• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 11 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Distractions: Chapter 96 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Obsession

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 11 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Distractions

Chapter 96 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Obsession


Amber sighed as she flipped through the notepad that sat on her desk in front of her.

“Oh, come on!” Dan cried. “You’ve done that at like the last several dozen pages.”

“I’m sorry,” Amber offered. “But there’s just so much to read! I never had anybody hand me a notepad full of extended answers to the questionnaires, let alone three people! And my umOld English reading skills…? A bit out of practice.”

“It’s Shakespearean!” Dan insisted forcefully. “It’s early modern English! Geez! Read a book, will ya?”

“I feel like I’ve just read a book,” Amber said. “Several, in fact!” she added, motioning out to the collection of papers and notepads sitting in a pile on her desk. “Geez, most people can write about a relationship with someone in a nice, tidy, short fashion. But this just keeps going on and on, and I’m not sure if it’s ever going to stop or get anywhere!”

“I’m going somewhere with it!” Dan said. “I just… you know… wanted to make sure I covered everything before I got to the juicy stuff,” Dan said sullenly.

Awww,” Pinkie uttered, “I think Dan’s poetry is really sweet. Even the stuff I don’t understand… Especially the stuff I don’t understand! It’s all just so soothing! And pretty! It makes me want to grab him and never let go!” Pinkie exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Dan and began nuzzling his stubble-covered cheek.

Speaking of juicy stuff,” Amber interjected, “Pinkie, in between answering the questions in grueling detail, you took time to draw and even diagram some of the stuff you and Dan do together.”

“Was that bad?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, it’s just good I’m legally bound not to disclose some of this…” Amber said.

“Oh, like you’re one to talk!” Dan exclaimed.

Amber paused. “Uh… alright. Fair enough. Anyhow, those parts weren’t nearly as… uh… how do I put this…?”

“Oooo!” Pinkie cried excitedly. “Hot? Exciting? Tantalizing? Exciting?” Pinkie’s lips raised into a mischievous grin and she quickly raised and lowered her eyebrows. “Arousing?

“Well, add weird onto all that, and sure, those things.” Amber picked up Pinkie’s questionnaire and flipped through a few pages. “Your idea of romance outside the bedroom is also a little, uh… different,” Amber said.

“What do you mean?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, you said one of your favorite dates was at a Chuck E. Cheese,” Amber exclaimed.

Pinkie giggled. “Yeaaah…” she said wistfully. “That was one of the bestest nights of my entire life!

Chris glanced over at the couple quizzically. “Dan, you hate Chuck E. Cheese. It’s ended up on your list more than once and you’ve assaulted a mascot.”

“True,” Dan replied. “However, I love Pinkie Pie, and that place is just full of the kitschy, noisy, cartoony nonsense that Pinkie eats up with a spoon.”

Hehehe… Remember the ball pit?” Pinkie asked as she gazed longingly into Dan’s emerald eyes.

Dan grabbed both of Pinkie’s hands with his own and interlaced his fingers, holding up both sets of hands at his chest level. “How can I forget?”

“Wait…” Becky said from further back in the class. “I thought Chuck E. Cheese stopped with the ball pits back, like… a decade ago.”

Pinkie nodded as she continued to stare into Dan’s eyes. “Yeah. Dan got so angry when he found out that we hijacked a dump truck, filled it with plastic balls, and dumped it into the restaurant.”

“And you guys didn’t invite me?!” Chris exclaimed.

“Chris!” Elise cried out.

“Sorry, but it just sounded like so much fun!” Chris explained.

Dan turned to Chris and raised his eyebrow. “It was a date, stupid,” he said.

“Oh, right…” Chris said in a disappointed tone. He looked over at Dan. “I didn’t know you were a fan of ball pits.”

“I’M ALLOWED TO LIKE FUN THINGS!” Dan said defensively.

“We do fun things, too!” Elise insisted. “Remember our trip a few weeks ago?!”

“Well, that was relaxing, lots of museums and stuff,” Chris replied. “I mean, I had fun… but not ball pit fun…”

Elise furrowed her brow at her husband then turned to Amber. “Alright, in my defense, it wasn’t until Pinkie showed up a few months ago that Chris and I could do almost anything without Dan.”

