• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Episode 8 Bonus Scene: Enter The Enclave!- Dan Vs. Captain Springer

The rows of houses stretched onward. Cloudsdale didn't need to follow a geographical layout like Ponyville so it only did in a few places. Some of the neighborhoods were at different elevations and sometimes directly above or below each other. From above or below, the residential area resembled the pattern of a snowflake but from the street level, it appeared as a maze to Dan and Fluffle Puff. Finding anything, let alone Derpy Hooves was next to impossible if you didn't know where to go.

"This is taking too long," Dan said, looking back and fourth between the houses. "By the time we find her house, she'll be back in Ponyville screwing with MORE of our mail!"

"Thbbb-pppppbbb," Fluffle Puff remarked. If she keeps delivering muffins, I'm fine with her screwing with all our mail. She pulled out a muffin from her utility fluff, closed her eyes and prepared to take a bite.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!" Dan snatched the muffin just as Fluffle's jaw snapped shut, biting air.

"THPPPP! THBBTHH-THH-THPP!!" Fluffle hopped angrily, blowing raspberries in frustration. HEY! Get your own! They were giving them out at the post office! If you wanted one, you should've got one there!

Dan examined the muffin, gazing into the golden glaze. "If she made this, we can use the muffin to track her!" he leaned down to Fluffle Puff. "I'm willing to bet she's responsible for every mail muffin there is so you can get her scent off of it. C'mon Puffy, give it a whiff," he stuck the muffin close to her muzzle but not close enough for her to bite.

Fluffle frowned at Dan. "Thppp-Thmmmm-Thb-thbb." Why would I track Derpy down when I can just eat that muffin right here? That seems like a better plan from where I'm standing.

"Because she might have MORE muffins wherever she lives! And we can confiscate them from her as evidence, understand?" Dan grinned.

Fluffle's eyes lit up. "Pbbbt." That… had not occurred to me. Okay, I like your idea now.

"Give it a big sniff because we're at high altitude."

The fluffy pony closed her eyes and inhaled deeply into the muffin, doing her best to resist the urge to devour it whole. Dan patted her on the head as she did so, like he was encouraging a giant fluffy bloodhound-pony.

Her eyes shot open. Without warning, she bolted down the street, a pink blur among the clouds.

"YES!" Dan triumphantly declared. "Gonna have to remember this trick. THE TRAIL IS HOT AGAIN!!" he broke into a run down the Cloudsdale street, eating the muffin as he did so.

The Fluffy pony stopped at an intersection between neighborhoods, sniffing the clouds underneath her. The area ahead had another layer of clouds and buildings about thirty feet above it, running parallel and providing the district they were in with shade. Some of the layered structures had columns attaching them to each other but not these, making it difficult to travel to the upper level without wings. As a town built for pegasi, Dan had to believe it made sense to them but it was also clear to him they didn't expect ground dwellers to visit here that often. Or possibly at all.

Fluffle turned in circles a few times, sniffing before picking up the trail again and bolting in another direction. Dan grinned at the clear success of his plan. He turned the corner to follow her, the fluffy blur still in sight.

Dan paced himself, making sure to still scan the area now and then to make sure he didn't accidentally miss the target. It was then he noticed the road had changed color, taking on a greenish hue. The green glow grew brighter and brighter until Dan realized it was isolated to the part of the street just in front of him. He stopped to examine it.

"Is this a new traffic signal or…?"

*Blash!* The clouds erupted right in front of Dan, knocking him off his feet. A blur flashed right in front of him and before he noticed it, it was on top of him, pinning him to the ground. Making sure there was still cloud underneath him, he looked up to see the form of a pony.

"HEY! What is this? They don't walk in your neighborhood or…" he stopped chastising the stranger for jumping him when he realized the pegasus was wearing some kind of armor. "The frick is this?"

"I'm the one that should be asking that question, ground-bound."

Advanced Armored Augmented Aerial Assailant
Captain Springer
Enclave Elite Unit Leader
Callsign: Hydra One

"Ground what?"

"Ground-bound, means you're meant to stay on the surface. Which means you're trespassing here," the imposing figure said over him. Getting a better look at his attacker, Dan realized it was a mare wearing some kind of suit of power armor. She regarded him with clear contempt, something he'd recognize anywhere, from behind an upturned helmet that exposed her face.

