• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 35,502 Views, 9,850 Comments

The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 15 Pinkamena Vs. Dan*: Chapter 139 Pinkie Vs. Wolf-Man

Author's Note:

Some lyrics in this one, too. Just finishing up the song from last time. Lyrics version here.

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 15 Pinkamena Vs. Dan*

Chapter 139 Pinkie Vs. Wolf-Man


“What do we do?!” D.H. cried as their van got closer to the vehicles in front of them, vehicles that were slowly coming to a stop. “Those androids are going to capture us if we stop, and we probably can’t fight off what’s left still…”

From the back of the van, the E.D.G. hummed once more before releasing another bolt of energy.



This time a tan-skinned android with a goatee took the blast, and with a pop and a hiss, his chest expanded before the android fell to the ground.


“Uh… dudes?” Crunchy said in a worried tone. “They’re getting really close…”

The Doctor scanned the outside briefly. “Crunchy, sit down and buckle up. This might get a little rough…”

“What about the doors, brah?!” Crunchy asked as androids began to run closer and closer to the open back doors of the van.

“Leave them!” The Doctor cried. “They should close on their own in a second here.”

Crunchy got up and made his way back to the seat next to Dinky.

“‘On their own?!’ D.H. said in alarm. “You’re not going to try what I think you’re going to try, are you?”

The Doctor grinned. “Hold on to your seat, dearest.” He glanced back and added. “You too, Dinky.”

D.H. sighed.

Dinky threw up her hands excitedly. “Wheeee! Here comes the fun part!”

“Fun part?” Crunchy asked as he rested the E.D.G. on his lap.

“Just hold on!” The Doctor shouted. He suddenly slammed his foot on the brake. The back doors banged shut as the van’s wheels suddenly locked and everyone was jerked back into their seats as tires screeched against the concrete below them.






The sound of metal hitting metal from outside accompanied a few vaguely human-shaped dents on the back of the van. Androids passed the van as they tried to slow their speed to stay with the vehicle that had come to an abrupt stop.

The Doctor suddenly hit the accelerator and pulled the van onto the sidewalk, honking his horn as he began to drive the large metal vehicle onward.

Dinky threw up her arms and continued to squeal in delight. “Wheeeeeeee!

Crunchy ducked down and covered his head with his hands.

I haAaAaAaAaAaAte when you do this!” D.H. cried as the vehicle jostled around her.

“Desperate times, dearest!” The Doctor said. He pointed forward. “Don’t worry, we’ll be off the sidewalk soon.”

D.H. looked forward towards where the Doctor was pointing. “To the train station?” she cried. “Are you sure?”

“It should give us many more places to hide than a random store or restaurant!” the Doctor retorted. “Plus, potentially more weapons to fight them with.”

D.H. cocked an eyebrow. “Weapons?”

The Doctor smirked. “They seem to have trouble with large metal pipes to the head.”


Moonlight shone through the few windows of the otherwise dimly lit warehouse. The wolf-man’s fur seemed to almost glow from the light outside. Pinkie’s metal blades glinted as they also caught some of the moonlight.

In his wolf-man form, Dan* was easily several feet taller than Pinkie, however she showed no sign of fear or concern over the sudden change in events. In a blur of pink and black, Pinkie lunged forward and extended her chef’s knife in front of her. Though Dan* moved with an inhuman speed, Pinkie was quicker and slipped past razor sharp claws.

With a sickening sound of flesh being cut, Pinkie buried her knife into Dan*’s furry neck.

“Pinkie!” Chris cried. “We still need him alive!”

Elise frowned. “I don’t think that’ll do it.”
Despite the eight inches of steel that had just been shoved into his neck, Dan*’s lips were still pulled up in what looked like a malevolent smile made even worse by his massive set of teeth. A dark, throaty, gurgling sound reminiscent of laughter leaked out from between his clenched jaw.
Pinkie slowly removed her knife and lowered herself off her tip-toes as she scowled up at the half-man, half-wolf creature that towered over her.
She looked at the bloody knife, then up at the wound she had inflicted. The wound was already starting to close and Dan* continued his dark, animal laughter as the gurgling started to lessen.
Pinkie suddenly leapt up and slashed out with her straight razor.

Dan* howled in pain as one of his triangular ears fell to the ground.
Pinkie grinned. “Ouch! Sliced off ear. I hear that’s painful…”
In a brown flash, Dan* backhanded Pinkie with his massive paw and sent her flying.



The table and boom box splintered and fell apart into a mix of wood, metal, and plastic as Pinkie collided with both.

“PINKIE!” Elise called out.

