• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 15 Pinkamena Vs. Dan*: Chapter 141 Dinky Vs. Androids

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 15 Pinkamena Vs. Dan*

Chapter 141 Dinky Vs. Androids


A woman with short graying blond hair strolled by yards protected by iron fences and small dogs that yapped at her as she passed. Streetlights and the full moon above lit the sidewalk as she continued walking away from a large white RV. Despite the lateness of the night, the air was warm and she found her sleeveless green shirt worked well in the Southern California weather. The garment alone would have proven insufficient to hold back the chilly night air back at her home.

She had only gotten a few blocks away from the RV when she heard a melodic tone ring out. She reached into one of her blue jean pockets and pulled out a rectangular smartphone. Staring at it momentarily in disbelief, she pressed the screen and brought the device up to her ear.

“Junior!” Elise Sr. replied in a surprised tone. “What a coincidence. We were just in the area and we thought—”

“I know where you are…” Elise’s replied in a slightly cryptic tone. “Your location is something I keep a watchful eye on after that last incident.”

Elise Sr. pursed her lips slightly. “…Do ya mean the family cruise or when we were at the cabin?”

“Which one do you think came closer to messing up my life?”

Elise Sr. sighed. “The cabin then…”

“Bingo,” Elise replied. “However it’s convenient you brought up the family cruise incident.”

Elise Sr. paused for a moment. “… This isn’t a social call, is it?”

“No, it’s a business proposition.”

“Oh? Don’t tell me ya screwed up so bad you need your mom to bail you out of a jam instead of some government goons.”

“Hey!” Elise said in a protesting tone. “Work is going perfectly fine, thank-you-very-much. This isn’t about my job.”

“Then what?”

“Dan’s been kidnapped.”

Elise Sr. scrunched her brow. “… So you need me for what, exactly? Help bargaining his kidnappers up to a hefty amount they hand over so you’ll take him back?”

Elise sighed. “I wish, but Chris and Pinkie are pretty interested in Dan’s safe return and his kidnapper doesn’t want money…”

“Well, what do they want?”

“It seems he wants Dan and everyone he knows dead.”

Elise Sr. paused as she let this information sink in. “… Including Chris?”

Elise sighed. “He wants to kill me too, you know!”

Elise Sr. raised her free hand up defensively. “Alright, alright! I’m just… surprised you’d consider calling me for some extra muscle, Junior…”

“Don’t call me ‘Junior’!” Elise said in an irritated tone. “Anyhow, this guy knew we’d help on Dan’s behalf, he counted on it even. Looks like he’s gone to some lengths to make sure he can handle us, but there’s a few things he didn’t count on.”

“Oh? Such as?”

“Well, Pinkie going completely psychotic for one…”

“You’d think if he spent some time shadowing the girl he’d know…”

“Believe me, this is much worse than how she was at the cabin. We had the guy captured and Pinkie almost doused him in gasoline and set him on fire before she got any answers out of him.”

“Wait… Pinkie almost set him on fire?

Elise sighed. “Yep…”

Elise Sr. paused. “… She is crazier than I thought!”

“I know…”

“Who’d have thought the girl had the guts to turn someone into a roman candle! I can use more of that crazy… Hey, you don’t think—”

“Mom! You are not going to conscript Pinkie into the mob!”

“Fine, fine… Wait… You had him and he got away?! How’d you let that happen?”

Uh… He kinda turned into a werewolf,” Elise said.

Elise Sr. paused then sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “… The weird crud you kids get into…” she mumbled.

Anyhow, I’m guessing he doesn’t know your profession. With your help we can probably tip the scales in our favor.”

Elise Sr. snorted. “Do you think you could afford me on a government salary? Maybe we could make a deal…”

“Mom! I’m married! I don’t care that you and dad dragged Cody with you! I’m not interested in any of my exes!”

“… Cody? But how did…” Elise Sr. sighed and began to scan the area around her, looking high and low. “You’re spying on us right now, aren’cha?”

