• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 11 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Distractions: Part 11 Epilogue

The Wheel and the Butterfly
A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga
Part 11 Dan & Pinkie Vs. Distractions
Part 11 Epilogue


Flynn blew air on his steaming hot mug of tea as he held it up in a bandaged hand. He along with Jean, Jennifer, and Jason all lounged in a spacious living room decorated with various colored throw pillows and different colored veils that hung from the ceiling. His wife soulmate sat down next to him as she, too, held a steaming mug of tea in one hand, and held an ice pack to her head with the other.

Flynn turned towards Jennifer. “Good thinking with the tea that really slowed Amber down.”

Jean sighed. “Yeah, I just wish there was a non-violent way to solve that problem. I sensed Amber had anger issues but she was really pushed over the edge there.”

Jennifer raised a bandaged arm enthusiastically. “Don’t forget it was Jason who had the great idea to throw a desk through the window so we could climb out.”

Flynn smiled and nodded at Jason. “Yeah, quick thinking there, Jason.”

“Thanks!” Jason replied with a smile. He stared down at his bandaged palms. “I just wish I thought of something to do about the glass after I helped everyone else get out…”

“Don’t worry,” Jennifer said as she lovingly patted her husband’s shoulder. “You did good.”

The group descended back into silence punctuated only by someone sipping from their steaming cup.

“So! Uh…” Jennifer began. “What should we do now?”

Flynn smiled. “Find a new couple’s therapist?” he suggested.

The group chuckled amongst themselves.

Jean’s expression suddenly went serious. “I think we need to rescue that poor, sweet girl from Dan’s clutches.”

Jennifer frowned. “I was thinking more like Scrabble or Apples to Apples…”

Flynn turned towards his wife. “You’re really fixated on her, huh?”

Jean shook her head. “I can’t help it! She’s so bubbly and nice! I can’t imagine why she would willingly stay with a man like Dan!”

“I don’t know…” Jason said. “Going by her story, it kind of sounded like they balance each other out.”

“Dan doesn’t need ‘balancing out’,” Jean insisted. “He needs to be incarcerated! I mean, he knocked her out with a chemical for crying out loud!”

“Well, why don’t we call the police on him?” Jennifer suggested. “I mean, he admitted to plenty of wrong doing.”

Jean shook her head. “I thought about that, but even ignoring the potential legal pitfalls of trying to use things he said in group to incriminate him with, Pinkie would probably be thrown in jail, too.”

Jennifer frowned. “I guess that doesn’t help her much.”

“Exactly,” Jean said. “We need to get that girl away from Dan and undo the damage he’s done to her!”

Jennifer frowned. “Well, I’m not going to disagree that Dan’s probably a bad influence on the girl, but how do you propose we do that? It doesn’t really seem like Pinkie wants to spend any time away from Dan…”

Jean narrowed her eyes. “Well, we’ll just have to get her away from him and keep her away until she can see Dan for the horrible monster he is!”

Flynn gave his wife a concerned look. “You want to kidnap the girl?! I can agree she needs help, but forcing her into it is pretty far from your usual outlook of letting people decide what’s best for them!”

“She’s shacked up with a maniac,” Jean stated. “I think we can safely say she hasn’t made a good decision.”

“You were going to let Dennis decide if he should stay with Dan or us, at one point!” Flynn pointed out.

From behind her brown-tinted glasses, Jean rolled her eyes. “That was before I figured out how much of a maniac Dan was.”

“Are you guys scheming in there?” a male child’s voice called out.

“No Dennis, buddy.” Flynn replied.

A small, freckle-faced child with curly-black hair, wearing a black and grey striped shirt, blue pants, and black shoes emerged from a doorway leading into the living area. “Oh well, it sounds like scheming.”

Jean looked over at her adopted son. “No Dennis, mommy and daddy where just making some plans with our therapy friends.”

“Illegal plans?” Dennis asked.

Jean frowned. “Righteous plans!” she declared.

Dennis cocked an eyebrow. “That are also illegal?”

“Dennis,” Jean began in a serious tone, “some things are so important they transcend the bounds of legality.”

Dennis frowned at his adopted mother. “Still scheming…” he muttered under his breath.

“Hey, buddy,” Flynn said with a smile. “Why don’t you keep playing with Kale for now and let the big people hash this out.”

