• Published 12th Aug 2013
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Dan Vs. The Magic of Friendship(Season 1) - Barrobroadcaster

The story of a man named Dan and all his friends in Equestria.

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Broke: Nobility

"Would... would you mind helping?" Fortify asked. "Sir?"

Dan rolled his eyes. "Fine. The Sparkle Guard will assist the Solar Guard during the princesses' royal address." He turned back to Chrys, Phoenix and Spike. "Chrys, disguise yourself as a guest. Get an ear on some conversations, listen for anything suspicious."

"Aye, Dan."

"Nicky, watch the crowds, gates, entry and exit points, any place that can be used to our disadvantage."

"Got it," Phoenix said.

"Spike, I need guard rotation schedules, names, patrols- get me the info."

"Will do, Dan."

Finally, he turned to Twilight. "As for you and me-"

"Actually," Bolster, a sky-blue backup earth pony guardsman piped up, "the princess has requested you both join her. On stage for the address."

Dan and Twilight exchanged puzzled looks.

"I'm sorry but I haven't been provided any further details."

Dan folded his arms. "Well, this changes a bit. And now we have to go get changed." He turned around. "Alright, then, let's get it done. First, can you go find Nicky for me?"


"He means Phoenix," Twilight said.

"Ah, no problem." The two guards trotted off to fetch Phoenix. Didn't take them long, as he had just entered the courtyard.

"What's going on?"

"Change of plans, Nicky. You're in charge of security."

"I-" Phoenix stopped. "Wait, really?"

Dan nodded, patted his friend on the shoulder. "I know you're up for it. Make me proud."

Phoenix rubbed his neck. "I... I don't know what to say."

"Try 'thank you' and then nothing else," Dan said.

"Thank you."

"Welcome, now get out there."

"Y-yeah, thanks uh... I'll see you when we're done?"


"Right, uh- good luck to you too, guys! Both of you!" Phoenix said, breaking into a sprint as he ran outside. Not the first time he'd been given a big responsibility by Dan, but definitely a milestone for him. Security was something Dan took very, very seriously and there were very few people he trusted with such tasks. He didn't even trust himself. Oddly, he did trust Mr. Mumbles, Chrys, Twilight and Chris, despite multiple instances of Chris fouling up.

Phoenix, however, had no intention of making any blunders. He knew what to do, he knew what the event would entail, this was a cinch. He would make Dan proud, as would the rest of his friends.

Princess Celestia took the podium quickly. Fur of her praetorian guards flanked the sides of her at the courtyard stage, two on each side. Two regular guards, Fortify Forte and Bolster were on the edge of each side. This was actually a major precedent broken; the princesses were always accompanied by no less than six throne guards during official business, the elite guards. With two of them out on personal leave, a pair of standard guards were filling in. That, too, was a major precedent broken.

"Citizens of Equestria," Princess Celestia quickly began, "I will be brief."

"That's a first," Dan said, loud enough for everyone on stage to hear. Twilight glared at him, and he shut his trap.

"We have endured much. The upheaval of our kingdom, the attacks on our sovereignty, the destruction and reconstruction of our entire world, some of the most difficult trials in our history... and we have overcome them. But, for all our success, our struggles are not over. Life at last is returning to a semblance of normal, harmony at last returning. Now, our latest obstacle lies not with our kingdom's safety, but with our nation's economy."

As Celestia spoke, Dan kept an eye on the crowd. Phoenix was doing good; he, Chrys, several guard team leaders were posted at critical points around the courtyard. Couple pegasi were keeping watch overhead, discreetly. Phoenix stood off to the side, equidistant between the gates to the courtyard and the castle entrance. His natural height gave him a bit more elevation, which he used to keep an eye on everything without appearing to keep an eye on everything. He could've just been a guy leaning on the wall, still part of the crowd.

Good. Very good. Dan nodded his approval. Everything was going off without a hitch.

"Our nation's wealth has been severely depleted. We've returned to Equestria to find our finances, our records, our very livelihood and investments have vanished in many instances. The royal treasury is empty, and our kingdom's coffers are bare. We know that many of you have been affected by this catastrophe as well, and that the riches of the crown pale in comparison to the savings of even a single family. We are deeply sorry for this, and we are working hard to fix this problem."

The crowd was mostly silent. Concerned faces, yes, like those in Ponyville but they hung on the princess's every word. This was a good experience for Twilight; she sometimes lacked confidence. Celestia spoke with a natural charisma, one whose burden of leadership was evident in more than one.

"Despite these challenges, we have faith that we can overcome them. We are instituting immediate and major emergency measures in order to stabilize the kingdom while we work hard on this crisis. We do this with a heavy heart, and we understand the apprehension, the concern and the fear that comes from such decisions. We, your royal family, will provide constant updates as we work with community leaders to restore our kingdom's economy. In the meantime, steps must be taken at once to preserve the kingdom's vital infrastructure."

Now, the crowd was dead silent. If there was even an occasional whisper before, it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop now. The air was still, the world seemed to stop.

