• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Broke: Houses of Cards

It may have not been the perfect scam, but it was one that worked. The griffons under De Gauss returned the Crystal Empire to its rightful place. There were a couple new jagged gashes in the side of the Crystal Palace, but most folks said they were hardly noticeable. Reluctantly, the griffons returned everything and everyone they had stolen.

Back in Canterlot, Dan and friends made sure each and every artifact was returned. They double-checked everything, making sure it was all in its proper place.

"So what exactly did you promise the dragons?" Twilight asked.

"Cake," Dan replied.

Twilight nodded. "Cake. Cake, because... dragons eat cake."

"I enjoy a nice slice now and then," Spike commented.

"Cake And," Dan continued, "some potions from the zebras, eggs from the griffons, corn from the donkeys and also, cake. From Tangy Top's confectionary."

"And then went for it?"

"Yep," Dan said. "And now, we're going to get their business when they want more, as will the donkeys and zebras."

"Ahhh, I get it. That's clever, Dan," Phoenix said.

"What's clever?" Chrys asked.

"Now, not only do we have the treasury full again, we also have more trade going on with the dragons, and so do the our neighboring nations. It's helping to rebuild the economy," Phoenix said.

Dan nodded, a proud smile on his face. "Eeyep. And unlike last time, we won't be putting all our eggs... in one basket!"

Nobody laughed at the pun. Pinkie's pun book came to mind, and the fact he hadn't returned it yet. Despite the lack of laughter, Dan was speaking the truth. The nations of the world were now working together more than ever before. And the results spoke for themselves.

All throughout Canterlot castle there were visiting dignitaries. With trade, diplomacy had resumed, and the exchange of culture, ideas and even family. There was another reason for that, however: Equestria's new territory and Twilight's new kingdom. The new relations had opened up more opportunities for expansion, for growth, for cooperation... and for harmony.

Working alone to develop the new territory north of Equestria, it would've taken ponies years to survey, set up and finally settle. A year at least of traveling back and forth, examining samples, let alone extending existing railroads to reach that far. Now, they had the proper motivation to get it done in a matter of weeks.

They exited Canterlot Castle into a new Equestria. The sun was shining, the sky was filled with pegasi and griffons, more ponies and non-ponies than ever walked about the streets.

And all respected Dan and friends.

"So what happens now?" Chrys asked. "What's going to happen to New Pegas?"

"It's gonna be the new Cloudsdale. Over our kingdom," Twilight said. 'Our kingdom.' The very thought sent a trill through the hearts of those that heard it, knowing they'd all be involved. Especially Chrys. "And I have someone very special in mind to be the manager."

"Mm-hmm, mm-hmm," Dan nodded. Then opened his eyes. "Wait, you didn't tell me who you were appointing."

Twilight giggled. "Oh, don't worry- you know him already. In fact, you're already good friends. Regular 'bros.'"

Dan's frown nearly hit the floor. "No. No, not him. Not after all he's done."

"Umm, does he mean Gust Grasp?" Chrys asked, having just transformed into Gust Grasp, as if any of them would've forgotten him.

"NOOOO! Change back. NOW!" Dan shouted. "You are forbidden from turning into that stool pigeon!"

Chrys grinned. "I know how I'm waking you up tomorrow."

"NOOOOO-NO. Nicky! Nicky, do you do marital law? Like divorce?"

"Thankfully no," Phoenix said. (Though to pay the bills, I might be inclined to do some extra work in the courtroom.)

"We're not even married," Chrys said, returning back to her usual form. "Like you'd do that anyway."

"I am pre-divorcing you. It will be part of the prenuptial agreement."

"Pffft," Chrys rolled her eyes. "I can tell when you're bluffing. But you have giving me a lot to think about. In fact," she looked over at Twilight, "Hey, Twilight?"

"Mmmm, yes?"

"Wanna help me plan a wedding?"

"WEDDING?!" Dan exclaimed. From a frown that nearly drooped to the ground to so wide-eyed he nearly hit the sky... metaphorically, Dan felt his heart exploding in his chest. The very thought of a wedding, much less one between himself and Chrys was just so... just so... appropriate.

"Sure! We can talk to the girls and get them to help, too," Twilight said.

"I never agreed to any of this- Nicky! Nicky, I need to sue somepony!"

"Can't hear ya, gettin' a churro." He and Spike were getting churros from a street vendor. They were getting quite popular after the publicity from New Pegas.

Twilight and Chrys had already walked ahead of him, talking, heading back to the train station as they discussed the wedding. Their wedding. The wedding Dan didn't agree to.

"CHRYS!" Dan yelled, "GET BACK HERE! COME BACK!" He was now in the middle of the street, his friends forcing him to catch up in more ways than one. But still, he wouldn't have been Dan if he didn't do at least some protesting.

"CHRYS!! I am SO NOT BLUFFING! This is not a bluff! We are pre-pre divorced! And I'm claiming sole custody of Fluffle Puff and the kids! Her kids, I mean. Chrys! Get back here! CHRYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Dan chased Chrys, Twilight, Phoenix and Spike all the way back to Ponyville, arguing with them the entire way. It was rather one-sided, however. Still, Dan continued, and so did they, loving each other in their own ways. For better or worse, they were together, and after all they'd just been through, it was nice to plan on some better in their future.

High atop one of Equestria's peaks, a sole figure watched the slight commotion they made in Canterlot. A bit more rugged, a bit more haggard now than usual, he was still no less deadly, devious and cunning than he was before, and soon they would all know it. Rice Puddinghead said nothing, only watched as Dan chased after his friends. For a time, he had wanted to get revenge on Celestia and Luna, on all of Equestria, even on Twilight and all the ponies who had tried to bury him in the past, but now, Rice only thought of getting revenge on one in particular. One person.

His eyes drifted from Dan to Chrys. From a distance, he watched her for a very long time. Just as she had watched him.

Next time on Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship... not gonna lie, I'm wrapping this up early.

"Does that mean I finally get to kill somebo-"

We're skipping to the end, folks. You've waited long enough and so have I. For now. Hey, if George Lucas can do episodes out of order, then so can I.

"Okay, cool. Who is that again?"

"Eh, I prefer George Carlin, anyway."

Episode 25: The Final Battle- Dan Vs. Vice Grip. Next Saturday, the fate of Equestria will be decided... and secrets will be revealed.

"Neat. Wait, so do we get to find out who the Director is?"

"You know, you COULD just tell us now... if you wanted."

Only on FIMFiction.net

"Knew you were gonna say that. Friggin announcers."

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