• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 35,553 Views, 9,852 Comments

The Wheel and the Butterfly A Dan X Pinkie Pie Saga - Justice3442

Pinkie Pie finds herself adjusting to a new, hostile world, with a new hostile friend. Can they make it through this new misadventure together, or is it the universe that needs to watch out for them?

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Part 18 Dan, Pinkie, & Ash Vs. Deadites: Chapter 174 : Sunset Vs. Okay. Just. What.

Flames raged with an intensity so rarely accomplished outside the firestorm of a magical attack. Even the bridge on which the fire raged began to superheat, it's strong metals warping and the bright rainbow of colored lights that lined the length began to darken. As powerful as the flames were, they burnt out quickly leaving a seemingly untouched small black tent standing on a patch of pristine metallic blue surface.

With one fluid motion of zis body, the trenchcoat wearing, balrog fighting, less than fire-proof woman saving entity that went by the name Justice threw his heated coat open wide, revealing three things: A right hand holding a horizontally arranged, humming device with a squashed hexagon aperture that was charging with brilliant blue energy, a woman with piercing sky blue eyes and straight pink hair, the rest of her wrapped in skin tight black leather, and a second humming weapon, this one held by the woman and charging with electric pink energy.

The Balrog gave a mighty flap of its wings to avoid the onslaught of energy, but both weapons fired and found purchase against it’s large body. Both struck with a power unlike that of normal magic or even that of well learned wizards or powerful sorcerers. The blue-ray tore into the flesh of the demon and began to sap it of its strength, speed, wisdeem, intell...intell… thinky thing… Uh…

The pink ray simply blew a whole out the back of its abdomen.

The pink ray continued and struck a floating demon composed of a giant muscled head with two horns and two beefy arms. Catching the beast directly in the eye, it let out an angry roar before exploding in a storm of chunks and five angry skulls propelled by rockets strapped to the back of their heads, which were in fact their entire bodies.

Despite the ease in which their host/portal the five skull all charged with reckless abandon towards the warriors. Bobbing and weaving like an angry swarm of hornets, they approached on a kill vector.

And then one of them exploded, leaving bits of rocket and bone across the many bridges below.

Wind blowing through her waterfall locks like mist across a morning lagoon. Aoi laughed manically, matte black grenade launcher in one hand. Olive soaking in clear liquid beverage in the other. "I LOVE IT WHEN MY PREY JUST SHOWS UP ON MY DOORSTEP!"

The other four skulls changed direction towards the new source of their ire.

Aoi took a sip of her drink. Effortlessly snapping while holding the stem of the martini glass, she blew a stream of liquid that caught lit ablaze as it passed the torch-worthy flame that engulfed both hand and beverage.

Built to withstand the fires of Hell itself, the wayward skulls cracked under the unsupernatural heat and pressure from the flame spray. The four lost souls joined their sister in released from earthly bounds as their unholy engines were consumes and their bounds fell to ash.

Aoi sniggered as she spied the collection of other demons below her. Letting grenade after grenade fly, she smiled to herself as the screams of the recently redamned reached her ears. "Ahhh... Nothing like purifying the wayward."

Meanwhile, the strong blow of electric pink, one that would fell a lesser demon on account of all the organs that where warped to hellish grocery stores like Uncle Lu's or Whole Food's Market, sharpened the Balrog’s focus. It would probably miss those organs before long, but prioritise! Managing to keep flight, the Abyss Lord realized, to its great reluctance, it would need to summon an ally to achieve victory. Ideally, a share of the spoils would alleviate the amount of favors it would owe.

Opening a maw already pooling with black ichor, it called forth on the dark winds for a fellow-


“Unapproved use of summoning detected.” a slightly stilted feminine voice called out after the ‘error noise’ shook the very air around the fortress towering over the combatants. A dark amethyst lens materialized as if constructed out of the waterfalls of her air and made from the air itself constructed across Aoi's right eye, a yellow reticle and numbers and symbols of the infinite unknown ran across the sci-fi monocle. A swirling portal to a realm of darkness and fire opened above gigantic fortress. The structure itself reverberated to the sound of energies gathering from across time, space, and soul.

Aoi's cat-like grin went full Cheshire. "Now boarding flights to Heaven, occupancy: one."

The portal expanded to reveal a massive castle of twisted ivory and dark crimson, inverted as if the portal was also above the sky of the stained structure. Another Balrog, this one of lightning and fog looked up just in time to witness a devastating beam of pure white fire from the top of the tower. Bits of dark castle exploded upwards then fell downwards through the portal accompanied by a lighting sword and smoking husk of a decapitated Lord of Hell.

“Dibs!” shouted Justice as he leapt up, springing off of a large piece of falling rubble and bounding off another and another in an energetic quest to claim the the currently masterless giant longsword.

With a sneer, the Balrog refocused its attention on its original target The Warper, which had escaped its doomed world. Concentrating with all its might, it stared with fiery pits for eyes into the windows of the Warper’s souls.


“Mortal! I command you to fall the coat wearing one!” The Balrog glanced upwards towards Justice, who seemed busy claiming his former ally’s sword.

