• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 8 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Ordinary Week: Chapter 61: Dan & Pinkie Vs. LARPing

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 8 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Ordinary Week

Chapter 61: Dan & Pinkie Vs. LARPing


Pinkie held a tiny, thin screwdriver in her mouth and leaned her head down towards the collection of springs and rectangular metal pieces on the black table in front of her. She inserted the screwdriver into a tiny screw and rotated her head, repeating the process as necessary until the screw was tight.

Dan poked his head into the bedroom, looking over Pinkie as she sat at her folding table in front of her collection of tools, small metal bits, and her laptop. Pinkie sat on the couple’s bed in place of a chair, no doubt, due to the room’s limited space.

“Hey, goofball. I got my iron swords cooling, do you need anything smelted or reworked or…” Dan paused as he took a closer look at what Pinkie was doing.

“WI’m gwood,” Pinkie replied, screwdriver still in mouth.

“Are those…are those real silver bullets?!” Dan asked motioning out to a pile of pointed, cylindrical objects on the black table.

Pinkie removed the screwdriver from her mouth and placed it on the table. “Yepper!”

“Where did you get them?!”

Pinkie shrugged. “The internet, I special ordered them a while ago when it seemed a possibility I could be eaten by a werewolf here.”

“Are you…are you modifying your props to fire real bullets?!” Dan asked in disbelief.

“Well d’uh!” Pinkie replied. “I mean, I don’t think I could lift two weapons that were over 10 kilo-grams each or anything, but I can’t just go around pistol whipping vampires or firing airsoft pellets at them.”

“Do you even know how to use of those things!?” Dan asked, the disbelief in his tone increasing.

“Sure!” Pinkie replied with a grin. “I mean, we live next door to a shooting range, and Elise took me out shooting a few times because she thought I might need some protection given how bad this neighborhood hood is…also, I think, maybe there was some subtle encouragement to start keeping you in line with a gun…” Pinkie added, tapping an index finger against her cheek.

The normally enraging comment was lost on Dan as he continued to process everything else Pinkie was saying.

“How do you even know to do all this?!” Dan asked.

“Oh, you know…you look up a few things on the internet, you take a few guns apart. I can make rockets, gyrocopters, and party welcome wagons and stuff…it’s not such a big deal if you’re mostly taking parts out of other weapons and…”

Pinkie’s words began to fall on deaf ears as Dan stood transfixed by the pink, curly haired woman in front of him. What little working brain function Dan still had fell away. Concepts like ‘vampires’, ‘stolen video games systems’, and ‘unwelcome fairies’ left and he had only one thought of any coherence.

There was simply too much space, and far, far too many layers of clothing in between him and the woman in front of him.

“…and the longer barrels mean higher muzzle velocity as well as the extra benefit of the increased weight reducing the kick, andMMMMPHPGH?! MMMMGHPGH! Mmghph? Mmmmm…” Pinkie uttered as Dan covered her mouth with his and her startled, muffled cries quickly changed to content, gentle hums.

Soon, Pinkie also forgot about anything else she was working on, deciding instead to reciprocate the kiss and the act of removing her lover’s outfit from his body.


“Hmmm…” Pinkie examined herself in the passenger’s side vanity mirror as she attempted to tame the disheveled mass of curls that made up her hair back to merely ‘unruly’ status with a hair brush.

“Do you ever wonder if maybe you and I aren’t all that great at setting priorities?” Pinkie asked as she continued to groom herself in the mirror.

“What are you talking about?!” Dan replied in a shocked tone as he drove. “We’re awesome!” He insisted, flinging a hand out into open space.

Pinkie giggled. “Well, obviously! Just look at us!” Pinkie said, as she motioned out to the couple’s outfits. “I just wonder if just maybe, you and I are prone to distraction and getting caught up in things that maybe aren’t all that important, and if we just sat and thought about it, we could probably, totally change our lives and things would be a bit quieter and we could even live in more than a tiny three room apartment and not get tied up in dangerous adventures every few days.”

“Hey!” Dan explained pointing outside. “Shaved ice stand!” He turned to Pinkie. “Want one?”

DO I?!” Pinkie exclaimed exuberantly.