“Can you blame me?!” Elise cried. “You two tried to kill my husband last time! I’m not leaving anything to chance!”

“Now Junior, don’t be that way… I mean… there was a chance Chris would have survived.”

“In a hole in the ground in the middle of the frozen Canadian Wilderness?!”

“He had a huge plate of bacon!” Elise Sr. exclaimed as she flung her free hand out. “He could have rationed it long enough to survive!”

“Mom! You and I both know Chris would have scarfed it all in a single sitting!”

“… Yeah… That’s part of the reason why your father and I want you to meet up with Cody… I mean, the man has three PhDs…”

“I know what Cody’s education is! He only talks about it every chance he gets! Look, money isn’t a problem. I’m sure Pinkie can provide plenty for your services.”

“Well, not that I’m upset that you included me. But are things really that bad you’d ask for me help? Not gonna beat around the bushes here…”—Elise Sr. paused to prod some hedges with her feet—“… you must be rather desperate to call me after what Don and I did…”

“I’m not taking any chances…” Elise replied. “We at least know this guy has a team of androids heck-bent on world domination working with him. We could run into a bunch of them. Heck, Dan’s ticked off a lot of people! Who knows who else he’s got helping him out!”

Elise Sr. paused. “… Junior, you really should consider moving back to the east coast, or at least out of L.A. It sounds so weird over there.”

“Mom! I’m not moving, alright! Look, I’m really busy trying to save my husband’s best friend and best friend’s boyfriend tonight and not die in the process! Are you going to help or not?”

“What’s the rush? Wouldn’t it be better to wait until this guy wasn’t going wolf-man on us?”

“This guy spent at least a month putting this thing together and fortunately we’ve shown it wasn’t enough for him to account for everything. If we give him time to recover who knows what we’ll have to deal with… Also, I’m not sure how long we can all handle Pinkie the way she’s been acting for that long a time. I got her to see some reason over this whole thing, but she’s still angry. Who knows how bad things will get if this is dragged out.”

Elise Sr. paused again as she thought about this. “Alright, fine… I’ll do it on one condition.”

Elise sighed. “I’m not going to go on a date with Cody!”

Elise Sr. shook her head. “That’s alright, I just want you to talk to us again, Ju… Elise. I want us to be a family again…”

“Families don’t try to kill spouses of other family members, mom!”

“I know Elise… We…we crossed a line…”

“No mom! You and dad got on a speedboat and rode past the line, laughing the entire way! You didn’t even look back.”

“... Alright… I won’t push my luck that you need me for something but… Can you at least visit soon? At least for Ben’s sake? You can even bring Chris.”

“What? So you can have another attempt at having him ‘disappear’ so I fall for one of my egotistical exes?”

“We won’t try anything! I swear you won’t have to so much as talk to Don and I if we try something again.”

“… Promise?”

Elise Sr. smiled. “Cross my heart and hope to die…” She suddenly frowned and scanned the area again. “There’s not like… a gun pointed at me or anything at the moment, is there?”

“How long would it take you to get your suit and meet up with us?”

“I just need to come up with a quick excuse for the boys and put on the suit, it shouldn’t take long.”

“Good,” Elise said, “I’ll forward you the address of the warehouse we’ll be meeting at. I’ll have payment ready in cash.”

“… And after this is over, you’ll consider taking a trip to visit us and at least spend some time with us since we came all the way here?”

There was a long pause on the line. “… Fine!” Elise said begrudgingly. “But I’m mostly going to your place because I haven’t seen Ben in a while! And stop bringing my exes around! It’s weird…”

“Alright Junior. I’ll meet up with you for this job then we can discuss family ties later. See you soon.”

“Yeah… see you soon…” From a prone position amongst a few bushes, Elise shook her head as she pushed a button on the headset in her ear, sighed, and lowered her binoculars.

“Not on great terms with your parents, I take it?”

Elise looked down at the small compact mirror sitting on the ground next to her. From her library, Twilight Sparkle looked back at her with a slightly concerned look on her face.