The Demon Lord made a mental note to claim some, now, rulerless territory after this skirmish.


The Balrog’s head snapped back into focus. The Warper, who was… singing? Croaning? Wailing in agony perhaps... as it struggled to fight for dominance...


What in the Infinite Layers of the Abyss was that cheerful, awful tone?

Sis is firing her attack!

The Balrog once again found itself with a new gaping hole in its body courtesy of its prey, who had somehow ignored it’s dominance spell. With an angered roar it motioned with a fist clutching its whip at the first hole and then with a second, nearly identical roar, motioned to the other hole.

Pinkamena’s loaned weapon hummed with energy once more, but a flick from the Balrog’s wrist sent his flame whip into the back of her left hand. As flames licked at both sets of her fingers, Pinkamena let out a pained “Fuuuuuuu...!” , yet held on tight to the weapon.

Owie! Ow! Owie! Er… I’m sure some aloe will clear that right up.

Shut up, please!” Pinkamena called to her sister as she let another beam fly. With a speed unknown to most creatures the Balrog's size, it shifted, managing to avoid another heavy blow, instead suffering a sizable loss in its more serviceable arm, as well as a hole blown through the webbing and part of it’s bone structure in its left wing.

Opting to put some distance in between itself and The Defiant Warper, the demon made a wide swatting motion with its handless arm.

Much to her great, freakin’ ‘Wow, there sure is a lot of bridges over, much farther down, how long ‘till I hit terminal velocity, other bridges around here’ delight, Pinkamena was lifted off the ground and thrown off the side of the bridge she was on.

Sis, we got here by flying. Pinkie reminded in a reprimanding tone.

Oh,” Pinkamena replied as she simply opted out of falling to her untimely end, “right.”

Shifting its attention back to the other fighter, the Balrog caught a glimpse of rapidly closing black trenchcoat and flicked it’s wrist, whipping the opposing combatant away from a blow that would have surely cost it a wing.

With an adjustment of Justice’s arms, a black-bloody cut was made across the Balrogs right side and its eye would not see use for the rest of the fight, nor anything, for that matter. Not so much tumbling as spinning in mid-air. Justice held out zis brand-new-to-zer weapon and made several deep cuts into the left forearm of the demon.

Oh-my-gosh! Oh-my-gosh! OH-MY-GOSH! Darth Neo just went full Beyblade!

“Seriously doubt that’s his name!” Pinkamena growled out in irritation. “That being said, do you think I’d accidentally hit D.N. there if I fired?”

“Uh… Maybe! Hey! Did you maybe think we could use our powers independent of our meaty, but-please-don’t-eat-our-spict-hot-body, and I dunno...Teleport?


Engaged in whip vs sword combat with what seemed to be a combat whirling dervish, the Balrog barely had time to let out a confused, “What?!” as Pinkamena ‘BizzzAAAAP!’ed into existence slightly above it, crowbar at the ready.


The mask wearing warrior tilted zer head and let out a chuckle, “What a nice surprise!” as Pinkamena swung with all her might.

“GET #REKT!” Pinkamena howled.

I didn’t know you spoke hashtag!

The crowbar hit the side of the Balrog’s head with a satisfying ‘CRACK!’ Dazed, it failed to remove its left wing from the path of the lightning vorpal sword. The wing, in turn, was blasted from its body and the absence of which sent it tumbling to the ground.

Pinkamena gave Justice a crescent grin. “Dual shoot it with ray guns again!?” she asked excitedly.

“Oh, sure,” Justice replied in a cavalier tone. “It’s a date!”

Pinkamena swallowed. “Maybe not the best time to bring this up, but I have a boyfriend.”

“Just the one?” Justice asked in surprise as ze placed the massive sword on zis back as if it was slid into an invisible sheath. “Also, I meant more, ‘it’s a date between our two energies as manifested through cosmic soul blasters and the Balrogs insides.”

Never thought anyone would suggest we’re underachieving by cohabitating with Dan… Uh, honestly not sure what to do here.

Pinkamena suddenly reached out her right arm and hooked her elbow with Justice’s left. “Well, when you put it that way~.”

Wow, sis! Just to be clear we’re telling Dan everything for the sake of mad smoochies and avoiding his already overflowing drama tank from exploding in a high pressure spray of syrupy haterade!

Okay, but I’m pretty sure this next move is going to earn us double the nookie.

Oh, shush up! I’m trying to reel in this sex-mad, time-traveling daughter, duality, demon-deadite killing spree of an arc!

How’s that working out for you?

With the sound of a twin hums, azure and electric pink energies corkscrewed around the other until they pierced through straight through to the back of the fallen demon. After short, but careful consideration, it decided it definitely needed most of those dark organs in the short term.

Pretty good, actually. Thanks for asking.

With a couple more excited breaths, Justice looked down at the Balrog. “Alright, time to send this thing to Heaven.”

Pinkamena raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you mean back to Hell?”

Justice let out a rolling brook of laughter. “I sure as hell don’t!”

