• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 8 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Ordinary Week: Chapter 62: Dan & Pinkie Vs. Tunnels

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 8 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Ordinary Week

Chapter 62: Dan & Pinkie Vs. Tunnels


“This wasn’t as exciting as I thought it would be…” Dave muttered as the group trudged through an underground tunnel. The walls were round and covered with smooth bumps, almost as if the caverns had been slowly eroded away rather than dug.

“Oh, there you go with that negativity again!” Dan replied in a slightly angry, rather irate tone. “It’s always ‘Why am I dressed like a nun?’ or ‘Stop force feeding that man playing cards!’ or ‘We already broke into the library, why are you throwing bricks through the rest of the windows?’” He said, staring up at the tunnel walls as he flung his hands out back and forth.

“Dan’s blatantly illegal activities aside, you have been a bit of a buzz-kill, dude.” Becky commented. “I mean, on the bright side, the tunnel walls are all lined with LED torches for some inexplicable reason.” She said motioning out to the tunnel walls which were, in fact, lined with lamps made to resemble torches that each glowed dimly with a small LED light.

Pinkie giggled. “Hehe, bright side…”

“Well, if there’s a fairy or other creatures who don’t see well in the dark, you wouldn’t exactly want to line the walls with fire. I mean, given that it’s one of the few things that can kill a vampire.” Dan reasoned.

“Oh, good point!” Becky replied. “Wait, fairy?”

“Dan and I licked glitter until we figured out the vampire’s where in league with a fairy or faeries!” Pinkie informed happily.

“Uh, right…of course…” Becky replied as she shot Pinkie a weary look.

“So, speaking of flagrantly illegal activities,” Dave began, “why are you so totally blasé about all this?” He asked Becky.

“My dad’s a barber, which I guess mean’s he’s also part of a secret society that occasionally kills people.” Becky answers.

“Or fails to kill people if they lose a haircut challenge!” Dan stated with a grin.

Becky shot Dan a quick glare and continued, “So, I can deal with a little property damage and assault.” Beck paused, “…You?” She asked Dave.

“Well, I was a ninja before I came baker…so breaking and entering and murdering people from the shadows was sorta my thing.” Dave replied.

“Or failing to murder people when you have lactose free milk thrown at you!” Dan stated with another grin.

Dave also shot Dan a glare.

“You’re an ex-ninja?!” Becky exclaimed. “Dude, that is so cool!

Dave’s face brightened a bit at the compliment.

“And I don’t mind so much,” Pinkie interjected cheerfully, “because your world, and all its painful horribleness, has slowly crushed my resolve until much of my moral framework is a shattered, burning husk of its former self! Wheeeeeee!”

Dave and Becky turned to Pinkie with a collective look of concern.

“Aww, ain’t she adorable?” Dan asked, as he affectionately pinched Pinkie’s cheek.

“Swee Ninja Dwave,” Pinkie began as Dan continued to pull on her cheek, “Iwf I can mwaintwain a haffy, goo lucky attitwude dispwite soul crushing hwardshifps, I bwet you’ll fwind thwings awren’t swo bwad!” Pinkie giggled and playfully swatted Dan’s hand away from her face.

Dave sighed. “Sorry, I just thought hunting vampire would mean more, you know…killing vampires.”

“Don’t worry, Davey!” Pinkie said. “I bet the vampires are just shy!” Pinkie looked down the long, dim tunnel and called out, “Olly-olly-oxen-free!

She listened and grinned as her echo bounced off the walls down the tunnel. “Echo!” She called, once again listening to the sounds of her own voice in the cavern.

“Pinkie, stop trying to make nice with the vampires we haven’t met yet and are going to kill!” Dan demanded.

“Maybe we don’t have to kill them! I mean, we didn’t exactly have to beat up those people playing dress up…” Pinkie said with a touch of remorse. Maybe we can make friends with them and just ask for our system back!” Pinkie suggested cheerfully.

“Well that’s totally no fun.” Dave said.

“Yeah, I’m with Ninja Dave with this.” Becky said.



“Pinkie, do you remember the last time you tried to make friend with a bloodthirsty, supernatural beast?” Dan asked an in irritated tone.

“Okay, well…that was painful and dumb.” Pinkie admitted. “But just because one supernatural creature with an insatiably hunger for human flesh and or fluids was mean and nasty doesn’t mean they all are!”

“Pinkie, if you didn’t come here to kill vampires,” Becky began, “why’d you show up with silver bullets and give me a gun that shoots holy water and another that shoots silver pellets?”

“Don’t forget my shiny, silver plated katana, you guys gave me.” Dave added, holding up his sword and pulling it out of the scabbard slightly causing the bright metal to glint a bit in the dim light.

“Well, I figure all our weapons are like condoms: I’d rather have them and not need them the not have them and find out I don’t have my ultra-super emergency balloon supply!” Pinkie replied.

“I…what?” Becky asked as her face contorted in confusion.

Dan quickly motioned out with his hands in a ‘No! Stop!’ fashion. “Don’t get her started! She’s made a game of buying things she’s never seen before and finding uses from them.” He explained. “Seeing spaghetti strained with an athletic cup? Really, really weird…” He said as he trailed off.

Dave turned to Becky. “Have you figured out when they’re joking or not yet?”

Becky turned to Dave. “It’s starting to dawn on me that maybe they’re never joking.”

Dave shuttered slightly. “There’s a thought…”

“Come on, Dan! We can at least try being friendly!” Pinkie insisted. “What’s the worst that can happen?”

“You mean besides having our bodies drained of fluids or being turned into an undead servant of the night?” Dan suggested.

Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Oh sure, you bring that up!”

Dan sighed. “Pinkie, I love you, but you can’t go through life as an optimistic jelly-fish.” Dan paused. “How was that?”

“Uh…I’d give it a seven.” Pinkie replied with a shrug.

“Look! If we keep searching, and don’t do anything stupid like split up, or touch strange things, or sing a dumb song about making friends with vampires…”

Pinkie immediately depleted the area in front of her mouth of oxygen. “That’s a great idea…”

Dan smacked a palm against his face and sighed. “Really, it’s my fault for letting her outside…” He muttered to himself.

“Oooooooh! When you’re searching for the undead”

“And you’re decked out in some new threads”

“Don’t be afraid to make some new friends”

“Instead of setting out to evil cleanse!”

“Though these tunnels are very long”

“and they say making vampire friends is wrong”

“just keep an open mind”

“and I’m sure that you will find”

“that monsters can be quite nice”

“and you can make them think twice”

“About sucking on your neck”

“So I say, hey now what the heck?”

“Let’s do a little dance”

“and give friendship a chance!”

“You can hang out with some vampires!”

“And sing songs at the campfire!”

“So let’s make amends”

“Then we’ll all be friends.”

“And no will have to die.”

“So come sing along with Pinkie Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee!”

Yeah!” Pinkie finished as she threw her gloved hands out and up.

“Meow!” Mr. Mumbles mewed cheerfully.


Pinkie turned her head from side to side, looked behind her, looked up, looked down, checked in her jacket, and took off her hat and peered inside.

Pinkie put her hat back on her head. “Dan? Becky? N.D? …Are we playing hide and seek in the tunnels now?” She called into the empty dimness of the underground cavern.

Hellllooooooooooo..?Pinkie shouted out.

Only Pinkie’s echo answered her in the dimness of the underground tunnels.

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