Elise shook her head as she grabbed the compact mirror and stood up. She placed the binoculars into her black jacket and held the mirror in front of her. “She and my dad kind of tried to send Chris away to a distant country once and then almost got him killed once or twice…”

Twilight winced. “Geez… And I thought the questions regarding when I am going to have foals of my own were bad…”

Elise raised a hand to her head. “You’d think because they don’t like Chris I’d at least be spared from that, but no! They bug me about that, too!”

“So why’d you ask her to help?”

“Turns out mom and I are sort of on opposite sides of the law… We ended up going after the same target once while on a family cruise.”

Twilight winced. “That must have been an awkward revealing.”

Elise smiled. “Actually it was something of a nice bonding experience to find out my mom was on the FBI’s top most wanted. Anyhow… She wears a fully functional suit of power armor complete with a built-in arsenal. Should come in handy.”

Twilight shook her head. “Sounds like you don’t need me at all. I mean… It’s not like you don’t already have enough weapons of your own…” Twilight motioned out with a forehoof. “And I’m not sure I can generate a big enough blast without exploding either of these mirrors to make a difference…”

“Actually, if anything you might be able to help me keep Pinkie in check.”

Twilight frowned. “Is she really that bad?”

“You don’t want to know some of the stuff she’s done today.”

Twilight sighed. “I probably don’t…” She smiled again. “Alright, I’ll be on standby for Pinkie’s sake, if not anything else.”

Elise nodded. “Good, she needs all the support she can get at the moment. I hate to say it, but it seems that little maniac is vital to her happiness over here.”

Twilight sighed heavily. “Well, while since she’s still stuck over there, I guess we’ll just have to get him back…”


In the dim reflecting light of the railway car, Dinky held up a golf-ball-sized, chrome spherical object with little holes set evenly apart all over it. The object rattled slightly in her hand.

“Well, how about this one?” she asked as she handed the object to her mother.

D.H. frowned as she grabbed the sphere and shook it slightly. She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Too damaged… Unless you have a full workshop in that backpack that is…”

Dinky giggled. “Mom! I’m not carrying that much stuff!”

“If you say so…” D.H. said. She glanced about the interior of the railway car. A baby blue blanket was set flat on the floor of the car with pieces of the E.D.G. laying open on top of it. Its satellite dish attachment was set next to the currently hollow pipe that composed the outer shell of the device. The handle was still attached to the shell and the interior, which was comprised of about a dozen of the chrome spheres arranged in two lines slightly juxtaposed from each other on a black plank, was set next to the hollow pipe. One of the spheres was removed from its spot and sitting next to the exposed innards of the device.

D.H. was slightly more focused on the blanket and the other items that had come out of her daughter’s modestly sized backpack. In addition to the blanket, these included the large grey flashlight/lamp/radio, a red toolbox that was even bigger than the combination device that now provided light, and a mish-mash of electronic devices with wires leading between them attached to a large metal cone. A cord and plug led from the assortment of electronic items and into a plug socket of a device roughly the size and shape of a car battery.

D.H. looked over all the items and then at the blue backpack, which was set next to Dinky. “How did you fit all this stuff inside that thing?”

Dinky giggled. “Daddy gave it to me! It’s bigger on the inside than it looks…”

D.H. let out a small giggle. “Heh… I’m sure…”

Dinky pointed at the parts of the E.D.G. “Will it still work without a few mini-generators?”

D.H. nodded. “Yes, but it’ll be a little slower before it fires. Also we’ll need to move a couple of the spheres u—”

‘Crunch. Crunch.’

D.H. and Dinky went quiet and tensed as they head the sound of footsteps against the gravel outside. They both held perfectly still and glanced at the railcar door, glancing at the metal cone that was pointed right where the railcar would open.


Mother and daughter held their breath as the steps stopped right in front of the door.

The door began to shift.

Dinky suddenly dove for the mess of electronics and picked up a simple switch with a set of wires leading out of it and into the rest of the items.