Justice crossed zis right hand in front of his chest like Pinkamena had seen Dan do when he was making blessed water and called out “Holy!” This summoned dozens of laser focused beams of bright blue light. All appearing high above the giant fiery demon that rose to find itself encircled by positive energies. The once terror inspiring creature howled as the lights touched it and the flames that made its body began to burn brighter and brighter and flicker uncontrollably. Small luminescent orbs appeared as the beams collapsed towards the center of the demon, burning its body and face with something beyond even the Balrog’s fiery abilities. Then the light disappeared leaving the demon to cover the dull ember of its eye with a hand that that now looked more charcoal then blaze.

And then bright blue bolts roughly the size of Pinkamena’s torso shot up from under the demon, reducing it to a cloud of thick black smoke that took the form of an annoyed portrait of the horned demon. “Ruuuuuuude,” it warbled as it dissipated to a distant, melodic choir.

Justice and Pinkamena descended, landing close to the Balrog’s discarded sword. “Well, now that your inconvenient Lord of the Abyss problem is solved, I suppose I should introduce myself.” A gloved hand was extended while a thumb was hooked over his shoulder, pointing at the massive structure the two stood by. “Justice, I work in that giant thing.”

Half holding onto the weapons she was fighting with, Pinkamena held up her hands. “Hi! Pinkamena! My hands are full and also where just recently nearly seared off~!” she warbled in a playful tone showing off burnt fingers.

The helmet suddenly split down the center and seemingly folded in on itself as it was swept up and behind the wearer as long, brown hair and a long-brown beard exploded out. Far more hair then what could have logically been contained be the helmet’s size. “Right! Soul injuries are things… Nares!” Justice cried.

Pinkamena felt a warm, soft glow envelop her and just like the literal magic she was being hit with, her wounds healed and her soul body felt revitalized. She wondered if she could bottle that.

Potions, d’UUUUuuuuu!

Oh…. Right?

“You two need healing potions?” Justice enquired, electing a surprised look from Pinkamena that the guy in front of her was apparently aware of Pinkie. He reached into his trenchcoat and produced a large red sack with white trim that was seemingly filled to the grim with clinking glass. “Because we have so much of these damn things, we’ve started to trip over them. Falling down into a mess of broken glass and healing fluids? Not fun.” ze finished in a hushed tone.

Quizzical smile on her lips, Pinkamena exchanged the borrowed firearm for the free sack full of magical healing goodies.

“Ulch! Are you just handing out our garbage, Justice?” a raspy feminine voice called from the tower. “I mean there’s plenty of other magical artifacts we can unload on them too.”

Astral Plane SWAG!

“Uh…” Justice scratched the side of his head. “So, Pinkamena and erm…”

Pinkie Pie!

“Pinkie Pie—”

Please! Just call me Pinkie! All my friends do! Also, my unfortunately growing list of enemies!

“Call her a bitch!” Pinkamena half pleaded while grinning.

Sis, no! This is a family channel.

Pinkamena's forehead wrinkled. "This isn't the Hub or a Discovery channel..."

Ooohhh... Wait are we still on Netflix? Because you can say any fucking thing that you want there.

Justice smirked. “What brings you two out to the Astral Plane. Specifically, a Magistrate fortress.”

“I was sent here by my boyfriend, Dan” Pinkamena began, not exactly knowing what a ‘Magistrate fortress’ was, but you know… priorities. “Not that I think he knew what here was, but he thought he needed my help and stressed mess that my other half, other-half of my soul that is” -- With an expression still showing the utmost of interest, Justice backwards shuffled to the other giant sword on the ground and slyly placed it on his back is if it belonged there the entire time -- “not Danny-boy, I can't just swap with some head trauma like an episode of the Flintstones.”

Also, we were attacked by a literal demon horde! Oh wait, you were there for that part.

“Right,” Pinkamena added. “One moment I'm suddenly incorporeal and the next I'm flying for our existence through the friggin’ planes!”

“Well, that would defs surprise.”

There's a pony-pun here, I just know it!

“Shhh!” Pinklamena shushed. She blinked at Justice. “Look, Dan wants my help for a change, and I get it! I love sis, but I’m probably a bit more suited to insane-o-go-nuts combat.”

Umu~! Did you see what she did to that Balrog? She capped that bitch!

“Totes saw that! It was amazing! Not just anyone can be handed one of my weapons and blast a whole through an embodiment of fiery terror. In fact, it’s usually 1 in 1-s0mething-with-a-t0n-of-zer0s.”

Oh-my-GOSH! You need to meet my friend Twilight! She loves binary!

Pinkamena continued, “Right! So, I could be back there, with Dan, breaking face… but… uh… my best friend in the entire universe has gone completely Queen of the Damned. Also, my, Pinkie’s, and Dan’s daughter from a freakin’ X-men-meets-Terminator future showed up!

Justice’s brow furrowed. “What frickin’ day is it over there?!”

Pinkamena took a deep breath and let it out, “Uh, Thursday.”

Yeah, our planet can never seem to get the hang of Thursdays!