“So…” Dan began as he looked up from his massive, colorful pile of ice in front of him, “you were saying something?”

Pinkie paused, looking up from her equally massive, colorful pile of ice in front of her and smiled. “I say a lot of things!”



Dan sighed. “I keep on telling you, Ninja Dave, it’s not a dress, it’s a ‘habit’ it’s what nuns wear.”

Ninja Dave frowned from the backseat of the car, wearing large, round glasses and a black and white nun’s habit. “Second question.”

“It’s what Yumie wears!” Pinkie replied. “Dan and I are in costume! You and Becky have to be, too!” She insisted.

“Third question.”

“It was supposed to be Elise’s,” Pinkie responded. “But she’s on vacation and it needed to go with someone who could use a sword.”

Ninja Dave sighed.

“Fourth question.”

Dan and Pinkie paused and glanced at each other.

“Huh, we haven’t got this far yet…” Dan mumbled. “Uh, okay, what?”

“Why is the cat dressed up?”

“Meow,” Mr. Mumbles replied from her perch, wearing a cat sized dark blue blazer, white buttoned shirt, and red bow tie.

“That is Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing and she is our hated arch-rival!” Dan said in a tone half irritation, half informational.

“Wait…I thought my arch-rivals where vampires?” Dave replied, glancing towards the car ceiling and rubbing the pommel of his katana against his cheek.

“No, our sworn enemy are the undead or anything that’s an affront to God.” Becky informed from the seat across from Dave, dressed in clothing fairly similar to Dan’s but black in color for the most part. “See, Sir Integra is the Protestant leader of our equivalent organization, and we, as fanatical Catholics, find her views and willingness to use a horribly, bloodthirsty killer, like Alucard, erm…That’s Pinkie...”

Pinkie waved a white gloved hand from the passenger seat.

“…deplorable.” Becky finished.

“See! Becky gets it!” Dan said.

Dave sighed. “I’m glad someone does…”

Becky chuckled. “Who do you think got them into Hellsing in the first place?”

“Alright, well…do we have to fight each other at some point?”

Dan and Pinkie paused and looked at each other.

“I hope not!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Alright, fifth question.”

“I think you might be on six after the Vampire question.” Dan replied.

Ninja Dave rolled his eyes behind his glasses. “Are you always this pedantic?” Dave asked Dan.

“Yes.” Pinkie confirmed.

“Fine, sixth question.”

“You just asked your sixth.” Pinkie reminded.

“GAH!” Dave uttered in frustration. “Dudes, you’re killing me over here. Seventh question.”

The car was silent.

“Yes?” Dan asked.

“Why is there a crate…and why is it dressed up, and covered in silver wire?” Dan said, motioning out to the crate in the middle seat that was dressed in a black vest, white shirt, and red tie all wrapped in a large amount of silver wire that Mr. Mumbles sat atop of.

Pinkie paused, “That was three questions.”

Dave’s eye began to twitch. “Alright…seventh, eighth, and ninth question, then…”

“Cratey is here since we already got an outfit for Chris, and needed a Walter.” Pinkie answered. “Uh…I guess that also answers question eight...He’s covered in silver wire because he has no arms or hands, or limbs of any sorts…you know ‘cause he’s a crate.”

“Yeah, I totally get it.”

“See, crates don’t really have appendages.” Pinkie added.

Dave sighed. “Tenth question, what are we going to do with the crate?”

“Oooo! Oooo!” Pinkie responded excitedly, turning towards Dave. “Dan and I brought a wagon and loaded it with a tiny catapult so we could hurl Cratey at out undead enemies! They’re going to be all like, ‘What’s that crate doing on that wagon?’” Pinkie held up her hands and put on a surprised expression. “And then we pull the little lever on the catapult and suddenly they’ll all be like ‘Oh no! That crate is coming right for us!’ And then POW!” Pinkie slammed a fist into an open palm for effect. “And then some vampire is going to all be like,” Pinkie put her hands on her cheeks “Ahh! I just got hit by a crate covered in silver wire and it burns!”

“Uh…alright, so…Eleventh question.”

“Geesh!” Dan exclaimed. “You’re really going for the high score here!”

“I’ve never gone out with you guys before!” Dave protested. “Just trying sort this all out.”