“Don’t worry, momma…” Dinky said with a smirk. “I’ll cook the android’s face right off!”

Wait!” D.H. cried in a hushed tone. “What if it’s the Doctor or Crunchy?”

Dinky’s smile dropped and her finger hesitated as it hovered over the button.

The railway car door was suddenly thrown open revealing a muscled android with dark skin and a goatee. He stared up at D.H. with cold eyes and reached out for the mess of electronic devices in front of it.

“Watch out, Dinky!” D.H. cried. She suddenly dove for the tool box then threw it. It sailed through the air…


… and landed on the ground several feet from the android.

The android turned and stared at D.H.

Dinky hit the switch. The various electronic devices in front of her began to vibrate and hum. Suddenly the skin on the android’s face began to burn and flake away as sparks flew from its now exposed metal skull. It gritted its teeth as its head twitched violently. With a sudden twist of its neck, the android fell backwards. Gravel scattered about as the heavy mechanical body hit the ground.

“I got one!” Dinky said excitedly.

“We have to go!” D.H. cried as she reached for the flashlight. “There’s bound to be more.”


WHA!” D.H. and Dinky exclaimed. D.H. raised the flashlight as if she intended to chuck it at the sound of the voice.

“Whoa!” Becky threw her hands out in front of her to shield herself from a potential flashlight onslaught. “It’s cool! I’m here to help!”

D.H. sighed and slowly put the flashlight back down, relieved to see a friendly face...and someone dressed in the same outfit as her, for that matter.

Dinky giggled. “It’s not like momma has a great chance of hitting you anyways…”

D.H. turned to glower at her daughter. “Dinkuuuums…” she growled out in a warning tone.

“We got your message!” Becky said happily. She looked down at the fallen android at her feet. It continued to twitch a bit on the ground. “Though it looks like you’ve got a handle on things.” She adjusted the brown satchel that was slung across her chest and kneeled down. She placed the red toolbox upright and began placing tools back in it.

D.H. shook her head. “We got lucky. There’s a probably a few more of these androids looking for us.” She looked back up at Becky. “Is it just you?”

Becky stood up and placed the toolbox back in the railcar. “Ninja Dave is around. He’s investigating a fire we saw in the train yard.”

“I’m surprised he’d leave you alone,” D.H. said.

Becky shrugged. “It’s a Ninja thing… I’m not really the stealthy type.”

D.H. smiled. “Well, hopefully he finds my husband and Crunchy…”

Becky nodded at the various electronic devices spread across the railway car floor. “Looks like you guys are cooking up a secret weapon…”

“Repairing, more like,” D.H. said. She motioned to the pieces of her E.D.G. “My electronic discharge generator got banged up on the way over here. We’re trying to fix it.” She pointed at the other items. “And that’s…”

“That’s my HERF gun!” Dinky said excitedly.

“HERF gun?” Becky asked as she raised an eyebrow.

D.H. sighed. “Imagine if someone pulled apart a microwave and turned it into a weapon…”

Becky cringed. “Well I guess I know what happened to this android dude’s face…” She looked back up into the railway car. “So what’s the plan?”

D.H. pointed at the parts of her E.D.G. “We need to fix this. I don’t think any of us can do much against the androids up close—”

‘Crunch. Crunch.’

The girls tensed as they heard the sound of footsteps against gravel once more.

“Quick!” Becky said as she reached for the railway car door and began closing it.

“What are you doing?!” D.H. exclaimed in a hushed tone.

“I’ll distract them!” Becky said. “Just get that weapon ready!”

No sooner had Becky closed the railway car doors then two muscled androids jumped out from between two railway cars a couple cars away.

Becky looked over the two androids, a pale android with short brown hair and a handlebar moustache and a tan android with a close cropped beard and ponytail. She quickly unzipped her satchel and pulled out a loaded crossbow, raising it in front of her face.

“Hey! Over here!”

The androids paused as Becky took aim with her crossbow and fired.



A wooden crossbow bolt caught the pale android right between the eyes. The bolt splintered as the fake skin at the bridge of the android’s nose tore before the projectile fell to the ground at the android’s feet.