Justice gave Pinkie a small, amused smile. “No seriously. There’s Apocalypses, but it sounds like your planet is competing in some sort of World Ending Tournament and cleaning house!"

Why, thank you!

"Unfortunately, the prize is still a wreck of a planet.”

Sis ... sniff Elise! Sis … I’m going to cry… like, A LOT!

“Pinkie, I love you but, I need Elise in my life!”


Justice and Pinkamena winced. “Not exactly,” Justice interjected, “you’re sort of hysterical cry-screaming!”


"Uh, okay I figured out what two of those friggin' effs mean..." Justice replied.

Pinkamena shared with him a tiny smirk, "Best friend forever from another dimension."


Surprising herself more than anyone else there, tears came to Pinkamena eyes. “Hey, Mr. J. I-WE need a solution! We need to save her! Look, Elise isn’t the nicest person or like… even known for her respectful treatment of her fellow man… or woman… or co-workers.

Husband, don’t forget husband!

“Right, right! She’s maybe borderline abusive at times.”

Some would argue those are the times when she’s NOT being outright abusive!

Justice brow wound up tighter than a fishing real. "And you want to... save this person?"

Pinkamena’s eyes unfocused slightly, “Look, we need a solution that isn’t murdering Elise. The WORLD needs a solution that isn't murdering Elise... She's saved it a few times.... Once from Dan over a family of squirrels." Pinkamena mumbled.

"How deserving where the squirrels of complete annhilation?"

"Uh, well they stole an airplane bag of peanuts from him."

Yeah, the whole situation was pretty nutritionally fucked up.

Pinkamena pursed her lips. "I think you missed a pun their, sis."

Nopers! It's there.

"Wait, they stole nuts while in the actual airplane?!"

"Yes! They where stealing food from all the passengers to prepare for a long winter in upstate New York!"

Justice waved his hands back and forth. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... whoa. If they could travel via plane, why would the squirrels pick a cold climate to spend the winter?"

To eat all the airplane food they stole to survive the long winter, d'uuuh!

Justice narrowed his eyes. "I don't suppose you're friends with a Baron Münchhausen?"

"We're going around in circles here!" Pinkamena exclaimed.

Should we circle back to Elise?

"Elise, the abuser. Yes, please do," said Justice.

"Okay, We know there’s a way to bring her back, but we’ve been informed mercy killing is our best option,” Pinkamena said, the last bits of her sentence coming out like she was chewing on bad jerky she’d just as soon spit out.

Justice tapped a couple fingers against his cheek for a moment. “Wow… that is… that’s quite the situation there.”

“That fucking bad, huh?” Pinkamena replied, the color draining from her face.

“Uh… have you tried friendship?”

I LIKE it!

Pinkamena began to hyperventilate, “Elise is so fucked…”

That’s uh… that’s friends with benefits. I think that might be the wrong way to deal with demon possession! Just thinking out loud here.

Justice waved his hands about. “Okay, I have another idea!”

Pinkamena took a deep breath, though her breathing still came out ragged. “Please tell me it doesn't involve a cage or heroic, self-sacrifice.”

“What?! No! I’m going to give you a high-pressure water cannon that is connected to the Holy Water dimension! Uh, your friend Elise isn’t a literal demon, is she?”

Nopers! She’s just feisty and a wellspring of bodily harm!

“Oh. Sounds delightful!” Justice said in a mirthful tone.

“Wait…” Pinkamena stared at Justice in disbelief. “You’re going to actually give us something that will help instead of just offering lame, vaguely prophetic, wisdom?”

“Totes!” With a flourish of his left hand, Justice produced a large, tube like weapon that curved upwards in the center. Blue as the open ocean and shimmering with a divine light somewhat beyond comprehension, “Go ahead and go nuts with this!” He said, handing the weapon to Pinkamena. “Heck, if you ever need a fun night of entertainment, give it to your local Pope and watch him go on a global vampire washing spree.”

Pinkamena hefted the weapon on her right shoulder. It was balanced well enough, but heavier than sledgehammer. Hosing down her opponents wasn’t generally her go to, still… She turned and took note of the remnants of her former pursuers. While she had taken out quite a few and a mysterious rain of live grenades took out the rest, there where ones still still stuck in place by the local superlaser holding building. Taking aim, she squeezed the trigger.

A river fired forth from the weapon at a rapid pace and washed over the unfortunate demons. As the water cascaded down the sides of the bridge, she caught sight of the remains, wisps of smoke twisted in surprised and horrified gargling screams.

“Okay!” Pinkamena said joyously. “I feel pretty good about this whole ‘best friend in the known universe possessed by the demonic forces of the undead! Could we get a ride, portal, or teleport back!”

Justice gave Pinkamena a thumbs up. “Totally!”


Pinkamena took a deep breath and let it out. “Pinks! Dan, Elle, Chris, AJ, Ash, and Elise are all waiting for us!”

Okay, but… Uh… Since Mr. Justice--

“Please! Just Justice. Mr. Justice is my gardener.

Pinkamena took a moment to appreciate her surroundings and how there was exactly zero vegetation present.

