• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Final: Showstopper

Perhaps there was a reason for this once. Perhaps, there was a point behind all of this, one singular, defining answer as to why this all exists, why it was made in the first place. Like a painting, or a song, or any other piece of art, perhaps this world's Creator did have a reason for giving life to this place we call Equestria.

She's gone. And whatever initial reason She had has long since vanished with Her.

Yet Her work remains. Her reason for creating this place may never be known. But there can still be a reason for this place. Do you know what it is? It's whatever you want it to be. Whatever you decide is the point to this place, whatever you interpret, whatever conclusion you divine, that's the point. That's the reason for Equestria.

It might not be fully satisfying, and it might be far from definitive, but it can still be true in a sense. Whatever you've taken from here, that is yours and yours alone. Your vision of this place will be different from everyone else's, and it will have a reason, whatever reason you make for it, however you see it. Sometimes, truth is up to interpretation. Sometimes, the only thing that makes sense... is whatever sense you can make out of it.

Do you want to know a secret? That wasn't Her reason for doing things.

It was mine.

Prosperity Mountain Exterior

"Charge ahead! Keep going!" Twilight ordered. "To the mountain! We have to reach the top!"

"What's at the top?!" Rainbow asked. Honestly, any one of them could've asked, but Rainbow Dash was closest.

And Twilight answered honestly. "I have absolutely no idea! They wouldn't be protecting it if it wasn't important!"

Twilight's hypothesis appeared to be correct. As the fighting continued, the mountain produced more defenses. Turrets sprang up, and on the top corners of those turrets appeared smaller turrets. And on top of those turrets were smaller- you get the idea.

The pony forces saw this and morale dropped like a stone. At the front of the formation, Spitfire swallowed. "Well... shi-"

"Shield! Twilight, shield?!"

Her horn sparked. She turned behind her. "Rarity, shield!"

Rarity's horn did the same. Before she could turn, Trixie tapped her on the shoulder.

"Trixie's gonna stop you right there. No. Not happening." Trixie was holding up an empty Gatorade bottle, clear evidence that shield was indeed not happening.

The cannons were about to fire. Twilight turned to everyone. "Everybody-" She was about to tell them to duck.

Thankfully, she didn't have to.

A flurry of missiles streamed through the air. They shot with pinpoint accuracy, striking the base of each turret, both the big ones, medium-sized ones and the tiny ones, destroying them all in a white-hot blaze.

"That's not our artillery!"

"Then who was it?" Springer asked.

"Look! It's... Twilight?"

"No... it's not," Twilight said, watching as the new arrivals flew overhead. "It's just my head."

The Twilicopter soared over them. A new version, it sported Twilight's face, only angrier. Her eyes were narrow and determined, and her mouth was a toothy snarl instead of a goofy grin. To top it all off, she sported some new 'teeth' in the form of double-twin miniguns and missile launchers.

What was even more surprising was who was flying it.

"Get ready, we're coming around again!" Barro said, gripping the controls.

"Okay-okay! We're reloaded!" Michael said. The Twilicopter swung around for another pass, destroying the rest of the mountain's defenses.

And the normally-clueless news duo weren't the only reinforcements. The foodimals began to rain from the clouds above. Supervised by Fluttershy and Derpy, the flurry of creatures were acting as paratroopers, taking up positions all around the enemy. Their small size allowed them to land unnoticed. That, plus the fact they were dropping without parachutes and just randomly bouncing everywhere.

"Everybody, get down!" Springer yelled. There was no time to explain; the foodimals were all clutching bombs with their tiny paws. Just as the ponies ducked to cover, those bombs exploded.

Thankfully, the foodimals were made of rubber, ensuring their adorable survival.


They were only grenades, but there were lots of them and lots of foodimals. The explosions blasted holes in the dense enemy formations, tearing them to pieces. And they kept coming- a rain of exploding, cute toy-like creatures descended all around the ponies.

But the odds still weren't even. The Sith continued attacking the Royal Guards, swatting at them with their quarterstaffs.

"Alright Rarity, we're ready for you!" Twilight shouted. "Deploy the second wave!"

Guarded tightly in the center of the royalist formation were a set of wagons. Upon Twilight's order, they unfolded, collapsed, their ramps lowered and out came yet another wave of angry, half-crazed and armed civilians. Angry, unskilled and undisciplined, they rushed over and through the Royal Guard phalanxes and into the Sith. With most of them still recovering from the bombs, they were completely unprepared for an onslaught of berserk fury.

Now was their chance. "Rarity, Trixie, I need you to hold the line!"

"Aye, dear!"
"Yes, Twilight Sparkle!"

She rose, taking flight but not flying too high and shouted, "Everyone who can, follow me! We have to rescue Chrys!"

Springer, Aegis, a few of the Royal Guards and Enclave ponies broke formation where they could and followed Twilight. Together, they charged up the mountain side. A few Sith tried to stop them, but they were easily blasted or smacked aside. With Twilight leading the charge, they galloped to the summit.

"Hey," Spinner asked. "Isn't this the part where somepony yells 'For Equestria' or something?"

Springer scoffed. "As if we're actually going to do something so cliche-"

"FOR EQUESTRIA!!!!!!!!!!!" Twilight shouted, followed quickly by the royal guards.


Dan hit the ground in the corridor he'd arrived in, skidded to a halt about half way down it. He struggled to stand, pushing himself off his back before rolling onto his front. He pressed his forearms against the cold, metal floor, even using his elbows to push himself up.

The door between him and Rice had closed. Then, it exploded. Rice ripped the door upwards with his gauntlets and tore it off its hinges. Then, he broke it into two jagged pieces and threw them at Dan.

"Sh-SHIT!" Dan scrambled and ended up lunging out of the way. The first piece bounced off the floor, followed quickly by the second, spinning in the air as they bounced before landing and clattering away. Dan lunged again, reached and grabbed one just in time.

Rice rocketed towards Dan again. This time, Dan blocked his rocket punch with the shattered piece of door. Sparks flew off it as metal scraped metal, and Rice went flying by. Having Stevie and his shield here right now would've been very helpful.

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