The two androids looked down at the now blunted stick on the ground, then narrowed their eyes as they looked back up at Becky.

Becky sighed. “It was worth a shot,” she muttered. She turned and sprinted down past railway cars as the androids began pursuit.


Chris hovered pensively in the living room area of Dan and Pinkie’s apartment as he stared at Pinkie. Pinkie stood in front of the couple’s oven holding a pair of metal tongs. Heat poured from the appliance at such a temperature that Chris wasn’t sure how Pinkie could stand it, especially in the suit she was still wearing.

“Are you sure those sunglasses are suitable eye protection?” Chris asked.

“Yes, Chris… I’m sure!” Pinkie said, a red hot glow illuminating her sunglass-covered face. She rolled her eyes from behind the glasses. “What’s with all the questions!? You can’t seem to go more than a minute without asking if I’m hot, or if oven mitts are suitable blacksmithing gear, or if I’m going to accidentally burn down the apartment!”

Chris shook his head. “Well, I’m just a little unsure about using a kitchen oven for blacksmithing is all!”

“Dan does this like all the frickin’ time!”

“Well, Dan doesn’t exactly do a lot of things that are strictly safe…”

Pinkie threw the metal tongs on a cookie tray on top of the oven next to some tools and her now silver-colored chef’s knife. She quickly wheeled on her heels and within several large steps she was inches away from Chris and glaring up at him. Chris swallowed as he felt the very real heat radiate off Pinkie’s body.

“I’m not stupid, Chris.”

Chris held his hands up in front of him. “I wasn’t…”

Pinkie took a half step back and flung her oven mitt-covered hands to her sides. “Okay… so maybe I’ve been known to do a thing or two that wasn’t what most people would call a ‘good idea’ or ‘well-thought-out’, but I know Dan does lots of things that aren’t safe!”

Erm… Okay… I can see you know what you’re doing, so…”

Pinkie sighed and walked back to the blistering hot oven, picking up the metal tongs. She slowly placed them into the oven, grasped something with them, and began to pull the tongs and the item out.

The red glow turned orange as Pinkie raised metal tongs that held a thin glowing chain with thinner spiked teeth. The glow on the chain quickly waned from bright orange to silver before Pinkie set it next to her chef’s knife on the cookie tray. Pinkie closed the door to the oven and turned it off.

“Can… can I ask you something kind of personal?” Chris asked tentatively.

Pinkie took off an oven mitt, and then the other, placing them on the kitchen counter. “You want to know why I’m with Dan…” she said without looking up.

“Well… yeah… I mean… he’s my best friend and all, but… It’s just that living with him can’t be easy.”

Pinkie turned towards the front of the apartment and stared out a window. “Dan… Dan gets me…”

Uh…Come again?”

Pinkie turned towards Chris and took of her sunglasses. “What’s the craziest thing you ever did on a whim…? You know… without Dan goading you into it?”

Chris thought for a second. “… I crashed a wedding just to get a slice of wedding cake.”

Pinkie blinked a few times. “… That’s it?”

Chris grinned sheepishly. “Well… I may have done that more than once… and maybe not just weddings… Turns out I stick out a bit at most quinceañeras… but what does…”

“What’s the craziest thing Dan’s done on a whim?”

“I…” Chris trailed off. “Wow… Do you want me to actually rank them? Because that could take a while…”

Pinkie smirked. “What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen me do?”

Chris pursed his lips slightly. “Well… I haven’t known you for as long as Dan…” Chris stared up at the ceiling and rubbed his chin. “But if I had to pick I… uh”—Chris looked at Pinkie again—“would have to think about it and I think I see your point…”

Pinkie’s smirk turned into a smile. “Dan knows what it’s like to get a crazy idea and just go through with it…”

“Like silver plating a chainsaw chain using a kitchen oven?” Chris suggested.

