• Published 11th Sep 2013
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The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 16 Chris Vs. Pinkie: Chapter 152 Gibson Vs. His Mom

The Wheel and the Butterfly

A Dan X Pinkie Pie saga

Part 16 Chris Vs. Pinkie

Chapter 152 Gibson Vs. His Mom


Chris sighed heavily as he peered under the blinds of a second story window. He watched as Gibson’s mother walked away with her younger son, soon followed by Dan and Pinkie.

Elise matched Chris’s sigh as she took off a pair of headphones attached to a square device with an antenna. She was sitting at a square black table in the well-furnished apartment. “So close…” she uttered.

Elise Sr. shook her head as she hovered over her daughter. “Guess it’s back to the drawing board.”

Don shot a nervous glance at the door. “Is anyone else worried that we broke into someone’s apartment to monitor this cockamany scheme?”

Elise shook her head. “I just picked the lock and we’re not stealing anythi—Chris! Stay away from the fridge!”

Chris frowned as his hand halted just inches from the apartment’s refrigerator. “But I get hungry when I’m nervous!”

Elise began to pack up her headphones and the device they were attached to. “Well, we’ll stop for food while we figure out our next plan. So far we haven’t left any glaring evidence that we borrowed this space to keep tabs on Pinkie and Dan. I don’t want any surprise visits from the police because they suspect we broke into this apartment and cleaned out the fridge.”

“Great, just great…” Don muttered. “I’m going to have another run in with the police because of a visit to Los Angeles.”

Elise rolled her eyes. “Dad, you were up to plenty of illegal activities today before you met up with Chris and me.” She folded her arms across her chest. “And it’s not like your earlier cases of abduction and possibly attempted murder wouldn’t warrant attention from the police.”

Elise Sr. gave her husband a slightly stern look. “Don, don’t be antagonistic. You’re getting something out of all this too.”

Don sighed. “Look, I have an idea that won’t fall apart based on a few sentences from Dan and, more importantly, doesn’t require us to break any laws to execute.”

Elise and Chris exchanged a brief look.

“Really?” Chris said. “You actually have an idea that’s doesn’t involve trapping Pinkie or holding her against her will… er… sorta?

Don rolled her eyes. “She’s like a big child, and Dan gets annoyed by everything! It’s not like it’s hard to figure out something that she’d like and he’d hate.”

Elise and Chris exchanged another look then smiled.

“Alright Dad,” Elise said. “Let’s hear it.”


Gibson quickly shifted his fingers on his bright-blue electric guitar and strummed one last chord. To his right, a teenager with blond hair spiked straight up strummed one last chord on his red electric bass. The bass player wore a pair of jeans and a red shirt that depicted something that looked like a cross between a Jolly Roger and Mickey-Mouse logo if Mickey had massive eyes with slits for pupils. The words ‘RADIOHEAD.TV The most gigantic lying mouth of all time’ where printed under the logo.

Behind them, a drummer at a drum set which read “OUT OF SERVICE” on the bass drum hit his drums one last time. His brown hair was spiked, but slicked back. He wore a navy blue shirt that simply read ‘OASIS’ on the front.

As the last notes of the song finished echoing from the speakers in the empty room, Gibson allowed himself a small smile.

“Nice job guys! What’s next?” Gibson said.

“Whoa… that’s it?” The bass player asked. “‘Nice job?’ You’re not going to say how terrible we sound?”

Gibson shrugged. “Well, we’re not perfect, but we’re improving.”

The bass player narrowed his eyes slightly. “I think my D string is out of tune…”

Gibson smirked as he rolled his eyes. “Wave, you say one of your strings is out of tune after every song… Do you want to borrow my tuner? I mean, we can take a break…”

The bass player raised an eyebrow. “Sure, mate…”

“Acoustics still aren’t great down here…” the drummer muttered as he glanced about the basement.

Gibson turned to face the drummer. “Can’t argue with you there, Wave. Hey… Maybe I can ask my parents if they can move their cars for a bit and we can try the garage.”

Wave and Crash traded looks, then turned back to Gibson.

“Alright, mate,” Crash began, “out with it. What happened?”

“Out with what?”

“You’re never this nice to us,” Wave pointed out. “Something must have happened… Did you win the lottery?”

“Dude, I’m too young to play the lottery.”

“Oh right,” Wave said. “Uh…

Crash snapped his fingers. “Your parents got you a new phone?”

Gibson rolled his eyes. “My parents are always getting the latest phone, or game system, or whatever… They think it’s important to stay ahead of the technology curve, or something…”

Wave looked at Crash with an unsure look on his face. “You don’t think he has a girlfriend?”

Crash chuckled. “Seriously? Gibson with a girlfriend? That’s impossible. Every time he talks to a girl they get this look in their eyes like they’d rather be anywhere else but talking to him.”

