• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 35,554 Views, 9,852 Comments

The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 12 Dan Vs. Couples: Epilogue

The Wheel and the Butterfly
A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga
Part 12 Dan Vs. Couples



Pinkie’s hair inflated to its normal curly shape almost immediately as her lips made contact with Dan’s. Dan responded by wrapping his arms around his lover’s body and returned the affection. Mr. Mumbles bounded up to Pinkie and rubbed her head against her leg as she began to purr. Most everyone else present breathed a sigh of relief.

“Huh…” Flynn uttered as she held on tight to Jean and Kale. “…Doesn’t really look like an abusive relationship from here.”

Jean sighed and shook her head. “No, I guess it doesn’t.”

Ewww!” Dennis exclaimed. “You two are getting all smoochie face with each other!”

Dan and Pinkie chuckled lightly as they parted lips and leaned their foreheads against each other briefly.

Dan turned and looked down at Dennis. “Someday you’ll figure out this ‘smoochie face’ stuff isn’t so bad…”

“Will I need a lobotomy first?” Dennis snarked back.

Pinkie giggled. “Hehehe… He really is like a tiny version of you…”

“Dan!” Chris said. “You still complain when Elise and I are affectionate with each other! Plus you and Pinkie are still way worse about displays of public affection.”

“Yeah, but when we do it, it’s cute,” Dan replied. “No wants to see you pair of uglies going at it like two dogs fighting over a bone, and yes the dog comparison was intentional!”

Heeeey!” Chris protested.

Elise furrowed her brow and leaned over to Chris. “At what point do I get to stop feeling bad that we didn’t help Dan rescue Pinkie?”

Chris shrugged. “Eh, guess we can at least give him until after dinner.”

Pinkie looked down at Dennis and grinned. “Ready to go?”

“You bet!” Dennis replied. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand!”

Jean frowned. “You’re really going to take Dennis?”

“We’re just going to borrow him!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Borrow, nothing!” Dan cried. “We should adopt him as our own!”

Pinkie gasped. “Oh my gosh! oh my gosh! That sounds like a great idea!”

“Sweet!” Dennis exclaimed.

Jean and Flynn quickly exchanged worried expressions.

Amber raised a fist to her mouth and cleared her throat. “I hate to be a killjoy, but that would actually be kidnapping, not adoption.”

“So!?” Dan exclaimed. “They tried to kidnap Pinkie! Turnabout is fair play.”

Pinkie nodded her head up and down.

Amber folded her arms and shot Dan and Pinkie an unamused expression. “Also, you two live in a small, three room apartment with only a hollow core door to separate the bedroom from the living area. I know. Pinkie even diagrammed it a few times in her questionnaire."

Dan turned and exchanged frowns before they turned back to Amber.

“Borrow,” Dan stated. “Borrowing’s good.”

“Yeah, definitely,” Pinkie agreed.

Awwwwww…” Dennis uttered in disappointment.

Jean and Flynn collectively breathed a sigh of relief.

Uuuuhhhh…” Jennifer moaned from the floor. “Could someone help me up?”

Pinkie shot Jennifer a glare. “You pointed a gun at me and Dan!” she reminded.

“WHAT?!” Chris and Elise exclaimed.

“Merrrow! HISSSSS!” Mr. Mumbles exclaimed.

Becky frowned. “Whoa… things sound like they got intense.”

Ninja Dave nodded. “Yeah, no kidding…”

Jennifer pursed her lips. “Uh… I’ll just… I’ll just stay here for a bit.”

“Hey!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I have an idea! Why don’t we visit Dennis from time to time! Maybe take him out for a day every once in a while!”

Dan smiled. “Love it!”

Dennis grinned. “Sounds good to me!”

Jean and Flynn exchanged worried expressions once more.

“Uh,” Flynn began, “do we have a say in the matter?”

Pinkie giggled slightly before her face and tone turned dark for a split second. “Hehehe, no.”

Flynn sighed. “I thought as much.”

“I don’t know, dear,” Jean replied. “Maybe this is a good opportunity for Dennis to socialize and channel some of his energy.”

Flynn turned towards his soulmate with a look of disbelief. He motioned out towards Dan and Pinkie. “You think Dennis spending time with those two will somehow be an enriching experience for him?!”

“I just think we should be open to the possibility,” Jean replied.

Flynn’s eye twitched and he sat up. “Kale, buddy? Let’s go to your room and play.”

“Sure, buddy!” Kale said enthusiastically.

Flynn and Kale stood up and walked out of the room.

Everyone silently followed the two with their eyes.

“I’m sure he’s just contemplating the growth opportunity here…” Jean stated.

Amber sighed. “Seriously, can we go, please? I’m already an accessory to about half a dozen crimes as it is.”