"HEY!" Dan yelled, still pinned. "I'm on official business investigating the tampering of mail by a courier in Cloudsdale! And since when did anyone need PERMISSION to be here?!"

"Investigating?" the spring-green mare asked. "Obviously not on the authority of anypony in Cloudsdale. Who sent you here?"

Dan smirked. "My authority comes from HIGHER than Cloudsdale, sweetheart. I'm on a mission approved by Princess Twilight Sparkle herself!"

The mare looked confused. "There's no princess named Twilight Sparkle in Equestria. If there was, there would've been a coronation held in Canterlot."

"Heh," Dan chuckled. "Where have you been, minty? The new princess on the block's living right under your hooves in Ponyville. With me. And friends."

The aggressor tapped a hoof to her helmet, keying in the comms system. "I wasn't informed about any of this. I'll have to clear it with command. As for you-"

"Were you informed about that thing behind you or is that news, too?" Dan asked, looking over her shoulder.

She frowned at his pathetic attempt. "That's not gonna work on me."

"Yeah, I figured as much. That's some pretty cool armor you're wearing," Dan remarked. "Is that supposed to be some kind of cannon on the back?"

"Plasma Caster," the pegasus replied. The barrel of the cannon mounted on her back swiveled in response, turning and pointing down at Dan from over her right shoulder. "Capable of reducing the matter of any single target it's pointed at into a pile of goo in a single shot." The muzzle of the gun glowed, casting a sickly green light across her expression as she smiled. "Pretty intimidating isn't it?"

"Actually," Dan grinned back, "it sounds pretty unbalanced to me!" He grabbed the barrel behind the muzzle and yanked down, turning the pull into a roll. The pegasus lost her balance and fell, rolling off of Dan and hitting the ground.

Dan clambered to his feet quickly. "And for the record, Rainbow Dash would've seen THAT coming!"

"I am not some Wonderbolt wannabe, biped." The armored pegasus brushed loose cloud off her side and stood. "I am Captain Springer of the Storm Pegasus Enclave! Equestria's future is to be controlled from the top down with pegasi precision! You ground-dwellers won't be allowed to profane the clouds any more!" The jets on her armor lifted her up as she spoke, toasting the puffy white clouds under her like marshmallows. She rose into the sky, taking an upright stance, bringing the weapons on her foreleg gauntlets to bear. Two plasma caster barrels leveled at her side, a powerful array of energy weapons. All aimed directly at Dan. "The Enclave shall rule the skies!"

"You must be high in more ways than one, minty!" Dan shouted.

The faceplate on Springer's armor slammed shut. "Especially high in firepower!!" She fired a flurry of plasma bolts from her hoof-guantlets and back-mounted caster. Green rays raced towards Dan, making the high-altitude air between the two smell like burning copper.

Using the clouds underneath his shoes, Dan allowed himself to sink slightly to one side. He then kicked off, using the cloud like a mini-trampoline to dodge to the right. The plasma splashed into the clouds where he'd been standing, scorching the mark his heel had pushed off. He turned the dodge into a dash, running as more emerald bolts ripped through the cumulus underneath him.

The plasma bolts, while powerful, were not fast-moving. Dan's speed allowed him to outrun the barrage as Captain Springer tracked him. Ponyville soon showed through the holes peppered in the road beneath them. The cloud quickly regenerated though, repairing itself as was its design for street-designated cloud.

Springer continued firing at Dan as he ran around her in a wide arc. She tried shooting in front of him but the human saw this coming, stopped and then began running in reverse, waving at her as he did so.

"Having trouble hitting a moving target, greeny? Or am I just too fast for your slow-moving lasers?"

"They're plasma!"

"Whatever," Dan said, backpedaling. "I can do this all day. You sure you have enough ammo?"

"These casters don't run on ammo!" Springer yelled, firing another quad-blast as she did so. Suddenly, the plasma blasters belched steam, along with the vents in Springer's suit. "Aaaaugh, I'm overheated!" she yelled.

"Ha!" Dan laughed. "Looks like you're getting a little hot under the collar!"

She flicked her front hooves again, trying to get the weapons to fire but they were still venting heat. "Fine, I've got other toys for you! Let's see how you like missiles!"

Dan's expression changed. "Oh, I don't like missiles."