“I’m okay!” Pinkie said as she looked up out of the wreckage. “I’m just really ticked off!” Pinkie grabbed the length of rope which had fallen on top of her and smiled wickedly.

Dan* began to advance upon Pinkie, a constant inhuman growl escaping from him as he bared his teeth.

Elise reached into her coat and pulled out a massive revolver.

Chris cocked an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you came prepared with silver bullets.”

Elise shook her head and raised the gun up in front of her face as she aimed it at Dan*. “No, but this will come in handy regardless. Cover your ears.” She glanced at Jean. “You too, Jean.”

Chris and Jean complied.

Elise pulled the trigger. With a flash from the barrel, the gun jerked upward as the deafening sound of the shot echoed through the warehouse.

Dan* jerked slightly as the bullet struck him. He focused his attention on Elise. His eyes narrowed as his ear perked forward and the healing nub of his other ear twitched. He opened his lips into an animal like sneer and growled.

“Elise!” Pinkie cried as she picked herself up, rope in hand. “What are you doing?! He’s mine!”

“Would you calm down?!” Elise cried. “This isn’t some grudge match! HE’S TRYING TO KILL US ALL!”

Elise took aim and fired again.

And again.





After the sixth round was fired, Elise placed her weapon back inside her jacket.

Though sporting six fresh chest wounds, Dan*’s sneer turned upwards into a sinister looking smile as he continued to bare his massive, sharp teeth.

A length of thick rope suddenly fell in front of Dan* and was pulled taut, pinning his arms to his sides. He began to turn his head to look behind him, but Pinkie was already on the move. In a black-and-pink flash she ran circles around the massive wolf-man.

Dan* teetered slightly then hit the floor with a loud ‘Womp!’, finding himself entangled in several dozen feet of rope.

Pinkie brushed the palms of her hands against each other as she looked down at Dan* with a satisfied expression. “I’d love to keep playing, but looks like you’re all tied up.”

Chris chuckled. “He’s certainly knot going anywhere…”

Elise sighed. “Chris, can we save the bad puns for when the wolf-man isn’t breaking free?”

With an angered expression on his face, Dan* struggled against the rope, shifting his limbs and flexing his powerful muscles against the tight constraints. The threads began to fray and snap.

“Well this won’t do!” Pinkie said.

“I think I can help!” Jean said as he reached into his lab-coat and pulled out a small device that had a handle, a trigger, and a nozzle on the front. Jean reached into his coat again and pulled out a small vial of a light-blue liquid that he loaded into a small hole in the back of the device. He aimed the device at Dan*’s face and pulled the trigger. A jet of light blue liquid shot out and hit Dan* on his muzzle. He shook his head and continued to squirm and flex against his bonds, but his efforts suddenly became less focused and he began to squirm on the floor almost aimlessly.

“What was that?” Chris asked.

Jean smiled. “It’s a chemical compound I designed to incapacitate animals. I had no idea if it would work on something that was also half-human…” Jean stared at Dan* with a somewhat detached look, as if observing something through a monitor. “Fascinating…”

“Just as long as it’ll keep him busy…” Pinkie said. She ran over to the pile of debris where the table once stood and fetched the gas can.

Elise smacked a palm against her head. “Pinkie, what are you doing?”

“Isn’t it obvious?!” Pinkie said as she unscrewed the lid to the gas can and approached Dan*. “I’m going to set him on fire, d’uh!”

The warehouse reeked of the scent of gasoline as Pinkie began pouring the contents of the gas can onto Dan*. Dan*’s somewhat aimless squirming suddenly became more frantic and slightly more focused as the liquid was poured over him.

“Will that kill him?!” Chris exclaimed.

Elise turned to Chris. “Are you asking me? You and Dan are the ones who’ve seen the most terrible movies!”

Chris’s eyelids dropped slightly as he stared at his wife. “It’s not like they’re documentaries. I mean… it might kill him, or we might just have to fight a werewolf that’s also on fire!”

Elise turned back towards Pinkie. “Well, either way, this seems like a bad idea.”

As the last bits of gas poured out of the gas can, there was a sudden ‘snap!’ as the rope finally gave way to the mass of werewolf muscle. Dan* quickly swatted upwards at Pinkie.


The blow caught Pinkie in the midsection and sent her flying across the warehouse once more.


Pinkie’s back collided with the wall and fell into her hands and knees. She looked up just as her eyes began to twitch and her teeth ground together. “Gettin’ real tired of that,” she said as she shook her head and crawled towards the debris of wood, metal, and plastic.

