• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Central: Two Cartons of Orange Juice and Two Hours

Vinyl and Octavia were outside Ponyville, putting the finishing coat on the new Ponyville west side gate. The west side of Ponyville was the fashion district, and so they were painting the new gate with a regal, bold purple as a primary with a passionate pink as secondary. The walls were high and proud, with the new gate adorned in decadent golden bars that escaped the shade when they opened outward in a sweeping motion, as if to dust the road itself and welcome visitors into the lap of Pony luxury. Of course, not all visitors appreciated such luxury.

Like Becky and Chelsea. Vinyl and Tavi had to keep looking over to the other side of the gate to make sure the two griffons weren't murdering each other.

"Chelsea, I swear to gold."

"How many times do I have to explain this to you? This is OVERLAPPING."

"That's not overlapping! THIS is overlapping!" The blue griffon said, demonstrating. "You make one stroke, then you brush down on the edge next to it-"

"And that's not overlapping- that's just the edges overlapping," the red griffon argued. "This is overlapping, where you make one stroke and then another on top of it and another on to-"


Vinyl turned around. "Hey Tavi, you hear that?"

"Yes. And I'm afraid I'm going to be hearing both of them for a long time."

"No, not that. There's something else." Tavi turned around. She didn't hear anything at first over the two griffons shouting, but she began to feel something. A rumble vibrated its way through the ground, almost reminiscent of her cello. And then, they both saw it: a giant wooden tube of some kind covered in ponies, a pair of giant pony robots trying desperately to steer with a crab-spider-lobster-like mech in back trying to prevent the tube from flipping. It rolled over the hills just outside of town, carving a ditch into the landscape.

"What... is that?"

"I'm not sure. Probably Dan," Vinyl said.

"That would make sense. Should we open the gate for them?"

"Probably won't make a difference but, why not?"

"At least, they're nowhere near the store, this time," Octavia said, remembering back to the last time they were involved in Dan's escapades.

"That hasn't stopped it from getting wrecked before." The two mares unlatched and opened the gate before backing far enough away from it.

"True. Becky! Chelsea!"

"WHAT?!" the bird girls cried.

"Might want to get out of the way."

"Oh. OH CRA-" The giant electric didgeridoo was the size of a house and as long as a train. It smashed through the gate like it was made out of building blocks, pushing past the entrance and in to Ponyville's fashion district.

Vinyl and Octavia walked back to the pile of debris just as the dust cleared. "Becky? Chels? You guys okay?"

The two griffons popped up out of the rubble. "So are these ruined bricks overlapping?"

"I don't know. ARE THEY?!" The two proceeded to fight amidst the trashed gate. Vinyl and Octavia shook their heads and resumed painting the rest of the gate. They alternated their strokes so that one overlapped and the other reapplied.

The world's largest electric didgeridoo plowed through the street. Ponies, crystal ponies, zebras and griffons carefully and very gently moved carts and wagons out of the way as if such an event was almost natural. The makeshift sled stopped just short of a shining gold statue in the center of a roundabout, finally coming to a halt in a cloud of dirt.

"Nicky... Nicky!" Dazed, Dan stumbled and then fell off the didgeridoo. "Niyyyrrrr," he yelled, face on the ground.

"Why... why didn't we just walk back?" Phoenix asked, equally dazed, sliding off the log. (Please, ground, stop being slanted now.)

Captain America hopped down, unscathed. "Alright, I admit that wasn't one of my best ideas." In the background, Lightning Claw hurled lightning. "Is everyone else okay?"

"All systems are nominal."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think we might have wrecked the road, though."

"I'm just happy both my girls are safe," Vo said, having changed her name to a more-personal one sometime after the planet was fixed. "I'm the closest thing you both have to a mom, so I have to make sure you don't hurt yourselves."

"I didn't know weaponies of mass destruction could have moms. Cool."

"This arrangement is acceptable."

"Ponyville... home." Marksaline looked around. For the first time, she seemed as if she was completely there in the present place and time, observing everything as a pony. Her lips matched her words. "Sister is here." She prodded the ground with her hoof. "The voices... the voices here are happy. They speak not of death, but of rebirth. It is nice."

Unlike others, Phoenix was paying closer attention to what Marksaline had to say. "Voices... and songs. You said the Sword Spells were singing? And the voices... there are voices here?"

She nodded. "The voices here are happy. They do not speak of Convergence, it may have happened already." She picked up a leaf from the road. The leaf bent and screeched in her hoof, as if it sensed it was apart from the plant it was attached to. Marksaline's horn glowed... and the leaf disappeared. As if it either was never meant to be there, or as if it had always meant to be somewhere else. "There is wholeness here. It would be nice to stay." She smiled.

