

"Hey Twilight." Church said. "How wa-"

"Shh." Twilight whispered as she snuck up to the door to listen to their conversation.

"Just listen to me." Cadance said

"I'm listening, I'm listening..." Shining Armor groaned.

"I thought I made it perfectly clear I didn't want you to wear that."

"This was my favorite uncle’s."

"And?" Cadance asked icily.

"And I think I should wear it."

"Are you disagreeing with me?"

"I guess I am." Shining Armor stated strongly before grunting in pain.

"Oh dear, are you getting another one of your headaches?"

Church looked over Twilight to see Cadance shooting a green beam of magic in to Shining Armor’s horn.

"What did sh-"

"Shh." Twilight hushed again, putting her hoof over Church's mouth.

"Feeling better?" Cadance asked.

Shining Armor nodded his head, eyes green and unfocused.

"She isn't just unpleasant and rude. She's downright evil." Twilight gasped.

Shining Armor made his way to the door. Twilight grabbed Church and ran towards the exit.

"Twilight!" Shining Armor exclaimed.

"Let her go." Cadance insisted.

"Huh, it seemed like she had something else she wanted to tell me."

Church and Twilight kept on running to get to the other girls.

"Who goes there?" Luna called out.

"Her again." Church remarked dryly.

"Stay indoors Twilight Sparkle." Luna warned. "Recruit, get back to your post in the reception hall."

"Shining Armor is in real trouble." Twilight exclaimed as she burst through the door. "You need to help-"

Twilight stopped when she saw her friends adorned with heavily detailed yet beautiful dresses.

"Dresses?" Twilight asked. "What are you-"

"Can you believe it?" Fluttershy asked happily. "We're going to be Princess Mi Amore Cadenza's new bridesmaids."

"New bridesmaids? What happened to her old bridesmaids?"

"She didn't say, but she did tell us that she would love, love, love it if we'd fill in fer them." Applejack said.

"Seeing as we've been working so hard and everything." Rarity added.

"And ya had your doubts 'bout her." Applejack tutted.

"Told you she was an absolute gem." Rarity smiled.

"You sure this is what I should wear?" Rainbow Dash asked as she kicked the back of her dress. "It doesn't seem all that aerodynamic."

"I'll see what I can do." Rarity promised.

"This is so exciting." Applejack laughed.

"Oh I know this is awesome!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Twilight left the building with Church, head hanging low.

"Looks like I really am on my own." Twilight said sadly.

"I'm with you." Church said, laying a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "We'll get to the bottom of this."

Twilight smiled weakly and nodded as they left. The next morning, the five girls were in the wedding hall to practice the ceremony.

"Perfect girls. No need to Rush." Celestia said.

The girls looked at each other and started to giggle.

"Then of course Cadance will enter." Celestia added.

The door opens and Cadance enters with the wedding music playing. Shining Armor's jaw drops as he saw his beautiful wife walk towards him.

"I'll say a few words and then I'll begin with the vows." Celestia said as Cadance and Shining Armor nuzzled each other. "Shining Armor you will get the ring from your best mare."

Shining Armor turned around to grab the ring from Twilight, but she was not there.

"Do you? I do." Spike said as he played with the toppers.

"Hey, has anypony seen Twilight?" Shining Armor asked.

The doors swung open once again to reveal Twilight glaring at Cadance. All the ponies stared at her curiously.

"I'm here. I'm not going to stand next to her and neither should you!" Twilight exclaimed.

"I'm sorry I don't know why she's acting like this." Shining Armor said to Cadance nervously.

"Maybe we should just ignore her." Cadance said.

"You have to listen to me." Twilight stated.

"Oh goodness, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm fine."

"Ya sure 'bout that?" Applejack asked. Her hat was forced over her face by Twilight’s magic.

"I've got something to say." Twilight said. "She's evil."

Shining Armor stepped in front of Cadance and the girls started gasping.

"She's been horrible to my friends, she's obviously done something to her bridesmaids, and if that wasn't enough I saw her put a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all-" Twilight stopped and started spinning her eyes in circles.

Twilight grinned and backed Cadance in to the wall. Cadance eyes shifted from side to side and started to cry.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Cadance asked.

"Because you're evil. Evil! And if I don't stop you, you're going to ruin my brother’s life."

The girls stared at Twilight slack jawed as Cadance ran out of the hall. Twilight turned around, promptly bumping into Shining Armor who was glaring at her.

"You want to know why my eyes went all-" Shining Armor said, rolling his eyes in circles. Shining Armor grunted in pain and rubbed his head. "Because ever since I started having to perform my protection spell I've been getting terrible migraines. Cadance hasn't been casting spells on me, she's been using her magic to heal me. And she decided to replace her bridesmaids because she found out the only reason they wanted to be in the wedding was so that they could meet Canterlot royalty. And if she hasn't been on her best behavior with your friends it's because with me being so busy, she's had to make all the decisions about the wedding."

"I was just trying to-"

"She's completely stressed out because it's really important to her that our big day be perfect. Something that obviously wasn't important to you. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go and comfort my bride. And you can forget about being my best mare." Shining Armor yelled. He looked to the ground and shook his head. "In fact if I were you I wouldn't show up to the wedding at all."

Shining Armor left the room and Twilight looked back to her friends who were staring at her with looks of doubt.

"Come on ya'll, let's go check on the princess." Applejack said as she adjusted her hat.

The girls left the room to catch up to Shining Armor.

"I was-"

"You have a lot to think about." Celestia said angrily as she too walked past Twilight.

"Maybe I was being overprotective." Twilight said quietly. She trudged on to some steps and laid down on them. "I could have gained a sister, but instead I just lost a brother."

Twilight soon had tears rolling down her cheek. Church walked up to her and sat next to her.

"It's going to be okay, everybody makes mistakes." Church said.

Twilight hugged Church tightly and began to sing softly. "He was my big brother best friend forever."

Singing, really? Church thought to himself, but said nothing.

"And now we'll never do anything together."

Church and Twilight turned to see Cadance staring at Twilight, eyes soft.

"I'm sorry." Twilight said.

"You will be." Cadance muttered as her eyes flashed green.

A green fire surrounded Church and Twilight, pulling them into the ground.

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