Dan grinned. “Not to mention the ones you committed yourself!”

Amber sighed as she addressed Dan, “Yes, Dan. I’m aware of that.”

The group began to shuffle on down the hallway towards the stairs.

“Food sounds good,” Chris declared. “Food always sounds good!”

Dan rolled his eyes. “There’s a surprise.”

Elise shrugged. “Just as long as it’s food and not things that vaguely resemble or taste of food.”

The group made its way down the stairs and out of the house.

Jason moaned from the ground. “UuUuUuUuUuhh… Does anyone have a spare notepad I could use?”


Dan, Pinkie, and Dennis sped across the restaurant floor as they all sat on a large serving tray. Dan held a fire extinguisher behind him and fired it in a long, continuous burst that propelled the group along.

Pinkie exclaimed a happy “Wheeeeeeeee!” as Dan and Dennis laughed maniacally.



From several tables set up next to each other, Elise, Chris, Ninja Dave, Becky, and Amber all watched with an almost detached level of interest as the trio crashed their tray into an unoccupied table.

“We’re okay!” Pinkie called from a heap composed of the three tray riders and a few chairs.

“That was AWESOME!” Dennis cried as he pulled himself from the pile.

“Sure was!” Dan agreed as he stood up and dusted himself off. “Let’s grease up the bottom again and go for another run!” With that, the three giddily ran across the restaurant and disappeared into the kitchen.

Amber turned to the rest of the group at the table. “So this is what those two do? They go out, cause mayhem, grab a bite to eat, and go out and do it again?”

Ninja Dave chuckled. “I said almost the exact same thing the first time I went out with those two…”

Becky grinned at Amber. “Welcome to the club.”

Amber sighed as she dug her fork into her salad. She shook her head. “And none of you even try to stop them?”

The group collectively shrugged.

Elise spoke up, “You have to pick your battles with those two.”

Chris sat down the massive burger in his hand and nodded. “If you fight them at every turn, you just end up exhausted and usually either injured or sticky.” His eyes glazed over slightly as he stared off into space. “Sometimes both…”



The happy trio sped through the restaurant again.


“We’re okay!”

“Again! Again!” Dennis cried.

“I’ll steal another fire extinguisher!” Dan exclaimed.

Amber looked up again at the sound of the crash then glanced around the restaurant. “The restaurant is now on fire,” she said flatly as she noticed scattered flames trailing from the kitchen starting to spread from Dan, Pinkie, and Dennis’s grease trails.

Elise shrugged. “It happens.”

Chris swallowed a mouthful of burger. “Don’t worry, we still have plenty of time to eat before the smoke fumes force everyone out of the restaurant.”

The group causally went back to eating.

A tan, blond-haired waitress stood next to a serving counter shot a death glare at Pinkie as she scampered about the restaurant. “This isn’t over…” she whispered to herself. “I’ll make sure you’re hunted and suffer until the end of your days, and you don’t have many of those left…”

A man in a chef coat popped up behind the counter and held out a couple plates. “Hey Helen, table five’s order is ready.” He paused. “Also, the flames are getting pretty close to it. We’re out of fire extinguishers, so you’ll have to use some of your ice water to keep the fire at bay.”

Helen’s eye twitched. “Soon…” she murmured menacingly.

“So Amber,” Becky began, “I take it you’re done with couple’s therapy?”

Amber nodded her head. “Absolutely, even setting aside my experiences with everyone here, it does nothing for my anger issues." Amber paused and added. “…Except for making me angrier.” She pursed her lips. “Anger management too, ironically enough…”

“Huh,” Ninja Dave said, “so what are you going to do now?”

Amber smiled. “I have a Phd in Social Psychology. I’m sure I’ll land on my feet.”


“LOOK OUT!” D.H. cried as she tripped holding a tray full of colorful cupcakes.

Amber stood motionless with a sour expression on her face as several cupcakes rained down upon the register in front of her, her hair, her face, her clothes, and her apron.

“And this is pretty much every day here?” she glowered out.

“Yep!” Chris replied from next to her as he picked a cupcake off his shoulder and began eating it.

Amber grumbled irritably to herself, turned towards the back of the shop and shouted, “We need more Rainbow cupcakes!”

“Okay!” Pinkie’s voice called back cheerfully.

Dan approached the register, a smile on his face and a mop in his hands. He handed out the mop for Amber. “Would you be a dear and clean up this mess, Doc?”

Amber muttered something incomprehensible under her breath and snatched the mop. She stormed off towards the back of the shop.

Dan looked up and Chris and grinned. “Do you ever feel you have the best job ever?”

Chris grabbed another cupcake off his body and shoveled it into his mouth. “Absfowluwtely!” he replied through a mouthful of food.

End Part 12

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

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