“WHAT?!” Gibson protested. “I know most girls are a bit intimidated by my charms, but it’s not that bad!”

Snrk… Right, ‘intimidated’,” Wave said.

Crash grinned. “That’s certainly a fancy way of saying they want to get away from you as soon as possible.”

“Oh yeah?” Gibson pulled out his smartphone and hit the screen a few times, letting his guitar dangle from its black strap. He walked up to Crash and showed him the phone. “Then how do you explain this.”

Crash’s jaw dropped as he saw a selfie of Gibson with an arm around the shoulders of a silvery-blue-haired woman in a blue blouse.

Wave walked up and peered at this screen. His eyes widened in disbelief. “Blimey… Ol’ Gibs is actually in physical contact with a real live woman besides his mum… And she doesn’t look like she’s about to be sick!”

Crash mirrored Wave’s expression. “She doesn’t look repulsed and she’s hot… The devil must be making snowmen in Hell.”

Ha-ha!” Gibson said sarcastically. “The point is I can and have gotten a girlfriend.”

Wave slapped the back of Gibson’s back. “Nice going, Gibs. Now don’t mess it up.”

Gibson gave Wave a wry grin. “Hey! It’s me.”

Wave narrowed his eyes slightly. “That’s why I said ‘don’t mess it up’, mate.”

Crash nodded in agreement.

“Man, you guys suck…” Gibson uttered.

Wave chuckled. “There’s our Gibson back.”

Crash grinned wickedly at Gibson. “Is, uh... Is your girlfriend a goer, eh? Know whatahmean, know whatahmean, nudge nudge, know whatahmean, say no more?”

Gibson winced. “Well… that’s sorta complicated…”

Wave’s smile widened. “Can’t get it up?”

“Dude, shut up!” Gibson cried as Crash broke into laughter. “She’s like… in her 20s.”

Wave peered at the picture again. “She does look a bit older than you. So you went cougar hunting, eh?”

Gibson cocked an eyebrow. “Pretty sure she’s too young to be considered a cougar.”

Crash stroked his chin. “So… she’s like a puma?”

Wave tilted his head slightly. “I thought that was a cougar who only wants to cuddle.”

Crash shrugged. “That might fit.”

“She’s not any type of big cat!” Gibson snapped. “Look, you two need to keep quiet about this! If my mom found out I was going out with an older woman—”

“A cougar,” Wave said.

“No mate, she’s a puma, remember?” Crash said.

“Shut! Up!” Gibson said, delivering the word ‘shut’ to Wave and the word ‘up’ to Crash. “Anyhow, my mom might freak if she found out. And believe me, you do not want to see my mom in a bad mood!”


Gibson flinched as he heard his name yelled from upstairs. His mom screaming his name like that meant he was in for a very rough time.


Wave smirked. “Sounds like she knows, mate.”

Crash chuckled. “Or he’s about to be bollocksed for some other horrible thing he did.”

Gibson sighed heavily as he began walking to the stairs. “I’m dead…” he uttered as he took off his electric guitar and propped it against the wall.

Wave winked. “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of your girlfriend.”

“Hey!” Crash protested. “Why are you the one who gets to take care of his girlfriend?”

Gibson rolled his eyes as he walked up the stairs. “Trust me, neither of you stand a chance with her.”

Wave cocked an eyebrow. “Oh yeah, mate? And what makes you so special?”

Gibson smiled down at Wave from the top of the stairs. “I’ve seen all her MeTube videos and know just about everything about the girl.”

Crash cocked his head slightly. “She likes you because you’re a kind of a creepy stalker?”

Gibson shrugged. “Call it what you want. I just know it works.” He pushed open the door to the basement and walked out. His mother was waiting for him in the middle of the living room, arms folded across her chest, death glare already prepared.

He shot a pleading look to his father, who was sitting in a comfy-looking blue easy chair holding a tablet in his hand. Gibson’s father was a thin man with a bushy black mustache and spiky hair. He wore black slacks and a bright blue buttoned-up shirt. His only response to his son was to scrunch his lips up slightly.

Gibson sighed internally. He was on his own.

Gibson’s mom wasted no time. “What’s this I hear about you having sex with an adult woman?!”

“… What?!” Gibson exclaimed.

“What?” His dad chimed in disbelief.

“What?” A voice called from up a flight of stairs.

“Button!” Gibson's mother called. “Stop listening to what’s going on down here and go back to your games!”

Button’s heavy sigh drifted down from upstairs. “Alright…” he said begrudgingly.

Gibson continued to look at his mother in surprise. “Mom! As much as I hate to say it out loud, I’m still a virgin!”