Hehehehe. Right, well! Since you’ve been talking to both of us, is there… erm… Should we be doing something about their being two of us?!

Pinkamena’s body suddenly went stiff as a board. She sucked in a breath then let it out through her nose.

I’m not trying to get rid of you! Gees! That’d be like cutting myself in half LENGTHWISE and expecting everything to work out!

Justice couldn’t help but laugh as Pinkanena let out an annoyed breath she was holding.

Justice thought for a moment. “You two are un... uh... Honestly, you two have balanced out quite a bit in that Dan-verse, or whatever it's called.” Justice closed his eyes for a few moments, only for the dark chocolate orbs to shoot open. “Wow, yeah... that world and all your loved ones need you both!”

“What? Like we both get our own body?” Pinkamena suggested with an even expression a few more blinks than usual.

That idea is BAD and you should FEEL bad!

“What the disembodied Pinkie voice said,” Justice agreed. “Just keep being you, I guess.. 'cause man... that planet is a mess...”

“Really?” Pinkamena replied with zero hint of sarcasm.

Exsqueeze me?! Have you been paying attention to the things on Dan's planet or not?

“Uh... Have you paid attention to what WE do with Dan?”

Well, D'uuuuUUUUUuuuu! I pay attention to most EVERYTHING we do together! That's what makes me a picture perfectesque girlfriend!

“That extremophile of a planet is more screwy than than usual, boss-man-lady,” Aoi's voice interjected. “They have a case of the Deadites! Heavily armed ones in a rather populous city.”

Justice let out a sigh heavy with the weight of repetition. “Someone picked up the friggin’ Necronomicon without saying the proper words, right?”

The tone of the sigh was echoed through the audio device of the fortress. “You know it…”

Oh my GOSH, sis! We got to get a move on! Like… a page ago!

Pinkamena let out a frustrated growl at her sis and then smirked at Justice. “Will we ever see you again?”

Justice grinned widely, zis whiskers giving zis face a distinctly ‘young Santa’ look. He put a hand on Pinkamena’s shoulder. “What does your heart tell you?”

Pinkamena’s expression went wild as she felt excitement and hope swell inside her. “Yeah… We’ve got to party it up sometime.

Justice’s eyes widened along with zis smile. Ze gave Pinkamena a thumbs up. “I LOVE parties! Alright, one last final piece of advice.” Ze said as ze held up zis right index and middle finger.

“Uh, yeah?” Pinkamena inquired.

“Give them HOLY!” he said as he placed both fingers on Pinkamena’s forehead.

With streams of vertical white lines, Pinkamena was gone.

Justice let out a deep breath and stretched both his arms above his head. “Hmmm, that one I especially liked… let’s see what’s next,’ he said, raising a finger to his temple.

On cue, Aoi spoke, “Soooo… You know that dang Dan planet, or whateves? We got a sciéance coming over from that.”

“Oh, do tell.”

“They say they’re with a Red. Fire haired type.”

“Wow! Way to bury the lead!” With two fingers to the forehead and small phase-dimensional shift, Justice was once again alongside the demure powerhouse of an entity known as Aoi, her long, flowing locks of hair cascading like actual water down just about to her ankles. Flowing incandescent hair that matched the lights of her, otherwise, black skin-tight bodysuit. “How do I look?!” Justice cried. “Too much demon viscera covering me? Not enough? Do you think she likes big swords.”

Aoi grinned widely. “You’re covered in just the right amount of gore, zer0. Also, the swords stay here. You already hit your ‘Hey, under no circumstances is this artifact supposed to be passed to mortal hands’ quota for the day.

Justice sighed, “Hoisted by my own generous petard. Okay… let’s see the Well of Souls…”

Aoi raised an eyebrow. “It’s swimming through the ether. Stop spazzing out and just talk already.”

“Seriously? We don’t even need the cauldron for this?”

“Full of healing potion,” Aoi answered.

“The bathtub.”

“Also full of healing potion.”

“The swimming pool?”

“I filled it with phoenix feathers just to be a twat!” Aoi exclaimed, favoring Justice with a cat-like grin.

Justice tapped his chin in consideration. “Right, no smoking by the pool for a while.” His eyes rolled into the back of his head. “Magistrate speaking, operating number zer0.”


Justice paused for a moment, a bemused expression on his face. The voice had greeted zim properly. In fact, it was like zee had been addressed by something ancient and divine, but there was something ominous in the tone. This generally meant a fallen one or demon.

Which was nice. Any fallen angel who had been around that long and was willing to be cordial was usually an utter delight.

Justice made an exaggerated gasp and bellowed out. “Dark one! How DARE you address a Magistrate, your soul no doubt corrupted by the nonstop boozing and whoring.”

Aoi snorted out a laugh. “Who is it? Who is it?” She inquired excitedly, turning her attention from the holo-projected screens in front of her.

Justice mouthed ‘Ba’el’ to his cohort.

Aoi couldn’t help but grin. “Bracing to watch you be burned down hard.”

Alright, Mr. Kettle and Mrs. Pot—”

Aoi and Justice broke out into a fit of laughter.