Dan gave a heavy sigh. “Fine! Eleventh question…”

“Where are we going, exactly?”

“Becky may have a lead for us.” Pinkie explained. “She says she knows where lots of vampires hang out!” She added cheerily.

Dave leaned forward and looked at Becky past the crate. “Really? That’s pretty awesome.”

“Well, they’re not real vampires.” Becky admitted. “They just like pretending to be vampires, but a few of them are pretty into it, and a bit on the strange side. I figured maybe someone there knows something.”

Dave paused. “So let me get this straight, we’re going to shake down some dudes….”

“And girls!” Becky protested forcefully. “Lots of girls LARP, too.”

“Uh…sure.” Dave continued, “We’re just going to shake down some people who like to pretend their vampires in the hopes they know something.”

“Yep!” Dan replied. “And here we are!” He added quickly parking the car and unbuckling his seat belt. “Come along, Pinkie! Let’s get those vampire wannabes to cough up what they know!” Dan quickly exited the car.

“Yay! Butt-kicking for goodness!” Pinkie replied enthusiastically as she followed Dan.

Dave and Becky paused as Dan and Pinkie sprinted towards a large group of people who were congregating around a number of outside tables with umbrellas above them.

Dave and Becky shot each other a worried glance.

“Uh…we should so probably stop them.” Dave suggested.

Becky nodded. “Definitely.”

The two exited the car, perusing the excited and somewhat unhinged couple towards the group.

“Alright, ye want tae be undied mongrels!” Dan shouted in his best Scottish accident as he approached the group. “Ah come tae fetch mah video gam system. Confess th' location ay yer masters sae 'at we main rain doon God’s holy judgment upon them!”

“…Totally!” Pinkie added.

A concerned looking, bald man in a black vest and white button up shirt quickly parted from the group. “Uh, hey. I’m the storyteller here, the big hunter meetup isn’t until next week!”

“Storyteller, eh?” Dan flashed the man a wide grin of pointed teeth. “Perhaps ye can teel me a story abit whaur tae fin' th' real vampires.”

The man paused and gave Dan a perplexed look. “Real Vampires?”

“Aye, that's whit Ah said.”

Dave and Becky quickly ran up.

“Phew,” Becky said, “no violence.”

“Yet, you mean.” Dave added.

“I’ll take care of this.” A woman with long, blonde hair, and a long black dress declared with a smug.

“Oh, this can’t be good…” Dave uttered.

To his surprise, Becky extended a white gloved hand to stop him.

Dave looked down to see Becky glaring at the woman that approached Dan.

“You want to fight hunter, I’ll be more than happy to send you to the afterlife.”

Dan continued to grin. “If that’s whit it takes, lassie. I'll send ye straecht tae Heel.”

The man who identified himself as the storyteller sighed. “Alright, physical challenge issued and accepted.” He produced a small stack of playing cards and held them out for Dan.

Dan looked at the cards quizzically then the storyteller. He grabbed the top card and looked at it, grinned and held it up. “Ha! Th’ ace ay spades! Beat ‘at, draculina want tae be.”

“Uh, that’s an automatic failure.” The story teller informed.

“WHAT?!” Dan exclaimed slipping out of his Scottish accent. “In what world is drawing the ace of spades a bad thing?!”

The blond haired woman drew a card from the deck, glanced at it, and smugly held it up for everyone to see.

“Ten,” The storyteller said. “Automatic success.”

Dan paused. “Yeah…we’re not doing this. Pinkie, trounce blondie over here.” Dan commanded, motioning out to the blond woman with his thumb.

Wheee!” Pinkie exclaimed as she gleefully tackled the woman in the black dress.

“AHHH!” The woman screamed in alarm as Pinkie quickly rained violence upon her.

“No physical contact! NO PHYSICAL CONTACT!” The storyteller exclaimed in a panicked tone.


Dan, Pinkie, Becky, Ninja Dave, Mr. Mumbles, and Cratey sat quietly in the car as Dan drove down the road. Streetlight entered the vehicle and quickly left over and over again as the car made its way down the street.

Dan sat calmly in the driver’s seat, quietly humming to himself as the car sped along.