"Some of these measures have already taken effect," Celestia said. "And despite the crisis, many of you are continuing to work hard to keep our nation working. We salute these brave souls who continue on. It is your bravery, your tenacity that are responsible for keeping our kingdom alive during these difficult times. It is thanks to you that we have peace in the present, it is thanks to you that we have a future."

And then, the crowd began to part ways. Dan squinted to see who it was. Phoenix saw the new arrivals first, and he immediately began tugging his collar nervously. He slowly looked over to Dan, who only looked back puzzled.

"Today, we would like to honor some of these intrepid members of our society. Those who keep our fire burning, no matter the cost."

The Ghostbusters walked through the crowd and onto the stage. Dan nearly felt his heart stop.

The CMC, plus three humans. Not just humans, but superheroes, including Spider-Man. The other two humans happened to be Static Shock and Gear, both of which Dan recognized immediately from comics.

"What... in the actual..."

The superheroes, however, did not follow the CMC on stage. The four fillies(Babs is one of the CMC), dressed as Ghostbusters walked up to Celestia while the trio of weekday afternoon heroes stood amid the crowd.

"Backpack, start recording."

"Richie, you don't need to record this."

"What? We're gonna upload this to the website."

"That thing makes too much noise, just turn it off."

"Backpack doesn't make that much noise. Do you, buddy?" Gear's backpack beeped a series of chimes in response, decipherable only by Gear.

"The only things making noise right now is you two. And me. But seriously, shut it, both of you," Spidey said. For two superheroes that were supposed to be partners, they did their share of bickering.

"The Cutie Mark... Ghostbusters," Celestia said, "exemplify the hardworking spirit of Equestria, the drive to keep harmony alive that is so valuable. Even without payment, but with our heartfelt thanks, the Ghostbusters have continued to keep Equestria safe from paranormal threats."

"We won't say "no" to a free meal, though!" Babs Seed added. That made the crowd laugh. Dan wanted to vomit.

"Indeed. And while we don't have any medals to award you at the moment, we do have something special to give you," Celestia said. She unfurled a long piece of parchment. "An exclusive contract with the Kingdom of Equestria, to operate throughout our borders as the official spectral defense force of harmony!"

Applause. Lots of applause. Cheers. Dan's stomach doing backflips. His friends, noticing. All this took place at exactly the same time, in the same moments.

All four fillies bowed. "Your highness, on behalf of... well, ourselves, we gladly accept!" Applebloom announced. They signed the contract. Dan ran back into the castle and began throwing up into a nearby vase.

Yes, while Dan and his friends met space heroes, the Cutie Mark Crusaders got to meet superheroes. In Dan's mind, it was an upgrade. Probably didn't help the fact that in the Crystal Empire, Shining and Cadence got to go on adventures with James Bond, Solid Snake and Sam Fisher. The donkeys, however, mostly got Speed Racer, Sonic the Hedgehog and the Roadrunner. Geographic location had something to do with crossover events.

To be fair, Shining and Cadence were more fans of space sci-fi, being trekkies, so they were a bit envious of Dan. In their case, they weren't allowed to tell other ponies about fighting a resurgent SPECTRE and a reconstituted Cipher, so it did even out somewhat.

"Finally, we have another important person to recognize," Celestia said. She turned to see Dan was gone. Confused, Fortify, Twilight and Bolster went in after him and dragged the human out again. "For his... for his incredible contributions to Equestria, without which we would not be standing here today"

Feeling a bit lightheaded, Dan struggled to stand. His legs felt like jello; Twilight and the other two guards had to hold him up by his shoulders.

"Why... why is Static... Static Shock here... I don't...."

"Dan, snap out of it," Twilight whispered.

"What? I'm... I'm fine," he shook his head. "Oh. Uh, sorry. Continue," he clasped his hands behind his back, trying to look formal again.

"Dan," Celestia knelt down so her head was at his level. "Thank you. For all you've done for us." She now spoke directly to him, not as a formal address but pony to person. One individual talking to another. "I know things haven't been easy for you. You've endured so much. You didn't have to hold onto our values. You didn't have to be our friends. You didn't have to defend our kingdom at all. But you did. And you did so much more."

She turned back to the podium. Whatever Dan was feeling before was gone. Now, he was happy. He was just happy to be there.

"Dan defended Equestria with honor against some of its most devious and dangerous foes. This planet, our civilization, we owe him our very lives. And our homes. And everything else we have. For this, we cannot begin to to honor him enough, whose actions have gone far beyond any measure of any citizen... of anyone on this planet before. But, we can make sure that he always has a place here."

Celestia's secretary approached from the side. She presented to her a small, wooden box and opened it. Celestia withdrew its only contents, levitating it up for all to see.

"A branch from the Tree of True Harmony. Since the beginning of our history, the Tree of Harmony has served as the foundation for the Elements of Harmony, representing the core of our kingdom and its subjects. We honor you, Dan, who has supported us through these difficult times with this symbol of Equestria. You are now officially a noble of the Equestrian Royal Family, for now and forever!"

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