“—I have a fire-haired Aki here,” Ba’el continued. “She’s a wee bit upset about her city becoming overrun with Deadites.”

Sunset Shimmer’s voice joined the conversation. “A lot of upset! A whole lot! Look, I’m guessing I just got hit with a busload of destiny and fate and all that, plus I’m sensing a deep connection to Aoi… and also Justice and—Sunset sniffled. “— my favorite Thai place is trashed, I’m trapped in a room with one book, in a f@#!ing a library no less, I need to pee, and I don’t have a fucking clue what’s going on with my friends ‘cause no one is answering their damn phone!”

Justice and Aoi exchanged glances sprinkled with dread as the sounds of Sunset Shimmer sobbing filled the air.
“Ba'el,” Aoi began,“why the literal Hell on Earth are you working against Ruby and her horde of carnage happy spirits? Aren't you two in bed together, literally and figuratively?”

“Aoi is asking the real questions,” Justice interjected. “Also, mad props for using 'literally' correct twice in only two sentences.”

The back of Aoi's sleek black chair, with it's vertical incandescent strip of flowing azure, lowered to her shoulder level. She leaned her head straight back, causing her long, waterfall hair to cascade down as she gave Justice a cat-like grin.
Ba'el huffed out a small, gravely sigh. “Would you believe we're having a lovers spat?”

Sunset wiped tears away from her bloodshot eyes. “I almost died because two demons are having a domestic!? What. The. ACTUAL. F@#~!”

Ba'el turned with all three heads, treating Sunset to trio of devilish grins from a giant frog head, massive cat head, and the wrinkly face of a crown wearing old man. “No, lass. You almost died because someone was stupid enough to pick up a tome of twisted darkness and necromantic rituals without the proper enunciation of sacred words. Your planet might just live because of an ugly break-up.”

Aoi let out a rhythmic chuckle. “Let me guess, she found someone else who wanted in on her plans of completely trashed world domination?”

“SHE LEFT ME FOR A PIG!” Ba'el yelled.

Sunset tilted her head back and let out a sympathetic “Ugh... Sucks when your SO runs off with some a$#hole.”

Ba'el gave Sunset a approving grin with all three heads, definitely what most would call 'disconcerting' or 'creepy as eff'. “I meant somewhat terrestrially... You know, as far as avatar's of hatred are concerned that is...” Ba'el's voice reverberated. “I would let this swine-slight pass, but he routinely meets his doom at the hands of a green tunic wearing boy. Heck... sometimes this boy doesn't wear pants!”

Sunset couldn't help but shoot the male face of the trio a disbelieving look. She was no stranger to video games and this all sounded amazingly specific. She racked her brain for anything that was empathetic but not so empathetic to suggest that 'hugging it out' was the next step. 'That's rough, buddy?' Uh... probably too memey... Okay, I think I've got it. Sunset managed a small, sympathetic half-smile. “Gotcha. Still sucks, though.”

The demon king let out a hearty, rather human in tone, guffaw that went from whisperery, to deeply masculine, then notably up-pitched to feminine.

Sunset noted that the laughter was joined by the voices of the uh... persons that had likewise been on the 'call'.

“Alright,” Justice's voice chimed in over the sound of Aoi's continual laughter. “We're giving this app a round of 'thumbs-up'. Aoi even flashed me a hand-heart.”

Sunset immediately felt a small tingle of self-satisfaction, almost as if one of her ImmediaLetter posts was getting plenty of positive attention. Somehow, she could see the Cyberpunk Matrix themed individuals clearly. Justice giving two leather-clad thumbs up in front of a Vaderesque mask that seemed oddly smiling and the, 'Holy Mother of God, Adagio Dazzle has a competitor for made out of HAIR' Aoi holding her palms and fingers in the shape of a heart.

The waterfall effect of her hair was pretty awesome , Sunset had to admit. That being said, it must be pretty nice to have access

His appearance at once changed to a glistening, near-viscous viscera that held the shape of the three headed, hairy-barrel torso, and spider-legged form briefly, before it morphed into a shapely figure that grew a full skeleton, muscles, and notably smooth peach-toned skin. Sunset was allowed an extended stare at the slyly smiling long-haired brunette before a thick, yet form-fitting black body suit and what could be described as a frilled black 'battle-skirt' with red trim black leather belt with a silver-tilted scales themed belt buckle blocked her view of wildly unexpected nudity.

Sunset silently thanked the nameless void that she had watched plenty of the Hellraiser franchise, yet still categorized the whole scene in her 'Okay. Just. What?' mental filing cabinet. She also took notice of some shin-length boots that looked more 'combat' than 'comfort'. Jealous she was not. Envious, however...
“Alright B,” Justice said. “We got this. Also, mad Karma for the outfit.”

Sunset could sense and somehow see that Justice was now showing the heart hands and Aoi was adding thumbs-up, seemingly to Ba'el's delight.

“A’ight mates, let's go old school and give ‘em heaven,” Ba’el said, her voice taking on a decidedly Irish tone.