Pinkie nodded. “Yeah, like that. To Dan, I’m not some crazy girl who needs to be looked after to make sure I don’t hurt myself or anyone else… Or ignored if I don’t make sense… He always understands there’s a method behind my… well, behind my ‘madness’…” Pinkie looked off into space as her smile widened slightly. “He understands there’s a reason behind everything I do… He…” A trickle of tears began to fall from Pinkie’s eyes. “He… choke…”

“Gets you?” Chris suggested.

Pinkie looked at Chris and nodded. “Yeah…” Pinkie quickly ran a sleeve over her moist cheeks. Her eyes drifted so she was once again staring into open space. “I have to get him back…” She looked at Chris. “How about you? Why are you best friends with Dan?”

Chris smiled. “Not a lot of people take notice of me, you know? Dan… I rescued him long ago when we were at summer camp together…”

Pinkie nodded. “Yeah, Dan told me.”

“Well, Dan’s been a friend to me ever since. Whether it’s vengeance he wants or just someone to watch a zombie marathon with, he’s always thought of me…” Chris frowned heavily. “And… I know he doesn’t treat me as well as he could… but he doesn’t really treat anyone all that well… At least he seems to care about me… uh… most of the time…”

Pinkie took a few steps up to Chris and put a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll get him back.”

Chris nodded.

Pinkie turned and walked over the red easy chair in the living room and pulled up her large, red chainsaw that was sitting next to it. She walked it over to the kitchen area and set it on the counter next to a few tools and between the tray and the oven mitts.

Pinkie fiddled with the tools and the saw, taking off a compartment near the front. She then put the oven mitts back on and grabbed the silver-plated chain. She soon had the silver-plated teeth threaded onto the saw and the saw closed back up again. She picked up the chainsaw and held it up in front of her before turning to Chris. “You might want to step back.”

Chris walked behind the red couch and ducked behind it.

Pinkie placed her sunglasses back on, brought the chainsaw up to her face, and grabbed the pull handle with her teeth. She quickly pulled the chainsaw forward as she jerked back with her head. The chainsaw roared to life and flung a few errant bits of silver about.


Pinkie let the chainsaw idle as she opened her mouth and allowed the pull handle’s string to bring it back into place. “Perfect…” Pinkie purred.

Chris popped his head up from behind the couch. “So uh… I thought we agreed we weren’t going to kill Dan’s look-alike-turned-wolf-man…”

Pinkie shrugged. “I’m sure he can survive with a sawed-off limb or two…” Pinkie let up her hand on the back of the chainsaw and the engine quieted and finally went silent.

Knock, knock.

Chris walked over to the door and opened it.

“Hey beautiful…” Chris said happily as he saw his wife standing in the front of the doorway. He looked past her and did his bit to fight a frown. “Hey, Jean…”

“Hey, Chris!” Jean said excitedly. “I fixed up and grabbed everything I needed from my lab downstairs! I’ll be ready for wolf-men or robots or anything else we might come across!”

Elise smiled. “Jean’s going to tell me about all the stuff he's bringing on the way over. Isn’t that great?”

“Super…” Chris uttered.

Elise looked past Chris and into the apartment. “Ready to go?”

Pinkie smiled as she slung her pink bag over her shoulder and bent down to pick up a chainsaw case. “Ready!”

Mr. Mumbles slowly walked out of the couple’s bedroom. “Merow?” she mewed inquisitively as she looked up at Pinkie.

“Mr. Mumbles!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Do you want to help us rescue Dan from androids and a crazy wolf-man?”

“Meow!” Mr. Mumbles cried excitedly. She bounded up to Pinkie as Pinkie kneeled and extended her arm. Mr. Mumbles quickly climbed onto Pinkie’s shoulder.

Pinkie turned to the door, her eyes twitched and her teeth suddenly began to grind against each other. “Let’s go kill us a werewolf!”

Chris knitted his brow slightly. “Uh… Pinkie?”

Pinkie smiled. “After we rescue Dan, that is…”

Author's Note:

Kudos to everyone who guessed "Elise's mom" a couple chapters ago.

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