“Then what’s this I hear about you having ‘crazy sexy sex’ with a 20 something year old?!”

“I… someone actually used the term ‘crazy sexy sex’? Who the heck was that?”

“Your manager!”

“… Dan?” Gibson asked in surprise. “Dan hates me… I mean… I don’t take it personally, he hates a lot of people, but he’s probably not a dependable source of information.”

“So… What? He just made the whole thing up about you having sex with your girlfriend?”

Er… He made up the ‘sex’ part at least…”

“… You actually have a girlfriend?” Gibson’s father exclaimed.

Gibson sighed. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, dad. Yes. I mean… We’ve been out together a few times… I think that counts.”

Gibson’s mother gave him a stern look. “Did he make up that part about her being an adult?”

Gibson rubbed the back of his head. “No… not exactly…”

Gibson’s mother nodded. “I thought as much, otherwise you would have bragged about this to us right away.”

Gibson winced. His mother knew him well.

His mother shook her head. “I don’t like the idea of you being some older woman’s boy-toy!”

Gibson gave his mother a pleading look. “But I like being Trixie’s boy-toy!”

A voice called from upstairs. “… What’s all this talk of boys getting toys? I want one!”

“Button!” Gibson’s mom cried. “I told you to go back to your video games!”

“… Yes, mom…”

Gibson’s father looked at Gibson in disbelief. “Wait… The Trixie?! As in The Great and Powerful Trixie?! You’re actually dating her?

Gibson grinned at his dad. “Yep!”

Gibson’s mom turned to look at her husband. “You know about this girl?”

Gibson’s father’s face turned slightly red. “Er… She has a MeTube channel where she does magic tricks…”

Gibson’s mom gave her husband a knowing smirk. “Ah… So you watch this 20-something girl because of an interest in magic.”

Gibson’s father grinned back sheepishly. “Just trying to take an interest in my son’s hobbies…”

“Still…” Gibson’s mom turned back to stare at him. “Just because a girl made a few videos doesn’t mean you get to date her. Anyone can start a MeTube channel nowadays.”

“But mom! Trixie’s my dream girl!”

Gibson’s mom rolled her eyes. “I thought your dream girl was on that poster you have tastefully pinned above your bed.”

“That is Trixie!”

Gibson’s mom’s eyes went wide. “That’s Trixie?! You’re dating her?!

Uh…” Gibson swallowed. “Yes?”

Gibson’s mom suddenly smiled and she gave her son a thumbs up. “Nice job!”

“… What?” Gibson said.

“What?” Gibson’s father echoed. “You mean you’re letting the whole Gibson dating an adult thing go because it’s Trixie?”

Gibson’s mom turned towards her husband. “I didn’t know Gibson was going out with a girl that was actually really attractive and the ultimate target of his desires! I thought he was being preyed upon by some wacko with a thing for teenagers.”

Gibson sighed heavily. “Does no one have any faith in my ability to get girls?”

Gibson’s mom smiled at him warmly. “Honey, you’re a good looking, incredibly smart, and talented young man, but you just don’t have a clue one on how to interact with women.”

Thanks, mom…” Gibson grumbled under his breath.

“So… that’s it?” Gibson’s father asked his wife. “You’re just going to let this go now?”

“You sound disappointed.”

ErNo… I guess I’m just used to you being the disciplinarian in these cases… Just feels like we should say something else to him.”

“No, no!” Gibson said as he raised his palms in front of him. “It’s fine! I’m good.”

“Your father’s right, Gibson,” Gibson’s mom said.

Gibson sighed.

“You better not get that girl pregnant!”

“… That’s it?”

Gibson’s mom shrugged then smiled. “Well, You should also invite over here for dinner some time.”

Gibson gave his mom a suspicious look. “… You intend to put the fear of God into her, don’t you?”

His mom grinned back with a devilish smile. “Oh Gibson, don’t be silly. You’re my son! Of course I’m going to put the fear of God into her.”


“I still say this is a longshot,” Chris said as he stapled a flier to a telephone pole. “Who’s going to believe a county fair is one day only?”

Don smirked as he finished stapling his own flier. “I’m afraid you just don’t know what it’s like to have a child.”

Elise sighed as she glanced up from looking down the street. “‘Children’, dad! Remember Ben?”

“Who?” Don asked.

Elise Sr. rolled her eyes as she attached her own flier. “The young man that lives with us. He is, in fact, our son.”

“Oh right…” Don replied. “Anyway, excitement will kick in and Pinkie will believe anything this stupid flier says, mark my words.”

Elise tensed as she looked down the street. “Speaking of Pinkie, she and Dan are coming this way! Hide!”

The group quickly bolted for a nearby alley.

Don sighed heavily. “Do you two hide in alleys a lot? We’ve been doing it all day!”