Amber rolled her eyes. “Still not a competition, Elise.” Amber turned back to face Dan and Pinkie. “Anyhow, illegal activities aside, there are still a few other things that concern me about your relationship.”

“What!?” Dan cried. “What are you talking about?! We’re an amazing couple! We’re practically handcuffed together!”

“Yeah!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Especially the times we are handcuffed together!”

Ninja Dave raised an eyebrow. “Trouble with the law?”

“Huh?” Pinkie said as she glanced back into the classroom. “No… Dan and I are very good at avoiding the police! They haven’t caught us once! Why’d you ask?”

Dave pondered this. “… Riiight…. Forget I said anything…”

Pinkie’s lower lip puffed out in a pout. “But I like some of the things you’ve said. And… I mean… you’ve talked a lot to me! If I just forgot that you could talk I’d have to assume that I’m crazy… er.”

“He just means the last couple sentences, Goofball,” Dan explained.

“OOOOooooh…” Pinkie grinned. “I can do that!”

Look,” Amber said forcefully, “the part where you two almost never spend anytime apart from one another is the issue! I’ve seen stuff like this from one partner in a couple, but never both! You two are completely obsessed with one another! You’ve both listed off things in your questionnaires that I’m almost certain the other doesn’t even know about themselves!”

Pinkie’s lower lip quivered. “But… we’re in love!”

Amber nodded. “And that’s good! But couple’s don’t need to spend every waking—”

“And sleeping!” Dan interjected.

Amber sighed as she continued to talk, “—and sleeping moment together. You two work at the same place, have pretty much the exact same hobbies, taste in movies, music, video games, television shows… you name it. Aside from your very different dispositions, the only thing Dan doesn’t seem to know is the names of Pinkie’s best and closest friends…”

“What?!” Dan protested. “I totally know the names of all her friends!” Dan insisted.

Amber raised an eyebrow. “You expect me to believe that Twilight ‘Sparkler’, ‘Too Purple’ Sparkles; and Rainbow ‘Art Project’ Dash are names of real people?”

“Hey! Those are totally…” Dan paused. “Wait…uh… people?” Dan said nervously.

“Now you’re making fun of my friend’s names, too!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I thought this was couple’s therapy! Not… uh… make fun of names time!” Pinkie said in a mildly angry tone.

Amber squinted at the list in front of her. “Fluttershy is actually the name of someone?!”

Pinkie paused and thought about it. “Some… one?”

Elise quickly rose her hand. “Uh, I can vouch for Dan and Pinkie here. Those are, in fact, the names of Pinkie’s friends.”

“Oh… okay…” Amber said in a confused tone.

“Look!” Dan exclaimed. “I don’t see what the big deal is! So we like to spend a lot of time together! How is that unhealthy?”

Amber focused her attention to Dan. “Pinkie took the time to count all the hairs on your body.”

Dan frowned. “Well, I’d do the same, but my hands keep getting stuck in her hair.”

“Yeah…” Pinkie uttered. “My hair kinda has a mind of its own sometime…”


The room went quiet.

Dan broke the silence. “… You say that as if it’s news to anybody…”

Amber let out a frustrated growl. “GRRRAAAWL!

“Oooo! Are we doing animal calls now?!” Pinkie said excitably. “I guess… bear! Did I get it?! Did I?! Did I?!

Amber glared out at Pinkie with her one visible eye.

“I’m just going to take your rageful eye spasms as a ‘yes’,” Pinkie said cheerfully. “My turn!” she announced.

Dan raised his hands up to his head and covered his ears.

Pinkie inhaled a large volume of air and followed that up with a high pitched, blood curdling shriek, “HWAIIIEEE!

Everyone besides Dan and Pinkie winced and contorted their faces as Pinkie’s call pierced the air and began ringing in their ears.

“Dude! OW!Ninja Dave cried as rubbed the inside of one of his ears with a pinkie finger.

“What the heck was that?!” Becky cried as she rubbed her palms against both her ears.

Pinkie giggled. “Well, I can’t just tell you! You’re supposed to guess, silly-billy!”

“I know it!” Dan said cheerfully.

“Now Dan,” Pinkie said in a slightly maternal tone. “You should give other people a chance to guess.”