Springer flew higher, engaging her jets. She spread her wings and spun, unleashing a flurry of missiles.

Dan ran but unlike the plasma, the missiles were a bit faster and followed him. He broke into a full sprint, running as fast as he could down the street. At full speed, he was able to put a small amount of distance between himself and the missiles .

The armored pegasus banked around in front of him, spinning again and letting loose another wave of missiles.

Dan skidded to a halt, heart racing as he saw the deadly explosives descending towards him. With only seconds to react, Dan decided to do something unorthodox: he bounced. He jumped up and then plunged his feet into the clouds, diving deep into the pillowy white. The action caused the clouds to dip but not break, and then launched the human up into the air like a springboard.

Just beneath his shoes, both groups of missiles collided into one another, bursts of flames rising up as he launched.

"Haha ha-ha-haha!" Dan laughed mockingly as he bounced.

"How in the buck…?" Springer shook her head slowly, dumbfounded.

"Looks like your toys are-" Dan bounced too high mid-sentence, hitting the cloud layer above him. His head became engulfed in puffy whiteness.

Springer slapped her gauntlets, trying to reset the systems on her armor. Using the afterburners had prolonged her suit's cool down. Both of them were helpless, with her struggling to recharge and Dan struggling to get unstuck.

Finally, pressing his hands and swinging his legs up to push off, Dan freed his head from the cloud layer. Just as he did, Springer's suit recharged and she aimed her gauntlet-plasma barrels at him again. "Ah ha! Finally! Now you're-"

"Toast!!" Dan dropped on top of Springer, knocking her out from midair and slamming her into the street. The two tumbled in opposite directions, blow cushioned by the cloud.

Dan coughed up a bit of cloud as they both rose to stand. "Didn't see that coming either, did you?"

"And you won't see THIS coming!" Springer kicked off the ground and engaged her jets again, soaring right over him. She sped off into the distance, far out of Dan's reach even if he had something to throw.

"Let's see how you like things up close and personal!" The armored pegasus spun, the jets on her armor burning green instead of orange. She rotated faster, both hooves aimed at Dan and wings channeling plasma energy into a bright, green aura around her. Dan almost got dizzy watching her. An electric hum filled the air.

"That's not how you do a barrel roll, minty!" Dan mocked.

"No, this is how I finish you once and for all! Plasma Dive!!" Springer shot at Dan like a bolt of green lightning, the aura around her blazing an emerald trail through the sky.

Dan barely had enough time to even react to what he was saying, let alone dodge. He dove out of the way at the last second, static making the hairs on his skin stand up. Captain Springer punched a hole in the cloud right next to him, the surge of electricity surrounding the cloud like a gaping wound in the street.

He allowed himself to exhale. Another successful of evasion, even if it had been by the skin of his teeth. He peered through the hole to see Springer was just now slowing to turn around.

It was then he got an idea. She'd have to come up through the clouds, probably through the same hole she'd made. Maintaining the clouds was all pegasi's responsibility so it was unlikely she'd pierce the street again intentionally. This meant he knew where she would appear. He backed away from the hole.

The glow from Springer's jets, turning back to orange from green, was visible to Dan through the cloud layer as she ascended. She was coming right back up at him. He watched the glow as it grew brighter, came closer. He spread his arms out wide, keeping one eye on the street beneath his feet in case she came up right under him. The timing had to be perfect.

Springer slowed as she rose through the hole she'd made, folding her wings back a bit to squeeze through. Her eyes were on the clouds when Dan came up from behind her. She only had time enough to turn and barely saw him in the peripheral vision of her helmet before he tackled her.

Dan slammed into the pegasus, tackling her to the ground with a full-force slam. She was knocked completely off her hooves. He didn't waste the opportunity, quickly punching, grabbing and bashing her helmet, neck and back with his hands, elbows and knees.

Springer struggled to raise her weapons against her attacker but he had the full advantage. While the armor did protect her, she still felt a good amount of force from every blow. She tried to point any of her weapons at Dan for a pointblank shot but the human was faster, blocking every attempt and twisting the barrels so they pointed away.

Finally, she engaged her jetpack's jets. The fire nearly singed Dan's face, forcing him to leap back and off of her. The clouds beneath them were scorched black as Springer got to her feet and then kicked off again as to not give him another chance.