Aoi let out a laugh like a steam hissing out from an unsealed pipe. “That was cool, provided it wasn’t literal.”

“Man, 'literal' is getting play today,” Justice mused.

“You know, just because an idea looks like an unmitigated disaster on paper doesn’t mean it is,” Ba’el replied.

Face buried in her hands, sitting in a wooden chair that was already getting uncomfortable to be in, Sunset spoke, “Really hoping no one I’m speaking to is responsible for this, because I’m going to use that line like a f*@#ng surgeon if they are.” Sunset took a few breaths to reset and hopefully somewhat center herself and gave the trench-coat wearing... man, did she wonder if it was international The Matrix or perhaps Blade Trilogy day... figure another look over.

Ba’el... or no… Ba’el was gone. However in his place was... well they were an uncomfortably gorgeous brunette with shoulder blade length hair, eyes the color of dark milk-chocolate, all wrapped up in a black, leather trench featuring at least half-a-dozen unbuckled belts that would be used to close the coat. The open coat gave Sunset a full view of a form-fitting black-body suit and battle-skirt. Sunset paused. “How many crimes do I need to commit to get an outfit like that and how heinous do they need to be?”

The woman in front of Sunset let out a laugh, “You can just buy one.”

Sunset closed her eyes and sighed. “I was mostly—” Sunset opened her eyes to an uncomfortably gorgeous face uncomfortable close to her own. “… joking.”

Something inside Sunset’s jacket began to sing, “♪ Is it ever going to be enough? Is it ever going to be enough? Is it ever going to be enough ?” She reached into it with a panic driven speed that coated her room companion’s fate with anxiety ridden concern. “Hello?!” Sunset glared at her phone. “And if this is a zombie, preemptive go re-bury yourself.”

Pffft! I’m using that one.

Sunset looked up from her phone to scow at her unexpectedly chipper cohort, “Fifty bucks.”

The trenchcoated brunette give Sunset a wicked smile, “A quarter per use.”

Sunset spat into her hand and extended it, “Deal.”

The woman spat into her own hand and shook Sunset’s with a noteworthy complete lack of hesitation.
Sunset grimaced, her turquoise eyes revealing more than a little fear. “A thought occurs I just made a spit-handshake sealed deal with a demon.”

The woman’s smile went supernova. “Nephilim,” she replied. “I’m a Nephilim,” she insisted. “Ba’el will…” the woman trailed off and glanced upwards as if considering her words carefully. “He has some business that runs parallel to our own. Oh! and call me Justice and/or come up with a cool nickname. Mister and/or Missus Blue Sky/Deep Blue Waters is quite popular.”

Sunset pinched the bridge of her nose, closed her eyes, and sighed, “Thank you for that maddenning syntax to untangle.

Bitch! Call her bitch!” An angry voiced called out from Sunset’s phone. “Also, figure out how to pay attention to your phone, bitch 2.”

Sunset attempted to blink out the confusion. “Aria Blaze?!”

Justice leaned her head down near the phone. “Ari-chan!” she shouted excitedly.

Aria’s soft sigh carried an ass-load of aggravation, “You wads are both lucky someone called in a favor. Where are you, how many guns do you need, and does anyone need a melee weapon or whateves?”

Sunset's mind reeled with the possibilities and she briefly wondered if she could go full Dr. Freeman Gordon and carry a good dozen weapons until she remembered that physical objects had both weight AND mass and she was a beautifully toned, petite woman. She reconsidered the situation. “I don't suppose you have a proton-pack?” she said, fully expecting Aria to scoff and ask what the 'f*%#' Sunset was on.”

“One proton slinger, cord, and atomic power supply backpack coming up. You're giving it back to me and don't you f*%#ing dare screw up the stickers!”

Well, THAT was unexpected... Sunset briefly considered asking Aria if she was reverse pulling Sunset's leg, but given how screwy everything else had been this day the proton-pack was probably a real thing.”

“Justice, I'm assuming you want—”

Swords!” Justice exclaimed with a near desperate excitement as she bonded up to the phone and continued her near scream into the thing that was right up against Sunset's ear! “I need as many as you can bring me and perhaps a catapult if it's a metric ass-load or more!”

Sunset took a step back from Justice and set the phone to 'Speaker mode' with a touch of the screen. “I need that ear for HEARING, thank you.”

To Sunset's great surprise, the brunette gave her look more like she had accidentally clocked Sunset in the face than shout into her ear drum. “Sorry! I get excited when smoking hot girls offer me entire weapon caches.”

Sunset was almost certain she heard Aria breath out in a joyous tone. And once again, rather than ask her, apparently, friend what drug and/or drugs she was on, she replied with a surprisingly even tone with a baseline of implied snark Sunset was starting to warm up to, “Don't know if we have the time to get the catapult out of storage, but I can Cloud Strife you out.”

“I adore you Ari-chan-and-also-can-you-Squall-Lionheart-and-maybe-Lightening-whatever-her-lastname-is me out?!”

“And I wouldn't use you to shield myself from bullets, and yes to both those things, and Lightening was her kick-ass code-name, not her real name!” Aria replied.