“Oh, all right…” Dan said sullenly.


“But it’s so much fun!” Pinkie protested. “Dan and I play it all the time!”

“Yes! I KNOW!” Amber cried. “I know way more about your relationship than I ever would have wanted!”

Pinkie gave out a disappointed sigh as she began to speak, “Fine… it was a fox, by the way…”

Dan narrowed his eyes at Amber. “Why are you getting mad at us?! You’re the one who handed us the stupid questionnaires.”

Amber began to breathe long deep breaths as she glared at Dan. “Huuufff… puuufff… Alright, I guess I can’t blame you two for being thorough… Look, all I’m saying is that it might be a little healthier for the both of you if you spent some time away from each other every once and a while… I mean… you two seem pretty much incapable of keeping your hands off one another for even short periods of time!”

Pinkie narrowed her eyes at Amber. “Well, now that just sounds a little extreme.”

Amber cocked her eyebrow and folded her arms across her chest. “You’re not even sitting in your own desk, anymore! You’re sitting in Dan’s… on his lap.”

For her seat on top of Dan’s lap with her arms wrapped around him, Pinkie scrunched her face into a frustrated pout. “But the desks are so confining!” she whined.

“Well, now you’re even more confined!” Amber pointed out.

Pinkie grinned. “Yeah, but I don’t mind being confined like this.”

Amber sighed as she raised her palm up to her face. “Look,” she began as she lowered her palm and focused her eye on the couple now sharing a desk, “I know this fairytale romance approach seems fun now, but it’s bound to get on one of your nerves eventually.”

“I’m not so certain—” Dan began.

Amber continued as her eye began to focus off into the distance. “Just out of the blue, one of you will suddenly get fed up! Won’t that be a surprise! Probably during ‘best couple ever movie’ night…”

Dan and Pinkie exchanged a confused glance.

“Uh…” Pinkie began, “… we don’t have ‘best cou—”

“You’ll think everything is perfect!” Amber’s briefly turned happy as she continued to look at no one in particular. “You’ll think ‘I’ve found the one! I’m going to be with this person forever!’” Her expression suddenly turned angry. “And then BAM! Out of the blue they’re just like… 'I think we should start seeing other people!' And you’ll be shocked! Because you were doing everything right! Spending all your time with them! Building your entire world around them! And just like that they tell you you’re smothering them!”

“Wow…” Dan uttered as he watched the display in front of him. “There’s about to lose it… then there’s this…”

“Yeah…” Pinkie said in a worried tone. “Who’d have thought spending time together could cause meltydowns?”

Amber became increasingly agitated and her motions more forceful as she continued her diatribe.

“… And you’re like, ‘It’s okay, snukikins! Maybe we just need a short break from eachother!’ But they’ll be like, ‘I think we should start seeing other people!’ And then it won’t matter how much you tell them you can make it work or you’ll change! It turns out the love you thought they had for you is gone! And soon they are too!

“Dan…?” Pinkie said. “I’m scared…” she said softly as she tightened her grip on her boyfriend.

“Me too, Pinkie,” Dan admitted as he stared out at Amber. “Me too.”


“Wow,” Chris uttered. “That sounds like one heck of a breakup. Pretty much all the girls who’ve broken up with me just call… or like… run screaming because of Dan,” Chris mused.

“Huh…” Elise uttered. “I don’t think anyone has ever broken up with me… I either leave them or my boyfriends die in freak accidents… you know… especially the one who died in an accident involving real freaks…” Elise winced as she turned to Chris. “Not that I’d ever let something like that happen to you!” she said nervously.

Chris looked over at his wife and shrugged. “Pretty sure I’ve been in way more dangerous situations because of Dan than anything we’ve done together.”

“…AND THEN YOU’LL BE ALL ALONE! LEFT IN AN EMPTY APARTMENT FULL OF REMINDERS OF THE”—Amber sneered as she air quoted—“‘PERFECT LOVE’ YOU THOUGHT YOU HAD! Nothing left to do but bury the memory of your love with pints and pints of ice cream and lock the pain deep inside yourself and put on a fake smile! You’ll go back out into the world and pretend… PRETEND everything’s okay when really your entire outlook on life and love has been shattered…”

“Uh… geez…” Becky uttered as she continued to watch Amber. “I think, maybe, just maybe, this girl needs to work on how she deals with bad events in her life.”