"You can try to burn me, minty but I'm just getting warmed up!!" Dan taunted.

She circled him, flying in a long, careful arc before bringing her plasma casters to bear against him again. "Shut up and get vaporized!!" She fired spray after spray of plasma bolts, more green rays that peppered the clouds underneath him. Dan followed her movements, running in an arc in the opposite direction to keep distance between him and her attacks.

Springer keyed the comms system in her helmet. "HQ, this is Hydra-One! I've been engaged by an enemy on grid three-oh-three-four, Lemon Street! Requesting immediate assistance!"

"Copy, Hydra-One, no patrols currently operating in your area. Scrambling the rest of Hydra Squadron now, your wingponies are inbound. ETA: six minutes."

"Damn it," Springer cursed, firing another blast that Dan merrily skipped to evade.

"What's the matter, minty?" Dan asked. "Calling in for backup? I thought you could handle me all by yourself."

"Handle this, biped!!" She dove at him, raining down plasma bolts as she flew over him. Twin lines of perforations appeared in the street as Springer went back and fourth, sweeping the road to try and hit Dan in a carpet bomb-like maneuver.

Dan rolled to dodge each rake. Despite her speed and closer range, Dan's reflexes were faster. Positioning himself right in the middle of her attack, he was able to somersault out of the way each time she went by, even reverse-somersaulting to evade her faster raking motions.

"Just… hold… still!!" Springer spun directly over Dan, preparing to dive right into him from above.

"You couldn't hit the broadside of a barn if you had broadside-guided barn-seeking missiles!" Dan yelled back.

"BURN, BIPED!!!" Captain Springer roared angrily and dove, spiraling towards him in another lightning-plasma attack.
Dan saw the flash of green just inches in front of his face as he rolled out of the way, the green bolt scorching and heating the clouds around him. It punched another hole just where he'd rolled out of the way, turning the clouds around it black and crackling with electricity. He scrambled away, feeling the heat nearly burn his hands as he stood again.

Just as before, Springer's attack had sent her through the cloud layer, and Dan knew he'd have the advantage when she came back up. But he also knew she probably wouldn't fall for the same tactic twice. He watched the glow from her afterburners as she rose again, coming closer and closer. Suddenly, the glow stopped.

Dan gulped, knowing that couldn't be a good sign. His eyes went wide as he saw flashes of green arc right up at him. The area around the hole was shredded by plasma bolts, tearing the cloud to pieces and making the hole bigger. He dove away from the blasts as they perforated the road, expanding the hole so he had less ground to stand on. He backed away until finally, the barrage stopped.

Springer's head popped up from the larger hole to check her surroundings and spot Dan before ascending. It took her a second to spot him but he didn't get the drop on her this time. She hung on the ledge of the cloud and aimed the plasma cuff on her right-foreleg right at his head.

Dan bolted at her, knowing he wouldn't be able to evade a shot this close. He leapt at the hovering pegasus about to take a potshot at him from cloud level.

Springer rotated the cuff, activating the trigger mechanism. The gun clicked and vented steam.

"Gaaaah!!" She waved the weapon attached to her hoof, trying to cool it down. She quickly looked back, trying to aim the other hoof at Dan but it was too late.

Instead of tackling her, Dan jumped on her head like Mario stomping on a Monty Mole, delivering both of his shoes onto her helmet. His heels clanged off the metal of her armor, making her head ring. The clear eye-visor of her helmet cracked, turning her vision into a splintered spyglass.
She pulled herself up to the ledge, desperate to keep track of her target. She quickly turned around to see the split-sigth of a dozen Dans charging straight at her.

He leapt across the hole and tackled her again, further cracking her helmet's visor. He went after her body this time, punching and smashing at her jetpack and mounted plasma casters, trying to break the more vulnerable weapons.

She kicked in her afterburners again but this time, she grabbed down on the human as she did so. She carried him as the jets rocketed her horizontally across the street. Pulling up, she then tried to dive again and slam Dan into the road.

But Dan still held a tight grip on her weapons. The left plasma caster's barrel in both hands, he bent it down so that it ripped into the clouds just under them.

The plasma caster's tri-spear like barrel tore into the street like fabric, ripping a gash in the center of the road as they flew down it. The clouds parted, showing more of Ponyville underneath.