"The voices..." Phoenix turned around. "The ponies? No... no, you mean everyone. Don't you? And the songs are..."

"The swords in the temple sang for destruction. The swords can hear very far, and they sing the songs of other voices. She forced them to sing a song for this world's Convergence... I think someone sings through her, and she hates it."

"Songs from far away," Phoenix repeated. If a voice was a person, then a song... had to be a spell. Or an idea, maybe. The Sword Spells channeled ideas. "Vice Grip said he needed Dan because Dan... wanted to take revenge on Earth."

Marksaline nodded again. "He is a voice of anger and he speaks much destruction. But the message of his heart is love. The father wants him to conduct a symphony of annihilation so that Earth can Converge. Dan's message was not of destruction though, so the swords sang of peace instead."

"The Sword Spells rely on someone wanting to destroy something, needing to destroy it," Phoenix surmised. (We knew that much already... but Vice Grip wants to destroy Earth and the Director wants to destroy Equestria. So she needed to connect the Swords somehow, magically, to other dimensions where someone wanted to destroy the planet. And make another universe in its place.)

She smiled at the lawyer. "You are a good protector."

"Hehe, thanks." (I'll take that compliment even if protector means something else for her!)

She giggled. "You protect with questions. You ensure the light's brightness by seeking it constantly,
even in darkness so that it does not blind you. Your voice is very brave and sometimes silly!"

"Haha, I almost understand what you're talking about!" (I wonder what she'd think of Edgeworth.)

Marksaline's eyes glowed. "Oh, his voice is sad, but it is getting happier. He is happier for knowing you and the seer. He is... with the lucky one and the dreamer. They are near another gateway, but they do not know where the entrance is. They are looking for you." She looked past Phoenix over to Dan. The spy and the peaceful one are close. They seek the loud voice."

Before Phoenix could inquire more, Dan walked over. He pointed at Marksaline, eyebrow quirked. "What's she doing?"

"I... I don't know, but, do you have friends? Like, on Earth?"

"A few, can't say I terribly miss them but... yeah, I kinda wonder what they're doing," Dan admitted. He would never say it aloud, but he did care for Chris and Chris's wife, Elise Jr.

Marksaline's glowing eyes and horn turned to Dan, casting a red glow upon him. "They search. For you.
They know not of this world. The Scorned One seeks revenge, but he does not know where you are. He will come for all you have built, to tear it asunder once the Dark One and the Forsaken One are dealt with. You know his name, but not his face."

"Well, that's... something," Dan said, oblivious to the foreshadowing directly in front of him. "So, everyone's alive- even the bad guys, unfortunately. Wanna go home?"

"Yes, yes I do. I think Twilight will be very interested to meet Marksaline."

"Great, she can sleep in Twilight's room. That glowy-eye stuff is creepy enough in the daylight," Dan remarked. "Stevie! Redfield! Round 'em up! Follow me, we're headed to the safest place in town! The Golden Oaks Library!"

His announcement was met with cheers by the whole group. The hippies, who hadn't been on the sled, but who had followed them back to town, dragged the didgeridoo to a secluded corner of Ponyville and proceeded to craft their own dwelling out of it. The world's largest electric didgeridoo became a hippy motel, and the hippies switched to the world's largest electric harmonic kazoo. They were not allowed to play it in town, because of the possibility that it might disrupt things like Vinyl's bass cannon.

The group of humans, mechs and ponies arrived at the Golden Oaks Library. The library was experiencing an extra amount of shade, for some reason. Only a few of them- Knight, Colress and Cap realized it was from the Danfiant hovering directly overhead.

"Okay, Nicky, read the new guys the house rules and get them registered with the security system's targeting systems. I've got other business."

"Right," Phoenix nodded. "Best to get it out of the way, first thing." The lawyer stood in front of the door to the Golden Oaks. "Alright guys, everyone has to hear and agree to the rules of the library before entering. Also, please remain still so that the GETOFFMAILAWN does not vaporize you."

"Hahaha, get off my lawn, that's funny," Spinner said.

"I'm serious about that- the targeting system is kind of glitchy. You could get blasted into a pieces if you don't stand still," the lawyer said.

Ace raised her hoof. "I can vouch for that."

"Indeed, you can," Phoenix said, retrieving a scroll from his coat pocket. "So everybody just stand perfectly still while I read the rules." The scroll unfurled, hit the ground and continued rolling in a comical fashion all the way to the mailbox. The tiny scotsman's jaw dropped as he watched it hit the post. "Rule Number-One: Dan is Number-One. Rule Number-Two: Nicky is Number-Tw- Dan did you write these yourself?!"

"Of course not!" Dan said, opening the last lock. "Twilight wrote them."

