• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Flashback: Rice Tortures Michael Hay

Rice strapped Michael Hay to an operating table. That was strange for a lot of reasons, first of which was that Rice didn't seem to be a doctor. Also there was the fact that since he was a prisoner and didn't have anywhere to go anyway, it didn't seem much of a point to restrain him. Finally, he had been held hostage by the deranged scientist for over a month now, and Rice hadn't shown much interest in him. So why now?

"Um, what are the bindings for?"

"So you don't hurt yourself."

"Okay..." Michael said, feeling like he should be more worried than he was. "Are you gonna torture me? Because, like, I already told you all I know. And all I don't know. I mean, I'm not really in on stuff-"

"Shut up, Michael."

"...usually Barro says that..."

"I know," Rice nodded, "but he's not here right now."

"Isn't he technically writing this? Like, right now? As we're speaking? And he's writing that?" Michael looked around, as if some sort of omnipresence was constantly watching him. He wasn't wrong.

"He is. Just not right here, right now. It's all relative, isn't it? I understand that now. If something's not here, it has to be there. Because if you can think of it, it's already there, isn't it? And it doesn't get in your head on its own, does it? So it has to come from somewhere. So it comes from there. And everything... everything eventually gets here," Rice said, right ear and left eye twitching. "It all gets here eventually. Eventually. HA! Like Event! Don't you see? Event-U-Ally. See?! Even friendship is there!!!"

Michael's eyes went a little wide. "Are uh, are you okay?"

"I'm great. Great, really," he said, grinning uncomfortably. "Just dandy. Dan-dy... Dan... Dan..." he trailed off, smile fading from his face. It was as if he remembered something, something terrible that he couldn't place, something gnawing at him but he couldn't figure out what. It faded as quickly as it had arrived to bite him.

Actually, Rice was slowly but not yet fully realizing that he hadn't captured Dan. He'd figured that when he snapped his fingers and all his enemies disappeared that Dan would be with them, but that hadn't been the case. Twilight, Chrys and co. had been transported to Stable 5 for processing. The Mane 6 had been sent to Tartarus along with Captain America and Chris Redfield, but Dan had not been among them. Rice didn't realize it yet, but his spell hadn't worked on Dan at all. At least, not entirely.

"You're sure you're okay? Maybe you uh... wanna sit down or something?"

"No... no, I'm fine."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"No!" Rice swung randomly, nearly hitting Michael with his gauntlet. "No, no, there's... there's still a few things I need to know. Yes. And you're going to tell me."

Michael swallowed. "I-I already told you everything-" he said, but then was cut off by a twitchy, unstable stare from Rice. The kind of stare a cartoon bull gives after it gets pied in the face. With the red part in the whites of the eye, you know the one. "Ummm... wha-what would you like to know?"

"It's not going to be quite that easy. No no no no," Rice shook his head.

"But, you don't need to torture me?" Michael ask-said, more hope in his voice than he intended. "Right?"

"Need? NEED? Need... oh yeah, yeah, I need to torture you. Them's the breaks, y'know."

"But! But why?! I said-"

"Tsk tsk tsk, torture isn't just about getting information out of you," Rice said, rubbing his hand on the brown pony's head. "It's also about what other things you can tell me, stuff that you can't say. There's just so much more to leeeeeaaarrrrn."

Michael, being himself, had to ask at that point, "Like what?"

Rice's face went blank. He couldn't think of anything. "Umm... Well, I can learn how better to torture people. See? That's something important."


"But I've already tested a lot of the whole pain and physical torture ideas out, so I wanted to try something new with you," Rice said. He hooked up a helmet and attached several wires to the restrained Michael Hay's head. "We're gonna try psychological torture this time."

"Oh please don't."

"Don't worry. I won't make you watch your own movies."

"Oh thank god."

"But I am going to have you watch a very different sort of film that should produce, well... interesting results," Rice said. He rolled down a projector screen at the end of the room. It rolled back up, naturally, but he rolled it back down and duct taped the edge. "Don't know why that keeps happening?"

Michael smiled for a minute. "Is it Revenge of The-"


"Oh no, please not Biodome with Pauly Shore!" Michael begged.

"SHUT UP!" Rice said. Mumbling to himself, he quickly hooked up the projector. "No, Michael, this... THIS is an educational film."

"Ghostbusters?" Michael asked.

"What? No. Why would that be torture?"

"I meant the one with the girls in it."

"Oh. No, no, even I'm not sick enough to do that."

Michael exhaled. "That's a relief. Okay, so, what is it?"

"It's a documentary," Rice said, quickly finishing hooking up the reels.

"About what? About something scary or mysterious or something?"

"It's about how hot dogs are really made," Rice said, and closed the door. The light turned off in the room.

"Oh..." Michael said, momentarily relieved. Until he thought about it for a moment. "Wait, what?"

The South Carolina Meat Packers Association and
Bureau of Health, Tourism and Firearms Proudly Presents:
What Goes In The Sausages?
Brought to you by Burgerphile International. Try our new Breakfast Sausage Burger!

*This film has not been authorized by the USDA*

"Hi. My name is Toby-Travis Walker-Smith-Jim-Bob-Fitzgerald Roy, but most people just call me Roy. Today, we're going to take a magical trip to see just what makes the inside of an automated meat processing and packaging plant just so magical. So pay close attention all you boys and girls, because you just might learn something."

"Huh," Michael said. "This doesn't seem so bad."

15 minutes later


"Hey Earl! We got another jam in head removal!"
"Ya see, sometimes this machine gets gummed up a bit you gotta stick in a broomstick to unclog it. Careful though, it's got quite a bite on it and you don't wanna get pulled in. That's how Four-Finger Freddy lost his big toe."
"And this side here is the premium and this side is the regular coming out here."

"PLEASE MAKE IT STOPPPP!! PLEAAASEEE!" Michael begged. But Rice was content to let it go on. He had a lot to see.

Author's Note:

Based somewhat on a story about a job my dad worked at in South Carolina.

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