• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Wrath: In the Warmest Reunions

Dan ran down the corridor. They were here, HE was here, this was it. Vice would not escape this time. Now, Dan would have his revenge. He would have his revenge immediately.

The sounds of battle echoed around him. He looked up and down each of the corridors but he kept running. Searching, either for his friends or better yet, Vice, he would find them here. He knew they were here, but where? He would not stop until he found them, would not even slow down. Dan would free his friends and beat Vice Grip to a pulp, to a pulp upon pulps and then they would all go home. The score would be settled.

The way it was meant to be.

The Stable was cold and sterile. Business as usual; the run-of-the-mill mad scientist and his sterile, pristine little lab. Not unlike how Vice Grip's hospital was in the Mirror Universe. That similarity was a fleeting thought on Dan's mind. Dan's own rugged appearance- the worn soles of his shoes, battered t-shirt and blue jeans, messed hair and perpetually pale face, were a stark contrast to everything in Equestria, Stable Zero included.

Equestria's magic prevented things from changing. It stopped aging, stopped growth and alteration, time itself did not work the same way it did on Earth. Instead of time progressing ever-onward, it could move things backward and forward or stop them when it needed to. When magic decided. Crops still grew, seasons changed but only because the rest of the world needed them to in order to keep going. Magic affected everything in this universe, even time and space.

When Equestria had been destroyed, the magic had as well. Dan had noticed it when he'd developed a five o'clock shadow for the first time since arriving. His facial stubble had since been burned off, by some strange coincidence, if those even existed here. Magic was returning. The faded JERK logo on his shirt was regaining color, the tears in his jeans around his ankles were mending, fatigue in his muscles evaporating like it had never been there in the first place.

Dan would face Vice Grip at his prime. Oxygen filled his lungs, mind clear of everything except his objective, he could've climbed a mountain and leaped off the peak into the stars themselves- or so he felt. For all magic could do, for all the impossibilities it could perform, it was still somehow limited.

None of the rooms were marked. That was a change from the other Stables he'd visited. He opened a door to find a storage room, a closet. Any other time, he'd be tempted to grab whatever looked sharp or combustible and fashion it into a weapon. Not this time; he made note that there were neither his friends nor his enemies there and moved on.

"Where are you? Where are you, you miserable son-of-a-bitch?" Dan muttered.

The white surfaces of the halls reflected Dan's image. Like a faded mirror, the lights were not bright nor close enough for the reflection to be clear, and so reflection appeared ghostly on walls and floor alike. His darting, twisting motions of his head as he searched, as he hunted ruthlessly twisted and contorted his image, as it would anyone. Dan did not notice at all.

"Fall back to the entrance!"

A group of stormtroopers ran past him, back down the corridor he'd came. They held their squad leader by his shoulders, the man's body slack between them.

Another explosion came from around the corner ahead of him. A helmet rolled through the intersection, crossed paths with Dan and kept rolling. The fighting was fierce. Dan knew that Rice's guards would either be protecting Rice or the prisoners, not both. He would sacrifice one or the other to run- his own soldiers or the prisoners. Either way, Dan was not letting him escape. Not this time.

As luck would have it, it was the former. The fourth storage room he checked, Dan found their friends.

"Oh thank shit."

Dan realized now this had been the Director's entire plan. Find a way to capture the ponies, whisk them away to the moon where they'd be safe and then let Equestria destroy itself. All the ponies and creatures Cleo didn't care about- whether they were from Equestria or not, would be left to be annihilated. Erased as if they had never been, the flaws of a great slate wiped blank once more. This time. the Director would take her place and create a new Equestria with her own friends and the way she wanted things.

Rice had that same plan. He wanted to create a world without magic, where the tragedy that happened to him would never have happened. It would only cost the deaths of millions; ponies were only one of many races in Equestria. A small sum compared to the destruction of Earth.

Dan also realized the material being used to hold the ponies- an enhanced plastic, not unlike a toy blister pack, encased each pony. It was a toy franchise, after all. But no, that was on Earth. Here, they were much more. To him, they were much more.

"We're getting you all home. Back home where you belong."

He rushed to free each of them. Starting with-


"I TOLD YOU to NEVER call me-"

"It's so good to see you!" Pinkie Pie grabbed him and hugged him, smothering the pale man with pink pony glee and love.

"Okay- OKAY, FINE. You get this one." Dan couldn't help but crack the tiniest of smiles... and hugged her back. "It's good to see you, too... Pinkie."


"Let's get everypony else free before you find some other way to annoy me."

"Psssh, like that'd happen so quickly. Well, I could start naming off all the noises I heard since I got here. Like, first, there was a big WORRRSSSSHHH and then a buncha sirens stared going REEE-Rrrrrr-REEEE-Rrrrrr and that lasted for about two hours, and I couldn't even talk for that whole time! Then, there were all these dogs everywhere, and a bunch of Red Markers that all were-"

"I regret freeing you first," Dan said.

It took a while- felt like hours with Pinkie constantly talking. She was apparently making up for all the times she hadn't talked since being captured. But finally, they freed all of the ponies, including Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy. They even found their pets.

Rainbow Dash stretched her wings, her legs, her back, even her neck.

"Ohh-ahhh, there it goes. That feels good."

"I know how ya feel," AJ said. After months, it felt good to put her stetson back atop her head where it belonged. "There we go."

"Thank you, Dan," was Fluttershy's only comment. Only comment to Dan, anyway; she quickly found Angel and began massaging the poor, cramped bunny rabbit. "Angel, you're so stiff. You're going to need a nice massage when we get you home."

The tiny bunny shook his head.


He shook his head again.

"Hot stone and tea?"

He nodded. Fluttershy smiled contentedly and hugged her friend. He knew what he liked.

Applejack looked around. "I don't see Rarity or Spike."

"She's with us," Dan said. "And Twilight. It'll take a while to explain."

"What about Spike?" Rainbow asked. She found Tank and equipped him to her back like a backpack. The turtle was very happy to see his friend again and did not plan on letting her go basically ever. Rainbow Dash felt the same.

"I don't know where everybody is- you guys and Al were the first ones I freed. Look, I need you to free the others and fast. I don't know what Vice Grip is planning but he's probably getting ready to cut and run," Dan said.

"We gotcha, sugar cube. You go get 'em," AJ said.

Dan smiled. He'd missed her southernisms; AJ was one of the few ponies Dan felt he understood, and that understood him. He'd missed all of them, even Pinkie and her incessant personality. And he would not risk them now. No, he would find Vice before that and end his threat to them once and for all.

His smile slowly faded. "I'll be back in a minute."

Author's Note:

Sorry, had to break the latest chapter up. It actually paces better anyway but the last part isn't done yet. Wanting to add some more.

Fluffle Puff and her husband have the same favorite song:
Because ceiling.

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