Dave chuckled. “Totally, I mean… I lost my entire Ninja clan to a bus accident, and I just kept the clan, going by myself for a while, you know?”

“Whoa, that sucks…” Becky replied.

Dave shrugged. “Like I said, I guess I kinda got over it.”

“Yeah…” Becky said. “I lost my best friend to a barber duel he wasn’t even competing in… I mean… this girl needs, uh…”

“Relationship counseling?” Dave suggested with a smirk.

Becky giggled. “Hehehe… totally…”

“… just going through the motions! Day in and day out until you’ve convinced yourself you’re over it, when REALLY, it still eats you up inside! Amber regained her focus enough to stare at Dan and Pinkie. “IS THAT WHAT YOU TWO WANT?!

Dan and Pinkie exchanged quick, worried glances then looked back at Amber. “Na… no…” they stammered out.

GOOD!” Amber took a number short, shallow breaths as she looked around her. “Huff-puff-huff-puff…” her face flushed crimson as she noticed the surprised faces staring back at her. “Uh… would you all… excuse me a second?” Amber asked before she dove behind her desk, grabbed her stress relief kit with an orange cross on it and bolting out of the classroom.

A brief, uncomfortable silence descended upon the group before Dan and Pinkie turned towards Elise.

“Uh… Elise?” Pinkie said. “I think our couple's counselor has couples issues…” Pinkie paused and thought about this. “…Or ex-couple issues, even.”

“Yeah, way to go, Elise!” Dan said in a chastising tone. “I mean… she had anger issues as an anger management counselor, and it seems she has relationship issues as a couple’s counselor! You brought us to the most screwed up social worker in existence.”

“Hey! I had good reason to choose Amber!” Elise insisted.

Dan rolled his eyes. “A previous history of violent behavior that might manifest in strange, yet entertaining ways?”

“Sounds like a good reason to me,” Becky said with a smile.

Dave chuckled. “Totally.”

“Well, sort of,” Elise replied. “I mean… she went out on vengeance runs with you and attacked Chris with a hedge trimmer. Signed documents aside, I figured there was no way she’d ever go to the police with anything given we already have plenty of dirt on her.”

Dan paused. “Wait… you figured we could extort her to keep her quiet in case Pinkie did something like write out in specific details some of our crimes or thrash her?”

“Well… that and to a much lesser extent, you, but yeah,” Elise replied.

“Nice work, Elise!” Pinkie said. “We’re so lucky to have such a smart friend like you!”

“Uh, thanks…” Elise said with a grin, happy to have Pinkie say something encouraging again.

“Elise,” Dan began, “I know I don’t often say this… In fact, I pretty much never say this, but good thinking.”

“Why thank you, Dan,” Elise said earnestly.

Dan smiled. “Without any legal leverage over us, we’re free to torment Amber until she’s sick of us.”

A series of incomprehensible rage screams erupted from elsewhere in the school. “GRAHDAAMNITRRRAGHBASTRRRRRAAAAGHFUUURACKINGRAAAAAAAAAH!

Dan frowned. “When she’s less likely to attack us with gardening equipment,” he qualified.

“See guys!” Chris said. “Elise knows what’s she’s doing.”

Pinkie wasted no time chiming in. “Well… apart from the part where Elise now has to deal with her own couple’s issues.”

Elise winced and sighed out a “Yeah… I guess it’s only right I sort out my own issues… It’s not really fair I dragged you all here thinking I didn’t have anything to work out…”

Chris smiled and leaned over his desk wrapping his arm around his wife. “That’s great, honey! I’m so glad you’re finally considering your own actions.”

Elise smiled sheepishly. “In hindsight some of them were pretty bad.”

“SOME?!” Dan exclaimed.

Daaaaaaan,” Pinkie said in a chastising tone, “Elise just had a breakthrough. You don’t need to tease her so much…”

“You have been harping on her an awful lot,” Becky said.

“Oh, alright…” Dan said sullenly. “I guess if Elise finally accepts she has to suffer through this with the rest of us I’ll leave her alone… for a little bit…”

Pinkie unwrapped one of her arms from around Dan and tapped an index finger against her cheek. “Wait… since when could Dan play an instrument…?”

