• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Cooking Up Some Trouble

"O'Malley, move onto the icing with Theta, Sigma and the girls. Simmons, you watch Delta while he watches us. Spike, you go help Gary with the souffles. Church, you're with Caboose and I." Pinkie said firmly, giving a stern salute to everyone in the room.

"Okay." Everybody but Church, Simmons and Spike nodded.

"Uh, what exactly are we doing?" Church asked, watching as the fragments legitimately went to work on cooking of all things.

"Caboose, you tell him, I need to go get some more supplies." Pinkie said, quickly jumping into the closet.

Church lifted his brow at Caboose, watching as he stuffed his head into a pantry, looking through the pots and pans.

"Caboose, what are we, and by we I mean you and Pinkie, doing?" Church asked.

"We're... um, food." Caboose said simply, coming out of the cupboard with a large pot over his head. "Oh no, I am blind! I had so much to live for!"

Church rolled his eyes and hit the bottom of the dish, flipping it over Caboose's head. Caboose blinked dumbly at Church and smiled. Church let out a reluctant sigh, already growing angry at Caboose.

"Church, I'm not blind anymore!" Caboose whooped happily, jumping up and down.

"Yeah, I saved you. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo, can I go now?"

"I don't know, I think Pinkie wants you to stay and help with the cake." Caboose said, scratching his head.

"I can't bake so I'd probably just get in your way." Church muttered, taking off his hat, tossing it onto the counter. "How about I go tell the girls while you guys cook?"

"I don't know..."

"Trust me, it'll be faster this way." Church sighed, but when he turned around he saw Gary glaring at him. "What's wrong now? Don't want me to go talk to the shisnos?"

"You cannot leave." Gary hissed, eyes darting from side to side.

"What are you talking about?" Church grunted, not wanting to waste anymore time here.

"You cannot leave." Gary repeated. "I mean that in quite possibly the most literal and truthful way."

"Why not?"

"You can try to walk out, but you'll just find yourself back inside." Gary muttered shiftily. "Tell him, O'Malley."

"It's scary." O'Malley whispered in a low voice as he walked up to them. "I was the first to try leaving, but when I walked out the front door she was standing there, grinning wildly at me. I just slowly walked back inside."

"I was after that. I jumped out the window and ended up back inside due to a trampoline." Gary shivered. "She's a force to be reckoned with, Epsilon. Don't try and run. We are prisoners of her domain. It is best to do as she says and just finish this insufferable kitchen detail."

"Are you guys being serious?" Church asked sarcastically.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?" Pinkie asked after kicking the closet door open, suddenly wearing a general's hat.

"Er, nothing, just helping Church with his, um, caking." O'Malley saluted.

"Oh, good." Pinkie giggled as she hopped over to them, back to her sporadic self.

Church smirked at the two, but they continued staring at her warily. Pinkie stopped hopping when she reached them and nodded at them. They nodded back and hurried back to their stations. when she turned back to nod at Church, he was walking out.

"Where're you going?" Pinkie asked.

"Going to go tell the others about the picnic." Church replied, not stopping. "Got any time they need to be here by?"

"Well, it should be ready in less than two hours if you help, but it could take longer without you." Pinkie said, putting the chef's hat back on his head. "Come on, Churchy. I know you'd rather be somewhere quieter, but cooking is fun and relaxing. Caboose feels as if he hasn't seen you in fiveever." Pinkie leaned in and smiled. "That's more than forever, in case you didn't know."

"Who is going to tell the girls? And to a lesser extent, Tucker and the Reds?"

"We'll tell them when it's almost done. I don't like making them wait for time to pass, I'd rather just tell them right before it's done, that way when they get here they don't have to wait!"

"Fair enough." Church said reluctantly.

"So, how were things when we were gone?" Pinkie asked Church as she walked with him back to Caboose.

"Eventful is putting it lightly." Church muttered. "To make it short, two more fragments showed up."

"Aw, really? I was hoping we could have all of you here." Pinkie said sadly as she grabbed some dough and began flattening it with a rolling pin. She then shrugged and began humming. "Oh well, maybe next time."

"Yeah." Church said quietly, watching as Gary and O'Malley scrambled to get things done. "So, they are pretty scared of you now, huh?"

"Yeah, I felt he could use a good scare." Pinkie snorted, then leaned in to not let O'Malley hear her. "It was actually an accident, too. I had to go check on the twins, but I used a different way of getting up, and when I came back down the normal way, O'Malley was just leaving."

"Smooth." Church chuckled.

"Besides, Sigma was telling me how sad he was that you're never all really in the same place together." Pinkie continued. "When he said that, I said, "Really?" And he said, "Yes." And I said, "Well that is just unacceptable." So then I brought you all here."

"That was nice of you." Church said reluctantly, eyes now on Sigma as he smiled with Theta and the three Crusaders. "Hey, mind if I talk to Sigma for a second?"

"Sure. Just don't tell the others that it was an accident, okay? It's funnier this way."

"Deal." Church nodded and stood by the counter near Sigma.

Sigma continued doing work for half of a minute, talking idly with the Crusaders, until he saw Church standing near him. Quickly excusing himself, Sigma walked up next to Church and smiled wanly, but Church stared at him with dead seriousness.

"Doing things together certainly is... enriching, wouldn't you say Epsilon?"

"If by enriching you mean I have to learn how to grow eyes on the back of my heads to feel even a fraction safer, then yes." Church muttered, eyeing Sigma curiously. "So, this was your idea?"

"Don't say it. I know what you're thinking. For now, the matters you're accusing me of can wait. This is all in good fun." Sigma said, watching as Theta scooped up some cookie dough and shoved it in his mouth.

"Sure it is." Church said non-trustingly.

"I assume Pinkie told you about our little pranks, hm?" Sigma asked quietly.

"Your little pranks?"

"Yes. After she gave O'Malley a little scare, I helped her to deal with Gamma." Sigma said bemusedly. "She still hasn't gotten used to them yet, but I can read them with general ease. Knowing Gamma was going to jump out the window, I asked Pinkie if she could place a trampoline outside."

"So that one was your idea." Church said with a half-smirk. "Gary is scared shitless by her now, they think she can bend the laws of the universe."

"The girls told me a bit about Pinkie on our way here, like how friendly she is and how strange her behavior is. After being around somebody for a few hours, she flawlessly finds out every little bit of ones character, finding herself able to predict what they're going to do." Sigma chuckled. "I believe she simply plays it off like she doesn't know what she's doing, when in fact she knows exactly what is going on."

"Sig, you have to try this stuff!" Theta called out, waving a spoonful of cookie dough at him.

"Now, I know you came here to inquire more of me, but how about you put this little interrogation off for another day?"

"Fine." Church said, remembering that Sigma was not to be fully trusted. "Don't want Pinkie to break out her day planner again."

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