Sunset shouldn't have felt jealous over this exchange, but the odd familiarity between the two somehow struck a cord she oh-so-rarely heard.

“Oh my G-O-S-H!” an excited female voice called out over the phone. “Is that Justice?! Tell her I said 'hi'!”

“No,” Aria grunted out in displeasure.

“Oh my Lego-move-reference!” Justice replied, matching the tone of Sonata. “Is that Sonata?! Tell her I said 'hi'!”

“No! Both of you fuck off.”

“Hey, idiots!” A commanding female voice boomed out. “Tell those two other idiots on the other end of the line to stop fooling around and tell us where they are already!”

Sunset clenched the phone tightly in her hand. Being called an idiot was enough to rile her up, but being called an idiot by Adagio Dazzle?! Eff that, she said. “Hey you walking cheesy-poof! We're at the Junipero Serra library!”

“Alright, bacon-hair,” Adagio replied without missing a beat. “We'll bail you out, but you're definitely going to owe the Dazzlings a favor.”

With a devil-fish smirk, Aria terminated the call before a reply could be launched. Her spiked punk-rocker look has been replaced with a forest matte green scaled vest emblazoned with her cutie

The trio stood before a massive and open storage unit, the contents of which enough to make several third-world militaries shiver with pure envy.

Satisfied smile on her face, Adagio Dazzle took one last puff of smoke from her cigarette and tossed the smoldering remains to the side. Ignoring Sonata's calls of her being a litter-bug, she stepped into the temples dedicated to instruments of destruction.

Adagio slid up to a massive two-handed flamberge sword, it's wave-like flame blade well polished and it's bronzed guard featuring a slight, but elegant curve under two small spikes and above a leather-wrapped hilt. A pommel of sixteen faceted black obsidian caged in eight thick wrought-iron bars that ended with a spider-face design completed the sword. Adagio picked it off its walled mount with a wood-cutters ease.

She loved LA and heads were going to roll for this. Literally.

“Instruments of destruction Tools of foul play It's a vile interruption Existence drifts away”

Comments ( 21 )

“Instruments of destruction Tools of foul play It's a vile interruption Existence drifts away” --NRG

I'm surprised you didn't link the uncensored version of the song.

How would the Balrog have reactedif those important organs that Pinkies erased happend to be things like upper arm, or neck etc?

Still, anything that causes extreme annooyance is a good thing to the heros, especially when it leads to MIB class unlocks.

Still, which would youprefer, Clouds buster sword, or Crusader? the gun at least, or extra special on continental devastation otherwise?:pinkiecrazy:

I liked to just say, on behalf of my own sanity,


That is all

Dr. Freeman Gordon

Another update! A godsend!

And I have officially lost track of what is going on! I’ll just reread the last couple chapters, though, certainly don’t wait on me.

jesus i havent read this since high school and now there are 50 more chapters? fuck it i guess im re-reading a fuckin mlp fanfic

Flint's already slapped plenty of gravestones there, so I doubt an oof will hurt.

All I have to say about this chapter: Too many amphetamines were involved in its creation. :applejackconfused:

I'm honestly lost as all hell whenever I come back to this for new chapters. That being said... It's a nice trip while it lasts at least.

Effortlessly snapping while holding the stem of the martini glass, she blew a stream of liquid that caught lit ablaze

Cut either 'caught' or 'lit'
It feels like you watched the show segments depicting Pinkie's perspective, but slapped heavy metal and anime filters over the usual imagery. Honestly, I can barely follow what's going on anymore, but I'm still enjoying the ride.

Are you ever going to update or at least finish you dan x pinkie stories please i really like them

Alright it took me two day's to finish this story and gotta say i had a blast reading it

Even though i finished reading the whole story i just wanna read more there's just something about that brings me back

Well, it’s that time of year again- it’s time to pray to the outer gods and anything else that wants to look at LA outside of its blast radius, and begin my yearly re-read. Here, I pray for updates, may your schedule be kind and your psycho fuel a-plenty.

And once again, I find my re-read has come to a close. Thank you, Justice, for giving me something I can come back to time and time again. I really appreciate it, and when you’re ready, I’ll be eagerly awaiting what next is in store for these psychos.

11422854 It doesn't count when it's deliberate!

Besides, a couple weeks ago someone replied to a comment of mine from 8 years ago. :rainbowlaugh:

You know it's going to be 10 years now come March 9 since the last episode of Dan Vs.
Dan Mandel and Chris Pearson might not have been about to tell Dan, Chris, and Elise story in full, but this story does Dan Vs. the justice of introducing more people to watching it or having people never forget about the show...

A symphony unfinished. It's warming to know that others like myself return to stories like these, that clearly had heart and love and soul poured into them, but have found themselves frozen in a snapshot of time. Justice, wherever you are, I hope things are stable and well for you. Thank you so much, for this story, and for every story that followed it. I'm going to begin another reread, and fall in love with this mashup of worlds you made and began fully forming nearly ten years ago.

Captain Jack Sparrow

you coming back?

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