“And my best friend’s attitude is improving!” Chris said happily. “I think everything is going to turn out, okay…’


Chris frowned. “Assuming Amber doesn’t come at us with anything gas-powered.”

“Oooo! Oooo! Like a stick!” Pinkie suggested.

“… Uh…sure… Like a gas-powered stick…” Chris replied.

Dan looked past the woman on his lap to look at Chris. “Chris, don’t encourage her. She already feels she has free license to say whatever weird thing that crosses her mind as it is.”

“Awww,” Pinkie uttered, “but I like encourageme—”

Attempting to look calm and collected despite her bright red face, Amber walked back into the room.

EEEP!” Pinkie cried as she practically dove out of Dan’s lap and zoomed back into hers. Pinkie folded her hands neatly and looked up at Amber with innocent eyes.

“Uhh…” Amber uttered in a slightly embarrassed tone. “Where was I?”

Pinkie spoke up, “You were saying Dan and I should try spending a little time away from each other! Which we totally agree on!”

“Oh…” A small smile appeared on Amber’s face. “You do? You’re afraid you’ll end up smothering one another?”

Pinkie and Dan exchanged a quick glance and looked back at Amber.

“Not exactly,” Dan said.

“Oh?” Amber replied with a mildly confused tone. “Then why—?”

Pinkie spoke up again, “We’re deathly afraid that either of us might start to think snukikins is a pet name we should be using.”

“What?” Amber asked flatly.

“Yeah…” Dan replied. “I mean... I think I’d have to throw Pinkie through a closed window if she started calling me that.”

Pinkie nodded. “And he’d be right to do it!”

Amber sighed. Well, beggars can’t be choosers. “Alright, well… if you two are convinced”—she turned to Chris and Elise—“I guess I should talk to the other couple.”

“Uhh, I already accepted I have some stuff to work on…” Elise said.

“She did!” Pinkie cried. “She totally did!”

Amber nodded. “And that’s good, but do you understand what exactly it is you need to work on?”

“… Not subject my husband to physical injury or put him in harm’s way?” Elise suggested hopefully.

“Well, that’s part of it…” Amber returned to her desk and grabbed one of the questionnaires. “Chris, your questionnaire was almost completely normal as far as I can tell.”

“Uh… almost?” Chris said hesitantly.

Amber nodded. “I noted you seem to be a little too easy to manipulate by both Dan and your wife.”

“Well… they both get so angry if I don’t do what they say, you see…” Chris said.

Amber smiled. “Well, I can help you learn to stand up for yourself.” She glanced over letting her eye sit a bit on Elise, then Dan. “And help these two learn to maybe not meddle so much with your life.”

“Hey!” Dan protested. “I thought this was couple’s therapy! Not ‘best friend’s’ therapy!”

Amber focused her attention on Dan, “I think you’ll find maintaining multiple healthy relationships will ultimately result in more general fulfillment in your life.”

Dan rolled his eyes. “I’ve already got all the fulfilment I need! You’re trying to make me ask permission before I enlist my minion on my tasks for the betterment of human, Pinkie, and Dankind…! Especially the last two.”

Pinkie chuckled. “Heheheerm… Hey Chris,” Pinkie said softly, “I need you to pick me up so we can burn down the ventriloquist convention… uh… if that’s okay with you, that is.”

“Whoa,” Dan replied. “I just got chills down my spine. That sounded like Fluttershy was actually in the room.”

Pinkie grinned wide. “I happen to be an expert at mimicking Fluttershy,” she declared as she held a hand out and motioned to herself.

“I’ll say,” Dan replied. “If I had my eyes closed, I don’t think I’d even be able to tell the difference between you two if you talked like that.”

“MOVING ON!” Amber said forcefully. She turned back to Chris. “The other issue is your unhealthy obsession with eating.” Amber once again let her gaze drift between Elise and Dan. “Which I believe is being fueled by some external sources.”

Dan rolled his eyes as Elise winced.

Amber took a look at the questionnaire again. “However, the thing that concerns me the most about your questionnaire is someone”—Amber shot a glare at Elise—“seems to have gotten a hold of it to scribble out certain parts and write ‘classified’ all over it.”