Dan* woozily stood up to his feet and growled once more as gasoline dripped from his fur. Pinkie glared up at him as she began running a hand through the remains of the table and boom box.

Dan* began to open his jaws as he approached Pinkie, his growling increasing in volume.

Elise reached into her jacket and pulled out a small throwing knife. She took careful aim, then let it fly.


With another howl of pain, Dan* crossed his eyes and stared at the small blade as it stuck out of his snout. With a flick of his claw, the flung the knife off to some far corner of the warehouse, then turned towards Elise. Dan*’s toothy, devilish grin returned.

Elise reached into her jacket again, this time pulling out an assault rifle which looked to have a grenade launcher attached below the barrel.

Dan*’s wicked smile and ears dropped as he stared at the weapon in concern.

Elise opened fire.


Dan* howled in pain once more as bullets poured from the rifle and into his body. He suddenly dropped to all fours and bolted for an exit. He lowered his head as he smashed into a door of the warehouse. Wooden splinters flew everywhere as Dan* disappeared into the night.


“WHAT THE HECK?!” Pinkie snapped as she rose to her feet and stared out the door Dan* had just broken. She turned towards Elise. “I almost had him!” Pinkie held up the silver lighter.

Elise rolled her eyes and lowered her rifle. “You’re welcome…”

“I’m ‘welcome’!? I’M WELCOME’!?” Pinkie exclaimed, her voice getting increasingly shrill as she trudged up to Elise. “HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET REVENGE FOR DAN NOW THAT WE’VE SCARED OFF HIS KIDNAPPER!?” Pinkie practically screamed as she motioned to the broken door.

“PINKIE!” Elise snapped. “I know you’re upset that Dan has been kidnapped and that you were almost maimed in a TV explosion, but you need to calm down and start thinking straight… ish…

Pinkie narrowed her eyes. “What I need is to track down that wolf-man and make him wish he never so much as thought of messing with Dan and me!”

Chris’s eyes darted back and forth between the two women as they silently watched with pensive expressions. Jean’s expression was much calmer, watching with a somewhat blank expression on his face, almost as if he wasn’t in the same room as the two quarrelling women.

Elise continued, “Well, you’re running us all ragged and don’t seem to care if you’re playing right into Dan’s look-alike hands… paws… whatever!” Elise cried. “We can barely keep up with you!”


Chris stared down at his suit and continued to shift awkwardly.

“Believe it or not, I am being serious!” Elise retorted as she motioned to herself. “So much that I’m trying to make sure you don’t do something you’ll regret!”


Elise shook her head. “Oh, I sincerely doubt that.”

Excuuuuse me!?

Elise flung her hands to her sides. “Well, assuming you succeed and got him before he got you, you still would have just killed him!”

“THAT WAS THE BASIC IDEA!!” Pinkie snapped.


Pinkie’s eyes widened and her angry expression suddenly departed from her features as if it remembered it was late for something. “Oh… I keep forgetting we’d need him alive to question him…”

Chris sighed. “Yeah… You’d think that was obvious… Especially after I kind of already mentioned it…”

Jean shrugged. “Well… I mean if we get his brain out fast enough, I’m sure with the right equipment…”

Elise shot Jean a look. “Not helping.”

“Right, sorry…” Jean said.

“I’m sorry, too…”

The group turned and looked at Pinkie.

Elise shook her head. “It’s alright Pinkie…”

“No it’s not!” Pinkie cried. “I’m just so, so mad and scared, even! And it’s making it even harder to think! It’s just so hard and terrible living here sometimes, and Dan can make it all better! He makes it worth it!” Tears began to stream from Pinkie’s eyes. “It’s just… hic… hheeehh… HOW CAN SOMEONE TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!?” Pinkie suddenly threw her arms around Elise. “I’m so, so sorry! I just… hic… hhhehhh… I don’t know what I’d do without him! WHOUAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAHAAAAAA! And now… hic… AND NOW THE ONLY WAY WE HAVE OF FINDING HIM IS GONE! WHOUAAAAHOUAAAAAHOUAAAAHOUAAAAAAHOUAAAAHOUAAAAAA…!

Elise gently placed her arms around Pinkie. “Shhhh…. It’s alright Pinkie… We’ll find him…”


Elise shook her head. “No… I mean… We’ll find the wolf-man, because he’s got half a dozen tracking devices lodged in his torso.”

“…HOUAAAAHOUAAAAAAHOUAAAA… Come again?Pinkie said as she broke her embrace with Elise and took a couple steps back.

Elise pulled out her revolver and held it up. “This fires tracking bullets that can bury themselves in metal if need be, so we can find him.”