The action was too much friction for Springer, for both of them. It caused her to lose her grip, drop Dan on the street and spin out of control.

"I'm just too good for you, minty!" Dan said, grinning as he stood again. "And you're supposed to have the homefield advantage up here, too. I wonder what your friends are gonna say when I tell them. Maybe I'll have Rainbow write it in the sky: Dan Rules, Minty Sucks."

Springer turned back around to face him, ripping off the faceplate of her helmet as she did so. Underneath, her expression was one of pure adrenaline-fueled rage. "That's it!! You are NOT getting the better of me up here!" she keyed in her comms system again. "HQ, where's that support?!"

"Still three-minutes out, Hydra-One."

"That's not good enough! Tap in to the local grid at my location and disconnect the street section!"

"You're not authorized to adjust the residential area, Springer. That could destabilize the whole grid and damage the network."

"Just do it, Zephyr," Springer said into her helmet comms. "Or I'll tell every pony you have a crush on Cloud Chaser."

"…You don't have any proof of that."

"Oh yeah? What about those pictures of her flank you keep in your locker? And that art you've been looking up of her and her sister on Derpibooru? And one of them has a-"

"Disconnecting street grid three-twenty-one-bee… and stay out of my locker."

"Kiss my flank," Springer keyed off her comms.

"You're not Cloud Chaser."

The street section Dan and Springer had been fighting on was already damaged from the plasma bolts. It was too much damage for the road to repair itself and when it was disconnected from the rest of the cloud grid, it broke into pieces. Tufts of white cloud exploded out in all directions from the road at Dan's feet, nearly evaporating into confetti. Dan soon found his footing even more precarious.

The cloud directly under him flew up and to the right, he struggled to remain balanced on it. Fortunately, it was a large enough cloud that it responded to the cloud spell imbued on him and he was able to stand on it as it carried him higher.

The entire neighborhood shifted, rotating in response to the loss of the segment. Clouds that had been part of the disconnected road flew this way and that, propelled randomly by the sudden collapse of the energy that held them in place. Some floated upwards, some floated down, pieces and segments of the puffy stuff swirled above and below the street.

Dan and Springer lost sight of each other, swept up in the swarm of storm material. Pieces of the blackened clouds shifted and bumped into the others, like puzzle pieces swirling out of order. A few of the perforated ones resembled pieces of white swiss cheese, Dan poked his head through the holes of one, trying to find Springer.

The pegasus captain scanned the clouds as they drifted around her, searching for Dan. Spotting targets among the moving clouds was something all pegasi, especially Enclave pegasi, had been trained to do. But not when they were hiding from her.

"You've got nowhere left to run now!" Springer yelled, taunting Dan. "Give it up, ground-bound! You're out of space to work with!"

"Looks like I've got plenty from where I'm standing!" Dan shouted back.

She turned to where she'd heard his voice and fired her plasma cuffs. The blazing green fire ripped several clouds to paper-thin shreds, disintegrating them in an instant.

"Guess again, minty!" He hopped to another cloud, relocating.

Springer rotated again and burned the clouds, shredding two more pieces into confetti cinders. She spun behind her and destroyed more clouds in case he was trying to outflank her.

"Up here, freshness!" Dan stomped on her back, breaking both plasma casters in an instant. The barrel of the left-side one broke off completely.

The shock jostled her but she flew up again, regaining altitude and recovering her position.

"Aaagh, my plasma casters!" Both plasma casters were in operative and he'd just narrowly missed her jetpack. She keyed her comms system again. "HQ, this is Hydra-One! I've sustained massive damage, enemy is stronger than expected! Requesting immediate assistance!"

"Help is one minute out, Hydra-One. Hang in there for another sixty seconds while they get a fix on your position."

"Ha, looks like there's gonna be a lot of fixing when they arrive."

She ripped off both saddle-mounted weapons so the weight wouldn't slow her down. "This equipment is worth more than ten of you, biped!!"

"Even if it's broken? I'll still pass. Doesn't look like it comes with a warranty."

"GrrrrrraaaaAAAAAHH!" Springer screamed in rage. She flew up and spun, releasing three missile salvos.

"Oh boy." Dan clung to his cloud, searching left and right for another one to leap to. But it was no good; unlike the bolts, the missiles would track him. They always tracked him. And that's when he looked up to see Captain Springer.