“Uh, I can explain that,” Elise said. “You see… there’s parts of my job that are rather sensitive that sometimes encroach on our personal lives, and I can’t really let you see those, so…”

Amber rolled her one, visible eye and folded her arms across her chest. “Let me guess, if you told me you’d have to kill me?”

“Well, or have your memory erased,” Elise said with a shrug. “It just depends on what’s easier to do…”

Amber gave out an exasperated sigh as she began to speak, “See, this is part of the problem! You let your work life get into your personal life—”

“Well, I’ve been working on that…” Elise said sheepishly.

“—AND you practically exert complete control over your husband’s life whenever it suits your fancy!”

“What?!” Elise protested. “That’s not true! I allow my husband to do all kinds of crazy things.”

The group collectively grimaced.

“Ouch,” Becky muttered. “I think Elise just sprinted into a minefield.”

“Yeah, then started jump roping,” Ninja Dave added.

“What?” Elise asked as she realized everyone was staring at her.

“Uh… Elise?” Pinkie said tentatively. “Maaaybe you should have thought about the words you were using a little bit before you spoke up.”

“What? Crazy?!” Elise cried. “Because you three—”

Pinkie shook her head. “No, not that one…”

“Uh…” Elise stopped and started glancing at the ceiling as she remembered what she said. Her eyes went wide as her lips pursed into a tight frown. “… Allow?” she suggested meekly.

Pinkie nodded. “That’s the one!”

“Okay, yeah… that sounds pretty bad...” Elise admitted.

Amber held up Elise’s questionnaire. “Your questionnaire and the notepad you filled out are full of examples of times you’ve allowed Chris to do something, sometimes simply because he’s getting on your nerves, it seems like…”

“Well… more Dan in those cases… but…”

But?” Amber asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“Alright, I can see how that could be an issue for Chris.” She leaned her elbow on the desk and front of her then rested her chin on her palm. “I can’t believe I’ve turned into my parents,” she mumbled out.

Amber smiled and walked over to Elise. She rested a comforting hand on Elise’s shoulder. “Well, now that you see you have a problem, there’s plenty you can do about it.”

Elise nodded and turned to Chris. “How about you and I go out? We can do whatever you want!”

“Really?!” Chris said his face lighting up.

Elise nodded. “Aaaa-nyeeee-thing,” she stressed.

“Even an all-you-can-eat buffet?!” Chris asked excitedly.

“Uh… actually,” Amber interrupted. “That kind of…”

Elise held up her hand, signifying quiet.

“Sure honey,” she said, still smiling. “Anything you want.”

“Yay!” Chris declared.

Dan gave out a bored sigh. “Can we go now?” he asked.

Amber nodded. “I think that’s plenty of progress for today. I do want to see you all for group therapy, however.”

“Oooo! Sounds fun!” Pinkie declared.

Dan rolled his eyes. “Yeah, like 'getting a root canal on all your teeth' fun.”

Dave raised his hand. “Uh, does that include us two?”

Amber scowled out at Dave with her one visible eye. “I think you two have done plenty of moral support. I can take it from here.”

“Awww man,” Becky said in a disappointed tone.

“Yeah, bummer,” Dave agreed. “Oh well, at least we have dinner.”

Becky rolled her eyes and smiled. “Yeah, yeah… I haven’t forgotten.”

Dave sighed.

Becky pursed her lips in a concerned frown. “What?”

“Hi, Pinkie…” Dave said.

Becky turned to see Pinkie once again perched on a desk a few feet away from her and Dave. The pink haired girl was smiling away.

Becky rolled her eyes. “Hi Pinkie.”

“Pinkie!” Dan called out. “Let’s go and get this 'spending time away from each other so we don’t resort to horrible pet names' stuff done.”

“Okie-dokie-lokie!” Pinkie said cheerfully as she bounded towards Dan.

The group quickly made their way outside and said their goodbyes.

“Bye-byeeee!” Pinkie waved called as Chris and Elise’s car sped off.

“So, Goofball…” Dan began as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small notepad and flipped a few pages. “You want the grand reopening of Lenny’s or the pet shop?”

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