SHHHHHHH!” the rest of the group replied.

“Just sayin’…” Don uttered.

Dan’s familiar voice drifted up, his cadence indicating he was wrapping up a rant. “… and that’s why we should just put a fence around Florida. Flora, fauna, and even people… especially people… It’s all lousy or out to kill you.”

“What about orange juice?” Pinkie replied.

“Why would anyone drink orange juice when there’s orange soda?” Dan asked. “Science has moved on to better tasting beverages, Pinkie. You should too.”

Pinkie opened her mouth to speak, but her eyes suddenly settled on one of the many neon-day-glow orange fliers that had been posted. Each one advertised the ‘San Diego County Fair!’ an address, and was filled with bold and diagonally placed notices like ‘COTTON CANDY!’, ‘RIDES!’, ‘TODAY ONLY!

Pinkie began to hop in place, her voice becoming increasingly high pitched as she pointed at one of the fliers. “Dan! Fair! Dan! Today only! Dan! Cotton candy! Dan! Rides!

“Yes, Pinkie. I can read, thanks,” Dan said in a grumpy tone. “But we don’t have time for the fair! We need to strategize where we rub fake blood all over each other’s bodies for maximum horror effect!”

Pinkie puffed out her lower lip. “But… but… ‘Today only’!”

“That’s another thing!” Dan said. “Who ever heard of a county fair that lasted one day!?”

Pinkie gave Dan a serious look and pointed to the flier.

Dan sighed heavily. “Pinkie, San Diego is a two hour drive away! We don’t have time for your silly nonsense running around hyped up on soda and snack foods fried to inflict the maximum amount of damage to your arteries as possible! We have to sort out face paint colors and prep our toy weapons!”

Pinkie’s eyes began to water. “But… but… Cotton Candy! And… and… Snow cones! And Cotton Candy flavored snow cones!”

Dan rolled his eyes. “Can’t we just go to Brisby Land sometime this week and call it even?”

Pinkie folded her arms across her chest and scowled at Dan. “You got us both banned from Brisby Land when you savagely assaulted someone dressed as their mascot with a doll that looked like their mascot.”

Dan flung his hands out, palms up. “He got all huggy with you! I couldn’t just stand by and let that happen!”

“It was a girl in the costume, Dan.”

“Right, sorry. She got all huggy with you…” Dan paused and stroked his chin. “No wait… If Bizzy is male and I got mad over the fact that he was hugging you, I don’t think it matters what gender the person inside the costume was. What matters is it was a bee, and bees are terrible.”

“Wait… so you got mad because I was being hugged by a giant cartoon bee?”

“Bees spend most of their time getting flowers to mate, Pinkie! They’re the plant pimps of the insect world. Dumb bee probably thought all that pink were your petals and was trying to gather pollen from you!”

Pinkie’s eyes widened and she slowly tightened the grip on herself as if she was trying to give herself a hug. “Alright… I suddenly feel better about you beating up that giant bee with that small, yet still quite large by bee standards, bee.” She pursed her lips. “Still, that doesn’t change the fact you got us banned from Brisby land.”

Dan shrugged. “Alright, so we’ll just wear disguises when we go! No big deal!”

“Well now I’m afraid of bees! Especially giant ones who might think I’m a big pink flower!” Pinkie said in a shrill voice. “Can’t we just go to the fair where there won’t be people dressed in bee costumes?”

“But even driving there and back is going to be like half a day!” Dan whined. “Besides, county fairs are just an excuse to collect incredibly unhealthy foods and stupid rides all in one place so idiots will stuff their faces and spend all their money under the guise of it being some sort of” –Dan air quoted— “‘special occasion’.”

“But unhealthy foods and stupid rides are exactly why I want to go!” Pinkie interlaced her fingers together and held her hands under her chin. “Dan, please? I haven’t gone to a fair since I came here from Equestria!”

Dan tightened his lips and his forehead as he scowled at Pinkie. Bringing up the whole ‘forcefully teleported from another dimension’ thing, huh? I should be mad… but it’s not like she uses that to get her way often… or at all, even… He sighed heavily. “Fine… Since it’s one day, I guess we can wing it when it comes to Dismemberfest planning and go to this stupid fair.”

“YAY!” Pinkie said as she thrust both her fists into the air. She quickly wrapped her arms around Dan and kissed him on the cheek. “You’re the bestest, best, most terrifical boyfriend ever!”

“Yeah, yeah…” Dan said with a slight blush as he wrapped an arm around Pinkie’s waist and gave her a squeeze. He shifted just enough to level an index finger at Pinkie. “But I reserve the right to complain the entire car trip there and back.”

Pinkie smiled and rolled her eyes as the two began to walk with their arms around each other. “Right, because that’s so different from how you usually act.”

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