Pinkie sat with her face covered in her hands.

Becky looked out the window, her face flushed red.

Dave sullenly stared forward.

Mr. Mumbles simply sat on top of Cratey.

Cratey…continued to be a crate.

Dave decided to break the silence. “So uh…who wants to discuss what went wrong back there?!” He said in an irritable tone.

“Ninja Dave, all this negativity is not good for the group.” Dan replied.

“I just think, as a group of dudes and dudettes, we should be able to discuss when a plan goes totally, completely wrong.” Dave responded.

Dan sighed. “You’re worse than Chris. FINE, big baby, let’s all hear what you thought could have been better.” Dan replied in a slightly mocking, sing-song tone.

“First off, Pinkie assaulted someone.” Dave said.

Pinkie flinched. “I said I was sorry!” She said from behind her hands.

“I’m still not convinced that’s a bad thing.” Dan answered flatly.

“Don’t worry about it Pinkie.” Becky said. “Debbie’s a snob, and she and the storyteller totally have that deck rigged.”

“That’s another thing.” Dave said, turning towards Becky. “Why did you let that go down?”

Becky shrugged. “What! Debbie really is a snob! I mean…okay, maybe I didn’t mean for her to get pummeled, but I figured we could at least rustle some jimmies amongst the vampire group.”

Dave paused and thought about this. “Wait, is this some strange, nerd turf war thing?”

“Uh…” Becky trailed off.

“Becky, is there something you’d like to share with the group?” Dan asked.

The car went silent as Becky fidgeted nervously. “…I GO LARPING AS A VAMPIRE HUNTER!” Becky admitted.

The car went silent once ag…


Dan rubbed his arm as Pinkie retracted her fist.

“Dan, you’re dressed as a vampire hunter! You’re not really in a position to be mean here,” Pinkie pointed out.

“Uh…right, fair enough,” Dan replied.

“Really, Pinkie wasn’t as bad as the real wildcat here,” Dave continued.

“Yeah, Cratey!” Dan exclaimed, glancing towards the middle-back seat. “Way to lose your head!”

“Dan, Cratey doesn’t have a head.” Pinkie informed. “He’s a crate.”

That’s not…” Dan sighed.

“Actually, I meant Mr. Mumbles.”

RRROWR, HISSS” Mr. Mumbles replied, swiping at the air in between her and Dave.

“Oh, the story teller will be fine...” Dan insisted. “I mean…his clothes will need to be swapped out for ones not completely shredded by an angry cat, but the scratches will heal up okay.”

“Why’d you go back for Cratey, anyways, dude?” Dave asked Dan.

Dan shrugged raising a hand off the wheel and turning it palm up. “I thought Pinkie could use the assist! Hey! Here’s an idea! Let’s talk about what went right back there!” Dan said. “I’ll start…First off, Pinkie assaulted someone!”

“What?!” Dave exclaimed. “No, dude! You can’t just take what I said and flip it around like that.”

“I second that it was a good thing!” Becky chimed in.


“Awwww, thanks guys!” Pinkie said, her mood brightening visibly.

“Wow.” Dave uttered looking over at Becky. “You really don’t like that girl.”

“I do not.” Becky agreed flatly.

“Also,” Dan continued, “we got away before the cops showed up…or anyone could take down my license plate!”

Pinkie nodded. “Always a good thing!”

“We’re also wearing costumes, so it’s unlikely anyone will be able to identify us!” Dan added.

“Doubly good thing!” Pinkie agreed.

“And, we’re stopping for pizza!” Dan concluded.

“Yay! Pizza!” Pinkie exclaimed, clapping her hands.

“I second the motion for pizza!” Becky exclaimed.

Dave sighed. “Thirded.”


“So, this is what you guys do?” Ninja Dave asked as the six would be vampire hunters sat at a booth. “Go out, cause mayhem, grab a bite to eat, and go out and do it again?”

“Yepper!” Pinkie replied.

“Pretty much, yeah.” Dan agreed.

A waiter came by and dropped off a few pizzas at the tables, sliding a small, cheeseless pizza in front of Dan that was loaded with meat and garlic.

Pinkie’s seemed to have every topping imaginable, including extra garlic.