“Wow! Brilliant thinking, Elise!” Jean said.

Uh, yeah… Quick thinking, beautiful,” Chris said.

“So we can still find Dan!” Pinkie said excitedly. “Let’s go!”

Elise shook her head. “Just a second. We can’t just go face down a werewolf with the weapons we have!”

Pinkie puffed out her lower lip.

Chris put a comforting hand on Pinkie’s shoulder. “Come on Pinkie. I’m sure we can just pop back into your and Dan’s apartment and grab some silvered weapons or even heat up the oven and silver coat something else, if we need to.”

Jean turned to Chris and cocked an eyebrow. “You really think you can melt silver with an oven?”

Chris shrugged. “Dan’s done it at least twice… I mean… as ‘farfetched things that Dan has done’ goes, that one is actually not that strange.”

Huh...” Jean uttered. “Well, he’s definitely resourceful.”

Pinkie ran her lengthy tongue under her eyes and dried her tears… somehow. “You’re right Chris! We can’t just rush evil-wolf-Dan without a plan! We need to load up on silver weapons and launch a proper rescue attempt! One where we find Dan and then kill his evil-sorta double!”

Elise breathed a sigh of relief and rested a hand on Pinkie’s free shoulder. “Now that is a sensible plan.”

Chris cocked an eyebrow at Elise. “Still involves murder.”

Elise shrugged. “I’m just going to take what I get at this point.”

Buzzz… buzzzz…

Chris jumped slightly as he felt a vibration from his coat pocket. The group turned and looked at him as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

“It’s a text from Crunchy…” Chris said as he stared at the phone.

Pinkie frowned. “Oh right… ” She turned and gave Elise a concerned look. “What do we do? We can’t just abandon them, but Dan’s still in trouble!”

Chris continued to stare at his phone. “He says he’s still trying to escape the Androids with D.H. and her family… at the train station…”

Pinkie shot Chris a concerned look. “Her entire family? Like… husband and daughter?!”

Chris scanned the message again. “I don’t know… But I mean… Why else would Crunchy text that unless that was the case?”

Pinkie lowered her head and slumped her shoulders. “Well… I mean… I guess we definitely need to help now…”

Elise reached into her jacket and pulled out a thin, rectangular device. She pressed a button and a screen lit up on it composed of squares, lines, and a bright red dot that was moving across it. “Maybe we can split up… You and Chris can get some silver ready and go rescue Dan while Jean and I deal with these androids.”

Pinkie looked up and smiled. “You mean it?!”

Jean also smiled. “Sounds like a good idea to me.”

Chris frowned. “You and Jean…?”

“Sure!” Elise said excitedly. “I mean… I’d love to pick his brain about that compound he used on the wolf-man! Plus, you and Pinkie are have lots of experience pulling Dan out of trouble.”

Chris sighed heavily. “Riiiiight… and it’s not like I did anything to help here…” Chris bemoaned.

Elise wrinkled her brow slightly and shot Chris a somewhat confused glance.

Buzzz… buzzzz…

Chris looked at his phone again. “It’s from Ninja Dave… He says he and Becky are near the train station and are on their way to help.”

Pinkie turned towards Elise with a slightly pleading look. “Do you think they’d be enough to help them?”

Elise smiled. “Ninja Dave is a trained warrior and Becky’s at least dealt with vampires before… I’m sure they’re enough to help Crunchy, D.H., and her family.”

Pinkie’s face lit up. “So we can all go wolf-man hunting! Hurray!”

“Wait…” Chris said. “What if this is still what he wants?”

Elise raised an eyebrow. “You think he planned getting shot with a tracking device or six?”

“Well no…” Chris said. “But he at least managed to get those gym-androids working again. I mean… there could be a bunch of them waiting for us. Or something else, even…”

Elise scrunched her lips up to one side of her mouth. “That’s true… I mean… He must have at least prepared for just about everyone who works at the bakery in addition to us in some capacity or another… We could still be walking into a trap…”

“But… but… Daaaaaaaan~!” Pinkie protested.

“Don’t worry…” Elise assured. “Well get him… but maybe we need to do something he wouldn’t expect… Bring in one or more people to help he hasn’t prepared for…” Elise mused.

“Okay, but who?” Chris asked. “You don’t mean…”—Chris glanced at Jean briefly, then back to Elise— “someone from your work, do you?”

Elise shook her head. “I think it’s best I don’t mix my professional and personal life here…” Elise scrunched her forehead and frowned slightly. “But I’m sure I can come up with someone unexpected…”

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