"Oh. Well then why-"

"I dictated them."

"OKAY THEN WHY AM I-" Dan entered the house, seemingly oblivious to his best friend's outburst. Somewhere at the same time, his other best friend and his other mortal enemy were making their own arrivals.

Dan walked into the Golden Oaks Library. He saw everyone there and was happy to see them, but he didn't acknowledge or greet any of them as he walked through. He noticed them all, though: Twilight, his girlfriend, Fluffle right next to her, Spike and Owlowiscious who was wearing a helmet for some reason, Tuxley and Reginald who looked to be blocking the other exit and Khan Noonien Singh who stood next to the stairwell, arms folded, smiling.

Dan walked through the others, paused briefly at Khan, looked up at him, said nothing as the human smiled back at him, and then continued on. Dan continued to the kitchen where he opened the fridge, grabbed a carton of orange juice, unscrewed and tossed the cap and guzzled it. He continued drinking, draining the entire carton of its contents as the entire household stared at him.

Twilight approached. "Dan-"

He raised a hand for her to wait while still guzzling orange juice. He drank the entire carton and then tossed it over his shoulder, opened the fridge again and got a second one-gallon carton of orange juice. He then guzzled that carton, forcing everyone to continue watching him in silence.

"Aahhh. That's the stuff. Spike, put OJ on the shopping list," Dan said.

"Dan," Twilight started again.

"Not ready," Dan replied instantly. He walked back up to Khan, looked at the man's attire, then back up to his eyes. Khan's smile was unflinching and unbroken as Dan glared at him, the two said nothing. Dan then went over to Chrys and grabbed her by the tail. "Bedroom. Now." He dragged her to the stairs.

"Okay guys, gonna be about an hour," the changeling replied.

"Two hours," Dan said.

"Gonna be two hours, guys." He dragged her up the stairs and a door slammed behind them. After a couple moments, they began to hear what sounded like a cat and a dog fighting and breaking furniture. Fluffle Puff drifted back up to the ceiling and 4th-walled into Dan's room. Quaking sounds joined the cat and dog ones for no reason at all, or all the reason in the world. One of those, probably the former.

Phoenix walked in at the head of the rest of the gang. "Heyyy... Twilight, we have uh, a few more guests."

"I can see that. We were just talking to another... guest," Twilight said awkwardly. She gestured to Khan.

"Is that... is that Khan? The... KHAAAAN Khan?"

Khan smiled, turning to the lawyer. Twilight started to offer, then thought it better to let him speak for himself... for the moment. "Ah, my reputation precedes me yet again. It seems quite many of you have heard tales of my... exploits. And I, of course, have heard of you: Nicholas Wright. The Phoenix of the Courtroom."

"Meep." (Did I seriously just meep?)

The augment prince strode over to Phoenix, every step carrying power and resolute confidence. He looked over Phoenix, who was very, very slightly taller than Khan as he approached. "Yes, it would appear many of us are already known entities in this world, aren't we?" He looked over Phoenix's shouder. "Captain America and Christopher Redfield... and you, Dan, your magistrate and myself. Two soldiers, two advocates and two judges. But where are the accused and the accuser?"

Phoenix's head was swimming. Khan's charisma came off in waves that could almost be felt, and the things he deduced were almost prophetic the way he said them. How long had he been here? The lawyer didn't know he was there and yet, it seemed like he somehow knew things even they didn't. "I... I don't..."

"Introductions. We are all invited here, one way or another, are we not? I am called Khan. It is a pleasure to meet you, Phoenix wright," he said, extending a hand to shake. Phoenix took the man's hand, but Khan grabbed him and shook at the wrist instead. It was an older gesture, one that felt incredibly off, but exuded Khan's power.

"Invited?" Cap said, stepping forward. "I don't remember being asked to be transported to this world. Whoever wants us to be here isn't the type that asks for permission."

Khan nodded. "Indubitably. Yet regardless of how we came to be, here we are. And so whoever had reason for us to be here, must have reason for us to remain."

"I think we should wait for our fearless leader before we introduce ourselves," Chris said. "Sounds like it might be a while."

Twilight slowly turned her head to Tuxley. "We have some tea in the meantime, if you all need something to eat or drink."

Tuxley turned to Twilight. "Tea? Twilight, one does not have tea twice so early in the-" The pony zipped the lizard's lips and he got the message. "Tea it is. Reginald will help you find your seats."

"Of course," Khan said, smiling at Tux. "Though it is a tad late for tea, isn't it, Mr. Tuxley?" The t-rex swallowed.

Author's Note:

Lots of things coming in two if you've been noticing. What significance do pairs have, I wonder? A lot of twos... quite curious.

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