Above him, she flew in a circle, spinning rapidly every so often to launch more missiles from her wings. It was a continuous volley and eventually, it would be one he couldn't avoid. But maybe he didn't want to avoid it, not entirely.

He lept to a cloud just higher and to the right of his current positions, missiles racing towards him from above. Just before they angled down to track him again, he jumped up and to the right once more. He continued this pattern, gaining altitude until the missiles were coming at him from under him and above him, getting closer and closer to Captain Springer.

When he was finally at the top, Captain Springer was too busy in her spinning maneuver to notice him at her level. He let her pass by him once and waved at her.

"What the-"

"Hope you packed a parachute!"


"Cuz you're about to get your wings clipped."

Dan grabbed her in midair and pulled her into a dive. The missiles trailing him slammed into her back as she fell, exploding and turning her armor into a fireball as they fell. Springer screamed in agony back burning in flames as she plummeted. Dan pushed off of her at the last second, once the missiles had used up and jumped to the ground. He rolled as he hit the edge of the street, Springer punching a hole through it like a meteor next to him. Her screams echoed all the way down.

"What a total burnout," Dan said, walking away. He took a couple steps before he saw a familiar glow rising up from under the clouds.

Captain Springer burst through the cloud layer in front of Dan like an inferno, showering ash, soot and cinders everywhere. Her dark green mane and face were covered in black scorched marks. Her armor was in tatters, her own wings scorched at the tips still held the jetpack in place at her back. Her legs were bare, burned in some places and missing the armor over them. Except for her right foreleg, which still contained a plasma cuff. She pointed it at Dan.

"You can't escape the Enclave. Nopony can. We own the skies, Dan! Your future will be nothing but clouds soon enough!"

"I think your head's in the clouds," Dan said back to her. "Maybe it's time you found some new horizons."

She took aim and fired. Dan stepped back, falling off the ledge of the clouds as a green bolt flew over his head. He grabbed the ledge as he fell past it, gripping it with both hands. The action caused the entire section of cloud to bend and then propel him upward like a diving board and he used the momentum to land standing right in front of Springer once more.

The pegasus soldier tried to fire again. The gun clicked and expelled white smoke.

Dan grabbed her shoulder. "Sorry, minty freshness. Looks like your luck's just about… shot."

"Oh, you cheesy son-of-a-"

He kneed her in the chest and pushed her to the ground. Without giving her a chance to react, Dan ripped off her gauntlet and smacked her in the face with it. He then pounded the jetpack with it until it spat smoke, then ignited, sending her rocketing a distance down the street.

Captain Springer spun out in the middle of the road, flat on her stomach with all fours splayed out. She struggled to get to a standing position.

"No… this isn't possible… she… she promised…" Springer collapsed on the ground and her jetpack exploded, leaving a smoldering black ring around the equally smoldering pony.

Dan walked up to her side. She looked up at him, helpless. "You're pretty good, minty. But there's something you should know."

"What's… that…?"

"Simple law of physics. What goes up,-"

"Must come-"

"I bring down!" Dan elbowed her saddle and the pony plunged through the clouds.

Captain Springer screamed as she spiraled out of control to the surface of Equestria. "Mayday! Mayday! HQ, this is Hydra-One! I'm hit! I'm HIT! I'm going down, repeat, I am going-"

The clouds, being part of another section of the road, quickly closed the gap left by Springer. Dan dusted himself off and continued walking down the street. He turned a corner and was surprised to see Fluffle Puff hopping towards him.

"Thppp! Thppp!" Dan! Where have you been? I think I found Derpy's house! Let's get going; I think she might be starting a fresh batch of muffins! The fluffy pony bounced off down the street. Dan had to pick up the pace to follow her.

"That's what I love about you and me, Fluffle Puff!"

"Thbbthb?" What's that?

"No matter what comes our way, there's nothing that can keep us down!" The pair dashed off down the cloud street, soaring towards even greater heights.

Author's Note:

This was a scene originally intended to be part of episode 8, further elaborating on the sinister pegasus soldier, Captain Springer, a recurring rival antagonist/minor villainess. The "she" she mentions can be considered a possible reference to Kkat or Lauren Faust or… perhaps somepony else we've already seen. As this is episode 8, Fluffle Puff's inner dialogue is voiced by Richard Dreyfuss.

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