“I would,” Dennis replied, “but Kale’s tied up right now.”

Flynn and Jean frowned.

“You mean literally,” Flynn said, “don’t you, champ?”

Dennis smiled mischievously and nodded. “Yep!”

Flynn sighed. “Are you playing hostage negotiator?”

Dennis nodded enthusiastically.

Jason and Jennifer shot each other concerned looks.

“I uh… I better get back there…” Flynn said. He followed Dennis out of the living room and down the hall.

The rest of the group followed Flynn and Dennis with their eyes briefly.

Jean continued, “So… I know this sounds a bit extreme… especially for me, but we’ve all seen and experienced what that man can do. Ask yourselves if you can really in good conscience allow that man free reign to corrupt that poor girl.”

Jason and Jennifer gave each other thoughtful looks before turning back towards Jean.

Jennifer spoke up, “What do you need us to do?”


Hehe…” Pinkie giggled to herself as she rubbed her smooth cheek against Dan’s stubble-covered one. “Scratchy, scratchy!” She sat on Dan’s lap with her hands wrapped around her boyfriend, still wearing her striped, long-sleeved shirt and jean shorts with the addition of a cape.

Dan, likewise, was wearing his normal outfit, also with a cape. “Yeah, yeah…” Dan said with a small smile as his eyes remained focused on the TV. “I don’t see what the big deal is, I shaved a few days ago.”

“Oh, I wasn’t complaining,” Pinkie said. “Just enjoying some high quality ‘super snuggles’ with the bestest, best boyfriend in the whole wide universe!”

Dan smirked. “The universe, huh?”

“Well, d’uh!” Pinkie replied as she pulled her head back slightly to better look at Dan. “I mean, I don’t know of anyone else who beat up the king of some sort of magical teleporty land!”

Dan smiled wide. “Well, I am pretty great!”

Pinkie tightened her grip. “Yepper! So great in fact, I think it would take something pretty major to get me to move from this…” Pinkie perked up her head as she heard a soft jingle from outside. She gasped an enormous amount of air and leapt out Dan’s lap. “Dan! Ice-cream man! Uh… erm… uh…” She glanced pensively between Dan and the door to the apartment as she began to nervously skip up and down in place.

Dan rolled his eyes with a small smile. “Just go, Goofball.”

“YAY!” Pinkie cried happily. “Did I mention you’re the absolute bestest, best, boyfriend in the whole, wide universe?!”

Dan chuckled. “‘Absolute’ is new.”

“Do you want anything?” Pinkie asked enthusiastically.

“Cherry Popsicle, please. And make it quick, will you? Without you it’s not ‘super snuggles’, I’m just some weirdo who likes to watch TV in a cape.”

Pinkie giggled. “Okie-dokie-lokie!” she said as she leaned down and planted a quick peck on Dan’s lips. “I’ll be back in a jif—No! a SUPER jiffy!” Pinkie declared. With that, she extended her arms and made a long, extended “Whoosh!” noise as she ran toward to the apartment door, opened it and ran out, arms still extended in front of her as she pretended to fly.

Dan just smiled and shook his head as he went back to watching the T.V.


“She’s coming!” A man that looked suspiciously like Jason wearing a fake beard cried as he looked outside from a van that looked like it had a fresh coat of white paint along with some hastily added stickers of various ice cream bars. “No wait! She’s stopped.”


“Wait!” Pinkie cried as she stopped and stared at the van from the apartment walkway. “A man that looks suspiciously like who?!

Nothing! Just go up to the van! Part 11 has gone on long enough as it is!

Pinkie pursed her lips and up into open space. “Are you planning something?”

Uh… yeah…

Pinkie nodded. “That’s what I thought! You have to get up particularly early to fool this pink pony turned human.”

… That ice-cream van has a proto type new type of ice cream cone! It’s uh… got ice cream at BOTH ends!

Pinkie gasped. “AWESOME!” she put her arms back out and resumed running towards the truck while saying “Whoosh!” and pretending to fly while her cape billowed behind her.

Phew… close one…


“No wait! She’s coming again,” the bearded man who was not suspicious in anyway said.

From inside the van Flynn and Jennifer looked at Jean.

“Do you think we can convince her to hear us out?” Flynn asked.

Jean glanced down at the rag and a plastic green bottle in her hand. “Well… if not… there’s always plan ‘B’.”

End Part 11

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