A mustachioed Mr. Mumbles hopped onto the table and began nibbling on a pizza loaded with anchovies.

Becky and Ninja Dave’s pizzas, by contrast, were fairly average looking.

“Wow dudes, did you two get enough garlic?” Ninja Dave asked Pinkie and Dan.

“What? We’re fighting vampires!” Dan insisted before he drenched his pizza in hot sauce.

Dan passed the bottle to Pinkie who followed suit drowning her pizza.

“So…what now, dudes?” Dave asked.

Dan thought about this as he took a bite of pizza and swallowed. “We need to think like a vampire.” He motioned out to Becky. “Becky, you’ve fought their ilk before, where do you think they would hide?”

Fake fought them you mean.” Dave stressed.

Pinkie swallowed a large bite of pizza. “N.D., no one likes a Negative Nancy.”

Dave sighed. “Right, sorry dudes.”

“Well…A vampire coven usually lives in a crypt or catacombs. Some place where you could keep a bunch of coffins without arousing suspicion.” Becky answered.

“Too bad there’s no place like that in L.A.” Dave replied.

Dan chuckled. “Sounds like someone needs to brush up on their history! In 1933, a Hopi Chief by the name of Little Green Leaf told Mining engineer W. Warren Shufelt about a subterranean city built by Lizard People the resides underground downtown L.A.”

“…You’re totally making this up.” Dave retorted.

“AM NOT!” Dan retorted angrily. “Anyhow, the catacombs are in the shape of a giant lizard and extend from Dodger’s Stadium to the Central Library. My guess, is the vampires have overrun the lizard people and taken over the area for their nefarious, bloodsucking plans.”

The group paused.

Dave broke the silence. “Dude, there is so much wrong with that statement! For starters, there aren’t even any catacombs!”

“Just because no one found them, doesn’t mean they’re not there!” Dan stated.

“Mmm-hmmm!” Pinkie nodded in agreement, her cheeks full of pizza.

“Dan, I’m sorry, but there is just no way this place exists!”

“Oh yeah?” Dan retorted angrily. “I wager a month worth of cupcakes and muffins against a month worth of cookies that it does!”

“…You won’t sabotage any of the cupcakes or muffins?” Dave asked.

“Well, on the off chance that I’m wrong…which I’m NOT” Dan stressed. “Are you joking? Pinkie would beat me senseless if I purposely rendered baked goods inedible.”

Pinkie giggled and wrapped her arms around Dan. “I really would!” She confirmed.

Dave thought about this briefly. “Fine, dude! You got a deal. There’s just no way I’ll be able to believe there’s a giant, underground series of tunnels and catacombs under downtown L.A.” He declared, forming an ‘X’ with his arms in front of his chest and quickly motioning out with them.


“I CAN’T BELIEVE THERE’S A GIANT, UNDERGROUND SERIES OF TUNNELS AND CATACOMBS UNDER DOWNTOWN L.A!” Dave exclaimed, as he threw his arms out at the giant, underground tunnel that branched off into a series of smaller tunnels and catacombs (which were also under downtown L.A.).

“Looks like someone is going to get to eat his fill of chewy-chipsters for a month!” Dan sang out.

Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!” Pinkie exclaimed as she slid through a steep tunnel above and exited safely out of a hole in the tunnel walls, a red wagon caring Cratey and Mr. Mumbles right behind her.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Becky cried as she slid through the same tunnel.

Pinkie quickly moved the wagon out of the way, and grabbed Becky as she neared the exit, ensuring Becky had a safe landing.

“Thanks, Pinkie.” Becky said as Pinkie helped her to her feet. Becky quickly slung a black satchel around her body.

“Sure! No problem.” Pinkie replied.

“So, we have a plan, dudes?” Dave asked.

“Yeah, we march down these tunnels, kick undead butt, and get out game system back!” Dan declared.

“I like it!” Pinkie declared. “It’s dynamic, straight forward, and we kick butt!”

Becky smiled. “Sounds good to me.”

“Merow!” Mr. Mumbled mewed.

“…” Cratey said, or rather didn’t, as Cratey is a crate and all.

Dave chuckled. “Alright dudes and dudettes, let’s do this!”

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